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Author Topic: Tralek CDT  (Read 322 times)


Tralek CDT
« on: July 27, 2009, 04:35:04 am »
*Tralek wakes in the middle of the night and gets out some parchment and a quill and begins to write...*

I can not sleep.  The lure of battle keeps me alert.  The vivid memories of slaying the Giants outside of Audira with my sword holds my smile afixed.  I am having trouble now with my studies in the Arcane; I find myself taking many and long breaks to clean and sharpen my sword and to rethink and rework my missteps in battle.

I find myself keeping my enemy alive in battle and not casting spells that could surely destroy them; rather, I prefer to seek them out with my sword and practice and hone my skills.  More often than not I find myself knee deep in blood and corpses with my comrad Vrebel; there we laugh and revel in our victory bath of blood.

I think I will start formal training with my adamantium two-handed sword with Vrebel and others soon.  I want to get better with it and swing faster and stronger; I want to know how to better strike my enemy; where to strike my enemy; how to use my sword to defend incoming blows.  I am excited by the prospect of training.

As I write this now I am thinking I may have to put my books aside for a bit.  The calling for the art of sword battle is too strong.  I must satisfy this urge or I will never rest happy.  This is my new path.



Re: Tralek CDT
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2009, 05:28:44 pm »
Well I've completed my first formal training lesson with my comrad, Vrebel.  Duchess joined us in the Arena.  The first bout was unarmed, and Vrebel beat me up pretty bad.  Then we slowly progressed to weapons.  Then he let me use some magic to help ward and strengthen me.  He said I have a great deal of work to do.  My swing needs to quicken and I need to focus more to make my attacks stronger.

It was exciting watching Duchess fight.  She came in from Vrebel's flank as I was fighting him straight, with those two swords of hers she got Vrebel somewhere in his side and hurt him bad.  I think she might have found a small gap in his full plate...very clever.  I watched her with a bit of envy, but I noted her ways and movements..this may be something of interest to me later.

All in all it was a great first session.  I really am enjoying the lessons.  I plan to still depend on my magic, but I truely enjoy the way swordplay allows me to confront my enemy upclose.  I hope to get better as a figher so I won't have to depend on magic as much.  I smile when I cast magic and the enemy picks me out as the mage and comes running thinking I will turn - I don't - instead I stand my ground and fight.  It alows me to hold my own so I can continue to moniter the battle and cast spells if needed.  Others don't have to worry about my safety as much and I can dual as a frontliner if need be.  I am loving my role as a fighter and I eagerly look forward to bettering my sword skills.



Re: Tralek CDT
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2009, 09:29:13 pm »
I'm so excited...I just got to train with Ben Poeter.  I met him in the desert outside of Ire Mountains, in a small tent town.  He took quite a bit of time helping me.  He instructed me on how important balance is in battle.  The sand was excellent for this because I had difficulty keeping my balance in the soft stuff and it made it very difficult to keep my stance as I swung around with my greatsword.  We both got dinged up a little bit, me more than him, but he was impressed with my abilites so far.  He praised me and said I had some good basics.

He also taught me some real practical, um, dirty kind of tactics.  Always hit your enemy where it hurts first (neck, crotch, etc.); hit him before he hits you; never let up until he's finished; always make sure he's dead and finish the job.  Ben fights similar to Duchess...they both look for weaknesses in their enemies defenses and try to hit them in vital areas when they are caught off guard....very effective.  I studdied Ben's movements and listened to him intensely so that I may start picking some of this up.

He also taught me that sometimes on stronger opponents its better to get a few licks in and then jog off a bit and hit him again.  Oh, also, he said to never start something you can't finish.  This one I had learned the hard way before unfortunately.

All in all, it was a great lesson and very helpful with my swordplay.  I can't thank him enough.


//picture of where Ben and I fought; forgot to take one while he was there:)


Re: Tralek CDT
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2009, 02:54:01 am »
I finished my second lesson with Vrebel.  He showed me the practice dummies and I swung till my arms got tired on those sacks.  Then he let me rest and get a drink.

He next instructed me on some tips and tactics; very good stuff.  Kinda gave me the do's and dont's for fighting.  Don't get in too deep; always have an escape route; don't rush in, unless told to by you're mage companion; and some other things I can't remember right now.  We also sparred a bit.

