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Author Topic: Book of Rish  (Read 145 times)


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    Book of Rish
    « on: August 01, 2006, 04:49:41 am »
    Entry 1
    Arrived at the town of Hlint with the caravan i was hired to guard. the wagon master told me some of the people to see for work.

    Indeed i soon found employment by the town undertaker a man by the name of Erag ,, i think he might be half-orc like me but his stark white skin is odd. matters not .. the gold is good

    The graveyard was close so i set of to finish the job i was gaven, inside  few undead stired it seemed someone else was here. mabey they to was hired by erag?

    Enrty 2
    I'm currently resting in the local inn after my job in the graveyard. i was right.. thir was someone there . a cleric i assume of a god i do not know cause she did not say, tho i was skeptical of the help she offered i soon aggred to travel with her to finish the job i was sent here to do, When the job was complete  we left the graveyard Dora, the clerics name. offered her help should i need it... tho she offered no term of service. i find it strange to offer to help someone with asking gold for thir services

    Found another job hunting the rat man in the sewers... hunting rats.. a lowly job  but the gold is right

    Entry 3
    ran into a fellow offering gold for skeleton knuckles, he didnt offer his name so i hope i can recognize him by look.. strange way to hire someone yet not exchange names.

    later that day while fishing i was approched by a women named renawen. she offered to show me a cave but i seen no profit in it so i declined, needing the coin, once again head into the graveyard seeking the knuckles i would need

    Entry 4
    Renawen  ran into me while i was leaveing the graveyard and aquiered my services, we were to explore around and hunt a tribe of Gnolls in the forest near by, we left the town with some other fellow who's name i dont know. tho i only went to be a guard.

    we soon ran into two others, a brownie named nixx and a fellow  who name starts with "n" . nentel von something i think. matters not he was not my employer so his name matters little

    We stumbles across a band of goat men and thir horn blowing and singing was enuff to Confuse me and the group i traveled with. tho soon in the end we prevailed, but many of us came close to death

    well.. that nentel fellow says he knows of a cave and tho my contract to Miss Ranewen had expiered i continue to travel with the group.

    Entry 5
    I need to choose who i travel with better. the nentel von whatever his name is lead us to death, the cave he knew of was nothing more then a death trap for  the moment we entered some... thing, i know not what is was but it had three arms many eyes and a large mouth this single thing wiped out the whole group within seconds.

    the Nentel fellow knew what was there and let us to our deaths, i am thankful those in my group had strong souls.



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      RE: Book of Rish
      « Reply #1 on: August 01, 2006, 04:51:02 pm »
      Enrty 6
      Ranewen hired me to help again... once again i traveled to the graveyard, the undead there was delt with swiftly and soon we had what we came for.

      we left the graveyard and walked into a group of people talking about someone's dead uncle. it was boring and soon i lost intrest

      remebering i needed those 30 knuckles for that one fellow i went back into the Graveyard again and retrived them.

      Quatermaster talon hired me to collect goblin ears for him and the wagon master dwarf wanted the head of the goblin chief. wonder if the head counts as 2 ears?

      Entry 7
      the fight with the goblins went poorly and i found myself overwelmed, my soul needs to geather its strenght and i need to rest.

      Entry 8
      Fishing is relaxing. decided to look for good places to fish.. the town is to crowded to relax so i'll look around

      Ran into ranewen again. she was with a guy named roy. he said the fishing is good south of fort llast.

      got side tracked by ranewen insteed of fishing.. lets see where this leads.

      Entry 9
      Trip went well again, ended up talking about that girl i met when i first got here. dora, seems shes a populer person with alot of friends.. hmm

      got a few new jobs, ranewen and roy helped to complete them. one of fort llasts guards gave me a nice helmet

      anyways, found abounch rats... big mean ones..took a few hits from my axe to down, .. hmm eaither thir really mean rats or i need a new axe


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        RE: Book of Rish
        « Reply #2 on: August 01, 2006, 09:38:48 pm »
        Entry 9
        Ran into Gruwlz asked him about a new axe.he said he knew where to get one but then he was sidetracked by a group seeking him for travel. i was invited along and went along. mabey i can find a axe while traveling

        Entry 10
        the trip i was on was one to clean the roads going from one town to another to make it safe to travel.

        the group was unorginized. often we were ambushed when half the group would run off.. hmm.. somehow i survived.

        Group came to a fort and there we split the findings and soon the group split to go thir own ways. leaveing me lost.

        Wandering around i ended up in krandor was about to leave when i saw a little girl crying. tho i prefered to be paid for my services i couldent let her cry's go unanswered.

        She seemed to have left her fathers ashes in a local crypt so i set to retrive them alone

        Entry 11
        I'm sitting by me fishing aera in Hlint waiting for my soul to regain its self. the undead that roamed the crypts were easy to kill till they grouped up and attacked in force.

