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Author Topic: Goronil's old book  (Read 77 times)


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Goronil's old book
« on: September 03, 2006, 02:19:30 am »
Rats! That's right, aparently those in Hlint were not enough! While I was at that town, the town crier said that people were dissapearing on their way to... hmm.... Himlad, was it? Well, anyway, I wanted to help those people (and my purse, of course). So, along with some people, I went there. On our way to the boat, I found that a halfling who was it us (Taislin was his name) had aparently received a curse from Mist. No one wanted to let him in. I had then the not so briliant idea to tell him to go away for a while and then cast invisibility on himself. I slowed the crew a litle because I didn't feel him entering, saying that I needed to go to the bank. Well, the "briliant" idea made us being the target of a storm. Some fell to the water, and my friend Cortaresh was invaluable here. Even a little dragon such as him is very strong and smart. I can only guess how the big ones are. Well, Cortaresh not only flew down there to give a rope, but he single handedly managed to, being below a "Human", fly himself and the human (Sala, who fell from the boat again some minutes later. Aniway, I am not being fair, as she saved me from becoming a ratman.) back on board. Unfortunently, Taislin thout that as a troll he could do the same as my little Cortaresh. He didn't bring anyone abord, but he was very brave. He sacrificed his leg to keep the sharks away from the others still in the water. Eventually, we arrived in Point Harbor, and I gave Taislin a staff so he could walk by himself. We had to leave him behind... A human was searching for her husband, and we accepted to help.  I triped on a Halflin that was entering the city. Some ----->rats


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Re: Goronil's old book
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2007, 05:06:54 am »
Long time sinse I've written anything in this book, so I think I will do a summary of everything that has happened. We managed to find the one behind all the rat mess in an ruined outpost near Stone: a gnome who entered a cave in search for jewels, and came out with the rats behind him. He had a circle near him, which had only enough magic to take one of us, and a human got in and disssapeared. We were allready one member short, since one of us turned into a ratman, and atacked me! Fortunently, brave Cortaresh was there and cast a confusion spell on him, and he fled. He has some usefull and relatively powerfull spells... an invisibility that doesn't wear off on atacks and that ray, and I am sure that he will learn more. Maybe dragons have more than phisical power alone? I am curious about them, and will continue investigating. So, we found the cave and fought all the rat things until we found a human, the noble we were trying to find, in the other side of the circle. He aided us in closing the circle(he was a mage), but unfortunently, the price to pay was the gems... shiny gems. But, at least we ended up saving the day,  I guess.

 The cloud in the sky, created when Blood was defeated, is dissapearing, and dragons are comming... a great chance to meet them. Anyway, until I do meet them, I will surely have many more adventures. The one that seems to be the most important now is the one regarding a magic dust. It all started with a gambler who lost a very valuable key. Or party decided to steal from him... not very smart since he was a mage.We managed to flee, but he later caught us again, and sent us to an illusory ocean and later a cave. I felt it was real... At least the mage made me realise the power of ilusions, and I have learned a new spell: phanthasmal killer. Quite usefull, since it kills instatnly and painlessly, which is also good, inspite most creatures hardly deserving any. I am also starting to use many invisibilities: an excelent spell for most situations, combat or otherwise. Anyway, we got away from the wizard and by later returning to his house, we found out that he planed on conquering something with the dust... which could be found with the key. He was also planing on getting some red rum, which would make people follow him.So, we stoped the rum from getting into the cities, and got together with other groups that were following the same lead...


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Re: Goronil's old book
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2007, 09:48:14 am »
The group soon showed signs of not being well managed: there were, I think, 3 different groups together, and one of them refused to hear what we had to say. I personally didn't trust them much, as did most of the others in the original party which had the key. We split up, and decided to go to Spellguard, to find the history of the artifact, and how to destroy it. Unfortunently, to get there, we had to go the same way the others deed. We did not get to arrive. We got ambushed by a drow mage which slew many of us (I had the sense to stay well behind an angry drow), but fortunently the keys were still safe, and we managed to kill her. Almoust imediatly after, we saw one of the creators of the artifact, which was batling one of the evil mage's aprentice. We were summoned to the top of a volcanoe, as the aprentice had some of the dust. The creator insited on the keys being throwns to it. Again they didn't listen: it was all an ilusion, we would leave it soon enough. Fortunently, one of the key bearers only did the foolish act late, I managed to convince her not to do it earlier. So we slew the mage, and are now waiting for a new course of action.