I'm a bit frustrated, because I can't seem to get my swing-speed up.  I train and train, and use my sword in actual battle quite alot now.  Still, I don't think I'll ever get much faster at coming around with that thing.

I've been thinking about the lessons I had with Ben Poeter and with Duchess.  Neither of them can swing as fast as Vrebel, but they don't need to...they concentrate on quality not quanity; they swing less, but focus each attack on a vital area.  This I think may be the way I need to go.  Many times I will come and help Vrebel and others who are already in battle, and so most of the time I'm in a flanking position anyways.  If I could get better at finding the weak and vital areas of my oponents, then I could be an even greater asset in battle.

I have seen other comrads that use these sneaking-style attacks in battle before and watched them.  I will continue to study this form of attack and start studying on where to hit my enemy in a vital area and how to catch her with her guard down.  Yes, this will be my new area of focus and study.  I will still fight straight up, but I will also learn to better myself for the flanking attack as well.



Re: Tralek CDT
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2009, 03:52:12 pm »
I was out with Vrebel, Tyillian, and Darthirae the other day and we were hunting near the Troll Central cave.  We got to talking and I confided with them that I had trained with Ben and Duchess and was interested in learning more about how to fight and move like they.  Ty promptly asked if I could work with traps, and just as quickly I set a sonic trap at her feet and recovered it.  Impressed they were.

Darth had mentioned making me some scrolls, and it came to me then...that I have seen some folks that weren't mages use scrolls and wands.  Ben and Arkoli carry many wands around with them and use them for stoneskin and firebrand.  This may be a way for me to finally cast mass haste, a spell that is of a prohibited school for me.  This spell has been requested of me on several occasions.  I may be able to learn to use scroll and wands that are not in my mage knowledge if I can study them from a different angle.  Yes, I will need to study the chants and mechanics of the scrolls and wands and how to make these devices work from a technical standpoint.  Maybe now I can help those in my party better with use of mass haste.  Something I must consider I think...yes.

Later that day we were in a crypt in the sinister forest.  A crypt I had only peeked in before, but knew to have skeleton creatures with acid appetites.  We did not know if the place would be protected by traps, so we had to move very cautiously.  I normally bring out my pixie, Teacup, for stronger traps.  But I find it difficult to explore unknown areas with her looking for traps, partly because I don't trust her to find all the traps, but also because I fear for her safety or that she might engage us in an unwanted battle.  If I could improve my own trap skills I would not need her for this and could look myself.  This would be much more my style and I would truly enjoy the challenge for myself.

I think I will concentrate on my mage studies still for now, but I do anticipate and greatly look forward to a shift of study...The art of attacking at the flank, to move in the shadows, to find things hidden and to become a trap expert.


Re: Tralek CDT
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2009, 05:22:44 am »
I had an unfortunate experince this day...I died and met the soul mother.  I was with Steel, Raz, Altriel, Iridril and Vrebel and we ventured into a cave on Belinara filled with snakes and Medusa like creatures.  It was rough going but we were making our way.  That was until we me came upon some of these Medusa creatures that cast clerical spells that called down divine fire, acid and electricity.  Four, including me, fell.

But now I remember hearing the Alatriel saying that we need to "get better at dodging" to avoid the evil cleric's spells.  She didn't seem to be as affected by them.  I truly am getting more and more excited, if not impatient maybe, at being trained like Alatriel and others like her I've seen so trained.  I think if I could dodge like her, it might have saved my soul this day.  So many things are pointing to this being my next area of study.  I truly look forward to gaining this knowledge...if I live long enough.


Re: Tralek CDT
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2009, 08:10:22 pm »
Well I've started going into Storan's to hunt Bodak for their teeth to make heal potions.  There's one door in there that I have to use my pixie to unlock.  It's a real pain cause she likes to fight the deaders and if she dies I don't have a way out.

So, wanted to see if maybe I could open it myself.  I researched and found out about these gloves made with dire badger pelts that are supposed to help with locks.  I made the gloves fairly easily, but come to find out that I didn't know how to properly to use them.  Another reason why I know I need to start formally training in the arts of trap skill and opening locks.  But, not to be outdone, I made some jewelry that helped me with working with locks and that combined with the Al'Noth, I am finally able to manage that Storan lock myself!  Quite an accomplishment for me, and I get a real kick out of being able to be good with locks and such.  I'm not as skilled at opening locks as others I've traveled with, but I ain't that shabby either.  Oh, I also found a bow on one of my hunts to the Great Forest; this bow had the word Shadon enscribed on it.  I have heard tales that this bow also can help with opening locks, and I can't wait to be able to use it once I'm properly skilled enough.

