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Author Topic: Diary of Abigail Ruzz  (Read 1220 times)


Diary of Abigail Ruzz
« on: May 27, 2005, 01:46:00 am »
Slowly she opens the little black book she bought. All pages are empty. She stares to the empty pages. Why was it she bought this book? Her mind started to wander, back to last night and her conversation with Geir. Geir was the one who told her to start a diary, but how do you begin such a thing. She never wrote a diary, if something bothered her she always find someone to talk to, but Geir convinced her to get a book. This way you can write down everything you feel on paper....happiness, despair, love, hate, anger, depression.
Truth be told, she hasn't been feeling well lately. She was questioning her on usufullness. Everybody around her told her that she was very usefull, but she didn't feel usefull at all.
Okay... mayny people want her to come along on hunting trips into berhagen mountains, because she is very good in dodging the boulders the giants throw at the party, but on the other hand.... a solitaty zombie can kill her. Being a rogue isn't about killing things in large numbers, she knows that, but that doesn't make her feel better. So when she spoke to Geir about all this he recommended that she started to write...and reluctantly she did.


RE: Diary of Abigail Ruzz
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2005, 01:57:00 am »
Oh diary.... i almost forgot, i spoke to Hali and a girl called Fortysomething, about my feeling of usulessness. The girls both told me that i was usufull, which always is good to hear. Forty something told us a bit about her order and how that works. It started to make me wonder if there was no order for me... a order i could belong to. A order i could be myself, and still grow in the way my skills alow me. The conversation quickly turned towards the subject of shadowdancers. Fortysomething knew alot about them, she said that they were secrettive and hard to find, and maybe never to be found at all. On the other hand they could just find me, when they thought i was good enough. Hope they come get me soon... for i really want a new challenge.
Normally, wehn i begin feeling this restless, i pack up my belongings and move to another town and just start over, but this time its different. This time i have lots of people who i really like, and they seem to like me. I will not go into details who those people are, maybe later....

i will stop now...diary. I have some dire tigers skins to process.


RE: Diary of Abigail Ruzz
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2005, 01:55:00 am »
Hiya diary, something strange happened to me when i was on my way from my home in fort hope to ward the town of Hlint. I was resting at the gates towards the broken forest, when a man passed me and went into the forest.....well diary, i hear you thinking, thats not very strange.....let me tell you then, this man had wings. I gathered my belonging as quickly as i could and followed the winged man into the forest.I ran as fast as i could and i just barely saw him leave the forest, but by the time i left the forest, the winged man vanished, i try to look for tracks, but i am no ranger and couldn't find anything.....Strange indeed!!


RE: Diary of Abigail Ruzz
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2005, 02:28:00 am »
dear diary...... I was hunting berhagen with a large group. When we finished our tour of berhagen, the group split up. Bruenor asked me i i would like to join him on a giant hunt in dregar. Wow.....dregar....i had never even visited that place let alone hunt in it, But brue seemed confident enough in himself and his i agreed to come along. We had to take the boat twice just to get to the right port.....a long voyage indeed. From lorindar we traveled toward pranzis, there we met up with Tathnolu, a drow wizard with great knowledge about dregar. Now we had a party of five: Tathnolu, Bruenor, Kaizer, Sand and i. After a few arguments between Sand and Tath, or maybe they were just joking with eachother....i could not really tell, i think the last, we left to hunt the giants. Ohhhhh my......these giants are a lot tougher than the ones in the berhagen mountains. But the group did very well, i could almost say we didn't have any  trouble.. *grins to herself*. After a few rough fights we ended up in a little town called Saudiria or something like that. He we relaxed a bit and we even took a swim in the pond to cool off a bit. Jeeeeeess that lunatic dwarf can hold his breath for ages, he stayed underwater so long that i thought he drowned. Damn.... he scared me a bit with that. We all were in our underwear, and so was i, but i didn't mind. The water was cool and the air was so hot, so it didn't bother me that these people saw me in my underwear. Of course they looked at me, but what the hell i looked at them as well *grins towards herself again*.
After this nice cool swim we left to hunt some more. This time we went into a mountain range with even tougher giants, but all went well and we prevailed. After a run in with pixies, we returned to the desert town and here the group waited for some friends. I, for one, had enough killing for one day and retired to the inn, where i rented a small room.
The next morning i woke up and after getting dressed, i payed the innkeeper for the room and left the inn. Once outside, i remembered where i was.........How in the nine hells do i get home from this place, i don't know the way and there are really tough giant between me and pranzis. Giants that trow fire instead of rocks and that can kille me in one blow. I only had one chance to get home. I had to wait for nightfall and try to sneak past the giants. I had to wait for nighttime.....try to hide in shadows in the desert, thats nearly impossible with that blazing sun on your head. After a relaxing day of reading under a tree and resting from time to time, it became night and i walked to the gates, opened them and left without any fear, i knew i could count on my abillities to hide. I knew i could make it, even if that ment i had to sneak all the way. I proceded slowly and carefully. Always staying in the shadows. The first hill was easy and i had no trouble getting passed the giants. beyond that, i had to pass a campsite full of giants. But again i had no trouble, even the mages didn't see me. After some more giants and staying hidden all the time, and more important losing my way all the time, i finally found my way to prazis. And after that i also found my way back to the port.
On my way from Karthy to Point harbor, i killed some panters and skinned them, maybe i could make a present out of it for... no diary i'm not even gonna tell you that.....not yet anyway...
but where was i.... ahhhh yes... well... i made it home in one piece. i can't tell you how proud i was. I made it using my skills alone.... my skills must be improving....i has been a long time since i fell so good about myself.....I just hope others notice my skills as well, maybe even thos4e shadow dancers, forty-two told me about. If they here about my hiding skills and how i used it to get vthrough the desert alone, they have to accept me..................


