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Author Topic: The Life of Rizzen Fallingstar  (Read 71 times)


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    The Life of Rizzen Fallingstar
    « on: April 18, 2006, 02:13:23 am »
    [FONT=Book Antiqua'][SIZE=16]Genesis:[/SIZE][/FONT]  [FONT=Book Antiqua']I used to be a human… I thought I am a human… until my 18th birthday or maybe “birthnight”. But… let’s us start from the very beginning.[/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua']  [FONT=Book Antiqua']I was born 18 years ago at City of [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua']Krandor[/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua']. My pure mother (Adria Fallingstar) died just after my first deep breath ever. She was first person I cried after. First tears… first death… first unaware greed of revenge. The greed which blown up yesterday.[/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua']  [FONT=Book Antiqua']My father (Daltimor Fallingstar) used to be a First Cleric of Goran Chapel at Krandor. I write used to be, because first of all he is an inventor and engineer. But isn’t it the same? He specializes himself at security devices. Whole house was full of it; every door is locked with brand new “thievery proved lock”, every window is protected with “alarm-glass” or “stone’n’hammer proved glass” and so on. He found a substitute of my mother. Work! But still he has time for me… and to be honest I am his most precious and only treasure for him. [/FONT]  [FONT=Book Antiqua']So he brought me carefully and with love. He gave me his values, his Deity and his love to devices. After I had reached age of seven, my father decide to starts my education and preparation for a Goran Novice. But half of my blood wants to “open and disable” not to “pray and meditate”. Fortunately Daltimor notice it and didn’t force me to become a cleric. He always talk to me: Your path is your decision, but be aware, straight and easy paths not always are better than narrow and winding one. The path of cleric definitely wasn’t my way. But still I have been attending his lessons with pleasure It proves lately that it was a good choice..[/FONT]  [FONT=Book Antiqua']I learned quickly and showed great talent at technical matters. At age of 12 I become my father’s apprentice and first tester. That was me who gives him hints how to avoid his inventions and he used this hints to improve them. I have to learn how to sneak to avoid his optical devices, move silently to avoid other alarms and so on. Mutual benefits. I was doing what I like he become the best security staff supplier at our region and not only. From time to time we are visited by some foreign, dark-skin strangers, or even Barons or Princes. [/FONT]  [FONT=Book Antiqua']And that how my life looks until that fatal night. The night of pain and suffer - the night when my body changes to reveal its secret. Two horns pierce my skull andgrew in one hour. My eyes became totally black and I lost my sight for a moment but when I get it back I realize that through tears I could see without source of light. You cannot imagine how painful it was. Ii was not only physical pain but most of all mental. I am TIEFLING… lesser demon. I am not the one I think I am. Dear God! My world collapsed. [/FONT]  [FONT=Book Antiqua']And what about my father? How should I call a man who took care about me whole night, and life. I looked at him at voicelessly asked… It was difficult for him… now I know why. I know why he never mentioned about my mother and his wife.[/FONT][/FONT]
    [FONT=Book Antiqua'][/FONT]
    [FONT=Book Antiqua'][/FONT]
    [FONT=Book Antiqua'][/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua'][/FONT]
    [FONT=Book Antiqua'][/FONT][/b][FONT=Book Antiqua'][SIZE=16]Exodus:[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua']  [FONT=Book Antiqua']It happened 19 years ago. There was a huge ride at our city. Lots of people were killed, lots of them where missing… One of missing was my future mother. No-one knows what happens to her. But my father believes. He hired some rangers and started chasing kidnapers. After two months he catches them. The Slavers. There wasn’t my mother with them. They sold her to some wizard day before. When my father with his company breaks into wizard tower it had been to late. She was rapped... but still alive. He was standing next to her and laughing. His big red wings were waving. He was half demon[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua']
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      The Life of Rizzen Fallingstar
      « Reply #1 on: April 18, 2006, 07:20:43 am »
