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Author Topic: Morunas Khan Val, The Story of a Monk  (Read 719 times)


Morunas Khan Val, The Story of a Monk
« on: November 30, 2009, 10:03:14 am »
Morunas Khan Val, The Story of a Monk

Entry 1st:

It was a full moon night over the fields of Port Hempstead, and the winds were quiet and gentle... for a short time, a rare sight in these days of rain and thunders.

Val has had a view over what surrounds him that brightened his very thoughts. By allowing himself to better see the world around he would be conquering another step towards Perfection of Mind, for “One Needs To Know To Be Wise”.

And he went north, to Fort Wayfare, for a long night of meditation under a peaceful local waterfall. His eyes were closed and his body and soul steady, and calm. But truth and doubt over the recent rumors and the strange appearance of Lady Selian troubled his mind.

He then decided to fight the distances to spread the rumor in order to inform those both brave and wise, who would wish to heed Lady Selian’s call for consulting with the T’oleflor and unveil the given mystery.

And he spent days and days in the sea of pages within the Great Library of Voltrex, to which the path to was shown by a friendly bard, as well involved in the current events, Lore master of the land, one named Lana Poetr.

But although he heard, spoke and understood... he did not see and he couldn't prove. And a within the thread of time, while testing his legs’ strength against a Gnoll’s, who then fell under someone’s blade, Val tumbled into a traveler who said to be... Kell.

A conversation of hours over the ages then took place, both confusing and enlightening. Val did not know how truthful could this Kell be. He spoke of being a Dragon-called... he said the worse of the T’oleflor... against all Val had ever read and heard, this Kell has spoke of a twisted reality to the one Val had acknowledged, but above all... he taught Val to distinguish and value true knowledge from, eventually even destructive, rumors and myths.

Val, understanding the mistake he might have made by spreading the rumor the way he did, through parchments wrongly entitled and not as clearly understandable as he wished, once again far crossed the same lands to undo the rumor and clarify that all he spoke of were the words of Lady Selian, and from there ahead it would be the listeners call if it should be trusted, or not.

He stopped his travels for a time, in shame and confusion, but as quiet to the world as if he had suddenly vanished. And for weeks he was neither heard of nor saw, as he had found a place deep in a wild where travelers do not seek, where he meditated for long, living from the land. He took his time but managed to reconsolidate his mind, stand up... and walk back to the world.

For all that has happened, he knew he was in the right way. To live not blind is the life mentoring for wisdom.


Re: Morunas Khan Val, The Story of a Monk
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2009, 05:54:14 pm »
Entry 2nd:

Weeks passed by like the wind and Val was dedicated to learn the secrets of both tailoring and cooking. The peace and concentration one could achieve in both arts was outstanding, he thought... though he had to learn it from the very basics, obviously breaking a lot of tools and wasting a lot of material, which he would hurry to collect a small share with respect and consideration for the local farmers, of both cotton to make cloths and grain feeding animals for some nicer food then just meat and fruits.

One day, he managed to craft his own robes. Light and soft. Woody brown and muddy green. An impulse to make him wonder: how perfect his crafting could become?! He then heard of silk... fine material from the webs of nature. Naturally sounded quite interesting.

In terms of cooking... well, Val keeps his own intentions for himself... and who knows what he might be conjuring the public ovens of Hempstead!

// just don’t tell him that “you are what you cook” hehe


Re: Morunas Khan Val, The Story of a Monk
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2009, 05:56:21 pm »
Entry 3rd:

The second so called tsunami arrived. The storm was chaos in person and to be under it would be either madness or stupidity. Nevertheless, a considerable group of adventurers stayed in the insanity of the docs... where all was blurred and twisted, where voices were scattered and bent, where lives were challenged and taken. For some reason... fool’s luck Val says... they managed to survive, and more then that even saved the life of many.

Val then found himself asking what is wiser and what is not, in such extreme conditions? Is it wise to stay away and endure our own life with certainty or put it to risk to save the life of some, perhaps many, if we find it somehow possible?

Again he left the world behind his thoughts in order to understand himself, and sat on peaceful soil, in some grove of the Silkwood Forest.

After a day of meditation, he was certain enough to tell that he had chosen the wisest way. Not that the might of righteous deeds, such as of those who stood by the docks, is to be undervalued, oh no, not at all. But for one to be perfect it must understand and respect chaos, learn to live and survive against it... but not deny it or try to make it irrelevant... because it will always be there. Nature is both chaos and law altogether.

Therefore the wise choice was not to fight chaos but aid and mend the wounds by it dealt for respect and care for the living, but always having in mind... only survives the fittest.


Re: Morunas Khan Val, The Story of a Monk
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2009, 02:04:00 pm »
Entry 4th:

For days and days, in a given moment in time, Val felt the need to see and face the world he did not know. Voices of the past in his head remembering him of who he was… his crescent curiosity for the mastering of shadows and stealth… the winds of nature allowing him to taste distant aromas… calling him… to live.

So without waiting, or preparation, to the road he went and like the wind… was gone. Unseen for days… weeks… even months… by those who knew him, and once in a while, he would appear with a strengthened spirit and an immeasurable will of going away once more.

Rumored only to his friends of how he could bypass goblins and trolls and ogres and giants, drakes, undead and creatures both from the deep and from the fire, from the shadows and from the forests, tasting both the sweet and the bitter from the wild.

He liked to stay behind a tree or a rock, at a hill side or climbing a cliff, and then watch. See the world spin without knowing he is there. And those rare and few that spot him and tried to hunt him down… he learned to run like the wind to recover his stealth from the foes’ eyes.


Re: Morunas Khan Val, The Story of a Monk
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2009, 05:08:38 pm »
Entry 5th:

His latest trip was by far the most extreme. For he stepped on places he had never seen and yet, he went without hesitating, always careful... always silent... always almost as if he was simply not.

He took a boat from Vehl to Mariner’s Hold, in Alindor, a place he have been before while searching for different weeds, for his hickory pipe by him carved, as he read that those held healing powers, once prepared and properly used.
And as if by pure luck he found in the great woods, of some wolf related grounds from what he could understand, a leaf that took time to prepare... but once ready and dried it was as both strengthening and relaxing as the sound of a large river.

He continued to walk the lands and further to east he found a place that looked so sacred... so perfect... so inspiring... that he kept in his mind that one day, when he would find fitful, one day, when they would find it right, he would go back there. The place is the Path of Elemental Balance, at the foot of the Crystal Peaks, the monastery of all four. Val even got into his mind that he was so much like the wind... it inspired him. He knows he will definitely go back one day, no matter what... he will.

And after a week of contemplation, strong inner peace from meditation within the balance of those walls, he felt softer to the grounds, he felt more capable then ever... of winding unheard of through the distances of the world.

He took the road again and headed to Katherian, the eastern port of Alindor, where he rested for a less than a day and then took the boat to Corsain.

The island of Corsain was intriguing, filled with monsters and strange creatures Val had never seen... but nor did the creatures see him. And while moving from tree to tree within a forest as silent and still as dead, but as green and bright as life... an aroma, an aroma that instantly brought him to jump onto its source, a nearby weed plant that he carefully collected and dedicated an herbs bag exclusively to. He later found out that that weed was called “Green Dragon Envy” or something alike, because it was rumored that a Green Dragon lived nearby. It was as powerful as a dragon indeed, he thought, while sit with his backs to some local ruins.

He then walked further east to the Lake of Dreams... and indeed he dreamed that one day... he would enter those walls like the perfect warriors, monks of course, of ancient wisdom.

At the windy eastern shore of Corsain, he took a boat to Alibor, just south of it. The world is so grand... he thought.

He then accepted the boat ride of some sea crook... who took him to Nith, in Belinara. A long boat trip where he saw the Sea of Mists and The Glittering Ocean... all so vast and grand as the land itself... but Val knew Nature shaped him for the land and fresh air, so he both respected... and feared the Sea.

After arriving at Nith Val took a more dangerous road and reached the Orsgaunt Mountain, where he saw creatures of fire and ashes he had never seen... almost looking as extra frequency beings... even glimpsed a strange temple of darkness and shadows... a blurred image within a deadly fog.

At last... at heights of the mountain, after giants of fiery eyes and blasting blades... an elder Drake spot Val bypassing between rocks and dust... and with one ball of fire, one single conjured flaming orb of destruction... Val was struck down a cliff... highly injured... and faced death in the eyes. He woke up in the arms of the Soul Mother who then allowed him to go back to the world he loves... stronger and wiser than before.

And he learnt something... that measuring one’s foes is not only how they can stand up in a fight... but as well how keen can their senses be.


Re: Morunas Khan Val, The Story of a Monk
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2009, 07:21:35 pm »
Entry 6th:

Val met Master Tenker once again, a brave Dwarf that is most honorable and warm welcoming as the good ol’ dwarven tradition demands. After a short conversation, Master Tenker offered Val the opportunity to hold a room in his grand house in Hempstead for a long term and relax payment agreement.

Although Val did not feel like sleeping between four walls, a room could become very handful as the requests for gathering resources throughout the world were becoming more demanding and in greater quantity, mainly from the Angel’s guild and direct contact with Master Benjamin Poetr.

After fixing the room up inclusively with immediate storage of goods, Master Tenker and Val had a both long and rich discussion over ways of life and what makes one a true warrior. Both parts reached an understanding but colliding points of view. Nevertheless, the name Beli Tenker was droped in, being a Dwarf now known as Beli Stonesoul, given this character’s rank in the Brothers of Battle. Master Tenker lightened the curiosity in Val to meet this warrior.

Few hours later, Val was entering the Orc Bashers shop, searching for directions to reach Master Beli Stonesoul... or himself. And lucky was him to be personally attended by Master Beli in person.

The conversation sprouted naturally and hours of talk were driven through time and enlightenment.

// follows now the conversation

Beli Tenker: Hello there kin *smiles*
Morunas Khan Val says in Dwarven: Lazthkah Beli? (Master Beli?)
Beli Tenker: *looks surprised*
Beli Tenker: Aye I beh Beli Stonewill
Morunas Khan Val: I am Morunas Khan Val
Morunas Khan Val: Legacy of D'moon
Beli Tenker: Pleased teh meet yea *offers hand over the counter*
Morunas Khan Val: You can call me Val... a short name suggested *awaits in suspense* by Master Buddy Tenker *reaches out hand and shakes strongly as if impressed and motivated for the meeting*
Beli Tenker: Ahh yea know Buddy.. he beh meh cousin.. good lad
Beli Tenker: What can I do yea fer?
Morunas Khan Val: Yes.. pitty the armor.. and those metal edges that are unworthy of a real warrior.. don't you think?
Beli Tenker: Well people are not that enlightened. I make money off that.
Morunas Khan Val: He does make an effort though to explore other sides of himself. Today he nearly scared me, appearing out of nowhere behind me!
Beli Tenker: *laughs* sounds like Buddy. You never know about him. He used to scare me brothers in the mine all the time
Morunas Khan Val: So... you make money of that? You teach?
Beli Tenker: I sell the weapons
Beli Tenker: I nay use em
Beli Tenker: I use picks, shovels and chisles... that is it. Never in battle
Morunas Khan Val: *looks comprehensive* Well I see no harm in dealing them... I still wouldn't find myself forging them... but trade them for some coins? Sure thing *smiles*
Morunas Khan Val: So Master Buddy Tenker told me you were a Master of battle, under the patterns of the true warrior
Beli Tenker: I be Beli Stonewill, Brother of Battle, follower of Vorax
Morunas Khan Val: Yes, he told me that to.
Beli Tenker: Yea heard of the Brothers of Battle?
Morunas Khan Val: Well... only the name to be honest, pardon my indulgence
Beli Tenker: Buddy did *smiles* He nay know much about me
Morunas Khan Val: I see
Morunas Khan Val: Well may I ask you a question... it might seem weird... but... do you know the Path to Elemental Balance?
Beli Tenker: I believe I have heard of tha path
Beli Tenker: they follow Aragen
Beli Tenker: I have been there to visit once befer
Morunas Khan Val: Not what they follow in terms of deities is what attracts me... it's their... ways...
Morunas Khan Val: And what did you feel? Did you found an element you identify with?
Beli Tenker: There deity is what has lead them to there ways
Morunas Khan Val: Well I believe you can choose your paths without a deity
Beli Tenker: Stone... yea know the story?
Morunas Khan Val: I know The Foundations of the Earth's way
Beli Tenker: The brothers of Battle are seperate from the church of Vorax.
Morunas Khan Val: Really? Why so?
Beli Tenker: I do not think you have heard this story
Beli Tenker: It was founded by Thergrim Stonefist approximately 1500 years ago, when he fell down a crevice when traveling through the Berhagen Mountains.
Beli Tenker: Bereft of his axe, which he lost in the fall, Thergrim found himself stuck in the rocks with no way to free himself.
Morunas Khan Val: *nods, trying to follow*
Beli Tenker: Fighting the cold with every breath, refusing to let it weaken him, Thergim suddenly received a vision of fists smashing the rocks that trapped him.
Beli Tenker: Using his own fists, he relentlessly punched and clawed at the rocks until he was free. Now convinced that he needed nothing but his fists to serve the Father of Battle, he founded the Brothers of Battle, taking Stonefist as his new surname.
Beli Tenker: In memory of? Thergrim’s miraculous deed, the head of the Brothers of Battle is still called “The Stonefist.”
Morunas Khan Val: Indeed a great story *smiles widely* worthy of warriors and honor
Beli Tenker: Hence my last name is no longer Tenker but Stonewill
Beli Tenker: It was Stonesoul before it was Stonewill
Morunas Khan Val: *looks confused* Ok...
Morunas Khan Val: Beli Stonewill it is then
Beli Tenker: As we gain ranks in the order our last name changes
Morunas Khan Val: Heh... how funny traditions fly untouched through time... and today you have a name descending from foundations of 1500 years ago
Morunas Khan Val: Your Order seems honorable and great
Beli Tenker: Aye... so we only use what nature have given us.
Beli Tenker: *shows hands*
Morunas Khan Val: That is the way of the warrior *raises fists vertically showing gloveless strong fists*
Morunas Khan Val: But I intend to follow a path alone, at least for now
Beli Tenker: You do what you feel is right
Morunas Khan Val: My mother thought me that, once she would leave, Nature would be my mentor
Morunas Khan Val: And so it has been
Morunas Khan Val: But I soon will reach the Path of Elemental Balance
Morunas Khan Val: I find myself living as what the Way of the Wind values most
Beli Tenker: I'm try to treat nature kindly but My strength comes from my conection to Vorax
Morunas Khan Val: My strenght comes from myself, and to believe in myself is for me enough
Beli Tenker: That is truely noble and foolish at the same time
Morunas Khan Val: *chuckle* Foolish? Why so?
Beli Tenker: One can not go through this world without people helping them
Morunas Khan Val: Really? Well I do that all the time, sorry to disappoint you
Morunas Khan Val: Of course, step by step and knowing my limits
Beli Tenker: You alone is not enough. It is a start and an important one.
Morunas Khan Val: Learning from watching and keeping distance when needed
Morunas Khan Val: There are roads of shadows that no one looks to
Morunas Khan Val: And you can reach as far as you want
Morunas Khan Val: All you need is to master the art of shadows and stealth
Morunas Khan Val: And to be like a wind blow...
Morunas Khan Val: You can't see it... you can't catch it.... you can't stop it... and unless you're on its path... you won't know it's there
Beli Tenker: Let me know how it goes when you confront the likes of Milara or Rael
Beli Tenker: I have and with help
Beli Tenker: We did not suceed
Morunas Khan Val: Confront? Why confront?
Beli Tenker: You must be kidding. Someone has to stop them or they will take over
Morunas Khan Val: I wield my fists to attack defending myself
Morunas Khan Val: But I know, or try to at least, how to distinguish a challenge from certain death
Beli Tenker: Back to self interest again. You do not look out for others?
Morunas Khan Val: I do... in a way
Morunas Khan Val: But thinking of myself meanwhile
Morunas Khan Val: Be friendly to the world around you and the world will be friendly to you
Beli Tenker: *laughs*
Beli Tenker: Others are being oppressed by the likes of Rael and Milara. Would you not help them?
Morunas Khan Val: I would... but not by confronting powers I can't yet reach
Morunas Khan Val: But believe me... if one day I reach Perfection... they will wish to have taken another path
Beli Tenker: The way to enlightenment is to know one’s self
Morunas Khan Val: With that I agree
Morunas Khan Val: It's the start
Morunas Khan Val: If you don't know who you are you are no one
Beli Tenker: But you need to get away from yourself to truly be helpful
Morunas Khan Val: Away from myself? That is unwise
Morunas Khan Val: And to be unwise is to flee from perfection
Beli Tenker: There is more to life then yourself
Morunas Khan Val: Of course there is
Morunas Khan Val: The world around me
Morunas Khan Val: For me, the world is around me
Morunas Khan Val: So if I fall, the world around me for me falls
Morunas Khan Val: Then if I am wise and keep up facing chaos and the wild
Morunas Khan Val: I will be able to heed the world around me
Beli Tenker: Yes you must see what is hurting in the world and help stop the hurting
Beli Tenker: You said your strength comes from yourself...
Morunas Khan Val: My strength comes from belief in myself, training and perfecting, learning and living.
Morunas Khan Val: Wait... so if there is a raid of a thousand Orcs falling down the mountain side to smash a village of innocent people... you will aid by running against them? Knowing you will face certain death?
Beli Tenker: That depends. I already saved Lyn from a major Giant attack
Morunas Khan Val: But that was possible then... of course that I would if I saw it as a challenge
Morunas Khan Val: But face death, imagine it
Morunas Khan Val: Countless blades and anger, an unfair massacre
Morunas Khan Val: That is no fight
Morunas Khan Val: It's like Nature
Beli Tenker: I freed the lumbral from imprisonmet that Sinthar Bloodstone had sent them
Beli Tenker: That did kill me
Beli Tenker: I did that with only one strand left
Beli Tenker: If you do not take action. Who will?
Morunas Khan Val: *his eyes fall into past memories when he hears the name Lumbral*
Morunas Khan Val: I take action when I know my action will be meaningful and as well that I have a way out
Beli Tenker: Sometimes that is not always clear
Morunas Khan Val: Answering my own question... I would not face thousand Orcs at once... but instead
Morunas Khan Val: I would stay hidden in nearby places that would be covered in shadows...
Morunas Khan Val: And one by one
Morunas Khan Val: I would take their lives away in the fairest fight like they have never witnessed before
Morunas Khan Val: And when possible
Morunas Khan Val: I would heed back to the village
Morunas Khan Val: And do what would be able to do to recover the houses, the fountains, the crops, the barns...
Morunas Khan Val: And even could make use of my little knowledge of healing
Morunas Khan Val: And that was what I did when the waves hit Hempstead
Beli Tenker: Recovery... from an Orc attack. I guess you have never witnessed one then
Morunas Khan Val: You can always rebuild a house even if it's ashes and only ashes... can't you?
Beli Tenker: I have no idea what I would do in that instance
Morunas Khan Val: Well I think I understand your point. You risk your life for others. Well I don't. If one must leave this world... then it's Nature’s laws falling... as well as if you feel you must protect others with your life... it is your Nature to do so.
Morunas Khan Val: Different ways can a warrior be, and I respect you, my fellow warrior. For although your courage and good will seem unwise and... too chaotic for me... they are righteous and a grand objective to live for. I respect you for that *bows head*
Morunas Khan Val: My Nature and will is to live and see the world nearly omnipresent. I won't disturb, I will see and learn. I will aid when I can and feel that I must, and only if that is what I feel right to be done.
Beli Tenker: *shakes head* then the battle is lost my friend
Morunas Khan Val: The battle is lost? Why?
Morunas Khan Val: Do you know what will happen? You don't
Beli Tenker: For only in vigilance will we keep evil at bay
Morunas Khan Val: I know there are strengths and forces in Nature, in us, that will make it all balance sooner or later, may it be years or millennia but I believe it will
Beli Tenker: Your balance includes good and evil. I prefer the good
Morunas Khan Val: Evil and Good are edges of the balance... but in the middle... is Life itself. The key point for understanding all... which I seek to perceive.
Beli Tenker: So if everyone was good you would help evil?
Morunas Khan Val: Heh *cold chuckle* who knows?
Morunas Khan Val: But no
Morunas Khan Val: I would not
Beli Tenker: *looks serious* that is not funny. That is the logic you put forward
Beli Tenker: Then your logic is flawed
Morunas Khan Val: You didn't understand me...
Morunas Khan Val: I neither want to be balanced nor to force balance! I want Perfection!
Morunas Khan Val: And that means I can not be in the edges
Beli Tenker: Wel so do I *smiles*
Morunas Khan Val: *Takes a skinning knife from his pocket*
Morunas Khan Val: *holds the knife balanced over one thick finger*
Morunas Khan Val: *pushes a bit of the right edge*
Morunas Khan Val: *pushes down* This is good now you say... so that other high extreme is evil...
Morunas Khan Val: *releases the edge and allows the knife to counter balance and then holds it when good is on top*
Morunas Khan Val: I am here *points to the middle that never moved*
Morunas Khan Val: Balance
Morunas Khan Val: Order
Morunas Khan Val: Now evil goes down and good goes up *hides the knife away*
Beli Tenker: My perfection includes Vorax... yours nature
Morunas Khan Val: I find those values to live for, but I do understand your will
Morunas Khan Val: And as I said, I both respect and do admire your courage and will to aid others
Morunas Khan Val: I more recently found ways the D'moon did not follow
Beli Tenker: Aye. I'm starting to understand where you come from. I was just making sure you did not go it alone
Beli Tenker: Life is a journey, best done in a group
Morunas Khan Val: Well... it is indeed good to be in a group... but that has limitations...
Beli Tenker: Aye ... you need a balance *smiles*
Morunas Khan Val: Exactly
Morunas Khan Val: So if I am both alone... and together with all... I am in balance *seems to be saying this for the first time and seems widely happy*
Morunas Khan Val: For those matters... this is heh
Beli Tenker: Now that is a good way to look at it
Morunas Khan Val: You are wise
Morunas Khan Val: It is interesting
Morunas Khan Val: How a mere conversation with a fellow warrior
Morunas Khan Val: Is enlightening by itself
Beli Tenker: This has been a good talk
Beli Tenker: One I have not had in a long time