RE: Diary of Abigail Ruzz
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2005, 01:09:00 am »
hmmmmmm diary...this is all so confusing.
Today in Hlint i met a shadow dancer. There was a big crowd in front of the bank and we spoke shortly in thieves cant. She told me that shadow dancing is a gift from the shadows.... Whatever that means? That the dancers are not a organisation that once can seek out but that they are scattered around and are everywhere.
that narrows things down.... i am further from finding then then before i spoke to one......ohh well... the search continues....


RE: Diary of Abigail Ruzz
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2005, 01:34:00 am »
ohhh my have to listen to this....Last night Geir said to me, he had to talk to me in a private place. So we went to my home in Fort Hope. There he told me that he loved me....or actually he didn't acually tell me that, he said that he really like me and he cared a great deal for me....i guess thats his way to tell me that he loves me. This didn't come as a real surprise to me, but none the less, i didn't know how to respond. I never did speak about my feelings for people in my diary. But i really do like Geir as well, but.... and i told him the same thing, I set myself a goal...i want to find those shadow dancers if they are organised, and if they aren't then i also wanna know, because i really want to become one myself. Being someones girlfriend interferes with reaching this goal. But i don't wanna scare geir away, because i realy want to be his girlfriend....but just not now. Also i think Geir must think about this some more, because when i first met him he was in love with someone else. That girl left him for some reason, not that this really matters but i don't wanna be the rebound girl.....
So i told Geir that i needed to do this task i set upon myself, when i reach my goal he can shout it to the world, that he and i are a couple....but not before. I hope he can keep it to himself for this long. He looked so happy, and ohhh what did he look scared when i told him i liked him but....... *grins to herself* After this talk we told eachother secrets about our selves, but i don't wanna go into details about that at this point.....maybe later diary....maybe later....
I have to stop writing now, Hali just got home and i really don't want her to know yet about me and Geir....i don't want anyone to know yet..... But soon everyone will.....soon


RE: Diary of Abigail Ruzz
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2005, 09:24:00 am »
dear has certainly been a long while since i wrote. I went away on my journey to find shadow dancers and forgot my diary at home so i couldn't write in it. But i am home now, so let me tell you a bit of what happened. The whole story is far to long, so i try to keep it short.
I left home about 4 months ago to search for shadow dancer. I wanted to do this as quickly as possible because i wanted to get back to.........................
(abi stops with writhing and tears fill her eyes.....then she swallowed her sadness and a serene but cruel look comes over her face, she picks up her pen and continues....)
i really am not in the mood to white, so i will make it as short as i can. I found them. A group of 4 shadow dancers that travels together. They they teached me all sorts of things but they didn't teach me how to be a shadow dancer myself. They told me i wasn't ready yet and that i would know when i was. That was kinda cryptic because i already thought i was ready? They did show me the possibilities of being a shadow dancer. I realize now that hiding in shadows, like i something very different then the sort of vanishing they do.  Maybe they are right and i am not completely ready, but i will soon. They thought so and i know so. After some weeks i said my goodbyes to them, they could not teach me what i wanted to know, so i thought it was best to return home.
Coming home was really shocking, everything has changed. It seems nobody remembers me at all. Geir forgot about me as well (she sighs) he wil pay for this dearly i am going
Before i do something i regret latere i will go to the mountains of lar to clear my head, being this angry wil be the death of me...or Geir. I have to clear my head and figure out what to do.