Still, I was a bit disappointed the other day when I could not find a trap door I know was there.  We were in skull crusher mountains or the cloven mountains...not sure really...but there is an entance into the Deep there somewhere.  I looked and looked but could not find the secret entrance.  I hope one day that my studies will help me in this.  As a happy note, I was able to find the secret entrance into the Canyons in the Spirit Dunes.

I have been studying some party members that use flanking attacks in battle.  Vrebel and I were in the Great Forest a few days ago and came upon Wren.  He joined us a bit and I watched him.  He didn't mind fighting head on, but he was alot more affective when he came in on a giant Vrebel was first to; Wren would stab the giants in the side of the stomache and in the insides of their legs.  It was a good battle technique and one I would like to master; and would be very handy for me as I support Vrebel in battle, who I hunt with almost exclusively.

I have also watched my training partner, Duchess, fight in the field.  We were in the Ogrillion Hills area.  She dual wields some kind of swords.  But interesting I saw her run around in circles to wait till Vrebel locked in on one and then she'd dash in like a bee to sting em.  Her swords aren't very big, but she would come in and hit them from the flank and pick her entry points wisely; she was hitting them in their soft spots and vital areas.  I think this is the way I would like to learn to fight.  I can't swing as fast, so I need to pick my entry points better to become a more affective fighter.

Oh, we were also in this Cave in the Roughlands that was full of these nasty Orc's.  I felt I served the party well by being able to flag some of their traps so the others could see.  I'm not good enough with traps yet, so I couldn't disable them....but man I sure would like to be that good.  I'm really looking forward to directing my training and increacing my skills in the arts of stealth, traps and flanking.


Re: Tralek CDT
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2009, 08:07:55 pm »
I was lucky to be on one of my most enjoyed hunt and exploration trips as of yet.  A large group of us traveled to the Deep for Emeralds.  I got to see Clarrisa for the second time, and was happy to fight along side her.  She gives the party an unusual sense of strength.  Kalin joined and I was impressed with his powers as a fellow mage.  He paid me some nice compliments as well.  I have to admit though, I was a bit jealous of this Brandon Flatfeet fellow that came along.  He wasn't the strongest in our group, but was praised more than any.  See, he was able to open all the locks and disable all the nasty traps for us.  I was biting my lip, thinking, one day I would like to be able to help the party out like that.  But he did good and I was proud to have him with us.

I had a chance to hunt with Todd Fellow and Alatriel a few days ago in the Great Forest.  I saw first hand how effective Alatriel was with her bow.  She was able to guide her arrows to the giant's neck, eyes, groin and various veins; it really slowed the giants down and they cringed in pain.  Alas, I have found another benefit to train like her...the ability to use my bow and hit critical areas of the enemy.  I usually use my Greatsword, but I do often use my Yew Compound Bow too.  I would like to be able to use my bow like her and hit those critical spots on the ememy from range.  Todd, as usual, is a master at flanking his enemy and dealing out some very damaging blows.  I watched him in awe.  He also has some kind of ability to slip in and out of battle unseen.  He can reposition himself to a flanking position; very effective.

Well, that's enough for now.  I wana start work on my new belt soon; Belt of the Battle Mage.  I need to get a wee bit better at my tailoring and I think I can manage it.  Hey that reminds me.  We went and found the lair to a Legendary Dire Bear.  Wow that thing was tough, but this one girl halfling, Lillian, really wanted to kill it.  We were successful and they were bragging what nice armor it would make.  It dawned on me then...that I will be able to use such a great set of bear armor once I have learned how to properly suit it and wear it.  Right now I can only wear cloth, which is alright by me because I can cast freely in it.  But I think I would like some nice leathers to wear in areas where the Al'Noth is disturbed.  If I train and study the ways of Ben, Duchess and Tod, etc., I could make some real nice leathers and finally be able to wear em.  Now my tailoring expertise will really help come into play for me.

It is becoming more and more obvious to me how much I want to train and study these special arts.  To be able to wear leathers, to sneak around, to work with traps and to strike my enemy from the side in their vitals...yes.  I could be a great Scout for the party.  With my ability to go invisible and to move silently, I could access the landscape and the enemy and report back.  This is becoming most exciting...I can't wait to learn some of these things.


