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Author Topic: Journal of Laldiien Ter'Valien, Book 3  (Read 194 times)


Journal of Laldiien Ter'Valien, Book 3
« on: March 27, 2006, 09:33:16 am »
I am very annoyed.  The journals I have been keeping for so long have become a sodden mess.  Volumes one and two are completely ruined, with the pages that are not stuck together being torn.  To add insult to injury, the merchant that sold me this notebook gouged me on pricing!  BAH!  No point in bemoaning the lost.  I will put down on paper what I can recall from the last few weeks, as they have been a whirlwind of activity.  

I finally tracked down Aubret, only to find that he had passed away.  He was quite old, for a human, and thus I did not get to honor him one last time.  I did, however, learn that he had taken a student!  

I located her, and she turned out to be a half-orc!  Normally, half-orcs are beneath contempt and should be given a mercy killing, but this one seems to have a good heart.  None to bright, but basically decent.

The most recent even would have been my joining the Arcane Alliance in Port Hampshire.  I have been tasked to study gem crafting, so now I have become one of those poor sods squinting over a table I previously mocked.  Fate is not without it little cruelties.

I will write more as it comes.


RE: Journal of Laldiien Ter'Valien, Book 3
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2006, 12:19:52 pm »
Where to begin…
Honora continues to amaze and amuse me. She is quite dedicated and has been diligently following Rollie’s teachings. I must confess that I find some of his musings trite, but his faith brings him peace, and I cannot fault his inner harmony. He is more at peace than any other man I know. I only hope he can guide Honora to the same inner peace. If she ever learns the truth of her heritage, she will surely need it. That she has not guessed, or at least suspected, is proof that a good heart has no bearing on intellectual capacity.
There have been many rumors, insinuations and outright speculation on this whole mess of the Halfling. I am watching people I have come to know as dependable and stable become increasingly hostile, confused and downright silly. So long as this mess does not rub off on me, I see no reason to interfere. If my assistance is requested, I will give it. Otherwise, they are on their own. The petty affairs and loves of others is simplistic and rarely worth commenting on, except when it poses a danger to the Weave. Rushing headlong with emotion would appear to be the most common pastime in those I know. The only notable exception that I have seen would be Kyle and Ferrit. Those two genuinely love each other, and it is almost a palpable thing when they are together. Sweet, really.
Now, on to the important things. I have recently been feeling a pull, a call. Previously, my bow had served me only when I was mentally fatigued from fighting. A crude backup, if you will, to casting magic. My aim, while adequate, has never been more than average, so I felt no reason to improve. As of late however, when I use my bow, I can feel Lucinda’s touch. This needs further study. I have asked Kyle to instruct me in the craft of arrow making. If I know my tools, I will be better able to wield them.