      sothe fight was short... One word and my father party were hold. Instead of killing them he started playing and torturing.  Mad people always make mistakes and demon-like never prize humans… especially clerics with banish spell and casting without gesture ability... Strange but now I know his name. It always has been in my mind… last words of my dying mother: Kill Belloar son for everything he had done to three of us.  My poor mother had lost her mind after it. And my father never told anyone that her pregnancy wasn’t his job. Sad but it preserves her honor.  And that is my story… now I have to move… no-one could notice my change. It will be better for my father. But how will I deal with crude world outside city walls?? We decided that i have to learn how to fight. My father cannot give me this ability but his brother (Sir Ghunthar Fallingstar) can. He is Scouts Regiment Captain at Fort Llast and army allways is looking for fresh meat.  My father gave me a letter to him, couple of coins and blessing... THE JOURNEY BEGINS Leviticus:  It is so strange… i was on a very beginning of my way to Fort Llast when it happens… The Dragon! I had been first time when I saw a Dragon. I was so frighten, my knees were shaking, and I couldn’t make a sound almost for a minute. Suddenly he spoke to me to enlighten my destiny. I have to fight with Blood, that’s why I have been summoned... I wake up. I don’t know what powers were involved in this but I was teleported from Krandor to Hlint. I have heard that it is possible but never really believe. Numbers:  Day 1: First day after transition was very hard. Every thing was new every person was a stranger. I was really dazed by this situation, and my horns didn’t help. I look suspicious for all citizens. And all of them look suspicious for me. These feelings disappear next day. I start to familiarize, and blend into society.  Day 2: My funds are running low. I have to find a job. I asked for it some official and it proves she needs my service. She wants me to retrieve a Tax Book from Ratman of Hlint. Rats - sounds easy. At home we have a dog for such matters. If it could do it I will manage for sure. Sewers here I come.  Death doesn’t come silently, it is full of squeaks and scratches.  Now when I think about summoning I notice that it was wish of luck. I will never reach Fort Llast by my own. I’m even too weak to leave Hlint. What was I thinking? I’m not a hero… yet. I have to work hardly at town to develop my skills before I decide to move.
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        The Life of Rizzen Fallingstar
        « Reply #2 on: April 18, 2006, 07:21:09 am »
        [FONT='Book Antiqua']Day 3[/FONT][/i] [FONT='Book Antiqua']I met Dulan the Cleric. He offered me his helping hand and guidance. [/FONT][FONT='Book Antiqua']First he showed me crypts… My Gods! He smashed this undeads with power of hurricane… I’ve been thinking he is a Paladin. When I’ve called him like that he started laughing. He said I haven’t been the first one who took him as a holy knight. Then he showed me the Woods – another amazing experience. We havebeenfighting with basilisk and ogres. Or maybe hewas fighting and I was helping him a little bit. [/FONT]  [FONT='Book Antiqua']Day 4[/FONT][/i]  [FONT='Book Antiqua']I decided to leave Dulan and return to Hlint. It wasn't bright... This time death came early in the morning. I was waked up by hits… Five or even six shadowy creatures surround me and attack. I had no chance. I should stick to Dulan, now I know it.[/FONT] [FONT='Book Antiqua']I was transported to binding stone again. Hopefully trip with Dolan learn me something. Now I could deal with this Ratman and return black-soul essence to Undertaker. [/FONT]  [FONT='Book Antiqua']Day 5[/FONT][/i] [FONT='Book Antiqua']It was a day of misunderstandings. I met Aziz Sneakkiller… half lion half human. He calls himself a sorcerer. I was walkin down the street when he starts conversation:[/FONT]  [FONT='Book Antiqua']Aziz:  'need help'[/FONT] [FONT='Book Antiqua']Rizzen: 'of course, what do you need to be helped with?'[/FONT] [FONT='Book Antiqua']Aziz:  'what help? Don’t understand.'[/FONT] [FONT='Book Antiqua']Rizzen: 'I’m asking you what quest do you want me to help you with? '[/FONT] [FONT='Book Antiqua']Aziz:  'no no no… you misunderstand me. I’m asking if you need help…'[/FONT] [FONT='Book Antiqua']Rizzen: 'aaaah of course, would you help me with searching for bard’s jewelry?' [/FONT] [FONT='Book Antiqua']Aziz: 'sounds good'[/FONT]  [FONT='Book Antiqua']Another misunderstand… we were too weak for goblins… It was red light death for both of us. [/FONT]  [FONT='Book Antiqua']Day 6[/FONT][/i]  [FONT='Book Antiqua']I cross my path with Dulan again.I leftnotice at Wild Surge Inn that i am looking for help.I was hardly amazed this morning when i found hisscrip undermine.He has invited me to his party![/FONT][FONT='Book Antiqua'] [/FONT][FONT='Book Antiqua']  [FONT='Book Antiqua']We met in front of[/FONT][FONT='Book Antiqua']Inn[/FONT][FONT='Book Antiqua'] at theevening, He presents me his companions Karana, Kaito,Remiel and some Orc Barbarian called Lumpy. We ventured deep into Haven Mines... for me it was a big challenge, but this time death didn't come! The powerliesat numbers![/FONT][FONT='Book Antiqua']   [FONT='Book Antiqua']I'm stilllearning the world outside my home. I didn't realize that everything isso dangerous. My father rised me upcovered by umbrella of his love and power. Now i have toerasefrom this inertia and learn how to fly... With helpofDulan i could manage...I believe i willmanage. [/FONT][/FONT]