        I will need to watch the groups i travel with. don't understand how people can run so much and never tire.


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          RE: Book of Rish
          « Reply #3 on: August 02, 2006, 11:09:53 am »
          Entry 12
          Odd.. for once i awake in Hlint to find no one around. not much chance of employment with no employers around.

          After decided that the best thing to do is collect on my Contracts ive yet to fulfill, the goblin warlord in the red caves fell to my axe and his tribe put up little strugle, seems i am growing stronger

          After my battle i went to the inn to bandage the few wounds i have,there i was reminded of the little bard that lost her amulet, i had my next job.

          arriving at the forest where the cave was she spoke of i came across another adventure from the town, tho he seemed in a rush for he ran everywhere he travels.

          some day the gods will smite them with heart attacks for always running i'm sure,

          never the less soon i found this cave i was looking for, inside were kolbolds they like the goblins fell with ease, tho i soon found a odd creature, never seen anything like it a cube of jell with what looks to be bones floating in it, i'm betting that the bones belong to to the kolbolds that infest the cave... could not of been a pleasent death

          the creature was another easy kill three swings left it in a puddle, seems i found the amulet i was seeking in the jell, debating on cleaning it before i return it or just leave the gunk on it.

          i leave the forest to head to town and stop to rest on the hill and watch the traffic entering and leaving the city, it's true, everyone runs.. ive not seen a single person walk today, where do they get such stamina


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            RE: Book of Rish
            « Reply #4 on: August 02, 2006, 04:29:33 pm »
            Entry 13
            found a new home. the heven mines has a small cave the ogers do not go into.. it seems like a decent place to call home.

            Returned to Hlint and visited the craft hall and ran into ranewen and while we were talking i heard someone mention stirge feathers. i appen to have a few after my trip to get the bard's amulets a few days back.

            when i offered to sell them one claimed i was stingy for not giving them freely, why would i give things to people i do not know and not expect a profit

            hmm. speaking of profit i need more knuckles for that one guy if i ever see him again


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              RE: Book of Rish
              « Reply #5 on: August 06, 2006, 04:06:43 am »
              Entry 14
              hmm.. rethinking on the whole selling my services thing, no one seems to want to ire an axe .. but are more then willing to take me along and split the loot we find. guess i'll quit selling my axe

              Entry 15
              Helped a women out of the bog to the east of Hlint, seems she was looking for cured skins and powdered silver, no clue why.. nor do i care to be honest.

              Entry 16
              Seems my haritage has caught up to me, waiting around town wating for anyone to come about bordom overtook me, but this bordom brought on a rage, dont know where it came from or why, the smashed bench detests to my mood swing.

              Entry 17
              Sitting by the meeting place in Hlint, by the main gates.

              i listen in on the conversations of those there.. .. one named anna is interesting, she stutters alot and seems to be in the dressings of a mage.. wonder if the stutering has messed up her casting,

              the group set off tho even while i have shown intrest in thir trip i was ignored, tho i think i will be glad to not travel with them, seems two of them are taking thir infant kids into the fight aginst the undead.

              the death of thir babies will be a fitting lesson for them to learn



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                RE: Book of Rish
                « Reply #6 on: August 07, 2006, 06:46:09 pm »
                Entry 18
                Ran into a new guy named Caleb today, needed help getting the taxes from the rat guy... again.

                ended up traveling with him for awhile while leaveing the goblin cave near hlint we ran into that.T'sher or whatever her name is, that one annoys me, she is one of those mages that think her magic makes her better then everyone else  and seems to like burning things.. preferably things that are alive.. and they think im barbaric.

                after watchin her and afew others act like idiots me and caleb go off towards heven mines we run into two people and caleb wants to bring them along.. within second the women annoys me by pretending to try and move down wind as if i smell. even tho i took a bath mear hours ago.

                a few more times thru the trip she goes out her way to  put me down for my race, she probly thinks im stupid to.

                the fellow with her was nice enuff but that sophia women. another annoyance..



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                  RE: Book of Rish
                  « Reply #7 on: August 09, 2006, 05:33:37 pm »
                  Entry 19
                  Hlint .. city of drow. for a suposed evil race of cave dwellers sure are alot of them running around.

                  then again drow are the lest of this town troubles what with demons and wild animals runnin around. captian of the guard needs to be replaced it's obvious he dont know how to do his job

                  anyways decided to help a dwarf named Zakt .. decent fellow but the group that formed had a red haird women join in.. aint sure of her name but i'll not be traveling with her again.. ive decided to stop traveling with people that think everything is a race and runs everywhere

                  sure if thir strong enuff to take on the whole cave not everyone can and thir running off leaves the less seasoned easy picking for the goblins  that ambush from behind.