RE: Diary of Abigail Ruzz
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2005, 09:24:00 am »
I have been sneaking around hlint for a week now. Listen to the strories told and picking up all the gossip i hear people say to eachother. I learned much... but there is still much i must learn. I have been standing so close to my friends (she grins) they didn't even realize i was standing next to them. I sure was carefull not to make a sound. Always standing in the shadows (she smiles again and thinks to herself; maybe i am not a shadow dancer yet, i am good in hiding in the shadows as it is. I almost revealed myself the other day....rolf was walking by himself in hlint. It would have been so easy to appear out of the shadows and scare him to death....but no. I still need more information...i cannot let anyone know i am back.


RE: Diary of Abigail Ruzz
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2005, 09:26:00 am »
Last night i did two things.....
first i sneaked to the wild surge inn and nailed a note on the door, this way all who looks at the note will know that i am back. This was not so hard to do.
the other thing i did was very hard to do. I went to see Geir. He was sleeping. As quiet as i could i wrote a little note and pinned it to his clothes. He never woke up, he just snored on. I was so easy for me to .... nahh that would have been stupid.....
oh let me tell you what i wrote:

"How quickly a man forgets and how hollow his intentions.
His words as true as a poem, mostly made up and untrue."

"Could have slit your throught....."


oh how i love to see his ecpression on his face when he reads it, but i don't want to take any chances.


RE: Diary of Abigail Ruzz
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2005, 04:52:00 pm »
Today i revealed myself for the first time, most people didn't know me. A few did know me. I helped Kaiser move some furnature in his house, but i didn't get a chance to actually talk to him.
I also met rolf again. He wasn't surprised that i already knew he was an orc now. *grins to herself* i didn't tell him i saw him yesterday.( good to see that he isn't to scared to walk around). He told me that Geir had gone soft and that i would not like him anymore.....then he told me that he didn't get soft. *laughs* I think in his own way he was making a pass at me.(note to herself; I have to speak to rolf alone soon to learn as much about geir and his new girl as possible)
Also met brue again. he wasn't his usual talkative self, but that was probably because we were moving kaiser. He is usually more talkative in battle. Without his weapons in hand he is kinda.....helpless *grins*
I also met a few new other people. Let me see if i can remember a few. There was a human fighter named Barion, he didn't talk very much. He was so much in love with an elven girl named Shelu, he didn't notice much about his surroundings, the same is going on with shelu (a elven cleric or mage, i didn't get to close to her ...yet), although i sence there is a bit of a disturbance between em... (note to herself; maybe i should talk to them some more and see if i can... *grins* nevermind for now, i have bigger fish to fry, maybe later)
i also met a pretty girl named angela. She is a bit of a loose cannon especially when it comes to man or women...she doesn't really mind. but with her i sensed that this was all a little facade, i think she loves someone as well, but i didn't quiet understand it yet.....maybe tomorrow. I did tell her she reminded me of someone. She thought i was refering to her twin sister (who i didn't meet yet). When i told her that, that was not the case, she was really intrested to know who i thought she reminded me off. I didn't tell her that she reminded me actually. Myself when i first arrived in hlint. She flirted alot with me. I wonder what she would do if i take her up on that offer. But first i want to find out what it is she's hiding.....i really think she is secretly in love or something....hmmm.
Now for the more important matters. I haven't seen Geir yet...i have seen a female orc running with his smell on her...i guess it was her, don't know her name yet, but i will find out. *grins wickedly*
Geir is so ashamed of looking like an orc he doesn't dare to come out. Secretly i hope that my little note made him stay indoors as well. Maybe that is to much to think....but then again maybe not. Let him stay hidden. I still have a few bones to pick with him. But no rush, i will find him when he is alone someday...then he's mine. He knows he cannot hide forever, he cannot find me if i don't want to, but i shure as hell can find him if i want to *grins wickedly while closing her little black book*


RE: Diary of Abigail Ruzz
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2005, 12:49:00 am »
I spoke with Geir and something snapped in me...for a time i didn't know what this ment...i do now. i will try to explain what happened and why i am all twisted up now.....