         [FONT='Book Antiqua'][/FONT][FONT='Book Antiqua']I wonder ifI meet him tomorrow.[/FONT]
        [FONT='Book Antiqua']By the way.. . After visiting weapon smith I decide to learn how to fight with Kukri. It couldn’t be difficult – it is combination of longer dagger and shorter short sword. I have to buy two of them and start practice.[/FONT] [FONT='Book Antiqua']
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          RE: The Life of Rizzen Fallingstar
          « Reply #3 on: April 19, 2006, 04:05:23 am »
          [FONT='Book Antiqua']Day 7[/FONT][/i][FONT='Book Antiqua'] [FONT='Book Antiqua']I was dealing with Goblins Scouts near Hlint... Aziz helped me. Not so tough encounter... nothing to talk about. Quartermaster was happy when i brought him goblin ears. [/FONT][/FONT]
            [FONT='Book Antiqua'][/FONT][FONT='Book Antiqua']Finally i bought these kukris. I practice the rest of the day. I couldn't believe in my clumsiness... It will take a long time till I learn how to use them properly.[/FONT]
            [FONT='Book Antiqua']PS: I met Dulan again... he seemed to have some troubles... He was talking about investigation in the name of Haven Lord. This time he didn't want my help. I think he judged my abilities as too small to cope with the thread he face. But i noticed something... Every time we've met he confidentially looks at my horns. I think he doesn't trust them. I hope that I will persuade him that i am a honorable man and horns are the only one daemon heritage.[/FONT]
          [FONT='Book Antiqua'][/FONT][FONT='Book Antiqua'][FONT='Book Antiqua']Day 8 [/FONT]
          [/i][FONT='Book Antiqua']I was practicing all morning long… bloody kukris… I’ll probably never learn how to use it. I almost cut my ear off. I don’t think that Quartermaster would pay for it, besides I like both of them. I hope that it will be better with time… [/FONT][/FONT][/i][FONT='Book Antiqua']  [FONT='Book Antiqua']I join Jeremy to aid him at his quest for Undertaker. He has nice companions: Elessar, Sh’anara, it was a pleasure to travel with them. [/FONT]
           [FONT='Book Antiqua']It was a day of meetings… Dulan, Karana, and others. They still were talking about Haven’s mine infestation. It looks like some strange creatures inhabit it. Strange and powerful. According to Dulan it could break into your mind and command you. Karana was frightened and she is a barbarian! I heard that nothing can frighten a barbarian. I wish to be more experienced to help them at their quest… [/FONT]
            [FONT='Book Antiqua']PS: Karana has been calling everybody with my name… Does it mean anything? [/FONT]
            [FONT='Book Antiqua'][FONT='Book Antiqua']Day 9 [/FONT]
            [FONT='Book Antiqua'][FONT='Book Antiqua']Finally I cut an goblin leader head off! It was a coincident… I was hanging around the Wild Surge Inn when I saw a strange blue skinned person. It was Fri – sea elf. Very nice person… he is brand new at solid ground and know nothing about it so I decide to show him a little of it. I found red light caverns very impressive myself. And Friyel probably never saw such colors so I start to collect a group to descent into it. After an hour we have a Team: sea- monk Fri, [/FONT][FONT='Book Antiqua']Kaeydarin – another monk, The Buck – lesser Bard with huge ambitions, and Mr. Jeremy Steel – Long sword wielder. [/FONT][/FONT]
            [FONT='Book Antiqua'][FONT='Book Antiqua']First we support Fri, Kaey and Buck at their quest. They have to found stolen (again) taxbook. I think that she (taxcollector) should keep an eye on it all the time. [/FONT][/FONT]
            [FONT='Book Antiqua'][FONT='Book Antiqua']And then we venture deep into Red Light Caverns… it was really tough. We were descending slowly and carefully. At third level we decided to make an ambush. Jeremy was luring goblins to our trap and we had backstabbed all of them. Unfortunately Fri was spotted to early and too many goblins attacked him. He felt and we were out of potions because of previous encounters. Rest of us managed to survive. [/FONT][/FONT]
            [FONT='Book Antiqua'][FONT='Book Antiqua'][FONT='Book Antiqua']Heh… I want to show a red light at he cavern to Fri and it proves that I showed him a light in the tunnel… Fortunately Dragon gives him a second chance.[FONT='Book Antiqua'] [/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
          [FONT='Book Antiqua'][/FONT][FONT='Book Antiqua']Page 4[/FONT]


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            RE: The Life of Rizzen Fallingstar
            « Reply #4 on: April 24, 2006, 01:55:20 am »
            I spend rest of the day on practicing kukri fighting. I will not surrender!
