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Author Topic: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm  (Read 1930 times)


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #20 on: October 29, 2010, 08:03:40 pm »
World Tree, Winter Snow 21, 1472,

I want to try and dedicate this page of my journal to my last visit to my sister in spellguard. Or at least to the parts that i can remember.
It was on Bright Eye, Spring Blossom 23, 1472.

I was at Fort Vhel waiting for my two best friend, Annwyl and Ygraine, I had asked them to meet me there so we could go together to meet my twin sister In spellguard. I had not seen her in some time and I feared the worse of what I might find. we travelled to spellguard without much troubles except for the fact that I was a bit worried about meeting my sister after such a long time.

when we arrived at Spellguard we where halted by a guard who asked us our names and what we where doing in spellguard. She also mentioned she would not normaly ask this but there has been some trouble.
I said our names and that we where going to visit my twin sister in the temple. The guard wrote down our names but suddenly stopped to confirm my name. I said that she was correct and it felt like my fears where going to be realized one way or an other.
The guard lady then said she needed us to go straight to the temple and that she would have some guards escort us there. As we approached the temple I noticed a rather large activity for that time of the evening.
As we entered the temple we where escorted to a room which I remembered from our last visit to spellguard, in it we found Mr. frent.

after a small reintroduction he tolled me that he had half the faith out looking for me. because he feared for my safety and he had some questions for me. When I asked if it had anything to do with the increase in activity outside, mr frent said it did. That's when I thought my fears where correct.
He tolled me that My sister was gone, she disappeared into the night a few weeks ago. It had caught them by surprise as they thought it went so well with my sister and that they where making progress.
she was simply gone. and at first they where worried and didn't know what to expect but when the bodies of there faith started to appear.

From that moment on my head was filled with both fear and worry for my sister. All kind of things went trough my head.
I remember that we where allowed to look around in the temple to help them find out what happened. I wanted to find out myself as well, as did my friends Annwyl and Ygraine. We first went to the dorm of my sister where she slept and all. A guard took us there and we where able to talk with her a bit about my sister. The info this guard gave us, gave me the feeling my sister might be in some kind of trouble.

Once we got to the dorm the guard opened the door for us and I went in first trying to sniff anything I could in the room. My sisters did not enter and allowed me to search the room on my own. I searched the drawers and everything but it wasn't until I searched the bed that I noticed something weird. the bed looked as if made by someone without experience of making a bed. I asked the guard if my sister made her bed her self and for how long.
The guard said My sister could make her own bed and she could do so for several years now.
That's when I shared them my discovery and tolled them that I feared someone might have kidnapped my sister. With this discovery we went back to share it with mr. Frent.

He had found some information himself concerning the bodies that where found. During this we found out that the sewers might be our next best place to search for clues as to what happened to my sister. But as we discussed it, A man was brought in who claimed to have seen a woman in the dessert fitting the description of the woman wanted by the temple. The description of the woman fitted my sister's. and we asked if he could guide us to the spot where he last saw her.

Annwyl, Ygraine, I and the man travelled to the spot in the dessert, and from there on we took over the search. it wasn't long until we encountered a dark figure that I myself would now only describe as some dark elf assassin. We fought it and exchanged blows but it seemed to be to strong for us. during the battle I was knocked out or maybe even nearly killed. which ever it was. I woke up in a bed in the temple, and after the healers examined me I was tolled what had happened.

It seemed that the dark elf assasin was able to take the upper hand and snatch me, taking me away on her shoulders. Leaving Annwyl and Ygraine to hunt her down trying to get me back. after a while it was with the help of this man who had taken us to the dessert that I was recaptured so to speak and Ygraine and annwyl did not hesitate a moment and took me back to spellguard. there the healers tended to my wounds as best they could.
several hours later they said this man, who's name I forgot I am afraid, came back with My sister and she was immediately taken into custody and escorted to the Lucindite temple.

It was after a week that I woke up from my coma and that's when I was tolled the whole story of what happened, of course they asked me what I remembered first before telling me what happened. They examend me to make sure I was getting better and after what seemed like a short time I was allowed visitors but only for short times since the healers did not want to overtire me. after 4 days I was alowed to wander in the healers wing of the temple and as the 6th day went by I was allowed to move around the city. I still stayed close for the temple.