Re: Morunas Khan Val, The Story of a Monk
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2009, 07:33:13 pm »
Entry 7th:

After a few days of meditation in quiet corners of peaceful grounds, Val decided it was time for him to dedicate training and learning at the great monastery by Alindor’s eastern lands, carved at the mountain’s face: the Path of Elemental Balance. He had found himself with comparison against all four elements and it became clear that he was one with the wind, a whisper through the land… and a storm of wind blows in a battle.

For months and even until today… he was never seen outside the monastery.


Re: Morunas Khan Val, The Story of a Monk
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2010, 09:14:04 pm »
Entry 8th:

From the Path of Air high in the sky, Val plunged his thoughts over his existence. It has been a long year of training in solitude, following the example of the brother monks from the Way of the Wind. And day by day, Val found a bit more of himself, embracing what Nature made of him and discarding the interest to dig his past. The wind flew tirelessly between and above the sharp valleys and high peaks... and so did time. Local monks started to care about Val's situation and persistence, as he barely set foot outside the Path for a long, long time. But Val always and simply answered "the wind will bring myself to me".

But today... when he woke from the deep meditation, he looked to the side and saw the same strange statue as he always have seen, colossally implanted at that peak, and he had a vision. He saw a blurred someone setting the statue to its place, for some reason that Val does not know, and as nothing ever disturbed the statue thereafter... in its place remains... passive... still... dead. What could this thought mean?

He looked ahead to the clouded sky and lost his eyes in the moving clouds...

"The Wind, ever so restless, can bend the sky at his will... while this statue cannot even move itself. Being passive is being irrelevant... is being dead. The balance of all things strays in the hands of what bends the world.
Earth is strong and fertile... but passive at our feet...
Fire burns and intimidates... but soon wears out or is watered down...
Water flows around the world... but only where it can, and even stagnates...
The Wind is restless. Drags the earth... controls the fire... and even bends water to its will. Like the Wind so I shall be."

Looked down to the far desolated dried grounds...

"I stood still long enough."

Raised and swiftly jumped down the peaks back to the lake. Now pursues to travel the world like the Wind travels the skies... but yet does not know for which purpose. At least he knows what to do.


Re: Morunas Khan Val, The Story of a Monk
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2010, 01:11:35 am »
Entry 9th:

The night is calm at Fort Wayfare and Val sits in the small stream falling from the hill, feeling the soft breeze in his bold head and smoking some Green Dragon's Envy pipe weed. His thoughts fall back to his travels throughout the wild... his venturing to Alindor and various of the small Islands... he's running through Dregar unnoticed and unspoiled...

He feels he found ways of knowing how to avoid foes he can't face... by smelling them... but hearing them... even trying to read Nature's signs such as scared flying birds... broken branches... or stirred soil...

He learned by himself that Nature has the ultimate word on the course of things. The elements bound together make a sense of the whole. He remembers when the great waves hit Hempstead in a furious rage... water is tremendously powerful... or when he saw Giants being squashed by a collapsing cliff... earth is so mighty... and when a drop of fire can burn down miles and miles of forest and fields... fire is so violent...

And the water was stirred by the wind...
And earth was broken by the wind...
And the fire was spread by the wind...

His mother's teachings always set him to only follow himself, to be his own God. But Val just found out that he must follow himself as an element of Nature and hereby respect, learn and live with Nature. He is of wind... restless... ever travelling... unseen. The childhood teachings start to be overwritten and he knows that... but with a clear and peaceful mind, he accepts so.

Setting all together in his head...
*with closed eyes he feels the water flowing around him*
... his home as always been Nature...
*he smells and senses the warmth of a nearby welcoming fireplace of some nomadic folks*
... he can feel Nature as he understands Nature...
*he can feel the grass being softly agitated by the gentle breeze*
... he can wield Nature... bend It to his will but in Nature's favor... can he?

And there he left himself be... for upcoming hours of feeling what is around him. Using his other senses hence with closed eyes, feeling and grasping Nature as he can... feeling Its power... respecting Its might.


Re: Morunas Khan Val, The Story of a Monk
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2010, 04:05:14 am »
Entry 10th:

The other day something interesting happened. Val was invited to join a group of travelers to Tilmar, a place he had never been... and only had rumors that it had highly unfriendly lands. The two dwarves in the group naturally wanted to reach some rare high quality ore, but Val followed not for the desire of rare materials... but to explore the land where he knew that him alone would be killed at sight... if ever at sight.

Anyway the journey started with a boat from Lor to Corsain and then from Corsain to Tilmar. Thankfully the dock merchant made a generous discount price for Val which allowed to buy quite cheap boarding tickets. Once in Tilmar, they went towards a large, large extension of boggy lands, a doomed swamp with retched creatures.

He stood most of the time afar from the raging swords of the damned, these wakened warriors of the storms, shooting his new Oak bow with the hickory arrows he had forged himself. But then again, paths ahead within the bog, they have reached a sanctuary quarter... a glimpse of purity... a Nature's deed that certainly was a balancing act, given all the dread and awful around this apparently sacred place.

There were trees so big and tall, so healthy... the animals were calm and wondering around as if in paradise... a bear even came to Bjorn, to lick his hand, even when he was up to the teeth with clenching metal, blood of the dread in his blunt and a shield sustaining the fury of the swamp extension.

Val left the group resting and decided to wonder a bit around. The Nature's grasp in there was more magical then most other places. The air was pure... the water was pure... the soil was pure. The animals were happy... life was happy.

But while admiring the happiness of these living beings... he noticed that the bears had sharp claws and teeth... the racoon's as well... the birds all had both a peck and claws... Nature had wardened them with this natural weapon... this curved sharp nail or peck... he had seen that shape before... somewhere... but where? but what? He thought about it for a while... looking at his small insignificant nails in the robust hands, wondering if Nature wasn't giving him a message of adaptation... He left the area with a pinch of dream and curiosity at the same time, when Unther called all together for SehKy to brief the group regarding the approaching dangers.

The trip continued, giving now even more importance to group work, moving together, united, and requiring a keen sense of spot and listening as the dread warriors were canny to the edge of their great swords. But later on, the group was inside a cave where the water was once again pure and the air so nice to breath, though filled with this living air elemental forms that were hostile to our presence for some reason... perhaps Nature's anger due to the surrounding evil and unbalance in the swamps.

Anyway, at a certain point, Unther and Bjorn debated over Val's ways. They noted that he fought like a monk but talked like a druid, alike someone they knew. And Val knew this was very true... he had stop meditating over his thoughts searching for perfection... and started to appreciate Nature in it's full existence whenever he would look into its eyes... every moment he could do so. He was in love with the balance of all, under the mighty and perfect hand of Nature. For the first time he actually spoke to others his intention on following a nomadic nature worshiper lifestyle... like rangers or druids he had seen every now and then. He understood that the druids were more connected to the elements then the rangers... and as well the rangers were more of hunters... the druids wielders of Nature. He then sought out druids for guidance.

The journey proceeded with might and no bad lucks, not close to it! By the end of it we had reached this amazing masonry city, a place which name Val didn't reach to grasp in time. He needed to reach Prantz still to deliver auctioned items from the closed auction list grabbed from the Wild Surge Inn.

But, once passing a general store to get a new canteen as his old one was leaking... he glimpsed a claw in the showcase of the weapons merchant... the same shape as bears held as nails and some teeth... the birds peck... the birds claw... that sharp bowing blade that was Nature's gift of might to the animals. Val did not hesitate... and he bought two. Now he had claws and found out that it was as easy as punching... just now with a further reach... further effectiveness in slashing... and certainly a more fearsome and respectful appearance. He was now wielding Kamas with the passion and respect for Nature.

For a glimpse, he was reminded that he was breaking completely his mother's teachings... but then again... he found the perfection he was looking for... now he will follow that perfection! His mother would certainly understand. And proud of himself... he walked out the store and attended whatever else he needed to do that day.

Val is now different then he once was.


Re: Morunas Khan Val, The Story of a Monk
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2010, 10:39:44 pm »
Entry 11th:

He was a monk based on his mother's teachings. He was taught to seek perfection of body, mind and soul. He found perfection... but not in him. He found perfection outside of him. His mother's teachings strictly told him he was his own god... when he now found that Nature is the real god of things, the one who sets all in balance. His mothers teachings were suddenly set aside! And he accepted that easily, because he trusted his perception of the world above those teachings.

He doesn't desire to meditate (as monks do) over himself, as now he sees himself insignificant at the side of Nature, and impossible it is for him to reach that perfection within himself! Therefore he wants to wield it! He wants to be able to use the four elements! He wants to feel Nature flowing in his veins! He doesn't see himself using his fists anymore... when animals were given have claws and teeth by Nature... and Nature itself has the elements power! And he finds himself for the same purpose of Nature, which is to keep all in balance. If trees are destroyed he shall plant them. If animals are killed he shall kill those who killed so no other damage is done. If the elements are used from a side other then Nature's, he shall try to wield them back to its rightful owner.

He has a long road ahead... but he knows his destiny.