I watched Geir and rolf speak to 2 others...i was hidden in the shades as i usually was...but i made sure Geir could see me if he wished. He did see me and walked towards me to talk to me, i quickly draw my shortsword. He kept his distance but spoke to me nonetheless. First hate welled up inside me... i told him what happened and that i knew he left me for another. He spoke so gentle to me that my hatred broke and an overwhelming sadness came over me...i think i cried.
it is hard for me to recall the emotions i had at that time.........

Then he asked me if i wanted to follow him, he wanted to show something to me. He brought me to a place in the forest. There it was, he said, he grieved over my loss. Not knowing where i was broke his heart, but thinking i wouldn't return he moved on with his life....found new love and is planning to marry. But he said he still cared for me and that he wanted us to be friends.
I believe it was at that moment, the truth about it ...death hate.... came to me. Nature must be balanced.
When Geir and i first met nature became balanced...when i left to follow my dream (finding the shadowdancers to become one), i thought our love was strong enough to withstand the time appart and that he would wait for me. In his time of grief he spoke to someone and he told him that he should consider me dead and move on with his live....sound advice .... i know that now...but the balance of nature shifted at that moment. Geir found new love. They formed a new balance. Then i returned and the balance got shifted again. For balance you need 2. good and evil, right and wrong plus and minus etc. We were with three, so one of us had to go.... so there were 3 options...i must die , he must die or she must die. We both agreed that those 3 were no options at all. And then i saw what i had to do. As a final testament to my eternal love to him i forfitted my heart so that he and her could be happy. I didn't fully realize what would happen if i did that, but i did it just the same.
The outcome of this all is that i am left as a hollow being....i have no emotions left...i don't care about good nor evil, right nor wrong, geir and his new love.......i am heartless, soullles and empty being.


RE: Diary of Abigail Ruzz
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2005, 05:05:00 pm »
i ran into barion this day.....i saw him and 3 others fight some ogres...the others i didn't know and i seen his face a couple of times so i stoped. He then asked me if i wanted to join him and others to the krandor crypts to find someones ashes. I had nothing better to do so why not. i don't care if the undead live or die, but i still prefer good over evil so i joined.
After the fight, that didn't go all to well for them, lots of people died, i didn't, barion asked me why i was acting strange to him. Why is was i didn't like him. I told him that neither liked him nor disliked him. He though of this odd, so he asked for an explenation. I don't care if people like me or not, believe me or not, so i agreed to tell him my tale. We went to his room in a house in krandor, we sat down and i explained it all to him. Afterward he told me, he sort of understood. He asked me a question. "can you be restored"? surprisingly i answered: there may be a way.
Let me explain that further.
Before i left, to find the shadow dancers, i had one true love , Geir. But some part of my heart was reserved for my dream, becoming a shadowdancers.  i gave my heart away so Geir could be happy and love his new soon to be wife, but maybe...just maybe i could find that little piece back, thats i had reserved for being a shadowdancers. So if i get to be a shadowdancer, i might get that little piece back...that in time can grow again and i would be whole again, and not hollow anymore.
Then angela knocked on the door. Angela and i became quite good friends in the days before my talk to geir, and barion asked me if i would tell her my tale as well, so she would not get hurt. I tried that, the short version, but she didn't understand it at all. I asked Barion if i wanted to try and explain it to her. He did, and by doing so, he realized that my story is true. But angela didn't fully believe it. But still both agreed that, me becoming a shadowdancer would be my best chance of regaining my heart again. They also promised they would help me achieve that goal, even after i told them i needed more experience as a rogue first. They didn't mind putting up with someone who was heartless, emotionless....or even soulless. Not when there was a slight possibility to make me whole again.


RE: Diary of Abigail Ruzz
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2005, 07:57:00 am »
I have no further use of this little black book. Writing down emotions and feelings is a thing of the past now. Still i will try to put words to things that occur with me and around me.
I did found 3 little notes in my backpack, i remember writing 2 of them days before my talk with geir. The 3rd note i do not recall ever writing, but it is in my handwriting so i must have written it. Now i have to decide if i give him the notes or not. It makes no difference to me, but it might to him. This in turn does not bother me also. I will probably give them to him. They are adressed to him so they as his anyway...

*the 3 notes are places between the pages. On one side of the note is written a name; Geir, on the other side some sort of poetry. The shortest poem is the one abigail her self never knew she wrote*

"Sometimes when i'm alone I still feel you
your breath on my neck, you're still with me
and i am still dreaming.....
I wait for you, to taste your unknown world
The clock spins to time that must mean nothing"

"Sometimes i wonder where you are, can you feel my tears?
I never knew what changed you
Did they paint your dreams in pale shades?
I wait for you, you know you cannot hide
division from within invalidates suffering"

"I am a child of light living in you mind
The pain, the unknowing washes away in time
until then will you meet me whenever i call to you?