During these 6 days of recovery news came of my twin sisters side of the story. She said she had tried to escape to go after her son. But that a female dark elf assassin was waiting for her escape. It was this assassin that used the people who where found dead to both gain information and to make it harder for my sister to escape as far as she could have otherwise.
My sister had barely escaped this assassin twice and wanted to lose that assassin in the dessert. This assassin was how ever prepared for it and if it wasn't for me and my two friend or that man intervening My sister would have been killed.

After some time I heard that my sister was cleared of all the charges regarding these events. But she was not cleared of her previous crimes and was sent back to be re-educated.

During my recovery I was allowed to spend some time with my sister in her dorm, we talked a lot there, but that is for an other time.

*a small addition is added a bit later to this page*

I do have to say that I am glad Annwyl and Ygraine where there with me. because if it wasn't for them I might not be a free woman now. or worse...I might not even be alive today. I guess that means....I owe them my life.


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #21 on: October 30, 2010, 07:54:53 am »
The last time I wrote in my journal I talked about my last visit to my sister in spellgaurd. I wrote I would write more about what my sister and I talked about. But there are things my sister said to me in confidence. so I will not write anything for now.

Instead I will write about some events that happened early Jenra 1473.
I went to the misted village together with Annwyl, Ygraine and lili. It was a great trip but after each battle I had and sometimes even during battle, I felt these odd pain's from within my body. I ignored them as much possible but sometimes they where just to much to deal with. Apparently my wounds from my ordeal with that dark elf assassin had not the time to heal properly yet.

I also noticed I could not hide it very well from the others and they grew more and more concerned. It annoyed me to be honest. Since I thought it would just heal in time. I think I also grew annoyed with the pains since the made me feel weaker then normal. As if I could not handle that which I could handle before. Normaly I am such a strong woman and now these paines made me feel like a weak pathetic Seylaa.

*she stops writing and leaves her book to dry as she calms down*


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #22 on: October 30, 2010, 08:31:07 am »
*after a rest she gets back to her journal and starts writing in it again*

I have done some more things that became annoying in the end.
somewhere halfway Seplar 1472 I joined some kind of military training exercise. We where with 8 people and we where split into two teams, a red team and a blue team. I was with the blue team and we where give a note with a riddle on it to follow to the spot where the next riddle was hidden.

We travelled this way for some time, until we met up with the red team which had the same clue as we had. Clearly we where meant to go into the tomb in that whitehorn forest together and I am glad we did. In there it was like a maze to me, and to make it even worse there was some kind of black dragon in there....well I think it was more of a wyrm but still, it was a shock to see one of those.
The place was also like a maze that combined with my pains I felt from time to time quickly got me annoyed and wanting out of the place. Luckely we found the last clue and we got out of there.

Some time later, halfway Oclar 1472. I went down that same maze place again. This time with Annwyl and some of her friends from the temple I believe. This time it was much less of a maze. Also since we had a good guide with us to help us trought.


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2010, 04:39:10 pm »
*Xanya is at her home in Lor at her room. she listens carefully to make sure she is alone and then takes her journal out and starts writing in it*

I am going to write down some things which I didn't want to write down before.
It is about the talks me and my sister had while I was recovering in Spelguard.

At first the talks where a bit awkward and we had a lot of long pauses.
it soon became clear to me that she first of all preferred the name isix and second of all did not remember anything from her time before the dark elves.
This made me try to talk about our time together as children and she seemed to like to listen to it.

I am not sure how many visits we spent like this, but I do remember the last visite most clearly. Because Isix asked for me to come.

Isix confessed her guilt over all the destruction that had been caused by or because of her. She confessed to me that she isn't sure she can live with the guilt and she had asked Spellgard officials to send her to Al'Noth's Denial. Isix is afraid that if she is re-educated successfully and released that assassins will come again and do what was done those few weeks all over again.

The Spellgard officials had accepted her request and where ready to take the steps as soon as she was ready. Isix did not want to go without telling me herself and explaining that this was her request and decision alone in hopes that I would understand. She tolled me that so long as she lives, she is a threat and an embarrassment to her husband and he will likely stop at nothing to kill her. She does not want any more blood on her hands and believes that for now, this is the safest way since she, herself, has no wish to die.