Re: Tralek CDT
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2009, 02:29:21 pm »
My skill as a master tailor is almost complete; soon I will attempt to make by Belt of the Battle Mage without fail.

We have had a most dissturbing thing occur...the Leringard Arms has burnt to the ground.  It appears it is the dirty work of the Blackguard who controls the town.  We really need some serious stealth and recon work to get to the bottom of why this was done and find out more about the inner workings of this group.  I wish I was further in my stealth studies now; I feel I can help, but I could help so much more if I had some formal training.  I look forward to that day when I can hide easier in the shadows and go stealthy into the lair of the enemy.

I have been watching and learning from my pixie, Teacup.  She is very sneaky and is excellent at opening doors and disabling traps.  I study her as she works on the traps and their complex mechanisms.  Her small and nimble fingers make working on those delicate devices seem like...well like a chef boiling water.  Anyway, I am learing a great deal from her as she is always near me and works with me quite often.

She doesn't always tell me everything I need to know about her scouting trips though, so I look forward to the day when I can scout to disable traps and such and give a full report back to the party.

My learning as a mage is going well, but soon I want to focus my studies on the other arts that I have been watching and taking note of.


Re: Tralek CDT
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2009, 08:54:18 pm »
I have made my Belt of the Battle Mage!  It truely is a special piece.  Very good quality if I do say myself.

I had an interesting encounter with a fellow who agreed for me to call him "Mister" (//Mearden Fereir).  I came upon Mister outside Vehl while I was gathering cotton and he was killing some bandits that had stolen from him.  I saw him use some magic and we got to talking and I told him I was a mage also, but wanted that I wanted to get better with my sword and hit the enemy where it counts.  He had a wierd way about him and seemed kinda secretive.  

He made some saracstic remarks but eventually handed me a vial.  He said this was my test.  That I should l study the contents of the vial to know what was in it and see if I can apply it.  It smelled like roses, but he told me not to drink it.  I poored some into a shallow pond near some fish and the smaller fish started to fidget and jerk and eventually died and floated to the surface bloated.  Ah, I said I think we have some foul poison in this vile.  He teased me back, as if he was surprised and startled; I knew he wasn't.  

Eventually, he said if I wanted to strike my enemy where it counts, then I should become aqcuainted with the tools of the trade.  I asked him if I could keep the vile and study the contents and possibly try to replicate it and apply it.  He said what vile?...I didn't give you anything.  I smiled and thanked him.  Maybe if I see him again I will have another informative talk with him and learn some more about this mysterious Mister.


Re: Tralek CDT
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2009, 08:55:21 pm »
Well I finally got a chance to see if I could apply and use the poison Mister gave me.  I arranged to meet with Ty (Tyillaan Selaama) and see if she would help.  We met in the Arena and she agreed.  I showed her the vial and I think she knew what it was, which made her hesitate, but since I really wanted to test it, she ageed still.

I took the vial and opened it carefully with a slow twist.  The fumes were potent.  I took out my skinning dagger and dripped some of the green ooze on the blade of the dagger.  I had to be careful and it was a bit tedious to get it on the blade just right so it would hold.  But I was confident I had done a good job.

I nodded to her and she nodded back.  I swung at her and cut her pretty deep.  She winced in pain and instantly grabbed her arm where she had been cut.  She screamed and slowed a bit; I could tell the posion was having an effect.  But, still, just to make sure I cut her a few more times.

After she recovered a bit and I bandaged her up, we talked.  Apparently the poison got into her system and caused her to feel weak, like her muscles had atrophied a bit.  She said she thinks other poisons do other things, but this one went to her general strength.  I thanked her and we went our separate ways.

I feel I have completed the test given by this fellow Mister.  I successfully applied the poison and was able to have Ty help me to see of it's effects.  I'm not sure how effective it would be in general battle, but I can see how it would be useful in certain select situations where you have a particular foe that you could sneek up to and you had some idea that the poison would be particularly dangerous to this foe.  I might have to experiment with this later.


Re: Tralek CDT
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2009, 09:34:07 pm »
Well I have completed my training with Feh and I feel confident I can now do what he and the others I have been watching can do.  His lessons were a great cap and closure to all the research and studying I have been doing on flank attacks, movement in battle, hitting vital areas, moving silently and trap work.  I know I will have plenty to still learn, but I believe now I am on a solid path.

