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Author Topic: Book of the black maple  (Read 666 times)


Book of the black maple
« on: July 24, 2008, 04:34:56 am »
****The journeys of Yvale, Druid of the deep****

Since leaving the forest i have travelled far and wide..Apon reaching a place called Fort Vehl i started my work...the local kobolds i heard have taken on a magical stick.. the captain of the guard inPort Heampstead has insisted that i retrieve it..and that i did. I bet if he knew what i really am..i would have been executed on the spot..ironic.


Re: Book of the black maple
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2008, 04:37:19 am »
now the captain in fort Vehl hs asked me a retrieve an essence from the mountains close by...with aid from a group of so called heroes..i managed to retrieve this item..anf got myself a nifty helm for my troubles..seems this helm gives some benefits against giants...very nice.


Re: Book of the black maple
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2008, 04:44:46 am »
***Someone save my cow quest***

i have met a few travellers outside a barn in the Heampstead fields. A gnome has had his prize cow mutated. all attempts to heal the cow failed. The gnome told us of the person who borrowed it and we set off towards his tower. Apon arrival, the first think that assalted us was the stench of rot and decay..Weird mutated wolves came at us..but  we dispatched them quickly..entering the tower and the basement was a task..more mutated animals were roaming the corridores..
        We soon came to the halfling that had trnsformed these beasts..and managed to defeat him and bring the gnome back the antidote for his cow..he was glad we saved his cow..and with a little persuading got 1000 trues richer..


Re: Book of the black maple
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2008, 01:04:05 am »
I had met a man called Brian..he was nice and didnt judge he for what i am..we travelled a few times before, but never spoken. As we got closer, i found a great deal about him. Some nice, some loving..but also some dark.. As he told me about his family, and his ex girl..we got even closer.....but all that has changed after our meeting with the great Hierophant Rhizome. Brian had killed his brother elgon, another druid because he was sleeping with his girl Jaelle while they were still together. I stayed with him, but i now know it was because i felt sorry for him. How could i knowingly stay with a man who not only killed a druid, but his own brother? I must have been blinded by him..but not anymore. Meeting Rhizome has givin me a new purpose in life..and i will not let anything stray me from the path...


Re: Book of the black maple
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2008, 01:06:58 am »
attempted to make some scrolls today..with the honey i gathered from our friendly bees...and eggs i gathered..mixed them together with some witch hazel i made some nice ink...too bad my writing wasnt that good...all scrolls i made were not a scholar..ill leave it for the experts.


Re: Book of the black maple
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2008, 01:12:27 am »
*****challenge of the clans quest*****

We were invited to attend the Stalking bears annual games this day. First time for me, and i was expecting something like a carnival with pie throwing or something similar..But alas it was mind boggling puzzles. Im not really fond of i just let everyone else do it. I did get to meet an old friend...Alandrick Vensk. Had been awhile but he seems none for worst. I should put a note somewhere in this book not to attend the next games.........


Re: Book of the black maple
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2008, 10:20:05 pm »
Ahh....finally. I stumbled into the forest close to leringard today. Luck was with me today as i found some suitable oak that i can i was gathering them tho fellow boar companion, stumbled into a nest of dire spiders and some nasty bugs..he defended me well as i rained down the elements within them...I really hate spiders..but arkolio pays well for the venom sac's they have...he should be happy with the amount i can sell him today..that viper tounged son of a orc..i still cant forget what he did to me in that cave with the minotaurs..


Re: Book of the black maple
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2008, 04:27:04 am »
as i walk the drapplgreen road towards Heampstead i stumbled across a group sitting around the crest of a hit under a tree. A person stood before a closer look i saw it was Rhizome himself. Taking a seat across from the others..i listened to what they were talking about. The story i realized was one that i myself was involved in. It included Jaelle..who was telling the story, and a Shifter that we met by the name of Malkor...Story does..Malkor has seemed to have gone crazed when he shifts..he attacked me while we both were in bearform. Jaelle had paralysed him so i can run off..i didnt want to hurt him....but apparently he also attacked her after her spell wore out. When Malkor turns to his normal state..he has no recollection on what he did or what his action caused..and denys it by what i gather from Jaelle. Hopefully Rhizome will get to the bottom of this before its too late..for Malkor or someother poor victim.


Re: Book of the black maple
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2008, 11:42:46 am »
I feel blessed this night by the energy i sense in nature. Energys envelope me, and now i have somehow new castings at hand. I long for the run in the forests..perhaps after i rest i will take a journey in solitude to reflect on what has happened this night.


Re: Book of the black maple
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2008, 03:44:01 am »
Ive had rotten luck today to say the least..rotten is the perfect work for it..for looking for oak that i could use, thats all i seemed to see..rooten branches that far gone that its only use would be to fertilize the ground once it decomposes..not a bad thing at all..but not the best stuff to use my write with when creating scrolls.

      finally Arkolio has picked up his order of venom..waiting that long what became two boxes carried out to be five plus extras...he payed a small amount for now..for that what he had on him..and promised me a fair sum next time we meet...he better, or he surly will find himself in admist over one thousand insects..and not very nice ones..


Re: Book of the black maple
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2008, 06:52:24 pm »
it has been a few months since i have entered a town or city. travelling the woodlands ihave come in touch with few humans or any other races. Keeping to myself and to the animals that surround me i have been happy. Thinking of my home, and my own abilities as a druid. I feel a presence with me always, as my dark form or that of a beast it travels with me. I think of all the other druids that have fell into the shifters path early. Most i know have lost part of their minds, like malkor..and a few more that i cannot recall their names. I feel the inner beast within, the call of the shifter, but i must be strong, tis not a path im ready to take, i do not want to loose my own will, i will master it and make my home, house and family proud, wherever they may be, if any still exists.