RE: Diary of Abigail Ruzz
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2005, 06:10:00 pm »
So much has happened in the past weeks that i didn't get the chance to write earlier. I am afraid this part of the diary will be vage and only in bits of thought. I hope to resume writing in my diary with more regularity soon.

First off... love found me again and my feelings returned. I cannot fully explain how this all happened, but it is safe to say i am happy for the first time, in what seems like ages. I think the main reason for my feeling to re-appear is that Angela told me she truely loved me. This sparked my heart to function again. But with that the pain returned with a vengeance, but i can bare the pain now because angela loves me and i love her...... this is hard to write about because i don't really understand how it all happened, but i am glad i did.

I spend nearly everyday with angela. Angela seems truely affraid to loose me, but i do not really understand it because i would never leave her.

I still feel the pain on my heart. It sometimes weights me down like a ton of bricks, but i am very carefull not to let anyone see this.

I made many friends since my feelings and love returned. They are too much to sum up now, i will write about them another day when my thought are a bit more organized. My mind is now to much filled with love.

Ever since my feeling returned, my blood is acting up again and i have  a hard time controlling it. This is also something i don't want others to see. Last night i saw Ozy and he called me little tiefer. That didn't help one bit. I am glad he was too busy with ireth and her newborn to harras me too much....i really dread the day, that he wants to talk to me about the bloodwars. I know someone requiested me to talk to him about that, but i really don't want to hear about it. And certainly not from him.

I think i better stop now. I have a feeling i am raving and i don't make much sense.........


RE: Diary of Abigail Ruzz
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2005, 06:11:00 pm »
Tonight I met thais again. After a few words spoken to her i knew she was not the one who asked my help, but the one who wants to get intimate with me. This is out of the question now, because i love angela and i am only intrested in angela. But before we could talk about anything, a call came out that the forces of blood were invading Hope. We both rushed to fort Hope, but when we arrived there we saw no forces of blood there. thais said she wanted to buy me a drink so we could talk. I was amost about to tell her "no" when i thought of amarath and the other thais, and my promise to find out about this thing with thais. So i agreed to come with her to the inn for a drink.
We spoke and drinked some ....when i confronted her with the fact she and the imposter were one and the same figure. She thought i lost my mind. Then i cut my hand with my dagger (wich she had all the time and returned to me) and i asked her to do the same. She did cut her hand for me and asked me why.... That really doesn't matter, but when i see the other thais i know they are one, because of the cut in her hand.
Then a stranger came to our table and asked if she could sit with use. Thais kinda looks afraid of the woman and told me she was the one who drugged her with amarath. That was enough information for me to ask the lady to sit down with us. And i asked her who she was and why she was here.
After her explenation Thais ran off into the back room, Vivian, that was the cleric who wanted to sit with us, and i followed her in. I locked the door behind us so thais was trapped. Then Vivian started to talk to thais. After a short while thais tried to flee the room but she couldn't open the lock *looks a bit proud*. After that Vivian sat down with thais to talk with her, and i think she made good progress with that talk.....maybe another talk and thais can find peace again and be whole again....but that are not matters i understand...i was just glad i could help in a way....thinking of amaraths face last time i saw him. It clearly showed me that he truely loves i had to help.