Re: Morunas Khan Val, The Story of a Monk
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2010, 03:51:04 am »
Entry 12th:

The night was young in Hempstead's Crimson Eagle's Memorial and Val was just passing through, aiming to retire for the night in some comfy corner of Hempstead Fields as it was not too cold. But on a chance encounter, Val met a very odd fella by the name of Pallena. The conversation although starting in what seemed to be near its end... it went onto a road that Val would least imagine. Follows the conversation:

Val:  *looks at the stranger*
Val:  *grins and takes hat off* Greetings
Pallena:  **splashes water on her face to ward off the Augra heat*
Pallena:  **grunts to the dwarf*
Val:  *smiles*
Val:  *sits in the bench, looking at the moon*
Val:  It's a beautiful n... *looks down*
Val:  Ahm... miss? Isn't the water too cold? *chuckle* (she was sit in the water)
Pallena:  Nah, it's just fine...
Pallena:  Its Augra. Need to cool down.
Pallena:  Why? Got a problem with it?
Val:  Not at all... mind if I join you?
Val:  *stands*
Pallena:  What if I do?
Val:  It is your call alone
Val:  *awaits, with a simple honest and patient smile*
Pallena:  Yes, in fact, I think I hereby declare this water mine and mine alone, and shall not brook any other to step in it.
Pallena:  *smirks*
Val:  The water is not yours... water is one of the most powerful things you may know. And it belongs to Nature
Val:  Yet if you refer to the space itself...
Val:  Then I'll just retreat to my bench *smiles* which I don't mind sharing by the way
Pallena:  Then why do you ask if I mind? If you have a right to be in the water, who cares what I think?
Val:  It's not the water... but the approach. I believe each being as the right of privacy... and it is polite at least to ask, am I wrong?
Pallena:  *snorts* You're asking the wrong person about politeness....  
Val:  **thinks for a moment*
Pallena:  Dwarf who uses a bow, and cares about others' feelings.... got a name, or should I just call you elfy dwarf?
Pallena:  Nah, don't tell me...
Val:  *laughs broadly and takes a moment contemplating the sky*
Pallena:  I think I'll just use elfy dwarf.
Val:  *looks down to Pallena again* Elfy dwarf? Well I've been called many things but sure you are innovative *smiles*
Val:  And yet you might be right
Pallena:  *smirks*
Val:  I am, and know, not like my common kinsmen
Val:  My history... lies far and distinct... *takes a big breath*
Val:  And you don't want to hear about it.
Pallena:  *bluntly* Probably not.
Val:  *puts down the pack from his back*
Val:  But can I know your name?
Pallena:  *grunts* Pallena. Druid of the Storm.
Val:  *seems widely exalted of a sudden* Druid?!
Pallena:  **looks at him* Got a problem with that?
Val:  On the contrary... *smiles*
Val:  What can you tell me about being a Druid?
Pallena:  *squints at him* What do you mean?
Val:  How is it? Just a few words... I know nothing about Druids... other then they worship mother Nature and are able to wield it for Nature's purpose
Pallena:  **she looks distinctly annoyed* Worship Mother nature? You talking about Katia?
Val:  Ahm.. Katia... no. Ahm... *seems to have heard the name* Nature
Pallena:  *grunts* Right.  
Val:  Nature itself *opens his arms as in showing around and then retracts them* Well... here there is not that much of Nature.....
Pallena:  And nah, we don't worship nature.
Pallena:  Well, maybe some of the crazy ones.... or the ones who think Katia and Nature are the same thing... *snorts*
Val:  I don't mean worship as clerics do... I mean respect and understand.
Pallena:  Well you should say what you mean.
Pallena:  Words are there for a reason you know.
Val:  True enough... but I was never much of literacy...
Val:  I speak with my soul and sometimes I speak wrong
Val:  But I try to correct... doesn't everyone?
Pallena:  **gives him a distinctly skeptical look* Speak with their soul? Well, no, I'm rather fond of using my mouth, myself.
Val:  *smiles* Again.. I spoke wrong.. I meant to speak the first thing I think of.. rather then what should be wisest to say
Pallena:  *grunts*
Val:  So...
Val:  Can you tell me anything at all about being Druid?
Pallena:  Anyway. What you want to know this about druids for anyway?
Val:  *he seems to be thoughtful for a moment. looking down*
Val:  *looks up again to Pallena* I wish profoundly to become one.
Val:  *he seems really serious*
Val:  *staring onto Pallena's eyes*
Pallena:  **snickers, rather callously*
Pallena:  Being a druid isn't something you want to do.  
Pallena:  Either you are one or you aren't.
Val:  I want to be, more than do.
Pallena:  Be, do.... **Waves a hand airily, despite her earlier admonition about using words exactly*
Pallena:  **pulls out a bit of fish, redolent of outdoorsy woodsmoke*
Val:  Then what distinguishes a druid from one who isn't a druid, to the eyes of someone else?
Pallena:  **puts her hands on her hips, sizing the dwarf up*
Val:  *he is sitting with his hands behind his backs, leaning backward, slightly*
Pallena:  This isn't the right place for this discussion. **looks around.*
Val:  *follows*
Val:  I won't ask if I may follow. I simply will.
Pallena:  *grunts* At least you can learn.

-- They reach the path to Stormcrest and Pallena stops by a small pool and a beautiful golden tree --

Val:  *grasps slightly the tall grass as he walks*
Pallena:  Right.
Val:  *looks around*
Pallena:  **a panther comes bounding up out of the woods*
Val:  *takes a deep breath and smiles*
Val:  *jumps back, cautious*
Val:  Ahm... your... friend? *points at the Panther*
Relampagos:  *growls low in the back of his throat*
Pallena:  **nods*
Val:  *aproaches slowly*
Val:  Hi there... *to the Panther*
Pallena:  So. You want to become a druid. **her voice is a mix of curiousity and sarcastic amusement*
Pallena :  roll animal empathy check?
Morunas Khan Val:  Yes, I want to be one.
Morunas Khan Val:  *animal empathy check*
Relampagos:  *growls menacingly and moves as though about to pounce*
Pallena:  *animal empathy check*
Val:  *observes*
Val:  *looks at the Panther, trying to understand why it reacted as it did*
Pallena:  *purrs rolling her shoulders* ''''... '' ''''' ''''
Val:  *speechless, has the mouth slightly opened*
Pallena:  **she puts her hand on the cat, who seems less aggressive at the touch.
Val:  *walks back and sits, amazed*
Val:  *sit*
Val:  Did you... talk to the Panther?
Relampagos:  *settles down a bit*
Val:  Or you just... made some nice sounds...?
Relampagos:  *his tail swishes back and forth a bit, his eyes on Morunas*
Val:  *carefully tries to not stare at the Panther, it seems he might have had other encounters that did not go well*
Pallena:  **grins baring her teeth slightly* He's not in the mood for dwarf of dinner today.
Pallena:  And ... talk isn't the right word.
Pallena:  Communicate, yes.
Val:  Oh! So... the Panther understood what you communicated to him?
Pallena:  Of course... otherwise you would have been cat food.
Val:  *chuckles, more relaxed*
Pallena:  **her tone was not joking*
Val:  I know panthers don't hunt allowing their prays to see them
Val:  They are fast... and they strike out of nowhere
Pallena:  Walking straight up to a wild animal is one of the stupidest things you can do, unless you're darn confident you don't look like something that will eat it, or something that it will eat.
Val:  *seems to contemplate the wise words*
Val:  It makes all the sense...
Pallena:  And if you haven't figured that out yet, I'm curious as to why you think you can become a druid.
Val:  I don't think I can... I want to.
Pallena:  Why?
Val:  Now regarding if I can or can't... I would only trust a druid's judgement on that.
Pallena:  Like I said. Far as I'm concerned, you either are a druid or you aren't.
Val:  It is long story that you would have no patience to hear. But as of now *grasps the grass under his hands, gently and looks deeply into to the little waterpool*
Pallena:  Kids can be taught, sure, but someone who's already grown, without the touch of nature? *Shrugs*
Val:  But I can feel Nature...
Val:  I can clearly see the life echoing in a balancing act
Pallena:  Can you now?
Val:  You see... I have spent a long period in the Path of the Wind, the High Peak lake monestary
Pallena:  *grunts* Those elemental folk?
Val:  Yes indeed. I was trying to grasp perfection of myself
Val:  And the wind appeared to be my element
Val:  But...
Val:  It was one day...
Val:  One single day... where all seemed distorted... and then again... clear
Val:  I first thought about the Tsunami that hit on Hempstead a while ago
Val:  Have you heard of this?
Pallena:  **listens, half-distracted, as she fingers the fur on Relapagos' neck*
Pallena:  **seems amused by the question* Yes...
Val:  Well... I was remembering how no matter the efforts of those who tried to prevent greater damage were....
Val:  Water just came through
Val:  Powerful
Val:  Uncontrollable
Val:  And knowing no mercy
Val:  *waits for a moment, thinking on those who fell from the tide*
Val:  Well...
Val:  Then again...
Val:  I tried to follow the trail
Pallena:  Not true actually... those particular tsunamis were not from Nature. They were controllable. And controlled. And stopped.
Val:  Stopped?
Val:  But... I saw them... from afar...
Val:  Crushing on Hempstead, ravaging through the Port in chaos
Pallena:  **waves a dismissive hand* Ripples.
Pallena:  The real waves were stopped.
Pallena:  But that's niether here nor there.
Val:  But who stopped them? It was a Natural disaster wasn't it?
Pallena:  No, it was not natural.
Val:  *seems amazed*
Pallena:  It was an abomination to nature, and to the spirit of the Tempest.
Val:  *seems confused*
Val: *looking to the ground right in front of his crossed legs*
Pallena: **sharply* It is not my story to tell.  
Pallena: Suffice it to say that powerful individuals were abusing powerful things.
Pallena: With the power of Lady Doom, it was stopped.
Val: Lady Doom?
Pallena: Mist?
Pallena: Goddess of Storms?
Pallena: Lady of the sea?
Val: *seems to vaguely remember the names and recognize*
Val: Yes...
Relampagos: *purrs under Pallena's hand*
Val: So the Goddess of Storms taimed the Sea... which had been manipulated by some evil powerful ones.
Pallena: Not quite. But as I said. It is not my story to tell.
Val: Ok *rapidly concents*
Val: But as I was saying...
Val:  // tries to understand Pallena's expression, if she's interested in listening to more
Val: *sit*
Val: *wis check*
Pallena: **although her face is away from him, focused on the panther, she is clearly listening to Morunas*
Val: I was realizing how water was... well... amazing.
Val: And I followed the crums... to the other elements...
Val: The violence of fire... the strength of the earth... and the might of the air.
and then in a day when the water lit with fire and all sorts of nasty happened, it went still.
Pallena: **continues to scratch the panther, giving little outward sign of reaction to Morunas' words*
Val: And... well...
Val: I do find similarities between myself and the Wind
Val: But again...
Val: The four elements make sense altogether
Val: And since then I have had a different perspective of things...
Val: I was too focused on myself...
Val: I didn't appreciate... *opens his arms, meaning the surrounding* all this.
Val: And that is what was missing
Val: That is the perfection that I was seeking... it is not in me... but in Nature.
Val: And days later a Ranger named Sharyn told me that my feelings were of a Druid...
Val: As well a kinsman of mine called me something like... a grove folk...
Pallena: **looks up and squints at him*  
Val: And I thought I should become... be...
Val: am one.
Val: *looks up, as if enlightened*
Val: *seems to be looking around, to nowhere in specific, understanding the grasp of what he just said*
Pallena:  Right. So you're a dwarf, right... an elfy dwarf, grant you, but a dwarf...?
Val: *seems to wake up* I am a Dwarf, no doubt there. *chuckles*
Val: But...
Pallena:  Being a druid is going to mean that all your kin will probably want to skin you, because you're gonna tell them that mining and tunneling that they like to do is wrong.
Pallena:  Are you ready for that?
Val: *shuts and listens*
Val: I first need to understand why it is wrong, if it is.
Val:  And if I understand... then yes, I am ready.
Pallena: Now, there are all kinds of druids. My kind spends a lot of time in smelly places smacking the enemies of nature... would you be ready for that?
Val: *laughs a bit* I always dispited the usage of armors and weapons... that is no real warrior.
Val: And even being Dwarves it did not stop me from telling them that.
Val: Kinds of druids? I knew not of such...
Pallena: *snorts* "real warrior" is something dwarves and rofis made up so they could feel good about themselves.
Pallena: Sure. All kinds.  
Val: *smiles*
Pallena: I'm a storm druid.
Val: *listens carefully*
Pallena: Some druids are animal druids... shark druid, wolf druid, what have you...
Pallena: Others are landscapes... desert druid, swamp druid, forest druid *squints* That one might be you, with your elfiness.
Val: *chuckles a bit*
Val: *seems to passionly like the conversation at the moment*
Pallena: Not that I'm saying its possible for you necessarily.
Val: Yes... yes... I know. I either am or am not.
Pallena: *scratches her head*  
Pallena: Being a druid means seeing the connections in thing.
Val: **nods in consent*
Val: *and comprehension*
Pallena: Lot of people think its just about protecting and nurturing... not true at all.
Val: I actually started to see the connection of all, the balance of things... the cycles of life... **grabs a leaf from the ground and looks up to the tree*
Val: That's what led me in this road... *looks back to Pallena*
Pallena: Being a druid alos means looking at death and destruction and disease and decay, and a lot of other things that make people squirm.
Pallena: All of those are part of nature.
Val: I understand that
Val: It's the cycles of balance
Val: Everything that is born will die
Val: Everything that is made will be destroyed
Val: Everything that grows will rotten and return to the earth
Pallena: **nods sharply* Unless unnatural hands intervene, yes.
Val: Unnatural hands... what would that be? Wizards?
Pallena: Could be. Wizards who take dead things and twist them to deprive Layonara of their remains.
Pallena: Dwarves who take ore from the earth, and give back only poisons.
Val: *slowly nods in grasping understanding*
Val: *sits*
Pallena: Humans who build cities and stamp out the life underneath.
Val: *suddenly seems sad, disturbed*
Pallena: Elves who take from the forest and do not replant.
Val: I see...
Pallena: Halflings who plant fields, and slaughter the rabbits and mice that would eat the grain.
Val: Nature apparently has more enemies then I thought... and they come through in all shapes and reasons....
Pallena: *Grunts* That's part of seeing the connectedness.
Val: It makes a larger sense now... it's as if the world can be resumed to a few words...
Pallena: Even those with good intentions, who in ignorance butcher spiders in their caves, thinking they do a service...
Pallena: **quirks an eyebrow*
Val: Ahm... well... they do attack us on sight... isn't it natural to defend?
Val: But to enter their home... indeed that is wrong... but then again... isn't the world everyone's home? I don't have a home.... *reaches again his arms around* This... is my home. I live... in the world.
Pallena: To all understanding, you attacked this panther on sight. Should I have let him eat you?
Val: *sit*
Val: I... did not attack...
Val: I was just trying to say hi... so the Panther would feel confortable... and I as well
Pallena: To his persective you attcked. You walked towards him without a posture that communicated anything other than attack.
Pallena: Maybe when you walk by a spider, you do the same thing.
Val: *sit*
Val: Oh...
Val: But that... makes sense...
Pallena: You say it attacks you, but from its perspective, it is the one who is defending.
Val: *smiles in comprehension and feeling tiny* But then how can I not transmit that idea?
Pallena: By becoming one with nature.
Val: *seems confused*
Val: Am I not part of Nature?
Pallena: The same way I can communicate to Relampagos here.
Pallena: Are you?
Pallena: *smirk*
Val: I am...
Val: *seems confused*
Pallena: *shrugs* Some do not have the gift.
Val: But can't I learn to communicate?
Pallena: Maybe.
Val: Something tells me that it is trying that will do so
Pallena: Just because the tree is part of nature doesn't mean it can communicate with the sparrow...
Pallena: It doesn't have the capacity to understand its place in the larger whole.
Val: Wise words... simple... clear... and once heard obvious but before unthought
Pallena: It can't observe the way the sparrows communicate amongst themselves, and refine their understanding.
Pallena: I can. Other druids can.
Val: And I will.
Pallena: Even some who are not druids, but spend much time with nature can commue with the animals.
Val: And I can... I just need... time to see them... time to know them...
Val: How can I communicate with something or someone I don't know at all... I understand I will need to learn them... to respect them... to see them. Am I correct? *waits then chuckles* Or I'm talking gibberish?
Pallena: *Shrugs* I don't know. Different people come at it different ways.
Pallena: *smirks* Sounds like gibberish to me though.
Val: *chuckles* I thought it might...
Val: Well...
Pallena: **gives him a long, squinty-eyed look before finally grunting*
Pallena: I don't know whether you are or can become a druid.
Val: Only I would know that it seems *chuckles*
Pallena: But different people become druids different ways.  
Val: I understand
Pallena: For me, there just came a point that I knew I was one, that Lady Doom had blessed me with the power of Nature.
Val: I see...
Pallena: Since you can't communicate with animals, and I assume you can't call down lightning to smack nature's enemies, or we would be having this discussion...
Pallena: I'd say you probably got to be taught.
Val: Taught? But by whom?
Pallena: So if I were you, I'd find someone who learned as a kid to be a druid, and see how they did it.
Pallena: *shrugs* Plenty of druids around.
Val: Well... I will heed your advice.
Pallena: **nods curtly*
Val: But out of curiosity...
Pallena: I've spent too long in one place.
Val: And I know you don't know me much...
Relampagos: *Pallena takes her hand off him, and he bounds off into the woods*
Val: What kind of druid would you see me as?
Pallena: Mm?
Val: *stands*
Pallena: You? You seem like a little elfy forest druid if you are one. **her tone is amused, sarcastic*
Pallena: **places her hands on the bark of the tree*
Pallena: **turns to Morunas* May Lady Doom send winds that blow you where you wish to be.
Val: I see *laughs* and so.. you can't stand being still for too long.. *streches his legs* that makes us two *grins*
Pallena: **nods curtly*
Val: *bows head slightly* Thank you
Pallena : *and disappears*
Val: *seems astonished, looking around*
Val: *takes a deep breath... feels the soft wind blow... and walks away*
Val:  *seems astonished, looking around*
Val:  *then takes a deep breath... feels the soft wind blow... and walks away*

And so a little more enlightened, Val now knew a better chance of being one with Nature... he just had, for now, to find a Druid that had learnt to be one with Nature so he could learn how to better see the connection of all things and grasp an understanding only common to those usually spoken of as Nature folks.