Feh met me at the Arena and we spent the first part of the lesson educating me on all the vital areas he likes to try to hit in battle.  Some of the ones he likes are the addams apple, jigular artery, arm pit, elbow, wrists, heart, inner thigh, groin.  I have seen others hit other areas too, like behind the knee, the Achilies tendon (above the heal), the stomache, and below the ribs from the side.  He showed me the best place to positon myself near the enemy to get a clear strike at these areas and how to roll and move to the next position to get the other areas.  He seemed to like the side for the most part because it gives you the most options.  I watched him and practiced the same trying to mimic his movements.

Then we practiced some stealth movement.  Funny he through some milk bottles on the ground and I was like "what?", but I watched.  It was smart, he showed me two unique ways to walk through the broken glass.  The one he really wanted me to practice was the hardest...where he showed me how to walk toe first, then roll the foot down till it rests, then push off with the toe and repeat.  He said that was the quietest way and I would be able to one day move quicker that way.  I did like he did and walked through the glass.  He said I was a natural and did very well.  I was glad and his words were nice.

He then explained to me how to stay hidden from enemies.  Best to only walk when the enemy is not looking; to remain still as a rock when they pass you or look yer way; to use the terrain to your advantage and walk in the shadows or near structure to break up your own outline.  He showed me how to do so...and he I knew I felt the cold metal of his dagger on my throat.  Very impressive.

He didn't know much about traps...something from his past he was trying to get away from...but I showed him my trap skills and he was pretty impressed.  Although he thought the trap work would be easy for me to learn because most are not that complicated.  Well, anyways, I've been practicing that part of my own and with the help of my pixie Teacup.

He left after a while and I stayed in the Arena for hours practing on the dummy like he said and moving around it to reposition my self to hit new vital areas.  I also continued to practice my stealthy movement in the glass.  I got a bit cut and left a slight trail for the hostess to clean, but it was well worth it.

I really think I'm getting the hang of most of this art.  I will continue on in these things and look forward to the days ahead as I grow to master some of the things I have learned.


Re: Tralek CDT
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2009, 12:14:58 am »
I was out to gather corn the other day outside of Hempstead and decided to try out some of what Feh showed me.  I tried to get all the corn out there by sneaking around and walking and rolling my feet toe-heal like he showed me and like I practiced.

It was really fun and exciting.  It reminded me of when I was growing up on Tilmar when we used to have to sneak around to avoid Bloodstone's partrol parties of demons.  They had occupied the surrounding lands and I had to learn very quick how to keep out of their sight and how to scout around to make sure me and the others were free to leave our hiding areas and roam about (//please see my original bio for this back drop).

Well, back to my attempt at the corn.  I got right past the bug bears and their lil camp site.  Then I made it up the hill where the Griffin's usually hover to stalk the Worg packs.  Unfortunately, one of the Griffins saw me and I had to put it down.  It was kinda tough walking up hill in the toe-heal form and I guess I had a couple mis-steps.  But I regained my composure and was able to go past the Worgs and get the lil patches of corn over by where they usually pack up.

Wow that was a rush.  I'm going to keep practicing this some more!


Re: Tralek CDT
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2009, 05:06:45 am »
I joined a party today to venture into Storan's today to get some bodak teeth.  There were about 4-5 of us.  We got to one of the first doors that Storan usually keeps trapped and locked.  This one fella chimes in "alright, who in our party is any good with traps and doors?".  I smiled big because I knew I could work the trap and the door lock.  I have to admit I was glowing with pride when I said "I got the door".  It was a good feeling because I don't think to many of them expected me to be able to handle it.  It's these types of situations that I want to have more of and that make me vigilant in learning more in this field of art.


Re: Tralek CDT
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2009, 07:24:36 am »
Well, I tried to get the corn again outside Hempstead today.  This time I put on all my stealthy equipment and warded myself as best as I saw fit.  I was able to get past the bugbears again with no problem.  I was also able to get past the Wargs and Badgers again with no problem.  However, that darn Griffin has got one heck of a set of eyes on him.  I think he at first senced me because he did not attack right away.  Instead he hovered over my position a couple times while I stood still like Feh told me.  Then he swooped down, and well, again I had to defend myself and unfortunately kill my keen adversary.