This took me by suprise and took me a while to let it sink in. First of I asked what this Al'noth's Denial was all about. it seems to be a place away from this world where magic does not exist and there is only a way in...not a way out. in other words...a sort of prison.

Once I knew this and had let it sink in I asked if I was allowed at the ceremony. Luckily I was and I was glad...since it would be the last time I could see my sister.

I also asked Isix, my sister, if I could do a tatoo on she had something to remember me by and to give her strenght. like the ritual that was done to me. But she would not want it. She said her body had been scared enough and did not want any more. She understood why I wanted it. But she was just not ready for it yet.

Isix declined the ritual tattooing saying that her body had been marked up enough. She understands the bonding I wished but she stated she's simply is not ready. She wants to find her own way, understand who she is and not having her whole life about magic anymore may just give her the opportunity she wishes. She said that perhaps there will be some other way some other time but for now she doesn't want to suffer another marking of her flesh that isn't something she personally chooses to do. She's spent her whole life living at the pleasure of others and even now she exists under the thumb of the Lucindites because of her crimes. The only true way for her to start over is to leave Layonara. She hoped I understood and said she does hope for my love and support as she makes her final walk from Layonara.

She offered instead a vow shared between the two of us privately, that if there is a way for us to be together again, she will get word to me, and will need my help to break free of the prison.

I said I would except the vow for as long as it would be only her that comes back and not someone else.

Next she spoke of her son. She told how much it pains her to leave the boy in the care of his father and his people but she feels that since she experienced their way of raising children who are not perfect first hand she has little hope that there will be anything worth saving in the boy. While she would like to liberate the child and bring him to the surface and his family, she expects the child will likely be dark elf, through and through and probably stab them all in the back as soon as be joyful for meeting his family.

After this meeting we did not speak again. the next time I saw her was during the ritual where she walked trough the portal away from this world.
There where several people shedding tears and even I noticed a tear running across my cheek.

Now that my sister is gone, several problems will arise sooner or later.
First of all my friends Annwyl and Ygraine have no idea this all has happened and I think I will leave it at that...for now. but am I doing right in this...leaving them out of these events? Only time will tell I guess.
Second...How do I tell this to my mother. Should I lie to her and tell her I never found her daughter? Or should I tell her the truth? And risk her anger for not giving her the chance to say goodbye to her daughter. and should I tell her in person? or send her a letter.

which ever choices I make, it will be difficult.

Very difficult.


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #24 on: November 03, 2010, 12:48:47 pm »
Somewhere in Autumn Twilight, 1472 I was at home with Annwyl and Ygraine. We where together since the girls had become concerned about me and wanted to know what was going on. It was clear to me then that I had to tell them about the odd pains I've been having.

So as we sat in front of our fireplace I tolled them about the pains I had and how I had them since the spellguard events and how the hadn't healed properly yet and that the wounds might take a while longer to heal. I also tolled them not to worry since it would eventually heal. I wasn't to sure about that myself then but I didn't want them to worry to much about me. Not that I can stop them from worrying about me but I can always try.

When we where done with me....I asked them what it was they wanted to talk to me about. and I knew it was something they wanted to talk to me about for....well ...Over a year I guess. if not longer.
It seems that Annwyl and Ygraine are thinking of doing something what is called...adopting a child. I weird concept I had never heard of before. so it required some explanation from there end but when I understood, the girls asked me if it was al-right with me that a child would come to life here with us in the house. After some thinking I said it should not pose a problem on my end since I was mostly out of the house anyway.
But the girls asked me to think about it some more just to make sure. since it might also mean that a woman or.....nanny, I think they called it would come live here too. A nanny is a person who takes care of the child when the 3 of us are not at home.

So I am having to think of it. But to be honest I haven't given it much thought. this is because since early Autumn Dark 1472 to early Winter Deep 1473, I spend most of my time collecting large amounts of sand to make glass ingots and also mining silver to get Annwyl to smelt them into silver ingots along with a lot of other stuff. These things I needed to be able to buy 3 enchantments at the angels guild In Port Hempstead.
I think it was at Dead Eye, Winter Deep 11, 1473 that I was finally able to buy the 3 enchantments and because I had brought so much stuff along to trade I didn't have to pay much trues to finally get them.
because of this I have now been able to make my adamantium great sword as strong as it will ever get. And to make it even better. I found Annwyl willing and able to edge a name into the blade. The blade is now named: "Enyafailm's Mighty Claw" and I am proud of it.