And furthermore... a question lingered... what kind of Druid was he?


Re: Morunas Khan Val, The Story of a Monk
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2010, 09:03:14 pm »
Entry 13th:

Val was chatting with common folks when... an occasional, very interesting, encounter... with Timulty Keel and Gwendolyn (among others though more briefly) took place in Hemsptead:

Timulty Keel: *coughs*  Ah, Val.  Sorry I ran off earlier.
Timulty Keel: Miss Annwyl.
Phobo Magnius: I was a young kid on Corsain when I met her.  She was the guardian of the woods.
Gwendolyn Flowers: *smiles*
Val: *smiles* Well you have your life to carry
Timulty Keel: And.. I don't believe I've met either of the other two of you.
Gwendolyn Flowers: I am Gwen, Protector of the Al'Noth
Gwendolyn Flowers: *bows*
Timulty Keel: Ah, a fellow Lucindite.  Always good to see.
Annwyl Cadi: *she smiles at that* Then I shall continue with my struggle *she grins* It is I against the vageries of the gems! Wish me luck.
Timulty Keel: *nods slightly*
Timulty Keel: Cheers, Annwyl.
Gwendolyn Flowers: You follow the Lady as well *smiles brightly*
Timulty Keel: I dabble in the arcane..
Phobo Magnius: *some clouds pass in his eyes*  She has passed with Lady Nature... I miss her still
Timulty Keel: Every spell is a testament to Lucinda, is it not?
Gwendolyn Flowers: Excellent
Val: *whispers to Phobo* Certainly many ladies are being followed around the world... huh? *chuckles*
Timulty Keel: Though I confess, I care little for the politics of Spellgard.
Gwendolyn Flowers: It certainly is
Gwendolyn Flowers: It is a way of life, yes
Val: *nods to Phobo, as in listening*
Val: I would like to hear more of this great woman that mentored you... perhaps a good story telling while we are on the road?
Timulty Keel: After a while, in my experience, you come to realize that it's not about having a good beginning, or a good end.  It's about making the most of the middle.
Phobo Magnius: *to Gwendolyn and Val*  Sorry my friends.  I have got a bird.  A situation to address.

-- Phobo Magnius leaves --

Annwyl Cadi: Good Hunting *she calls back to Gwen with a wave*
Val: *smiles* Certainly, shall we meet as soon as the wind allows
Val: *bows head slightly*
Timulty Keel: *nods*  Goodsir.
Phobo Magnius: May Lady Nature nurture you
Timulty Keel: Mmm.
Timulty Keel: Gwen, did you say your name was?
Phobo Magnius: *waves to all*
Gwendolyn Flowers: What's that friend
Gwendolyn Flowers: I am Gwen, Protector of the Al'Noth
Timulty Keel: Short for Gwendolyn?
Val: *Approaches slowly*
Gwendolyn Flowers: Yes indeed
Timulty Keel: Interesting.
Timulty Keel: I may have heard the name once or twice.
Timulty Keel: I keep an ear in, here and there.
Gwendolyn Flowers: Is that right. From where?
Timulty Keel: *Shrugs*  I couldn't say, offhand.
Val: *listens vaguely, seems to be plunged in some other thoughts*
Gwendolyn Flowers: Perhaps you have heard of my questions?
Timulty Keel: It could well be.
Gwendolyn Flowers: I am looking for a man named Conor
Gwendolyn Flowers: Do you know of him?
Timulty Keel: Conor the sorcerer?
Gwendolyn Flowers: *smiles brightly* Then he does exist
Gwendolyn Flowers: Do you know where I might find him?
Timulty Keel: Connor Garville?
Timulty Keel: *Garvill
Timulty Keel: Not offhand.  Bit of a wanderer, and that's na informed statement from me.
Gwendolyn Flowers: Yes, the Lucindite Sorcere
Timulty Keel: Last time I saw him was during the tsunami crisis in Hempstead.
Gwendolyn Flowers: I see *nods*
Timulty Keel: I...  aided in the works of Lady Thornwood, and I believe he was there as well.
Val: *seems to wake up from his thoughts when hearing the word tsunami*
Gwendolyn Flowers: The church has not seen him in some time
Timulty Keel: Somewhat concerning, I grant you.
Timulty Keel: Could he be frequency-travelling?
Gwendolyn Flowers: Not sure
Timulty Keel: Pardon.
Val: *follows the conversation, uncertain if he should be listening*
Timulty Keel: I meant to say 'he could be frequency travelling'.  *Seems unconcerned that Val is listening in*
Timulty Keel: I fear I grew somewhat distracted these last couple of years..
Timulty Keel: I've become something of a hermit.
Timulty Keel: I settle in to my comfy chair with a full pipe and a good book..
Timulty Keel: And the next time I look up, it's winter again.
Gwendolyn Flowers: Oh, that does sound nice
Timulty Keel: *smiles*  You know how it is.
Gwendolyn Flowers: *smiles*
Val: *seems slightly disturb yet smiling* And you can stay still that long?
Gwendolyn Flowers: My duty keeps me from relaxing too much *smiles*
Val: Passive?
Timulty Keel: *Glances at Val*  Well, obviously I have to get up to go to the facilities.
Val: *laughs broadly*
Val: Indeed...
Timulty Keel: I've never really been a great fan of the Gezunder.
Gwendolyn Flowers: Not sure I want to know *smiles*
Timulty Keel: ... Hmm?  Oh, they were all the rage about ten years back.
Timulty Keel: Basically metallic chamber pots.
Timulty Keel: Seriously though..  I do find that I get caught up in my studies.
Val: Ahm... a Gezunder?
Timulty Keel: One of these days I'm going to build a proper workshop.
Timulty Keel: ..  Like a chamber pot?
Timulty Keel: As I said?
Gwendolyn Flowers: You must really be lazy if you can't get up to go to the latrine
Gwendolyn Flowers: *smiles*
Timulty Keel: *Snorts*  I go to the latrine.  Standing up and all that.
Val: Oh! *chuckles* Now I got it
Timulty Keel: I haven't literally been sedentary for the last year.
Gwendolyn Flowers: Good, good
Timulty Keel: But I have spent altogether too much time in my study.
Val: Indeed, it's for the best to be active
Timulty Keel: Oh?
Timulty Keel: In my experience, most people could stand to learn a little patience.
Gwendolyn Flowers: Then you are a wizard?
Gwendolyn Flowers: Then you a mage?
Timulty Keel: Among other things.  But yes, I dabble in magic.
Val: But one can be both patient and active...
Gwendolyn Flowers: **nods*
Timulty Keel: For example..
Val: What I mean of being passive is living regardless of the world and avoiding any kind of interactions with it. In sum... to ignore Nature's connection of things.
Timulty Keel: *Pats himself down before he comes across an oaken pipe in one of his robe pockets, which he duly tamps with some weed*  An unlit pipe.  Behold.
Timulty Keel: *Glances at Val*  How precisely do you imagine one 'avoids connection with the world'?
Val: For instance what I did not so long ago
Timulty Keel: I suppose I could suspend myself from the roof with ropes..
Val: Are you familiar with the Path of Elemental Balance?
Timulty Keel: Yes.
Val: Well I have been there for years of meditation over myself
Val: And I have found one conclusion...
Val: Or actually can make that two...
Timulty Keel: You're actually a halfling in heavy disguise?
Val: *laughs then looks minimally serious again* First of all I found that the perfection I was seeking to become as a warrior was an impossible dream. Nature is the ultimate perfection.
Val: And furthermore...
Val: That the world around me spins!
Val: And the more I would meditate.... the less I would spin with the world.
Timulty Keel: The world spins around you?  Do you perhaps need to see a healer?
Val: I was looking into myself when I should be looking around myself
Timulty Keel: Ah!  Something wrong with the inner ear, then?
Val: *laughs* Oh... come on you understood.
Val: The world lives
Val: Is animated
Timulty Keel: Yes.
Timulty Keel: I believe they're called 'golems'.
Timulty Keel: *Innocently*
Val: *hits a hand in the forehead* Oh my... your jokes are as dry as this carved stones... But anyway I loose its track if I plunge myself away into my own thoughts.
Timulty Keel: Mmm.  That's certainly a perspective.
Val: Have you any other? *asks curiously*
Timulty Keel: Of course.
Val: I would like to hear it
Timulty Keel: I would illustrate, but..  I fear I may startle passersby.
Timulty Keel: I suppose I shall restrain myself to words, unless you'd rather retire to somewhere a little less..  Crimson-Eagle-Memorial-y.
Gwendolyn Flowers: *shrugs* I always like visuals
Val: Where would you wish to settle then?
Timulty Keel: *Shrugs*  I'm not particularly picky.
Timulty Keel: But visuals might be somewhat disconcerting.
Gwendolyn Flowers: Just out to the pond then
Timulty Keel: Alright.
Timulty Keel: Ah, night time.  Perfect.
Val: *breaths in the fresh air*
Gwendolyn Flowers: *smiles*
Timulty Keel: Right then.  Sit or stand, or however you are most comfortable.
Val: *bends and washes his face on the pond*
Gwendolyn Flowers: A show?
Timulty Keel: I'll need just a moment of preparation, yes.
Gwendolyn Flowers: Excellent
Val: *sit*
Val: Alright then...
Val: This should be interesting
Gwendolyn Flowers: *sits*
Timulty Keel: I _am_ a wizard, as it happens..  an evoker.
Gwendolyn Flowers: **nods*
Val: *listens, appreciating the event*
Timulty Keel: It is.. a conceit of wizards that so often they find themselves viewing the world in terms of magic - specialist wizards, in particular, in terms of their own specialty.
Timulty Keel: More than one illusionist of my acquaintance has found himself questioning the reality of that which he sees, hears, smells, and feels..
Timulty Keel: Not because he disbelieves it, but because..  he believes that there is a depth to it that he himself could not achieve.
Val: *listens carefully*
Val: *sits*
Timulty Keel: I confess, I don't understand it fully - if I did, I would likely be an illusionist myself.
Timulty Keel: As an evoker..  the world is shaped by forces, huge and inescapable, tiny and microcosmic.
Timulty Keel: The love of the earth for the things of the earth, draws us ever downwards, forbidding us to fly..
Val: *listens carefully*
Timulty Keel: *There's a subtle visual with a sweep of the evoker's hand; no actual increase in gravity, but a deep orange illustration, tugging towards the earth..*
Timulty Keel: The winds, buffeting us; filling our sails, and turning the mills..
Timulty Keel: *Another hand gesture illustrates the winds flowing in a pale blue...*
Timulty Keel: The turn of the seasons; time itself could be a force, if it were but viewed so.
Timulty Keel: *Yellow lines begin to flow along the trail, towards Hempstead; a passing caravan gains a nimbus of gold*  Non-'natural' forces hold influence too.
Timulty Keel: For all that it may a construct of our own devising, economic forces and pressures determine our lives as much as any earthquake or rainfall.
Val: *whispers to Gwen* And sometimes are used for no good...
Timulty Keel: Each of these forces is carefully, tightly woven together; pull too hard on any one, and you'll see enormous impact on others.
Timulty Keel: And, of course, impossible to forget, is magic.
Val: *awaits a conclusion or further development*
Gwendolyn Flowers: *smiles*
Timulty Keel: *A few slight hand gestures brings into being a rich blue web, visible only from where the three are resting, illuminating the firmament.  The web is complex and vast, near and far, tightly woven, but navigable.*
Timulty Keel: You ask how I see the world, sir dwarf..
Timulty Keel: I say to you that beyond the extended world that we see before us..
Timulty Keel: Are countless, very real but intangible forces, necessary to our survival and thriving, but beyond our physical reach.
Timulty Keel: *A few short words, and the lights begin to fade.*
Val: Interesting indeed but how does that relate to being passive or not?
Gwendolyn Flowers: It is always a beautiful sight to see the gift of the Lady first hand
Gwendolyn Flowers: Thank you
Timulty Keel: *smiles*  Not at all.
Timulty Keel: Simply put, Val..
Timulty Keel: 'Passive' has nothing to do with being still or active.
Timulty Keel: You're never 'passive' in terms of the weave.
Timulty Keel: You believe in nature.  I believe in causality.
Val: I see...
Val: Well but so if you settle yourself at home
Val: Blind to the world
Timulty Keel: Sir.
Timulty Keel: If I settle myself at home..
Val: You would not feel passive towards the world?
Timulty Keel: It is merely to expand my vision.
Timulty Keel: *smiles*
Val: But could you see what is happening at the moment in the Dragon Isles... if you ought to be sitting confortably in your sofa, smoking your pipe and reading your book?
Timulty Keel: ...  Are you asking philosophically or literally.
Val: *seems confused* Ahm... just the first answer that would come to your head.
Timulty Keel: Because philosophically, no.  Unless something came to me, such as a letter, alerting me to whatever was happening there.
Timulty Keel: .. Literally, I probably could.
Val: How come?
Timulty Keel: It'd be a fair effort, and I'd have to break out the scrying pool, but..
Timulty Keel: Wizard.
Val: Ah... the arts of the Arcane...
Val: I see...
Val: Well for me that is simply not possible
Val: Hence staying still deprives me from seeing and feeling the world as it lives
Timulty Keel: Perhaps.
Timulty Keel: But if the world turns, you turn with it.
Timulty Keel: You might never understand everything in the world.  I certainly won't, and I've been at it longer.
Timulty Keel: You might just come to fully understand where you're sitting, though.
Timulty Keel: Most people never accomplish that much.
Val: But that is the way of things. One must not fight against Nature, but understand it and follow Its guidance.
Timulty Keel: So who's arguing?
Timulty Keel: Although I suspect it very much depends on your definition of nature.
Timulty Keel: I mean, I didn't WALK here.
Val: I am not arguing *smiles* just giving my opinion
Timulty Keel: Right, right.
Timulty Keel: But what's 'nature' to you?
Timulty Keel: Do you include the city as part of the natural world?
Timulty Keel: Magic?
Val: Nature is everything. You are Nature. I am Nature.
Val: This floor is Nature... your voice is Nature... the moon is Nature... this... *points at the walls* city... is Nature but distorted...
Timulty Keel: Distorted?
Val: Indeed...
Timulty Keel: It was made _of_ nature - to wit, the stones and planks that it was built of..
Timulty Keel: BY nature - to wit, the men and women who built it.
Val: But under the floors of Hempstead...
Val: Lies a field of death...
Timulty Keel: ... Well yes.
Timulty Keel: There's dead people most places.
Gwendolyn Flowers: The sewer?
Timulty Keel: Also, quite natural.
Val: A Druid named Pallena enlightened me of this
Timulty Keel: ..  Trust me.  Smells like that may SEEM unnatural..
Timulty Keel: But it's just what happens when you dump black and grey water together.
Gwendolyn Flowers: Whatever you call it, it is gross
Val: I would like to quote a very wise Druid I have met
Gwendolyn Flowers: But better down there, then up here
Val: Very recently.. in fact a few days ago
Val: This one named Pallena
Timulty Keel: ...  I'm not sure how close I would come to calling Pallena 'wise', but go on.
Val: She gave various examples of how Nature is distorted... attacked...
Timulty Keel: Certainly from a people-skills perspective, not very wise at all.
Val: Well her words were as clear as crystal water... and to my understanding, unless I was under some spell which I doubt, those were wise words
Val: The Dwarves for instant, kinsmen of mine
Val: Carve greedily
Timulty Keel: Dwarves are unnatural now?
Val: The depths of the earth... and what remains is poisons
Val: Wholes that Nature did not count to have there
Val: Ashes and dust...
Timulty Keel: I think you may be anthropomorphizing things slightly.
Val: Beneath our feet
Timulty Keel: .. You're being figurative, and I know that.
Val: Anthropomo... what? No, really, this is simple...
Timulty Keel: But both ashes and dust are quite literally beneath our feet, yes.
Timulty Keel: Hempstead has been burned to the ground at least twice to my knowing.
Val: Some people colect from Nature without seeding back to it
Val: Others kill animals out of pleasure and make unbalances in the systems that Nature hardly works to fix back
Val: Even others build cities such as this... and do you imagine what was here before?
Val: Rabbits... deers... trees... fishes... plants... birds... wolves...
Val: And it goes on...
Timulty Keel: ... Actually, before this city, there was another city.
Timulty Keel: And before THAT city, there was a cataclysm.
Val: *chuckles with patience*
Timulty Keel: Before that, the jury's out.
Val: Well then choose another city that had a forest or alike before it existed
Gwendolyn Flowers: *smiles*
Val: But back to what I feel to be Nature. Nature is everything and as important as that... is how everything connects to each other and how Nature tries and succeeds on balancing all.

