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Author Topic: Hormak's Journal  (Read 62 times)


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    Hormak's Journal
    « on: October 04, 2005, 06:44:00 am »
    These first few days in Hlint have been....interesting....There were some interesting people, nice people, and....not so nice people....

    The interesting people I've met, one was an old man. He reminded me of the old man that changed me as he was a nice person and didn't care that I was an orc while others ran away from the sight of me or tried to fight. Another interesting person would be a pale man. Everytime he saw me, he would try to walk away slowly, but he ends up looking funny. The first time he met me though, he ran away seeking help. Let's see...another interesting person, Taislin "the Theif of Hlint" was the first person I met when coming here. He doesn't seem as bad as others are saying, he just has his own way of life.

    Nice people would be a man named Ashall. He helped me get some errands done and in exhange, I had to chop some wood for him. More nice people would be all the people I traveled with from Hlint to the desert and back. The leader, Quin I believe his name was, was a nice man, very strong too. He was a great leader, handled everything nicely. While on this adventure, we met 4 dwarves and a gnome I think. They've mistaken me for one of those people turned into an orc by a mad wizard. I didn't say anything, but they seemed to be merry and nice people.

    The....not so nice people...were 2 people. I wasn't sure what they were because they had hoods over them, but they were rude people. I guess one of them was nicer than the other, but still rude.  Then....there was....the dwarf. He just didn't like me. Of course, there was arguments, and weapons were drawn, but no one got hurt.

    During the time I was here, the inn caught on fire and a group of people rushed in to help. I was one of those people. We ran back and forth from the kitchen, getting buckets of water and putting the fire out. The silly dwarf went and ran on the fire, trying to stomp it out. I guess when something's in danger, and you have a good nature, you don't care what happens, or who you're working with....


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      RE: Hormak's Journal
      « Reply #1 on: October 06, 2005, 08:19:00 pm »
      Well, a couple more days passed, and I've made more friends

      First would be Grubber, the goblin who can turn into a bear and a badger. Very interesting fellow and tries to hug this halfling lady everytime he sees her. Another interesting person I met would be Daring of the Ghostwise Islands. He is a halfling who can turn into a bear. Both of them are very strong people. It was a party of an orc, a goblin and a was a weird group, but I would say we made a not so bad team together, I look foward to traveling with them again,. While traveling with them, I killed this gargoyle and took its skull as a trophy!

      More interesting people I've met would be another halfling, who reminded me of the halfling with the old man, and another really small halfling. All the small people seem really funny, they all act the same way. Anyways, I got to talking with them, and Quin, and one of the halflings asked me if I was good or not. That reminded me one time with the old man.

      He said "Let me tell you sometihng Hormak, there really is no good, nor is there evil, just different everyone has perspectives are what set each other apart." I was confused of course because the day I met him, he said he would make me good. "I will change you to what most people think is good, but there is no good or bad. Everyone has different morals. A man thinks that keeping peace is good because they will not get hurt, an orc will think waging war is good because of the glory. Yet the man will think the orc is bad because of them illing people." I understood then.

      Another question they asked me was, what were my goals. I replied to defeat Bloodstone and to become stronger. They asked me why dp I wish to become stronger. I was going to say to defeat Bloodstone....but I said "to help people." I remembered the orc that saved me, he was strong and he helped people. I wanted to be like him too. That's what the old man and the halfling would've wanted. To be a good person in people's eyes and be a person who would help others by risking his life. I probably will never see that orc ever again...I don't even know if he's alive or not, but I will always remember him...