The other 2 remaining enchantments I bought are for my next blade which I will try to get somewhere in the future. The enchantments Are 1 greater cold enchantment and 1 greater silver enchantment. The blade I got in mind would be made of the strongest metal a blade can be made of: Mithril.
once that blade is name and fully enchanted I will name it too. it will bare the name "Enyafcilwa" After my mother, who's name means: "Iceblade"


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #25 on: November 07, 2010, 01:18:54 pm »
From Autumn Dark 1472, till halfway Winter Snow 1472 several thing happened that I think are worth writing down.

The first think I want to talk about is some trouble Ygraine seemed to got herself into. One day she and I entered the town Center and got to talk to some people there. but those talks soon turned into a fight as one of the woman clearly did not like Ygraine. It seemed Ygraine used one of her undead form around that woman and this woman wasn't happy about it. she actually thought Ygraine was an evil person. No one got hurt but it did force Ygraine to rethink her use of the forms she has. It might have taken her a few weeks but now she thinks more about her use of forms and tends to ask before using any of her undead forms. she is even so kind as to try an avoid using her dark elf forms while around me.

I have also been looking around to try and find some info about bears in this world. it seems that dire bears are not the strongest ones. you also got legendary ones, and then there is that great bear which is on black isles I believe. That one is huge, I saw that one ones with help of Ygraine.
Perhaps I can change into a great bear some day, either that or I will change into a Dire polar bear some day.

One last thing before I close my journal.
On Night's Eye, Spring Blossom 10, 1473 I met with Annwyl while I was walking from Fort Wayfare to the town center. we got to talk about stuff and all the while we got to talk about something which reminded me about "the great bear". Which is a some spiritual being some of my tribe use to pray to.
After telling Annwyl about it she said it is a god known as Kathairien. and she thinks much of this god's idea's are reflected in me. Annwyl even mentioned something:
"Run free. Be true to yourself and your kin. Let no one hold you back."
To her that sounded a lot like me. To be honest I can't complain there. It does reflect me in many ways.
I will see if I can find a place to get more information about this god. Perhaps there is something I can learn from him.


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #26 on: December 09, 2010, 12:28:39 pm »
Night's Eye, Autumn Twilight 17, 1474

I have been trough a lot again. The most terrible thing I had to go trough since my last writing where problems of the heart.
It started one day when Storold asked me to join him somewhere. I tagged along and he showed me a beautiful place. We sat next to each other and before I knew it we where kissing. it was an incredible experience. In the days that followed It felt to me as if I was falling in love. and even my sisters, Annwyl and Ygraine noticed it.
It was great especially since I could use the happiness after what happened to my twin sister.

Some day I felt like making an outfit a sexy outfit to surprise Storold on a date of my own. I was so happy when I finished it and I went to search for Storold. However my happiness was short lived. When we sat together Storold asked me how I saw us both. I tolled him I wasn't sure but I hoped we would be together for a long time. HE how ever had other idea's. He said he didn't want an other wife or any such thing. HE said a bit more but this alone was enough to sadden me greatly and I walked away without saying any more words.

I didn't talk to Storold for weeks and I got angrier the more I thought of what Storold did. To me It felt more and more as if he used me for a little bit of fun and then dumping me when I became an annoyance or something.
This still makes me angry thinking of it.

In this time I kept myself busy with making lion bags, studded Armors and other tailoring stuff. I also went on trips to places like the misted village, caves out side of miritrix, and more to either gather supplies or just smash evil creatures. I also worked on gathering queen silk to turn into queen silk armour. Talking about that trip.

It was somewhere in the weeks before Night's Eye, Summer End 17, 1474,
that me, annwyl, Ygraine and a few more I think where on that trip to gather queen silk. During that trip Ygraine went berserk seeing alot of metal monsters which I believe are called golems. we also encountered metal spiders, one of them was very fast and tought. But I managed to pin it down in my bear form, and I kept smashing it.

However during that time I was bounding and tearing it apart slowly My sisters where no where to be seen. I was very close in defeating it when it manages to get out of my grip and ran away. leaving me unable to catch it.