              PS: I met Karana but she has no time for me, she was making an armor.
              Day 10
              Morning kukri training…
              I join Zug and Dervish. We go to Fort Last for Ogre hunting. I have to check my skills with bigger opponents then rats and skeletons if I want to develop.
              Afterthiewewent to Krandor… I was so near to my home and I couldn’t even take of my helmet. I left a notice to my father under his door. I hope he will forgive me that I didn’t meet with him. It isn’t a proper time for this. People have to forget about me before I can reappear.
              Than we went to ruins near at forest. Werewolves were there. My weapon couldn’t make a scratch on their skin. Good that we have some magic users at our companion. Only Tegen, Alleinaand Kali managed to kill these dangerous creatures.
              We split at Fort Hope
              PS: I haven’t met Karana and Dulan this time.
            Day 11  I had to return to Hlint by myself. I knew it was a bad idea but I had no choice. I thought I remember a way but of course I did not. I enter Shielwood Forest and immediately got lost. I was wandering through the forest for hours. I was sneaking past all this deadly creatures, without being noticed. That is miracle I know how to do it, without it I would be dead for sure. Or maybe not dead but turned into a stone. It was a third time I saw a basilisk. This creature is horrifying. Last two times I have been traveling with a big companion so we had no problem to defeat it but this time I haven’t even looked at it. It would be too dangerous.
              With passing hours I was loosing a faith I would ever get out this forest... and then out of nowhere appears a valley. I have heard about it. It was a Rangers Valley, a place I could rest a bit. Renewal nap is what I need now.
            I hope I will find a way home after it… I managed to get to Hlint after another hour. Just after arrival I met Dulan. He offered me a bargain: cheep potions, in return I gave him all knuckles I had… he will use them properly. For me it is only encumbrance. He was so happy about these bones that he invited me for – as he said – adventure. We went down into havens mines. It was good piece of team work. Karana , Dulan, Mizu, Vellucia, Quilus and me… we work as a complete organism. Everyone knows his place and role to play. Gees! It was a pleasure to see it. But most impressive weren’t mighty spells but Karana’s maul! I never ever had seen such power before. One hit and ogre was smashed like raw egg… only wet spot left. Good God she is amazing. We talk a bit after havens mine ride and exchange our fighting experience. She appreciated my help and my backstabbing abilities. I was proud. Such a Great Warrior fined me helpful.
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              RE: The Life of Rizzen Fallingstar
              « Reply #5 on: April 25, 2006, 01:42:36 am »
              I told her about my plans to fight witch kukris and she told me that it is a good idea. Quilus who listen to our conversation approved it too… he said that the most important is to take a weapon which suits you best.
                And than something unusuall had happened. The strange person appeared while we had been talking. He looked almost like a dragon, with horned helmet and long purple coat. He looked at me and said: ‘What have we here?’ I was scared. I try to hide but he followed me so I covered my self in darkness. He laughed and said: ‘Do not be afraid my Brother I won’t hurt you.’ - I left darkness and approached him. ‘Who are you?’ I asked. ‘I am your Brother in blood’ – answered he. ‘Are you a Tiefling?’ He looked at me with a smile: ‘Yes my Brother, I am. My name is Maxi Milan Diego Remoras Lambent II
                We talk about our heritage almost an hour. I didn’t know that there are some others like me. It’s really nice to find that there are people who understand how it is to have horns. It’s nice to meet a person who calls you a like that. I hope that we will meet again, me and my Brother. I wonder if I meet any others.
              [FONT='Book Antiqua']It was a very busy day. I don’t know if I find a energy to practice. But I have to…  
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