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Author Topic: The journal of Curtis Simon Orcutt  (Read 111 times)


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    The journal of Curtis Simon Orcutt
    « on: October 08, 2005, 06:04:00 pm »
    10/08/2005 (by the Earthly reckoning of time)

    Oh.. the joys of fighting these last few weeks.

    Leaving the Academy at the relatively old age of 25, and leaving my wife and children behind, I began the life of an adventurer.  Being able to write long letters to my wife and children was a big help, but I still had lots of time for exploring and adventuring.

    I was so very fortunate to immediately meet some excellent friends in Mistone.  They were so familiar to me it seemed like I had known them in another life. *smiles*  Kavil, William Westlake, Yar, Rodlin, and others were kind and took me all around the world near Hlint.  They speak often of their fledgling clan, the Crimson Shield, and that they may initiate me into it when appropriate.

    My first night of fighting in Hlint, I ventured into the crypts alone, thinking my shiny new katana that I had trained with so extensively in the Academy would be good enough.  It was good enough...for about 3 knuckles, then I died!!  The void was interesting the first time, but was not an experience I wished to repeat.

    The next day, my first day of party adventuring, I met up with my great friends and we went to a dangerous place, the Haven Mines.  Everyone instructed me to STAY BACK, FIRE ARROWS, STOP RUNNING AHEAD!!  It was almost more than a poor man could take.  I managed to get in a few shots with my bow, and a few strikes with my katana.  My katana tasted its first real blood (the crypts had only contained skeletons) and I could almost hear it speaking to me of the enjoyment we both felt.  It already felt like an extension of my arm, but I knew more practice was needed.

    The next few days passed quickly, as we adventured all around Hlint, completing many of the errands requested by the people there.  We went to many places, killing as many of the evil monsters as we could, gaining gold and experience with my katana.

    Two days ago, our party decided to travel to the Grey Peak Mountains, as it was rumored to contain a precious oil a lady in Fort Llast was seeking.  There, I again tasted of death.  After battling many ogres, with my katana sinking deeply into many of their legs, one mighty ogre mage had had quite enough of me and struck me down.  My first passing to the bindstone was painful, but no banshee wailed and I immediately began the long journey back to my grave.  A few miles from my grave, with none of my party to protect me, I ran into more ogres that I knew I could not kill on my own.  My great friend Kavil, enjoying the spectacle of me running ALL OVER the fields of the Grey Peaks, with 4 ogres attempting to corner me, eventually ran down and led me up the hill.  He is a powerful sorcerer and made me invisible for the rest of the trip to my grave.  Finally, I arrived at my grave and was able to regain fully my composure and abilities.

    Last night, our party took it relatively easy, heading to the Broken Forest to try to clean out the undead there, the Zainge River, and a few other easy places.  My wonderful friends even entrusted me with a key to their house in Fort Hope, and I had my first night's sleep on a real bed in many days.  There, my friends presented me with a iron Bastard Sword.  It was more deadly that my katana, but it never felt right in my hands.  I have concentrated so hard on my katana that no other weapon feels right.  I can even attack many monsters now, with my newly learned Whirlwind Attack.  After a few hours of adventuring with the Bastard Sword in hand, I had to return to Fort Hope to get my katana back.

    While there, I met Dorax Windsmith, a legend in our guild.  He was kind enough to offer to take me to Haven Mines to obtain the iron he would need to make me a......IRON Katana.  He reassured me it would have the same balance and heft as my beloved copper katana, but would be more deadly in combat. We journeyed to the Mines and after slaying many ogres, (my katana is quite slaked with blood taste now), we mined a little iron.  Dorax had to abandon our adventure sooner than we expected, but I rest assured he will soon have sufficient ore to make my new katana.  I look forward to yielding it, and dedicated most of today to reading weapons tactics and resting in the Fort Hope house, looking forward to a great night of adventuring this evening.  

    Until later,
    Curtis Simon Orcutt


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      The journal of Curtis Simon Orcutt
      « Reply #1 on: October 15, 2005, 10:36:00 pm »

      Another good day of adventuring under my belt. Finding myself far from my wife and children and with none of my guildmates available for adventuring, I took it upon myself to organize our fine house in Fort Hope. They had all used the house for quick drop offs, many crafting jobs, and even some fine cooking. So..with none of those skills yet completely honed, I took it upon myself to do some shuffling. No more chests with every little which thing. After many hours of tireless moving and shuffling, there were soon pelt chests, robe chests, gloves chests, armor chests, weapons chests, etc. etc. I worked so hard and long that I even broke two of the chests. With their lids stuck permenetly open, I was forced to empty their contents into the many other chests scattered throughout the house.

      Finally, after a long day of that, my guild mates arrived and began inspecting my efforts. Happy for the oganization, we set out up on a adventure to a new land for me...the Berhagen Mountain. Seems there is an old Dwarven Fortress up there with plans for furniture needed down here in human lands. Me and my mates set out, once with just Kavil and Yar, and later with Kavil, Yar and William Westlake. William's curing potions came in mighty handy as I battled giants for the first time. Kavil's spells were also excellent in preparing Yar and I for battle time after time. My skills increased, my gold coffers were supplemented substantially, and it made for a fun and excellent time. My new Whirlwind attack so impressed Kavil that I had to demonstrate it for him many times. It came in very handy as many giants would swarm around us in the Berhagen Mountains.

      Returning to the guild house, we discussed future plans for a bit, then settled in for a well deserved night of sleep. Today being a holy day, I rested from my adventuring and settled for reading and writing in this journal. Looking forward to tomorrow!!