RE: Diary of Abigail Ruzz
« Reply #15 on: November 19, 2005, 04:59:00 am »
So many things are happenening around me and i don't have the time to write about and angela are doing great, no complaints there. Barion and Shelu bought a home. I guess marriage and children are not far away *grins while she writes it down*. But also lotsa bad thing are going on. My friend ireth finally found a new love, and got dumped again...she is in so much pain. I do wish i could say or do something to help her.....maybe just be there for her helps her a bit...i hope so. And then there is Amarath and Thais. Amarath is convinced Thais in on her road to recovery, but i am not so sure about that. Any way i will keep my eye on Thais.
But what i really wanted to write about is someting that is happening to me...
I have been haunted by shadows...i know this sounds strange, but it is true. The first time a saw a shade, was just outside port hampshire. There it stood in front of the main gate just looking at me. Angela and another lady were with me but they didn't see any shade. When i tried to walk towards the shade, it opened the gates and fled inside hamp. I tried to look for it inside hamp but it was gone. I still feel strange because nobody but me saw that shade but me.
Now i think of it maybe that same shade locked me up in the store room as well.... let me explain that. An hour or so before my encounted with that shade i was busy crafting and i needed some tanning acids. I went into the store room to buy a few, and suddenly the door slammed shut. When i walked to the door to open it again, it was locked. As i was rummaging through my backpack to get some lockpicks, the door opened again. I am so certain nobody was there. When i got in the hall all the other door began to open and close by it self...That scared me so much. I ran out of the temple and still when i need to buy supplies there i feel uneasy.
But thats not it....i encountered that same shade again, i believe it was the same but i can't be sure. This time it was on the road from leilon to the castle. It just stood on the road and looked at me, This time i was all alone, and that made it all the more frightening. I walked towards it and it ran away again. It must have passed the caste on his way so i talked to a boy who walked there and to the guards of the castle, but they all didn't see a shade. They must have thought i was mad or something like that. And maybe they are right....maybe i am slowly loosing my mind. Nobody sees the damn thing but me. I can tell you this much, the whole deal is starting to freak me out, more that a little.....
Next time i meet that shade i will not walk towards it. Maybe i will close my eyes and hope for it to go away or maybe i just stare at it as it stares at me. Maybe.....*sighs* i don't know anymore....i will have to wait i guess.
I hope i have the time to write again soon...maybe i just need to make more time to do so, but i have been so busy....... *smiles weakly*
*slowly closes her little black book when pendar come along* he asked me what i was doing and i explain to him that i was writing in my diary. He asked me what is was i was writing in i explained. Then he said "so you write down how wonderfull i am" so i told him i would write that down *grins in herself and closes the diary*


Re: Diary of Abigail Ruzz
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2006, 02:08:30 am »
my world is turned to ruin....heaven torn asunder

even the name abi has no more meaning, i will not use it again, from now on i will be abigail again, not that that name hold much meaning for me but averything is better then abi, the name she called me, maybe its for the best happiness and joy are not for me....

the color in my life disappeared, i will wear black again, although i keep the white and black outfit...i like it, but no more pink or any other bright color.

i am supposed to like pain, well.....i don't....not much for a xeenite...cannot even do that right!

ahh whats the use *stands up from the bench and walks towards the trashbin. One more time she flips through the pages as if she in memory flips through the years. No expression is seen on her face as she throws her little black book away. She steps into the shades and walks unseen by the people of hlint towards the eastern gate*


Re: Diary of Abigail Ruzz
« Reply #17 on: June 22, 2006, 09:42:10 am »
((written in a new book))

Once i heard a bard sing a song. I can't remember the name of the song. I cant remember the face of the bard, I can't even remember when i heard the song. But the lyrics are printed in my brain for some reason. I never knew what they ment...i do now...let me write the song down now, so i never forget the words like i forgot all other details.

"There lies a dying sparrow
lying still with broken wings
till his eyes closed to pass the night
and part the tears
he slips into a dream
see him fly o like an arrow
in the sky he rules as king
though he's never really left the ground
gods, you should hear him sing

i can fly
o i can even touch the sky
chase me to the sun

run down his face, tears of a blind man
eyes that never seen the sun
waiting for the light of morning to come
to end this seemingly endless night
where is the light
i've never seen you
but i've seen your many faces
in my dreams

i have seen you
but i must fly away again

now dim his ears to silence
never heard a churchbell ring
still his eyes are closed for evermore
still the chains are on his wings
Gods hear him sing
i'll cease to find the point in living
only if i cease to dream"

i do understand now what the song is about, but is it a song of hope??? or is it a song of despair???

Did i cease to dream?



Re: Diary of Abigail Ruzz
« Reply #18 on: June 30, 2006, 08:28:32 am »
How long did i sit here? On this tree branch? The spiders have no idea i am up here, I wonder what will happen if i die, will i hang here unseen or would the shadow leave me when i die. I think the last option probably. Just as well, i stole so much silk during my life in hlint, only fair to give something back in the end. What have i to live for....Nothing. I have no life without angela, she was my life!!! So why am i sitting here on this branch then for so long thinking about it all? Am i not certain about this? No i definately am....I don't wanna live anymore....i stopped dreaming...stopped hoping......

With that thought she lets herself slip if the treebranch. No prayer said, no jumping, she just slides off. The last thing she sees in her mind before the rope straightens is angela's face, then a soft plop is heared in Sielwood forest as her neck breaks. As soon as death sets in the shadow fall away from her and the spiders notice her. Slowly but surely the spiders close in on her hanging body.......