-- Gwendolyn leaves --

Timulty Keel: If I were to give you advice, sir..
Timulty Keel: It would be to reflect upon the wisdom you are granted..
Val: *listens curiously*
Timulty Keel: And spin from it wisdom of your own.
Val: *looks down* That's... what I have done before and no more I do
Val: I used to meditate for long periods...
Timulty Keel: *Shrugs*  Meditation isn't necessarily the only way to do it.
Val: Seeking understanding of my own self
Timulty Keel: Introspection is good, yes.
Val: Oh.. I might have misunderstood you then
Timulty Keel: But understanding.. is better.
Timulty Keel: Every word you hear from someone else contains bias, contains unknowing falsehoods..
Timulty Keel: Contains the errors and flaws that person contains.
Timulty Keel: And yes, within it there can be found insights.
Timulty Keel: But as a wizard, I have found the key to be to question everything; consider all..
Timulty Keel: And should it withstand your scrutiny..
Timulty Keel: It is a dozen times more worthy of your belief than had you simply unquestioningly accepted it.
Val: *chuckles softly as in reaching another conclusion*
Timulty Keel: If it cannot withstand your scrutiny and you still seek an answer to whatever question it sought to remedy..
Timulty Keel: Then keep looking.
Val: I will not seek all possible answers... because I believe there is only one and it can be felt... other then found.
Timulty Keel: *Shrugs*  You don't have to seek all possible answers.
Timulty Keel: Just subject every answer you find to thoughtful consideration.
Val: I am a Druid and I feel that Nature is more simple then a deep study of whatever needs insight
Val: That...
Val: is indeed wise.
Val: And I shall heed your advice regarding that.
Val: Nevertheless
Val: When I spoke to that Druid
Val: I new she was telling what for me is a given truth
Val: Because I felt it
Timulty Keel: Perhaps.
Val: *seems to be passionate*
Timulty Keel: But I know for a fact that Pallena possesses her own biases.
Val: And I agree with you that everyone does so.
Timulty Keel: Passionate words can sway our hearts, sir.
Timulty Keel: But only truth withstands reason.
Val: But Nature is the ultimate answer. The connections that Nature conjures by itself... is the only and unique truth
Val: If you can feel Nature... if you can see those connections... you can reach the answer
Timulty Keel: I see, I think, different connections than you.
Timulty Keel: But I fear nature is not, for me, the answer to everything.
Val: So it seems, and yet here we stand, both alive and wise *smiles in conclusion*
Timulty Keel: For instance, what's five plus seven?
Val: *seems surprised* Ahm... five... ahm... seven... twelve.
Timulty Keel: It would a cheap shot for me to say 'so not nature then?'  So I won't.
Timulty Keel: *Smiles innocently*
Val: *laughs*
Val: Well our own Nature allows us to have answers
Val: By ourselves
Timulty Keel: Perhaps.
Val: Without the need to extend our grasp and use what we feel
Val: You know when the sky is red and your heart is heavy... that something bad as happened..
Timulty Keel: I think if the sky has become red, either a volcano has exploded or my eyes are bleeding.
Val: Or when you feel powerless to see a baby deer born... because something good happened.
Timulty Keel: Both of which qualify as 'something bad'.
Val: Again different connections...
Timulty Keel: ...  I think I've lost you.
Timulty Keel: In any event, I wish you the best along your path.
Val: Never mind... *smiles*
Timulty Keel: But I implore you to question everything.
Val: And the same to you, good Sir.
Timulty Keel: *A slight nod*  Good day, then.
Val: *seems surprised at the usage of the word implore*


Weeks have passed and Val had yet not find a Druid that had been mentored to see the connections that Nature tangles and learn how to use them in Nature's favor. Some had just been blessed... others simply did not remember... He sought tirelessly and he knows he did what he could.

Other than that, he changed the way he viewed various situations drastically. Before, he did not know how to recognize Nature's enemies. He saw Nature as a perfect untouchable balance... but now he started to realize that although perfect in its own balancing cycles and connections, it still had enemies that tried to create unbalance.

For once, was he travelling along with folks such as Kylie Copperstone, Annwyl Cadi and Lana Poetr, among others, in a quest that involved a kidnapped and in danger son... a group of items that could lead to a powerful magic weapon... the past of a lich... a vampire that was seeking to obtain that weapon... and all in all, despite the different thoughts of the ones present, Val's perspective was clear: destroy the weapon's components, as its final imbued power is unnatural; kill the Vampire, as its dreadful existence breaks out the very cycle of life imposed by Nature; if possible then... retrieve the son, unless if possible before by some lucky opportunity.

And furthermore, Val has started a quest imposed by himself. He would use both his feelings and his capacity to think to initialize himself. Where he thought wrong was being done he tried to correct within the measure of possible. For that he followed Master Timulty Keel's wise advice:

- Always evaluate all possibilities! -- by Timulty Keel

So Val trusted his own judgement regarding what was as wrong against Nature, and what and how could be mended or improved. He did so by mixing what he felt, his intuition, with a different kind of meditation - more like pondering - that, unlike before, would focus on evaluating a situation and its solutions having in mind his immediate feelings towards the same.

Before, in a past that now was more and more forsaken since truly answered, when he was following martial law, the focus of his meditation... was himself. Now he used that capacity to concentrate and meditate over what causes unbalances and disturbs Nature's perfection.

And who knows, in case he would not find a tutor to guide him through a different kind of initiation, he might just receive a blessing that shall enlighten him, given his life dedication towards understanding and abiding Nature's perfect laws of balance.

So when he found skeletons in Vehl... he sent them back to their eternal rest. Bones are bones and should not move. When he saw Gnolls above Haven to cut and burn trees leaving a piece of naked forest to finally dry dead in the sun, he made sure those Gnolls wouldn't do so again and himself planted new trees and irrigated them for a while. And even when he took an apple from a tree in Alindor, he instinctively spat the apple's seeds onto a fertile sun bathed area near the small river's shore.

But still the animals would feel threaten by him...
But still he could not heal the unnaturally wounded with a touch...
But still he could not wave his hand and bring roots from the floor to entangle Nature's foes.
And above all... he could not, by far, master the elements as he saw it to be the most powerful mean to mend down the sources of the unnatural and the twisted.

But he was slowly grasping towards his objective... he knew he was on the right path.


Re: Morunas Khan Val, The Story of a Monk
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2010, 04:34:38 pm »
Entry 14th

Today the unexpected was at its twist of magnitude. Val was passing by a recently grown region close to Hempstead, with a few merchants and more pleasant surrounding (more Nature)... very warm welcoming, when he stumbled upon Hardragh and Pallena. *What a pair...* he thought. After brief greetings the conversation led directly onto the current issue at Dalanthar, regarding a Vampire and its search to put together the components required for a recipe of a might weapon, related to the Witch T'carre, whom once haunted Krashin.

Pallena was updated regarding such issue, as Val knew and understood her hatred for the dread from previous talk... and that she would, likely to her heart, care about this situation.

Meanwhile, Val had carried with him, for years, a growing colection of ,at the moment, 50 Fine Fire Agates and few other gems. But now he had realized the guilt upon him, which until he'd reach his grave he would always burdenly carry. To ease the pain, although never discharged of guilt, he decided to give the 50 agates away... as for the other gems he saw no greed as they could be counted with his fingers and this was past waters. So he asked Pallena and Hardragh if they knew any nearby decent fund raise. Pallena reached out her hands and said: "right here, to a poor Druid". Val understood. For Pallena those gems were as if losen already... detached. For Val they were a heavy memo of what he had greedly done in the desert. So he gave the 50 Fine Fire Agates away to Pallena's hands. He took a deep breath and set by the shore of a local stream with his feet in the water.

Then Ygraine Ursus and Xanya Enyafailm came by.

Initial greetings were in order when Hardragh had to mention the previous death of Ygraine, just few days behind, while helping a group of adventures where both Val and Hardragh were, group which was hunting down the scroll of the recipe related to the vampire issue near Dalanthar.

At first Pallena didn't seem to notice that Hardragh mentioned Ygraine taking the shape of a Vampire... but Val fell the need to question it...:


Val: Why did you have to take the shape of a dread? If I hadn't seen you fighting those weird mephits I would have thought you for a foe...

Pallena: *her eyes turn to Ygraine with rage* You're the one I've been hearing about!

Hardragh: Eh?

Pallena: *lunges at Ygraine*

Hardragh: *stumbles backwards against the wagon*

Xanya: *looks a bit questiongly at Pallena's response and waits on what will happen next*

Pallena: *it is very obvious that her intent is to kill*

Ygraine: What is wrong with you Pallena?

Pallena: *swings at her head*

Pallena: I do not suffer those who meddle with undead...

Ygraine: *she stands and takes it*

Val: *tries to stop it but was too late*

Ygraine: I do not meddle with undead! You daft woman!

Val: Wait!!! Pallena!!! She took the shape... but she's of good decent heart!!! She respects the balance...

Hardragh: *leans on the wagon* Course... apart from the vampire... and turning into undead...

Xanya: *seems ready to interfere but holds her attempts seeing Ygraine can handle it*

Pallena: *will continue to beat on Ygraine until someone stops her or she fights back*

Val: Listen to me!!! She was with us hunting the dread!!! *is attempt to recall Pallena's attention fails* *he fails to hold Pallena back*

Ygraine: I shall not lift a hand against you woman as you are obviously deranged...

Val: Pallena!!! *he shouts but without effect, still trying to pull Pallena back*

Ygraine: *she keeps trying to sidestep any blows coming at her*

Val: *he pauses briefly and steps back, then shouts all around* Relampagos?!?!?!?! -- OOC note: Relampagos is Pallena's companion, Val knew that.

-- No sign of relampagos --

-- Annwyl arrives in her horse --

Val: He won't come... *turns rapidly to Annwyl that just got of her horse* Annwyl!!! Pull her away before this gets too far...

Annwyl: I said STOP!!! Are you deaf?!? *very intimidating*

Annwyl: You think I'm joking? *draws her sword, though still unarmored*

Pallena: *stops mid swing to turn at Annwyl in surprise*

Val:*stands behind Pallena in case she tumbles backwards*

Pallena: *points at Ygraine* She's the necromancer... *growls* I should have known...

Annwyl: She is no necromancer! She may have some poor judgement in the shapes she chooses but she is not a practitioner of necromancy.

Xanya: *looks from Pallena to Ygraine* She... a necromancer? Yeah right... *bursts out in laughter*

Pallena: I have two witnesses here, and your own words.

Val: *chuckles softly and talks in kind words* No Pallena... I assure Ygraine is no necromancer... she can shift to strange shapes... but I can tell you she is nothing of the sort.

Pallena: *is fuming* I told you I would put a stake through anyone messing with undead, and I aim to.

Val: *at Ygraine* You ok?

Hardragh: *puts a hand on his hilt* This is a small town... perhaps tis better to safe these ill feelings for a better day... *very persuasive*

Annwyl: Hardragh is quite correct. This is not time nor place for blood letting. *she sheathes her sword for the moment thought her hand rests firmly on the grim*

Val: *at Pallena, in a soft tone, meaning no harm or insult* She looked like one... she was not one... you should know better that appearances are not everything.

Hardragh: If it smells like a vamp and kills like a vamp, tis a vamp.

Pallena: Bah... *to Val* *nods in agreement with Hardragh*

Hardragh: But tis no reason to battle in the middle of a town...

Annwyl: You shoul dknow that this is a subject of some discussion already between my wife and I. Perhaps a moment to hear all sides is warranted.

Pallena: *growls at Ygraine* Beware girl. Real druids will hunt you down.

Val: That is so wrong... imagine that, for some ball, a wizard makes some magic, just for fun and no harm done, and makes humans look like vampires?

Val: You know Sir Timulty Keel once wisely told me *quotes* You must evaluate all possibilities!

Pallena: People seem to like you *at Ygraine* so maybe you can recant your ways. But I have my doubts... *growling ferally, stalks off*

-- Pallena leaves without a word --

Hardragh: Come on Val... you saw her leeching on those fey...

Val: I did not! *at Hardragh*

Annwyl: Let me understand the issue clearly, please. *she looks at Pallena, going away, to Ygraine, and back again* Pallena?

Xanya: I think there is no more talking to that woman...

Val: *at Hardragh* Why are you making this mess? You know that's not true!

Hardragh: Is it? I saw them fey wither away at her touch.

Val: You just managed to sway Pallena away and cause a ridiculous unneeded event.

Val: She changes her shapes! She is not an undead! *points at Ygraine* Look at her with your own eyes!!! See beneath hers... there is no undead.

Hardragh: I ain't arguing semantics... you saw how the druid reacted.

Val: Pallena deeply hates undead and any kind of abberation to Nature.

Xanya: *points to Val* You see... there is a reason for her behavior.

Annwyl: It can most certainly cloud judgement...

Val: There is... but there is no reason for Hardragh to feed it.

Hardragh: I weren't feeding...! *though extremly well bluffing, Val knows the truth for a fact and pays know attention*

Val: He should know better *seems minimally angry and agitated* This was an unneeded balance. May you all learn from this... *walks away already ignoring the conversation*

-- Val leaves the scene --


Val has the feeling in due time he will better understand this event. As for now, he above all understood that the unbalances of the world, such as the dreadful undead, spread unbalance through all unthinkable means... including by raising hatred and chaos just by being mentioned... where peace alone should be found and here was lost. It was just another journey to the heart of Druidism and Val more and more worships the balance of the Nature's tangling mantras.

OOC note: some sayings were removed because this was Val's perspective of the conversation, as in the mess, he did not clearly heard all. If any of the participants wish to add/change/remove something let me know.