 Recently, I had a new experience with "dragons", if you could call him that. A drake not larger then me, yet deadly enough to almoust kill a group of 6 trained adventurers. I am becoming fascinated by them, I will have to ask Ozymandias the bard more about them.


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Re: Goronil's old book
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2007, 03:22:58 pm »
Quite an interesting day today. First of all, I have the joined the 16th Skirmisher Patrol of Wayfare. Our first "training" mission didn't go well at all. First the captain didn't quite seem to love me (tall folk, what can you do), and then, we were briefed of what was happening. The nomads of Ill, a group of folks who were slaves of a vampire clan, now free, were being pursued by giants. The captain's plan was for us to divide into three different groups: one to track the giants, the other to defend the supply line, and the last one to protect and take the nomads to someplace else. The third group was being led by the captain. Guess which one failed it's job? Yes, the captain's. Clearly he didn't like me bacause he lacked the... well, I shouldn't say bad of him... he died protecting the nomads. So, aniway, the captain was also to lure the giants into a place where tey could be ambushed. He didn't, of course, so we waited, and waited... and more giants came around, yet they seemed not to atack. I believe they where attempting to surround us, but we dissobeyed (I personaly thouth we should have stayed... I was wrong for the first time in some time). We fought lots of giants, and eventually we found that all the nomads and the captain had been slain.The giants appeared to be searching for something... what,we don't know yet. They probably had help: there were traces of magic, and they were stronger than usuall. Aniway, we returned to out base with nothing. Cortaresh did some scouting duty, as he was able to fly, but nothing more...

 I helped that strange goblin, Shak... he was dying right in front of town. At least he was a reminder that we should always carry potions. I do start to believe that the goblin wants peace, but it will not be easy: his overlord doesn't seem to share his ideas, neither do the rest of the goblins, or the tall folk for that matter. Aniway, I finnaly got to talk to Ozymandias about the Dragons. Here's what I found.

 Dragons can be divided into two species:

 Noble Dragons are the ones they they talk about in legends and so... They are huge, and often very cunning. They can be futher devided into Chromatic and Metalic Dragons, being the first evil and the second good. They were the ones who created the mortal races, along with a race of fey known as T'oleflor. These races were their servants, and they were used as pawns in the fight against each other (I assume Chromatic versus Chromatic or Chromatic versus Metalic, but maybe Metalic versus Metalic aswell), especially in the First War. As an apart, the Dragons ruled 90% of the world until Blood. People were not very happy do to the constant struggles, and apparently they were not well treated subjects. I wonder if that is true even to Metalic Dragons? Aniway, among what they created, there were the...

 Lesser Dragons: Fairy Dragons, Pseudodragons, Kobolds, Wyverns and Drakes. They are less powerfull and inteligent, and are more likely to serve. Still, they are quite dangerous, and many live in the Dragon Isles, even though the Noble no longuer do.

 I asked specifically about Fairy Dragons, to know a bit more about Cortaresh. They are tricksters, the jesters of the old Dragon Courts. They live near lakes, and like to do pratical jokes. They usually keep to themselves, and have no real society. They live around one thousand years... well, longer than me for sure. They are usually lifelong friends, and, like apples.

 Finnaly, I asked about Sorcerers and Dragons.

 Apparently, in most cases, there is no similarity. Even so, sometimes sorcerers come from half dragons. Maybe I am a lucky one... but probably not. Aniway, some Sorcerers make pacts with Dragons, thus becoming Dragon Disciples. Oddly, this connection is Divine, rather then arcane in nature. The power comes through the Avatar of a God, and as such a Dragon God is needed. This is when things get bad. Rofirein is an hermit, with no Disciples.... we have Pyrthecon, whose avatar is Fisterion. Aniway, doing a pact with an evil being is nothing I would like to do, but... the fact is, I am really fascinated. But no, I can never do it. There is one option... well, very far, but it might work. Besides trying to convince Rofirein to accept me (hmm... unlikly), there were, in the past, Gold and Silver Dragon Disciples. Their secrets are lost, and I would need a God still, but... but, there are Dragons comming. Ozymandias said only the evil ones were but... there might still be hope. Aniway, the research is far from over, may things can still be found, and I hope I will find them.