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Author Topic: Caelan's Journal  (Read 64 times)


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    Caelan's Journal
    « on: December 05, 2005, 05:46:00 pm »
    Entry 1

    I arrived in Hlint. I came here to put to rest the undead taht were said to dwell in the catacombs. During this task, I met several new friends along the way. A strong, large man named Jharl((sp)) who guided me and my other companions through the infested crypts. Those said companions were an elven lass named Ash and a man with a blade most unusual named Cal. We cleared some of the crypts, but I do plan to return several times, as it seems there is not a body in those crypts unrisen, which means our job could not have been the end of it. I met a follower of Xeen named Shiool. She seemed quite amiable, and made mention of that Blood fellow I heard of in that dream.

    What did that dream symbolize,anyway? Could it have been a vision? Or was it just bad cheese?