Re: Morunas Khan Val, The Story of a Monk
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2010, 02:24:56 pm »
15th Entry

A random encounter... with Tramel Boughtwister:

Tramel   Boughtwister: *glances back* Um..heya
Val: *as he passes distracted towards the tinkering area he nods*
Tramel   Boughtwister: *sighs as he washes off the mud from a stone*  
Tramel   Boughtwister: *grumbles* Greenstone..swell
Val: *smiles* Pretty stone huh?
Tramel   Boughtwister: Pretty?  Not so much.  
Tramel   Boughtwister: I ain't no gemmer though
Tramel   Boughtwister: You?
Val: Certainly... what can I do for you?
Tramel   Boughtwister: Oh, nothing, unless..he holds out the greenstone*  You can use this?
Val: You wanted it made into a fine gem?
Val: I can do that for you easily
Tramel   Boughtwister: Nope, I was just going to throw it in the trash
Val: Or if you need it in dust
Tramel   Boughtwister: I just found it on my travels all encrusted with mud
Val: Don't throw it to the thrash! *seems a bit disturbed*
Val: If you have no use for it return it to the land
Tramel   Boughtwister: It's just a rock  *shrugs* But iffn' ya want it it's all yours
Val: I might take it but yet again to return it to Nature
Val: It's a minor deed...
Tramel   Boughtwister: I guess I could throw it into the harbor..or did ya mean ya want me to plant it
Val: But if everyone would do so Nature wouldn't suffer as much
Val: *laughs*
Val: Plant a gem? No...
Val: Simply let it be where it was
Tramel   Boughtwister: Nature don't look to be suffering to me.  It was nice and sunny when i came in here
Val: Where did you find it?
Tramel   Boughtwister: *scratches his head* Um...
Tramel   Boughtwister: On a dogface I think
Val: *smiles* Beautiful day does not mean all is well...
Val: My kinsmen for one dig to deep under the ground,....
Val: Leaving unnatural caves and poisons
Val: Right beneath our feet...
Tramel   Boughtwister: Then go lecture them on nature
Val: *chuckles*
Val: You don't know Dwarves mate...
Val: I am a Dwarf... but different then the common kin
Tramel   Boughtwister: Differnet how?  *quirks a brow*
Val: *drinks a sip of water*
Val: Well...
Val: You sure you want to listen?
Tramel   Boughtwister: it interesting and is there any saving of pretty lasses?
Val: Pretty lasses? Not so much
Tramel   Boughtwister: Like Delia there  *waggles his eyebrows* Now she's a looker
Val: Interesting... I might say so but who am I to judge
Val: **takes a brief look*
Val: Count no lasses on... still interested?
Tramel   Boughtwister: *slicks his hair back and waves to Delai with a growing smile*
Tramel   Boughtwister: Sure, let's hear it
Tramel   Boughtwister: *his eyes focused on Delia*
Val: Alright then *sits, as if perfectly normal place to sit*
Val: *takes a deep breath*
Val: My name is Morunas Khan Val
Val: Legacy of D'moon
Val: D'moon... is... was... my family
Val: Considered by some... perhaps many who knows... radical Dwarves
Tramel   Boughtwister: **sshifts his gaze to Morunas as Delia wanders out of sight*
Val: The D'moon was a family of warriors
Val: Not warriors with steel and trickeries to win a battle over
Tramel   Boughtwister: **looks about to say something but bites his tongue and remains quiet*
Val: Pure warriors of body mind and soul, all seeking perfection under the discipline and martial law of the art of combat.
Val: *sits*
Val: Well... enough to say they didn't like... nearly dispited actually the common armored Dwarves
Val: But of course they couldn't outcast the - so to speak - real Dwarves...
Val: They were the outcasts
Val: But they were proud to be so
Val: Truth is
Val: Through time...
Val: The family, as the nomads they were... spread
Tramel   Boughtwister: Like pollen on a windy day?
Val: and was softly dismissed like wind takes the fog
Val: Exactly *smiles on Tramel's metaphor*
Val: I am as far as I mother told me before she passed... the last of the D'moon
Val: Ever since I have fought the world and meditated over myself to find the perfection in me... until few years ago...
Tramel   Boughtwister: Hmm...I met a lady dwarf not two or three days past..maybe she could help ya make more D'moons?
Val: *Laughs broadly* Perhaps... but as ackward enough it was for a Dwarf to be bold *points at his head*
Val: *sit*
Val: I found perfection outside of me
Val: Just get out of Hempstead and breath the fresh wind of the fields
Val: And you will feel it too
Val: Nature
Tramel   Boughtwister: **nibbles on a handfull of raisins as he listens, popping them into his mouth one at a time like popcorn*
Val: I found perfection in Nature, through meditation this was
Tramel   Boughtwister: Oh!  The fields....
Tramel   Boughtwister: I've walked those grounds many a time
Val: Indeed... *smiles* or a forest... an island... a mountain... a river... a plains...
Tramel   Boughtwister: *grins* Even helped water the plants ...when nature called
Val: *grins* Nature is perfection
Val: It balances the world
Val: Constantly
Val: It binds all together
Val: Life and death... growth and decay...
Val: It has such a tremendous power...
Val: And it is flawless
Val: Hence the perfection
Tramel   Boughtwister: So...does that mean I should go give this rock back to the dead dogface I found it on?
Val: Dead dog face?
Val: A dog had it in his mouth?
Tramel   Boughtwister: *nods* Well..not really in it's mouth, more in it's satchel
Val: A dog had a satchel???
Tramel   Boughtwister: Short little meanie, with a snout almost like a dog
Tramel   Boughtwister: That's why I call 'em dogfaces
Val: Ah... a Kobbie
Val: Well...
Tramel   Boughtwister: His bones might still be laying there...I could put the stone on those..
Tramel   Boughtwister: If I could find 'em
Val: *chuckles although a bit touched*
Val: Well...
Val: Poor Kobold...
Tramel   Boughtwister: Poor kobold!?  He almost had me for dinner!
Val: Can you blame him for that?
Tramel   Boughtwister: I was just wandering the forest, minding my own business..
Val: He was probably hungry!
Tramel   Boughtwister: *smiles* Well, I am rather sweet
Val: *laughs*
Val: Regarding the stone... I guess I could have it if you woudl dispatch it anyway
Val: And I shall retrieve it to Nature
Tramel   Boughtwister: *shrugs* Alrighty, all yours  **hands over the stone*
Val: To take from Nature is fine... but there are limits... and there must be returns
Val: *nods and thanks*
Val: *sis*
Tramel   Boughtwister: Don't drop it on your's kinda heavy
Val: *sits*
Val: Don't worry *grabs one of his strong bare foot*
Val: My feet are more rocky then rocks for how far they have walked
Val: But resuming and concluding the story
Val: I have set aside the way of the D'moon
Val: Because the perfection we always tried to seek...
Val: Was not in us
Val: But around us
Val: And I know now that I am a Druid
Val: Yet to learn and understand Nature
Tramel   Boughtwister: **gulps a little and casts a quick glance at his leathers*  
Tramel   Boughtwister:'s say a hunter needs food and clothing for his family...
Val: *stands and yawns a bit*
Tramel   Boughtwister: Is he more important and can kill what he needs..or is nature and his family should go with out?
Val: He should do what he must as long as he strays to keep the balance
Val: If he kills one deer because they need a deer then so shall it be
Val: But if he kills not only one... but five or six
Val: For whatever reason
Val: And not need it
Val: It will be wasting Nature's creation
Tramel   Boughtwister: Maybe they were a family of giants and could each eat a deet..
Val: And more...
Tramel   Boughtwister: so they would need five or six
Val: If he colects... he must return...
Tramel   Boughtwister: *deer
Val: It is a good deed for instance to feed and protect those deers
Val: To the price that one day one of them will fall for the sake of the family
Val: That's how Nature works its magic
Tramel   Boughtwister: But, if ya feed and protect them to much won't they overpopulate?
Val: You realize him and his family are as well Nature
Val: You will only overpopulate if you can't keep the balance.
Val: And yet again
Tramel   Boughtwister: So, if we are nature as well...
Val: if he would overpopulate them
Tramel   Boughtwister: and nature protects itself and keeps itself in balance...
Val: Nature would soon work its magic
Val: And wolves would have a filled belly
Val: Because many deers are easier to spot and find
Tramel   Boughtwister: we should be able to take whatever we see fit, since we are doing natures work, yes?
Val: Then a few
Val: No you are not thinking properly
Val: Compare yourself to a wolf
Val: The wolf kills one deer
Tramel   Boughtwister: I ain't as furry
Val: Perhaps
Val: But
Val: The wolf eats one deer
Val: And is happy with his belly filled
Val: One day the wolf will die and return both him and the deer to earth
Val: Which feed the grass... that more deers eat
Tramel   Boughtwister: I betcha he returns the wolf sooner then before he dies
Tramel   Boughtwister: err....the deer
Tramel   Boughtwister: *chuckles* Now ya got me talkin' in circles and confusin' myself
Val: *laughs* Indeed he might
Val: Well then I shall not confuse you more *smiles*
Val: Just ask of you that whenever you might have a greedy tendence, as everyone does, think of how that might hit Nature... which will hit right back at you
Tramel   Boughtwister: Well, it was nice meetin' ya Morunas..can I call ya Moru for short? Oh!  I'm Tramel..Tramel of Wayfare
Tramel   Boughtwister: *nods* I'll try ta keep that in mind, next time I'm plundering nature  *laughs*
Val: For instance... if you kill all the Kobolds in those hills... a greater tribe of Kobolds might feel tempted to install themselves there...
Val: And you might not live to realise your mistake
Val: Think Nature-wise... and act Nature-wise... and you will find peace.
Tramel   Boughtwister: **taps his temple with his index finger* Good thinkin'..yer a smart fella
Val: I bet you could have the same thoughts my little friend... who's name is?
Tramel   Boughtwister: I just told ya...Tramel..Tramel of Wayfare
Val: Oh! Right... Tramel *smiles*
Tramel   Boughtwister: *chuckles*
Tramel   Boughtwister: But, I best be gettin' ta my chores
Val: Have you any story for me? *smiles*
Val: Ah ok.. another time perhaps then?
Tramel   Boughtwister: *nods* I'd be happy ta tell ya over a drink or two in a day or so
Val: So it shall be *bows head slightly*
Tramel   Boughtwister: I'll look for ya in the Scamps in a day or two then  *waves*
Val: May the wind blow in your favor, Tramel of Wayfare
Tramel   Boughtwister:'t step in any dung Val *grins*
Val: If I do... I'll think of the deer
Val: *laughs broadly as he leaves*


Re: Morunas Khan Val, The Story of a Monk
« Reply #15 on: October 29, 2010, 03:00:24 pm »
Entry 16th:

Few days have passed since the incident between Pallena and Ygraine. Val was, this at twilight, listening from afar to the local town speaker in Center while resting in some logs and embraced by the soft warmth of a small fireplace, there set for the common traveler. And by the highest coincidence - or perhaps just because all roads lead to the Center, as the other one would say - Ygraine Ursus passed by, riding a horse and focused on the road, unaware of Val's presence as she passed. Val on the other hand was at that time diffusely staring at the slow dancing flames of the low fire, bent over himself over the log, with his shoulders on his knees and his head held by his hands. Signs of beard and hair growth started to sprout, of a brown so dark that almost seemed black.

But Ygraine turned around and settled her horse nearby the camp, then noticing Val's presence... and approached:

Val: *Val seems relaxed, his eyes following the flaming dance of the campfire... with a hint of awareness, yet apparently merged into his thoughts*
Val:  *looks up to Ygraine* Oh! Greetings!
Val:  Hey... sorry about that mess yesterday. Was unwise of me to unintentionally startle Pallena against you... good nobody got hurt, right? *smiles honestly*
Ygraine Ursus:  how are you after that silliness last time
Val:  What matters is how you are
Ygraine Ursus:  Nobody got hurt, but I do not understand why she went so wild
Val:  Well
Val:  Pallena has a very... sudden temper when it comes to the dread... or just sudden temper no matter what *chuckles, while softly grasping the grass under his hands*
Ygraine Ursus:  she showed no control which is strange
Val:  *nods at Admorin* Greetings good Sir
Ygraine Ursus:  hmm, I suppose you are right
Admorin Oakbound: ah there you are ygraine, *nods at the dwarf*
Ygraine Ursus:  *nods to Admorin as he arrives*
Admorin Oakbound: *examines hte fire*  
Ygraine Ursus:  *smiles at them both* yes, I wondered about that fire
Val:  *Puts his pack aside*
Admorin Oakbound: got a lot of wood burning there, a few more stones round the outside might be more efficient
Ygraine Ursus:  I think it uses renewable materials or something
Admorin Oakbound: yes looks like dropped wood...someone who care shten eh
Ygraine Ursus:  we can only hope
Ygraine Ursus: Forage for food and water.
Val:  *looks at the fire then at Admorin* You think... well... what are we waiting for!? *runs around quickly and gathers a big ammount of losen stones*
Ygraine Ursus: Sit by the fire and relax.
Admorin Oakbound: Forage for food and water.
Admorin Oakbound: Sit by the fire and relax.
Val:  *bends and completes the circle of stones better*
Ygraine Ursus:  *she smiles benevolently at Morunas*
Val:  There... *smiles* it should not get out of control
Admorin Oakbound: You have all the traits of someone who might sit close to the fire of life
Val:  *sits in the log, then looks at the other two on the ground and follows the example*
Val: Sit by the fire and relax.
Admorin Oakbound: Unusual in a lived the wilds someplace?
Val:  *seems surprised at Admorin words, happily suprised*
Val:  All my life...
Admorin Oakbound: Where is your armour..don't tell me you are one of these Voraxian druids?
Ygraine Ursus:  *she looks to Admorin* he is but a small stream of water at the moment, I think
Val:  I follow no god...
Admorin Oakbound: I see
Val:  I was once a warrior of body mind and soul
Ygraine Ursus:  Not even Katia? *she looks surprised*
Val:  Who saught perfection within himself
Admorin Oakbound: *arches an eyebrow*
Val:  And... *looks intesively to the fire* found perfection somewhere else
Ygraine Ursus:  there is so much death and destruction about *she sighs*
Admorin Oakbound: there is an inner self in us all I think
Ygraine Ursus:  Oh absolutely Squishy
Ygraine Ursus:  And it is in everyone to find their inner self
Admorin Oakbound: shape and form are just thta an expression of..self
Val:  There is... but no perfection... *while grasping a few leafs from the ground, some more fresh then others* Nature's balance... is perfect.
Ygraine Ursus:  More than that....they are shells to be assumed to benefit the self
Admorin Oakbound: as long as you dont slip on it
Val:  *smiles*
Ygraine Ursus:  Ah my friend, but the balance is under threat all the time *she waves her arm around the encampment*
Admorin Oakbound: Even my mother's pancakes were not perfect..but it is pretty close I guess in nature
Xanya Enyafailm: Hi everyone.
Ygraine Ursus:  hello sis...take a seat
Val:  *laughs broadly and relaxes a bit*
Admorin Oakbound: ah tlaking of inner selfs here is Xanya
Val:  **greets at Xanya*
Ygraine Ursus:  Xanya is very much in touch with her inner self
Admorin Oakbound: Say Ygraine what made you become a Druid?
Xanya Enyafailm: *Takes her cape off and sits down*
Ygraine Ursus:  I was groomed to become a shaman of my tribe from birth
Val:  *seems to wake up his attention and looks at Ygraine*
Ygraine Ursus:  and my path was always leading to that
Admorin Oakbound: I was groomed to distract people while my brothers stole
Ygraine Ursus:  *she grins* I like that
Val:  *raises an eyebrow*
Ygraine Ursus:  good joke, my froend
Val:  And how would you distract people? *chuckles*
Val:  Singing?
Admorin Oakbound: No really they did and Eventually they left me in the Forest of Fog one day ..after a chase
Admorin Oakbound: I was so at one with nature the woods and all I ran full length in panic right into a Satyr
Val:  *listens, staring at the fire*
Ygraine Ursus:  *she seems not to be disturbed by this*
Xanya Enyafailm: *smiles and listens to admorings story*
Ygraine Ursus:  *her eyes glaze a little as she too remembers his tale*
Val:  A Satyr? *seems surprised*
Admorin Oakbound: naturally you would imagine we both lived happily ever after in a bonding of self and nature
Admorin Oakbound: actually he cpatured me and held me prisoner but |thats something Im not proud of and prefer to forget
Val:  Oh... I see...
Val:  And what happened after?
Admorin Oakbound: Yeah well I got a lot of time to think then
Val:  **nods comprehensively*
Admorin Oakbound: on account I was bound to an oak tree in a forst ..well full of trees
Görmungard Boulderanvil: 'annur Val
Admorin Oakbound: Not much else to do
Admorin Oakbound: othe rthna the Satyr's chores
Val: [Tell]  *looks up briefly to Gormungard* Hello kin
Val: *looks up briefly to Gormungard* 'annur gar
Admorin Oakbound: why it is another Dwarf
Ygraine Ursus: **she leans back and watches the birds circle in the sky above her*
Görmungard Boulderanvil: *nods*
Ygraine Ursus: *and almost gets a look up Gorm's skirts*
Admorin Oakbound: and one not os daft as to be adorned in armour either..what a day
Admorin Oakbound: Forage for food.
Ygraine Ursus: not stand so close please!!
Admorin Oakbound: Sit by the fire and relax.
Xanya Enyafailm: **nods to Gormungrad*  
Görmungard Boulderanvil: our' thkann 'azga k'a pourq urwa 'anl lurntth urr our'?
Admorin Oakbound: I was just explaining inner self
Val:  **turns back to admorin* So... tied to an oak?
Admorin Oakbound: in common
Ygraine Ursus: *she turns to Gorm* who?
Görmungard Boulderanvil: *smiles* was talkin' te Val
Ygraine Ursus: **she nods*
Val: [Tell]  *quickly at Gormungard* Indeed I do, take it from that pack over there **points*
Val: *quickly at Gormungard* Artaat A tur, kazga ak wahurl k'azk rhazzig urgah k'aha **rhurarkth*
Görmungard Boulderanvil: aye
Görmungard Boulderanvil: how much yeh want fer eht?
Admorin Oakbound: oh yeah there i was surrounded by trees and and this crazy satyr making me work ....come to think of it he was probably not as bad as my brothers
Val: [Tell]  You have mentioned three thousand true
Val: Our' 'azga larkaurrat k'haa k'ur'thazrt kh'a
Görmungard Boulderanvil: **nods*  
Görmungard Boulderanvil: be roight back
Admorin Oakbound: but not much of a talker...he had strayed from the fire place somewhat
Val:  **turns rapidly to Admorin not to loos track*
Xanya Enyafailm: **listens to admorins story again smiling at the thought of learning some more of him*
Admorin Oakbound: anyway i spent a little crazy time talking to my woodland friends
Val:  Interesting... *slightly comprehends*
Admorin Oakbound: *smiles at a memory* yeah things like hey rabbit get me a knife, and Mr falcon please drop that cheese
Admorin Oakbound: yes well you can imagine the rest
Xanya Enyafailm: **giggles*
Val:  *laughs innocently*
Val:  Well... I do that with my good Ox Olgur often
Admorin Oakbound: the rabbit got me a knife I cut the rope and the falcon left a trail of cheese out the forest
Ygraine Ursus: **she traces the bird's flights with her hand*
Val:  Nothing to be ashame of... although he doesn't understand my words he understands the connotation... the tone... the softness or harshness
Admorin Oakbound: yeah well actually i was still there a long time after thta dream
Val:  So they did understand you! Impressive!
Val:  Oh... it was a dream **scratches head*
Admorin Oakbound: No they did not understand me at all well maybe they laughed yeah I am sure the rabbit laughed because he kept coming by
Xanya Enyafailm: I can understand animals too. and they can understand me.  
Admorin Oakbound: a bit of both they really were there...but I only dreamed they would help  
Admorin Oakbound: No I was there for nearly a year
Görmungard Boulderanvil: *hands Val three bags of coins*
Admorin Oakbound: It was a passing Druid helped me
Xanya Enyafailm: well's more of a way of cuminicating emotions and such I think. ahm ... never mind. *listens to admorin again*
Ygraine Ursus: *she sits up as Gorm arrives*
Val:  *nods at Gormungard, doesn't even check*
Val: [Tell]  Thank you *bows head slightly and sits again*
Val: K'azrg our' *bows head slightly and sits again*
Val:  Join us *at Gormungard* this good sir here is telling a very interesting story
Görmungard Boulderanvil: *cralws into the tent*
Ygraine Ursus: Excuse me a moment..I forgot I need to do something
Val:  Oh! A druid resqued you?
Admorin Oakbound: anyway I learned a lot about myself I suppose
Xanya Enyafailm: *to Ygraine* you don;t want to listen?
Admorin Oakbound: yeah yeah some druids came by one day and shooed the Satyr back off
Val:  *nods, happy with the outcome*
Ygraine Ursus:  oh, enraptured sis, but I have heard Squishy's story before
Admorin Oakbound: They had my vote from that day on, never asked for thanks but they got it by deed
Val:  And they set you free again. You went back to your brothers? *sits*
Val:  I see...
Admorin Oakbound: No I was done with that part of my life, and theres seemed .....nearer the fire place for me
Val:  **nods*
Xanya Enyafailm: interesting story admorin.
Val:  So you left the druids after helping them to pay of?
Admorin Oakbound: They took me in ...had a little hamlet deep in the forest, in fact I went back there recently with Ygraine and a rnager called Caerwyn
Val:  *doesn't recognize the second name*
Val:  But... did you become a druid?
Xanya Enyafailm: cearwyn? I know him.  
Val:  *sit*
Annwyl Cadi :  Swing up wailm  
Admorin Oakbound: He is all bow but he is a straight shooter, and mostly sits close enough to the fire place to earn respect
Ygraine Ursus:  *she jumps up behind her wife on the horse
Ygraine Ursus:  ride fast faceelaw
Annwyl Cadi :  Hold on tightly then  
Ygraine Ursus:  *grins and holds her tight*
Admorin Oakbound: Well I don't know for sure hard to explain what was always in you and what I learned with the Satyr and afterwards in the Druids company...but one dya I just knew it was for me and they must have sensed to the same..for they let me try
Admorin Oakbound: and here I am.....despite all the Drach effort to end me
Val:  Indeed... my mistake.. you were already a Druid in yourself. I meant to be able to learn the way of Druids, improve who you were already.
Admorin Oakbound: it is not a road everyone can or would want
Val:  I want *says determined*
Annwyl Cadi :  Ceela? Would you like to slide down as well?
Admorin Oakbound: who can be sure I am not...I mean I was not running about hustling for my brothers thinking I must be a Druid one day
Val:  I know now who I am. What I am.
Xanya Enyafailm: *smiles as Ygraien gets back and waves to annwyl when she sees her*
Ygraine Ursus:  *she grins and slowly slides off the horse*
LayssamAela: [What would you like to do?]  
Annwyl Cadi: [Tie the horse down so it will stay here.]
Admorin Oakbound: and even when I thought I did know it ....was a long path in a misty forest  
Annwyl Cadi :  Iracce laelaanam *she smiles as she pulls her hood back*
Admorin Oakbound: before I learned to sit on a flat stone near the camp fire
Xanya Enyafailm: I tend to say to people that or during combat that My true form can do a better job then my elven form.  
Admorin Oakbound: Forage for food.
Val:  *nods at Annwyl* Greetings
Val:  *sit*
Xanya Enyafailm: actualy revering to my bear form.  
Xanya Enyafailm: sounds silly some times thought.
Ygraine Ursus:  *she slips off her scales and rests brielfy*
Xanya Enyafailm: as I was born in this elven  body.  
Annwyl Cadi :  Hello Sir *she smiles to Morunas** I am so very sorry that our last meeting was under such trying circumstances
Admorin Oakbound: If yuo ever need a place to htink in the forest you know what to do Dwraf?
Val:  Indeed...
Admorin Oakbound: *chuckles* just let a satyr sneak up and charm you
Annwyl Cadi :  *she giggles at Admorin as she waves Ygraine to come sit beside her*
Xanya Enyafailm: *giggles at admorins remark*
Val:  In the forest? I can think everywhere in the forest... the forest is the place. But I can as well think in the top of the mountain where the wind is pure...
Ygraine Ursus: hello
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: so... a staff for you Ygraine?
Ygraine Ursus: Indeed if you have it
Val:  Or floating in a calm stream...
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: I need to fetch it from Wayfare. but I shall be right back
Admorin Oakbound: No ...look I don't know if this is your journey too but day you will if it is for you will just kind of know it one day.....You keep that inner baalnce...balanced and all of a sudden you will be at the fire place of life
Annwyl Cadi :  ... Or in a warm bed beside your heart's desire *she smiles with a merry twinkle to her eye*
Val:  *seems to devour the words into his thoughts*
Admorin Oakbound: let all the world rush by......and it seems to slow inner calm
Xanya Enyafailm: *giggles at the mention of fireplace*
Ygraine Ursus: *grins and nudges Annwyl*
Admorin Oakbound: thinking time
Admorin Oakbound: Sit by the fire and relax.
Val:  **nods in comprehention*
Xanya Enyafailm: *to herself mostly* don't think you'd want to see my fire place.
Ygraine Ursus: it is not an easy lesson to learn in a world of hurt like this is
Admorin Oakbound: well thats enough stories for one day the reality of attending a tree planting party awaits
Admorin Oakbound: no calm without a little planting eh
Val:  Tree planting? That should be interesting... could I join? I have a pair of hands and a clean soul.
Ygraine Ursus: I know that birth is in pain, even though animals don't show it
Ygraine Ursus: excuse me a moment
Admorin Oakbound: sure it is just a 10 days walk south....maybe looking at you you might run
Ygraine Ursus: good to see you again
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir: *hands her a staff* likewise
Val:  I love to run and pass like the wind. And certainly would like to join you. When are you leaving?
Admorin Oakbound: *winks at Xanya* Me I will use that inner self for less effort
Annwyl Cadi :  Are women permitted to attend and even help, Admorin?  
Xanya Enyafailm: *smiles to admorin as he winks to her*
Val:  Women... men... hawks and worms... everyone has a link to the trees *smiles*
Annwyl Cadi :  I see **she nods*
Xanya Enyafailm: my link to tree's is easy.
Annwyl Cadi :  You should show Admorin your tree Xanya  
Xanya Enyafailm: I can change into a bear and bears use tree's to get ride of that nasty itch on there backs.
Ygraine Ursus: sorry everyone, I was looking at my new purchase there
Xanya Enyafailm: my tree? oh right that one.
Annwyl Cadi :  *she smiles to Ygraine*
Admorin Oakbound: well people god day
Xanya Enyafailm: it's a spot with a great story with it.  
Admorin Oakbound: *good
Xanya Enyafailm: admorin?
Val:  **nods at Admorin* Good day... Admorin.
Annwyl Cadi :  Farewell Admorin **she waves*
Xanya Enyafailm: if you ever want to see my tree spot. let me know.
Ygraine Ursus: [Whisper]  *grins* I'll let you see it once we are done here, faceelaw
Admorin Oakbound: bye all
Ygraine Ursus:  oh, beloved, I have some dusts for you
Annwyl Cadi :  It is a wonderful story Sir *to Morunas*
Annwyl Cadi :  Oh, you do? Thank you
Val:  **seems to have been in his own thoughts*
Val:  **turns to Annwyl* Story? Ah! Admorin's
Val:  ?
Annwyl Cadi :  No no. Xanya's story that goes along with her tree
Val:  Oh... *to Xanya* I'm sorry was still thinking over Admorin's words... I only got few words of yours.
Val:  You said... you had your own tree?
Ygraine Ursus:  *she frowns at him, but seems to understand his thoughts*
Xanya Enyafailm: yes I do. sort of.
Val:  *he seems interested in getting up to speed with Xanya's story, his expression clearly indicates that*
Ygraine Ursus:  **she leans her head on Annwyl's shoulder and her eyes close a little*
Xanya Enyafailm: you know fort wayfare right?
Val:  Indeed I do... recently startled by the Mist if my ears serve me well.
Xanya Enyafailm: **nods* well if you travel ...west from there you will end up in the peak of the watchers. I believe it's called.
Annwyl Cadi :  *she pulls up her hood as the rain starts to fall*
Val:  *tries, in vain, to remember*
Xanya Enyafailm: right there is a tree standing there. almost looking as if it is all by it self.
Val:  *Val stays bald to the rain, nevertheless you notice he has not shaved his head nor beard for some days, which he always used to*
Val:  Oh... I see...
Val:  And you have planted this tree?
Xanya Enyafailm: **shakes her head* no my storry is not about planting a tree.  
Xanya Enyafailm: it actualy was a day a bit less rainy then this one.
Val:  *listens in silence*
Annwyl Cadi :  *she tosses the edge of her cloak about Ygraine's shoulders*
Val:  *sit*
Xanya Enyafailm: when I traveled along that road and came a cross that tree.
Ygraine Ursus:  **she smiles and snuggles in closer*
Xanya Enyafailm: the tree had falen on the ground and had traped a forrest animal under it.
Xanya Enyafailm: poor thing was trapped and could not move at all.  
Val:  **surprised expression*
Xanya Enyafailm: so I tried to calm it and let it know I was there to help him out.
Xanya Enyafailm: and when I understood, I tried my best to lift that tree all by myself.
Xanya Enyafailm: it was rather heavy as you can imagine and I could not do it by myself.
Val:  **nods in comprehension*
Xanya Enyafailm: but I was determand to do it anyway. so I focused on my inner barbarian rage and hoped that the extra strenght would be enought to lift the tree.
Xanya Enyafailm: again no results.
Annwyl Cadi :  **she nods quietly to her wife as Xanya's tale unfolds*
Xanya Enyafailm: so I tried to focus deeper hoping to get more strenght, and thats when i felt something new.
Val:  **awaits minimally anxious a conclusion*
Xanya Enyafailm: something deeper then my barbarian rage.  
Xanya Enyafailm: not thinking a single moment I focused on it.
Xanya Enyafailm: and as I did I felt it something grow inside of me.  
Xanya Enyafailm: I gained more strenght and was able to lift the tree up just enought to let the forrest animal out.
Val:  **seems surprised and glad for the outcome*
Xanya Enyafailm: it of course ran away into safety.
Xanya Enyafailm: I however kept focusing on that new feeling.
Xanya Enyafailm: and thats when it happend.
Xanya Enyafailm: My body began to change...
Val:  Change?
Xanya Enyafailm: ....My hands turned into claws,  
Xanya Enyafailm: . my feet and legs became shorter,  
Val:  **eyes wide open, amazed*
Val:  **raises an eyebrow*
Xanya Enyafailm: ....I mouth grew larger,.....
Xanya Enyafailm: ,,....I gained fur,...
Val:  **still amazed* You... transformed yourself into a wolf?
Xanya Enyafailm: ....and my back ......changed as well....
Xanya Enyafailm: ....*giggles*  no no....
Xanya Enyafailm: ....this was the first time that I changed into a bear.
Xanya Enyafailm: the changes happend rather fast,  
Xanya Enyafailm: and I was a black bear.  
Xanya Enyafailm: I had managed to do what My mother could. and I followed in her footsteps.
Xanya Enyafailm: ..That day so long ago....I became a bear warrior.
Ygraine Ursus:  *she sighs happily* it is a wonderful story, sis
Ygraine Ursus:  and it is all about inner belief in self
Val:  *seems amazed*
Annwyl Cadi :  You could show this gentleman Laela **she nods* Though outside of town I think, lest you frighten the locals
Val:  **nods slowly* Wonderful indeed... a Bear Warrior? I have never met one before *smiles*
Xanya Enyafailm: it was that day that I knew that to become a bear warrior I would need to focus on all heated emotions. Like hate, grief, happiness,... stuff like that.
Val:  **nods* Makes sense
Xanya Enyafailm: *to morunas* well you met one now.
Ygraine Ursus:  Do you want to see the bears now?>
Val:  Certainly, that would be interesting *smiles* never witnessed such change
Ygraine Ursus:  *she grins to Xanya* Xanya and I could put on a show for you
Annwyl Cadi :  Fair warning Sir, our Sister is no longer a small black bear when she changes *she smiles to Xanya with great admiration*
Xanya Enyafailm: indeed annwyl. my bear form has changed twice since that day.  
Ygraine Ursus:  *her eyes glow with pride at Xanya*
Val:  *laughs innocently* I believe you.
Xanya Enyafailm: and if you want to see me change....I'd rather want us to find a safer place ....away from people and towns.
Ygraine Ursus:  come then girls, let's show Val
Val:  Certainly... what about driven of the path from here to Hempstead?
Annwyl Cadi :  Please *she stands and offers Val a hand up*
Val:  It's a calm shore...
Ygraine Ursus:  out by Lake Splendor would do fine
Xanya Enyafailm: it could do....I think.
Val:  *accepts the hand up and stands*
Ygraine Ursus:  *she stands*
Val:  *he takes his pack slowly from the side of the log onto his backs*
Val:  **passes his hand to the round softened side of his hate and puts it on*
Xanya Enyafailm: *stand up slowly*
Val:  You're fully yourself when you're a bear? *asking while getting some wet earth off his butt*
Xanya Enyafailm: in a way.  
Val:  Or do you have bear instincts... such as predatory?
Annwyl Cadi :  Ygraine can understand her vocalizations but has to translate for me
Ygraine Ursus:  *grins* badly at times too
Xanya Enyafailm: I think that would describe me better. yes. but I am in controll thought.
Val:  Alright I shall keep my distance *laughs*
Ygraine Ursus:  shall we?
Val:  I see...
Xanya Enyafailm: *smiles* might be a wize idea.
Ygraine Ursus:  *she half turns to head to the lake*
Annwyl Cadi :  Yes  
Val:  *is ready to follow*
Ygraine Ursus:  be a good boiy Anyl
Val:  Which... way?
Xanya Enyafailm: right thats thway.
Ygraine Ursus:  *she gives her horse some sugar*
Annwyl Cadi :  Lanilla anirama Layssam *she smiles to her horse*
Ygraine Ursus:  by the water perhaps?
Xanya Enyafailm: *nods*
Val:  *waits behind some logs*
Xanya Enyafailm: ready?
Annwyl Cadi :  Were it not so cool, I should like to swim
Val:  *nods*
Ygraine Ursus:  *she takes her usual place beside Annwyl*
Ygraine Ursus:  *grins at her* we could do that
Ygraine Ursus:  go sis
Xanya Enyafailm: *she closes her eyes and focus's on her barbarian rage*
Ygraine Ursus:  you are an idiot *she shouts at Xanya to help*
Ygraine Ursus:  daughter of a troll
Val:  *laughs a bit confused though*
Xanya Enyafailm: *then she takes the rage further and focuses in her inner bear, with in she changes in seconds*
Ygraine Ursus:  *whispers to Val* this all helps
Xanya Enyafailm: *roars loud and angy*
Annwyl Cadi :  Ceela Shhhh *she laughs*
Val:  *steps back*
Val:  Im.... pressive
Ygraine Ursus:  yes, amazing, isn;t it?
Annwyl Cadi :  Come come.. Val, is it? Please
Val:  I... I...
Ygraine Ursus:  come on Val...she can only eat you *;laughs*
Annwyl Cadi :  You shall be safe with us
Xanya Enyafailm: [Tell]  sorry didn;t expect the roll to be that high.
Val:  Xanya can you understand me? *shouts in the softest tone possible*
Val: [Tell]  hehehe all good RP
Ygraine Ursus:  She is still in there, faceelaw
Val:  *approaches slowly, still behind Ygraine*
Xanya Enyafailm: *nods to Val* ''''' '' '' '''''' '''.
Ygraine Ursus:  *she approaches Xanya to rub her neck, but ready to run at a moment*
Val:  Did... she say something?
Annwyl Cadi :  *she looks to Ygraine*
Ygraine Ursus:  She said she was sporry if she scared you, Val
Xanya Enyafailm: *her growling voice has hints of anger in it.*
Val:  I saw her nodding... *admires*
Val:  *chuckles innocently*
Val:  Sorry? Oh well... no problem... *approaches* Xanya
Ygraine Ursus:  *with her hand still in one piece, she rubs Xanya's neck*
Annwyl Cadi :  We all hope that one day Xanya can become a polar bear
Ygraine Ursus:  and a legendary bear too *sighs*
Annwyl Cadi :  Her surname means "Ice Bear" in Elven
Ygraine Ursus:  like the one we met in the Ice Marches? Remember that one?
Val:  Oh! But well... this is fine bear I must add. Indeed beautiful fur *smiles, looking in a distracted manner into the bear's eyes*
Annwyl Cadi :  Enyafailm *she smiles proudly to her Sister*
Xanya Enyafailm: *nods a bit but also shakes her head at annwyl*  
Ygraine Ursus:  *as if talking to a child* Oo's a bug cuddlt ball of fur then *as she tickles her neck*
Ygraine Ursus:  ^big cuddly
Val:  *laughs low*
Annwyl Cadi :  Careful wailm *she smirks*
Xanya Enyafailm: *shakes her head when Ygraine tickles her*
Ygraine Ursus:  *but seems ready to jump back *
Xanya Enyafailm: *her face seems to calm down and as it does she changes back*
Val:  How does she come back to elf fo...
Val:  Oh... like that! *chuckles*
Xanya Enyafailm: *to annwyl* it's not a ...sur name ann.
Ygraine Ursus:  I forget that Xanya's bear is formed in anger, you see
Xanya Enyafailm: Enyafailm is a nickname I got during my training back home.
Annwyl Cadi :  **she nods*
Ygraine Ursus:  well Val...what have you learned
Val:  Thanks for this demonstration Xanya. Indeed impressive and as well showing that within a bear lies a being with feelings, like everyone else, and so they should be equally respected.
Annwyl Cadi :  Besides the folly of making Xanya angry *she winks*
Ygraine Ursus:  *she looks impressed* and even if that shape is a skeleton?
Val:  Learned... precisely that. Appearance is not everything...
Ygraine Ursus:  *grins at Annwyl*
Val:  As Lance Stargazer said, and I'm repeating myself I know, all possibilities must be evaluated...
Ygraine Ursus:  Well done Val
Val:  And I know a Skeleton... is un undead... that should be dead.
Ygraine Ursus:  you have contrdicted yourself though *she smiles amiably*
Val:  A product of the breaking of the most basic law of life
Ygraine Ursus:  who is to say what is or is not natural?
Val:  Ahm... I did *scractches head*
Ygraine Ursus:  if it exists, is it not natural
Val:  Well a living skeleton is certainly the work of some necro mage... or death playing cleric...
Ygraine Ursus:  *she sighs then* I see we need to spend more time with you Val
Ygraine Ursus:  you limit your thoughts too much
Val:  Well... you are good and wise company, no doubt there.
Val:  But... Pallena told me...
Ygraine Ursus:  not me, not me
Ygraine Ursus:  Told you what?
Xanya Enyafailm: I think undead are like weapons.
Val:  That any dread that walked the world were aberrations against Nature... why she attacked you few days ago for instance.
Val:  They cause unbalance.
Xanya Enyafailm: there not necicerely evil. but the poeple doing things with it can be.
Ygraine Ursus:  ah, I being to see her reasoning now,....even though it flawed
Ygraine Ursus:  but of course they cause unbalance...but so does everyhting, that is why it is a struggle to maintain balance
Xanya Enyafailm: I understand pallena's behavior to....verry understanding.
Val:  Well... I have never met an undead, vampire skeleton or wraith, that was not an aberration. I'm not saying they are evil or good... that doesn't matter.
Val:  What matters is that they should be dead as Nature's cycle demands...
Ygraine Ursus:  would you care to meet one now?
Annwyl Cadi :    Truly.  Not everyone is as understanding as Val here. *gently and with great love to Ygraine* Just remember faceelaw, just because one can does not mean that one must  
Ygraine Ursus:  I know my love
Ygraine Ursus:  *said gently*
Val:  *looks to Annwyl for a moment and smiles*
Xanya Enyafailm: wise words Ann.
Ygraine Ursus:  and that is the great dilemma
Xanya Enyafailm: just because I can change into abear. doesn't mean I have to do it all the time.
Ygraine Ursus:  exaclty so
Val:  Well... *looks down with modesty* I just try to puzzle the connections of all. The threads that Nature sewes and its perfectness.
Ygraine Ursus:  but nature isn;t perfect, my friend
Val:  *seems choked*
Ygraine Ursus:  for if it were, there would be no imbalance?
Ygraine Ursus:  Life would not be a struggle?
Ygraine Ursus:  there would be no good, nor no evil
Ygraine Ursus:  but there we must assume that Nature is not perfect
Val:  Being perfect doesn't mean it can not be taken down. What is perfect in Nature is the balance that it fights to sustain
Val:  But that is the perfection!
Val:  The duality of things...
Ygraine Ursus:   but perfection would mean no strife as strife is not perfection
Val:  And the balance that brings...
Val:  On the contrary... evil... chaos... death.. they are all part of nature
Val:  As... far as I understand
Ygraine Ursus:  no my friend....only death gives life meaning
Xanya Enyafailm: *rolls her eyes* alright yout wo lost me. let me knwo when you are done.
Val:  *he seems to intend to build wise words, but within modesty*
Ygraine Ursus:  for without death, life would have no end and therefore no meaning
Annwyl Cadi :  In the larger view, does not strife itself, lead to growth?      
Xanya Enyafailm: *sits down against the boat*
Val:  *nods*
Ygraine Ursus:  *nods*
Annwyl Cadi :  What if, ceela, you were to reserve those certain shapes that some find abhorrent for only the direst of emergencies?
Ygraine Ursus:  I could do that
Val:  I feel that good and evil... chaos and order... they are all perspectives... carefully threaded by Nature to abide a global balance of things.
Ygraine Ursus:  I see them a test put there by Nature to test us
Xanya Enyafailm: *looks past the group out over the lake*
Ygraine Ursus:  ^see them as a test
Val:  *drops his words to listen to Annwyil's comment*
Val:  Test us? I do not share that vision... I see myself as less then a bread crum in...
Val:  *opens his arms around* In this
Ygraine Ursus:  the enlightened being sees all things as the one
Ygraine Ursus:  as we are all joined together
Val:  But there is no such being... only Nature threads all things as one
Ygraine Ursus:  *to Annwyl and Xanya* we three need to talk then as I do not intend for you to become threatened by my assosciation
Ygraine Ursus:  If you think on my words may see my messgae
Val:  *at Ygraine* don't misjudge my intentions. But I fell Sir Lance Stargazer... although not a pillar of wisdom... spoke highly in wisdom standards...
Ygraine Ursus:  If we were not here to see this lake, would this lake be here?
Xanya Enyafailm: *seems not to listen*
Annwyl Cadi :  *she pffts* Threatened? You are someone that we love.    And It was merely a suggestion but one that would be defensible to all but the most *she pauses* rabid of druids I should think
Val:  Mentioning that each one has its vision fot he world and doesn't mean others are wrong.
Val:  My eyes are not your eyes and the opposite like-wise
Ygraine Ursus:  I can agree with that wailm, and will do if my words can be carried to others *she looks to Val for his aggreement&
Val:  You words are listened
Val:  And understood
Ygraine Ursus:  then we can do no more for today
Val:  As the best way to see Nature... is to be open to learn from all... as you are part of all... I can learn from you *looks up to Ygraine*
Ygraine Ursus:  as can I from you, Val
Val:  *smiles*
Val:  *yawns* It is getting late... I should seek a silent corner to rest my sholders...
is all
Ygraine Ursus: k'azrg our' waurh our'h kala *Val* azrt lazo k'a *Great Oak's Nuts* kaga our' th'ankah
Val:  It was a pleasure... no
Val:  An honor
Val:  To talk with you all *looks around to the three*
Annwyl Cadi :  You are most weclome Val *she smiles*
Val:  I shall retire and seek... my own little fireplace...
Xanya Enyafailm: huh? *shakes her head* oh you two stoped.  
Ygraine Ursus:  Be safe
Ygraine Ursus:  *grins at Xanya*
Val:  *laughs broadly*
Val:  *he walks away smiling and calm*
Ygraine Ursus:  a -most- unusual dwarf

