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Author Topic: The Ways of the Spear (Jocoscus Sturdevant, human fighter's character progression)  (Read 122 times)


      After finding my way to Center, I spent the better part of a week in the crypts below the city honing my spear skills. The more I performed with my specialized weapon, the more focused I became, as if this weapon was becoming an extension of my own body. The work and stress on my body was brutal, but I found comfort in the pain, for it helped numb the homesickness that soon started to take hold in my heart. However, I know that if I am to become my own man, and take care of the ones I care about most, then I have to push everything beyond my limits. I have to become the spear that I hold.                During one of the, what seemed to become monotonous, days I happened upon a kindly wizard, much older than myself, his name, Master Celador. I had a feeling my fortunes were about to change. He told me much of our world, educating me in many things, introducing me to the right people to talk to that I would be able to get work, to keep Trues in my pocket and food in my belly. I performed tasks for Center’s eccentric undertaker, the herbalist, and a few others around town. Master Celador would empower me with his magic, and I would become almost unstoppable, I was able to take hits without being harmed, he even imbued my spear with fire so that I could fight the undead more effectively, every hit that was struck to me, I learned to avoid or block better, then strike faster with my spear, more effectively.He and I journeyed together around center for several days before he instructed me to head to Dalanthar that there was a party going on an adventure. Once I had arrived (through a portal I might add) I was greeted by a one Master Toby (Lady Zari enjoyed calling him this), but by two others as well, Master Ty, and the Lady Zarianna. I was handed a bow and many arrows, then given two simple instructions, first, stay close, and second, don’t die. Fear struck my heart, but I steeled that part of me away and buried it under a thousand layers of emotions that would help me in the coming fight! We four delved deep within a place called the “Rift”. It was both terrifying and exciting, exhilarating, yet frightening. But above all, educational. We encountered ogres, frightfully large vermin, and even more frightening, Drow warriors on patrol… However, with Lady Zarianna’s magic, and the skill of the other 2 fellows we overcame all obstacles in our path. Even though I was using a bow (rather failingly I would add) I took every opportunity to watch the two sword masters in action and apply that to how I use my spear. Even imagining I was close to the fray and dispatching such foul creatures myself.Once our quest was at an end I returned by myself to Center, to rest and recuperate. Over the next few weeks, I have been spending my time learning more about myself, my time here in Layonara, and the ways of the spear. I have dedicated my life to becoming the best and a master of the ways of the spear. After my time spent with Master Celador, Master Tobias, and the others, journeying by myself seems so much easier, fighting the undead, mongrolmen, and other nasty’s around Center, my spear that I have begun to affectionately call, Aegis Talon, has become a part of me.  Aegis, for the protection I wish to give those I care about, talon for the quick damage I have been able to cause to my enemies. I have even taught myself an attack that I have begun to call “whirlwind attack”. It allows me to spin in a controlled way to damage all those around me. Moving through the heat of battle is also easy for me, enemies seem to not be able to strike at me as I move through the fray. With my jaw set and my legs firm I strive to become the mightiest warrior and master of the spear that this land has ever seen.Several days later I was introduced by, Master Celador, to Quenton Bowstring. Immediately I sensed a sort of kinship strike between us. I was not disappointed. After some more time I was waiting around Center, when he, and several other fellows all came together at the camp there, Master Ty happened to be among them as well. Quenton and I chatted for a moment before being addressed by a figure known only at the Brewmaster. Before long we were whisked away to Leringard where we were addressed by someone else. Sir Donnel, I believe was his name. Anyway, our mission that we were brought together to perform was to rescue a man, a scoundrel from all accounts. Someone who wasn’t very well liked. Last any one had ever seen of him, he was being dragged into the ocean by a beast, inside of a sarcophagus. We managed to rescue the man, who Sir Donnel assured us would be processed to the full extent of the law for his crimes. However, while we were fighting through the legion of undead and constructs, I saw a subtle shift in the character of Ty and his mother, Tyra. I tried to release the imprisoned from Reneverant, however, I was unable. Both Ty and his mother kept me from doing so. I became angry, and responded that no matter their crimes they should not have to endure treatment such as this. They did not see the situation my way and refused to allow me to do so, so I walked off and left them to their business. Once we returned I made the choice, to myself, I would never again journey with the pair again.Over the next few weeks, I did my best to ignore what had happened by busying myself with killing any foul beast I came across. I also have been mining and searching for gems as well. While searching through some rather foul caves I managed to come across some precious gems, not really knowing what else to do with them I asked Master Celador what I should do, he advised me to take them to the Angels Guild to see what kind of profit I could turn. So I headed straightaway to the guild headquarters to exchange them for whatever I could. The saleswoman this day was Lady Elohanna, who promptly asked me to call her Elly. She was a wonderful person to be around, we ended up talking half the day and into the night. After our conversation there I have found more focus and am starting to put my past behind me. I left that day in high spirits and a spring in my step.Every day I wake up with Aegis Talon near me, and every day I spend training and honing my skills, much of my time I spend alone, although I prefer it that way most days. I think more clearly without distractions. I can feel myself and Talon becoming one, and it pleases me.Today, Seplar 12, 1538 Master Celador invited me to journey with him deep in the moors to a cave so that he and I could mine platinum. He warned me of the potential dangers involved in such a hostile place, but I was undaunted and welcomed the challenge. We fought through the swampkin, then through the trolls of the caves, there were dozens of them. After he and I finished they were all underfoot. This time, I was able to make a difference. With all my training and honing my skills, Aegis Talon and I were most effective and we slaughtered the foul creatures. Aegis is more and more an extension of me now, an extra limb, if you will, that I am able to wield with deadly precision.                
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