I am continuing to try harder at getting my foot work just right and using the terrain to my advantage.  I will come back one day when I am better at blending in to my surroundings and pay the Griffin a visit.  For now they are King of the Hill.


Re: Tralek CDT
« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2009, 10:09:52 am »
I decided to go study the sneak attack of the Kenku that guard the Anglica on Alindor.  Vrebel and I went out there because we also needed to get some Angelica for the Tsunami Relief effort in Hempstead.

I got all buffed up and let 'em have at me.  Vrebel stood by and watched.  At one time I had seven or eight on me swinging away.  It looked like they were going for the backs of legs near the knee, my groin and my inner thigh.  They're kinda small I guess that's all they could try for.  They were very agile and moved quick on their feet.  They seemed to reposition themselves around me to get a shot at a new area.  It was quite interesting to study their attack.  It shows you how vital those areas are as targets if they kept trying and trying to hit me there.


Re: Tralek CDT
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2009, 12:06:23 pm »
Wow, I had a rare opportunity to train with G'ork and Duchess today.  I was in Vehl to make some potions and such and just kinda ran into them.  Duchess remembered I'd asked for some lessons, so, G'ork just happend to be we all set out together.

We started in the hills outside Vehl on the way to Gloom Wood.  She wanted to see if I could sneak up on the bandits and watch my sneak attack.  Well, one of them saw me coming and blew my cover.  I then looked at the spread of enemy and chose my targets.  I went after the mage that was warding himself, because I know how distracted you are when you're casting.  I got him good while his defenses were down.  Then, I turned and one of the other mages was trying to launch a second magic missle at him too right in mid cast.  Duchess was very impressed and said I did good.

We fought some more bandits and then moved into the arena.  There Duchess told me to try to get to the side or behind my enemy; and if not, try to work off an enemy that is already fighting a party member.  She had me practice my moves on the dummies and I jockeyed around and showed her the moves I'd been practicing.  She liked my footwork and thought I did well to slide into different attacking positions.

Then Duchess wanted me to try to sneak up on her and attack her.  I did, and she said she barely saw me coming; so, I guess my stealth is improving.  We tried that a few times, until she liked what she saw.

Next I got to see G'ork attack Duchess.  What a sight!  He came up from behind her and...BOOM...first hit and she froze up like a statue.  Apparently some how he is able to immobilize his attacker if he hits them in the right nerve section.  Really impressive...I mean I felt bad for Duchess...but really interesting how he can do that.  The effect lasted quite sometime too.

I'm really liking this training and I learned alot today.  G'ork named off his favorite strike spots, and most of those I had already memorized and know well by now.  It was a real pleasure to see those two and get trained by them and I think it has improved me significantly.


Re: Tralek CDT
« Reply #17 on: December 20, 2009, 09:41:30 pm »
Well I'm excited I found a new door I could open.  I was down in the Haven mine and came across a door I hadn't rembered.  Actually it was a large two panel door blocking my access down to the Amethyst I wanted to get to.  I had to change some equipment around...but I got it.  Made me feel good to bypass it.  I don't like barriers much.

I've been practicing what I learned from Duchess and G'ork the other day.  Those two really know there stuff.  I think repetition helps, so that once yer in battle you automatically act, no matter what kind of distraction there is.  

I've been trying to act out what I would do with my greatsword in certain scenarios.  Like if I come from behind, then, I go straight down on the neck from about a 45 degree angle, aiming at the Jigular, slide my blade out, twist my body about half way around, and holding my great sword in one hand, I thrash the back of the leg, behind the knee.  Or, if from the side, I would try a jabbing or piercing blow into the enemy's side, just below the ribs, pull the sword out and swing my body around and with the inertia of my turning body, swing across the backs of both legs, behind the knee, in an attempt to knock my opponent down or cut some tendons or nerve endings at the same time.

I've also been practicing my movement and stance.  The wild boar seem to frequent the woods near Paladen Lake and I have been using them as training tools.  I put my sword away and get one of the boar's attention and try to dodge his lunges and rushing attacks.  I either step aside quickly or roll to either side.  I do this until I'm too tired or he's too tired to continue.  I also go to an area near Ire Mountains where a pack of Gnolls hold up.  They almost always have a mage with them and he likes fireballs.  So, I've been letting him cast at me with his fireballs and I try to dodge out of the way of the blast.  My timing isn't there yet and I usually get cooked a bit, but I think the practice is really paying off.