-- Val leaves the scene --

Later on, Val joined Admorin Oakbound on his trip to a gathering for the purpose of planting trees. Val not only wanted to understand Nature but he wanted to nurture its perfection. And so that he can take from Nature when he really needs... so he must learn to give. Many hours were then spent planting new various trees... some out of new low branches from old grown trees... others from all shapes and forms of seeds. Val felt a certain warmth around him as he proceeded, always careful and cautious... following the guidance of Admorin and other present Druids who didn't seem to dislike his presence given his dedication. After that, Admorin mentioned a few odds and ends that Val could try to have as small but meaningful daily rituals... such as irrigating plants that for some reason where put down in water... for instance if some clumsy mage scorched the grounds near the plant... the earth is then drier and should be aided for the sake of the local environment... not only just that plant.

Val was feeling more and more at ease with the Druidic ways.


Re: Morunas Khan Val, The Story of a Monk
« Reply #16 on: October 29, 2010, 03:17:05 pm »
// Sorry for grammar errors in post bellow but the length made me give up :P


Re: Morunas Khan Val, The Story of a Monk
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2010, 03:04:03 pm »
Entry 17th:

Val Greenhawk wants to plant Hops in Center>


Re: Morunas Khan Val, The Story of a Monk
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2010, 06:47:15 am »
Entry 18th:

Another calm dawn by the Center, while the few fumes of clouds could only sweeten the morning beams of the rising sun, and Val woke up. His back was a bit stiff from sleeping over a strong branch of a friendly tree. But as he sit and had some fruit and water for breakfast, he stretched his back slowly, while watching two small birds having their morning picks of tasty dew. His sleepy eyes focused on the birds for as long as they were juggling over each other to reach the dew drops from the tree top leafs, probably the most clean dew as it was out of the reach of the local fireplace's smoke, that has been burning all night, and which Val insisted on keeping an eye at and secure it more medium sized rocks.

When the birds flew away, Val took sometime appreciating the airborne sun light that would carve from between the clustering leaves, those waving softly with the morning breeze, and only after got down from his tree with a single agile jump. He approached the now almost vanished fireplace, there set for the common traveler, and hasted collecting lose branches to lighten it up once more.

Only then he noticed the nearby presence of a woman and an elf, respectively Rose Leigh and Night, who were sitting comfortably over separate fallen tree trunks.

Presentations were made and it resulted in a charming morning conversation. By casual chance, Rose mentioned she needed to collect Aloe. Val thought immediately that her way of collecting Aloe would be harsh, to say the least. So he offered to guide her to an exploit site he knew, somewhere close to Hempstead fields, but not without notifying that he would personally guide her on the harvest, teaching her how to recognize how much she could take and what she should do in order to help maintaining the balance.

Rose... didn't seem very interested in the offer and switched subject quickly... now talking about needing as well a good amount of Greenstones. Val knew this eventual plundering would be another drop to fill the bucket of destruction beneath his feet... he needed to do something.

His just born instinct though was the safe way. He felt a breeze hitting towards the Windjammers bay, as if that was some sort of clue he could follow. And it all made sense of a sudden. The coastal caves of Mistone were constantly eroded by frequent tides, he had seen that himself. And, lucky be Rose, the deposits of Greenstone there were not only abundant, as they were mainly lose, as if naturally carved out of the walls under Nature's intent, drifting in the caves at the will of the sea, forming small clusters in corners through out the labyrinths.

Although Night and Rose both were falling towards hitting the Red Lights, the Goblins near Hlint, whose home is in the Goblin Wastelands, as well have Greenstone, Val managed to persuade them onto the coastal caves, explaining that not only she would not be harming Nature as those deposits were drifting lose but as well it was much closer and much safer.

The trip went as expected, the lose deposits were picked and hopefully the tide would hide the Greenstone gems that yet had not been eroded out of the cave walls. If those would start to be dug who knows what areas could collapse from the Center up to the Dark Peak of the Watcher near Fort Wayfare. It would not be a nice scenario.

Anyway Val Greenhawk retired for some rest after a three days trip in those caves. He wanted rest... he wanted food... he wanted beer... and he wanted a peaceful sight of two birds juggling over the morning dew.