When I met up with my friends again I was annoyed and I asked them why they did not join me as we could have destroyed that metal 8-legged monstrosity. but they tolled me that the had a hard fight too, one which almost proved fatal to some of them.

After this encounter we decided it was enough and we went back to fort Miritrix. When we got near there I smelled several dire tigers. and with Ygraine's approval I killed 4 of the oldest and weakest ones and took there skins. I need these to try and make studded dire tiger Armour. the last I need to complete the set of dire tiger armors. This set consists of dire tiger leather, dire tiger hide and soon hopefully studded dire tiger Armour.

I did some more things during this time But I will write about that an other time.
because I find it more important to write that I had some talks with Ygraine and Annwyl telling them what happened between me and Storold. Annwyl responded much as I did, Angered and not understanding why Storold would behave like this, treating me as some kind of object easy to throw away.

Ygraine however already seemed to know everything and made me think more, wondering why he might have reacted the way he did. She thought he might have reacted like that because he fears losing me later on in our relationship when We would want to make a family or something like that.
my talk with Ygraine gave me courage to try and talk to Storold one more time, and so I did.

so somewhere during Dead Eye, Summer End 18, 1474 I wen to center to se if Storold was there and I talked to him. but the talks ended much the same way. he stubbornly staying with his thoughts that it would be better if I find someone else and me eventually leaving more with anger then anything else.
Storold even managed to ask me if we could still be friends. I answered with "we will see". As I have no idea if I will ever be able to talk to him again. without feeling angry of what he has done.


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #27 on: December 12, 2010, 05:29:23 pm »
Not long ago me, Annwyl and several others where send to an asylum to see why there was a sudden increase in patients there.
We had to go undercover so several of the group went in as guards and the other went in as patients or loonies. Me and Annwyl where one of those loonies and it gave me a change to act like a bear. According to many people I am more bear then wild elf so I thought it was fitting to show people just how much of a bear she can be. An added bonus was that...if I would have to go do battle for some reason I could easily change into a real bear and show the people in the asylum that I am not just thinking I'm a bear, but I can actually become one.  

When we where inside the asylum I walked around to see if I could figure out what was going on there. At some point I even thought I saw hands coming from wall. But when I tried to go after them they weren't there and I could not get trough the wall. Not much later others found a way into an office of the head of the asylum. In that office they found something which lead them to a hidden doorway inside the library. We all went down the stairs and once below we found ourselves in a kind of cell bock with 4 cells. Each cell had a crazy person in it. We looked into the first 2 cell's and when talking to the loonies I began to get the idea that some things of what the loonies said might be a clue to an other hidden door. When we got to the 4th Cell and listened to the loony there, I quickly knew I was right and that the clues we had gotten where concerning the clock at the end of the hall way.

I did her best to figure out how to get the clock to open a hidden doorway but I was unsuccessful. It became clear to me that I do not have the intelligence to solve puzzles. Thankfully my good friend Annwyl did knew how to solve it and we where able to go on trough the newly opened door behind the clock. Once in the next hall we saw several row of tiles, each tile having a different letter on it.
An other puzzle and despite my last failure I tried my best to try and figure out how to get across. However I could not figure it out and it was only with the help of the rest of the group that we all found out how to get across. Once we all where at the end of this hallway, the ground underneath us vanished and we all fell into what seemed to be an endless drop.

When it ended we found ourselves on some kind of temple shrine. There we heard a voice coming from somewhere around us. Before I knew where I was we where attacked by wave after wave of creatures. From spiders, to shadows to undead. With each wave I grow more angry feeling that this ...voice was just a coward not wanting to fight us itself. Once the last wave was done I got my wish. A large red daemon with wings of fire appeared to fight us.
Everyone stood up to fight this evil and we got him down quickly.
After defeating that daemon we all woke up, and found ourselves in cots in the asylum. At first I was unsure what to think of it, but when we where send to a healer we heard that we all just had a dream. We seemed to have fought some kind of Coranith group in the forest and defeated them, and some kind of mirror of madness. After that We all fell into some kind of coma and we where in it for at least a week.
After a few medical checks we all where able to leave and head home.

//this was from the quest "Something Wicked- We're All Mad Here" By Alan-A-Dale & Ouroboros