      Until Later,
      Curtis Simon Orcutt

      Edited by cso683 10/9/2005 4:29 AM


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        The journal of Curtis Simon Orcutt
        « Reply #2 on: October 15, 2005, 10:39:00 pm »
        10/16/2005 (by earth reckoning)

        There never seems to be enough time in the day.  After many days of successful adventuring, I am so tired at night, I can only rest in the Fort Hope house and prepare for another day.

        But, things have been great!! As promised, a bird landed on my shoulder one evening with a note tied to its leg informing me that my iron katana was ready in Fort Hope.  I rushed over, taking it in my hands, running my fingertips down its length.  This katana, also, spoke to me.  We connected right away, and it felt like an even more powerful extension of my arm.  I am starting to seriously consider requesting the required quest to become a weapons master soon!!  I know I can do whatever is asked.  My new iron Katana and I went many places on Mistone, with my guild mates, and on my own.  Many locations were just too tough.. and finally it happened, I heard the wail of the banshee.  It was very sad, but I kept at the adventuring, ever ready for a new challenge.

        Ah.. crafting.  My former life as a blacksmith prepared me for this important part of life on Layonara.  I was able to quickly master making arrow shafts, copper ingots, simple alchemy items, and simple cloth.  I can't wait to make my first shiny weapon here in Layonara.  I know that I can lend my talents to others via the hammer.  Hopefully I can find others to follow my unusual path, that of focusing so intently on one weapon that it melds into your hand and becomes even more deadly.

        After a long day yesterday of leading a new bard (Silool) in town around and helping them to get to know the world, I rested today on my holy day and updated this growing account of my adventures on Mistone.

        Until Later,
        Curtis Simon Orcutt


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          The journal of Curtis Simon Orcutt
          « Reply #3 on: November 13, 2005, 09:47:00 pm »
          11/13/2005 (by Earth Reckoning)

          Oh, life is just so busy on this world.  I spend all my days adventuring, crafting, and find little time to update this journal of my travels.

          I finally had the opportunity to visit with another great fighter following my chosen path.  Barion Firesteed, a new weapon's master, gave me many pointers on how to follow in his footsteps.

          Finally, I have been able to craft weapons here in this land.  My blacksmith training coming in handy after all.  I have made hundreds of arrows, many small swords, and raised my abilities in many areas.

          Ah.. and the adventuring.  I have been all over Mistone, few areas have not seen my presence.  I have found many junior adventurers to train and adventure with.  I spend much time with my fellow future guild mates, hoping that some day they will honor me with full membership in their guild.  I also spend time with Azaria, Caeli, and Silool, trying to help them earn money for a house they want.

          I also made an ill-fated trip to Relara last week.  We went to many areas, killing Farmer Part's evil scarecrows, returning Elsie's Collar from inside the huge griffon.  After that, we went adventuring over to Karthy.  Azaria fell behind a little and I ran back to get her.  As soon as we arrived in Bloody Gates Outskirts, I heard Silool scream and before I could even get back to see what was up, two evil looking dwarves began hacking at me, and despite my bravely swinging my katana, the extension of my arm by now, I died quickly.  I heard from many others later that these dwarves were tough and caused troubles for hours to come.  Oh well, I avoided the Soul Mother another time and continued to enjoy my adventures.

          Later this week, I tried two nights in a row to enter Haven Mines with two sets of adventurers.  Both times it was very tough, and I died again each time.  The Soul Mother must not want me much, because I was again safe.  I did finally succeed in getting a little iron and even smelted a few of the nuggets into ingots, moving up my experience in this area.

          I have become good at tailoring, baking, alchemy, weapon making, and especially wood crafting, spending every waking minute that I am not adventuring at these tasks.

          My katana feels so great in my hands, I can remember clearly each time that it has shed blood, and it feels so natural in my hands.  My guild mates tell me that soon I will be able to enhance my blade, allowing it to do even more damage.  I cannot wait.  Defending Mistone, working to kill Blood, all this is in my future as I practice daily with my katana, weapon making and everything else.  I hope the gods will allow me the privilege of following my chosen path, the sooner the better.

          Until Later,
          Curtis Simon Orcutt


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            The journal of Curtis Simon Orcutt
            « Reply #4 on: November 20, 2005, 06:36:00 pm »

            Another great week of fighting!!

            I have practiced so much with my katana that my skill has increased yet again.  I can now kill one monster, and with that death blow, my katana thrists so much for blood that it strikes again quickly.  Also, with my increased skill, I was able to move up to wearing more protective Bronze Full Plate, graciously provided to me by my future guild mate, Yar!  I mined the bronze, and he graciously made me a set!

            I spent the majority of the week doing minor adventures here and there around Hlint, including a very successful trip down into the Sielwood Cave with Silool and Axodeth.  Axo and I mined until our arms ached! Luckily, I had brought my trusty ox, third in the series of Cumbersome Slow Oxes (CSO), named Cumby for short.  So.. Cumby III carried a LOT of tin and copper ore back to Hlint, where I forged until I increased my skill in that once more.

            I tried to return the stronger chair plans to Lar by myself and later with Axo's help, but an evil ogre mage up there is just too tough for me.  Maybe I will return with a tougher group and finally exact my revenge.

            I had the opportunity to speak with another fighter that has pursued my desired path.  He is a weapon's master and enjoys it very much.  He told me that continual practice with my blade and frequent entries in this fine journal may be sufficient to allow me to request from the God's the necessary skills to follow this path.  I certainly hope so, but stand ready to do whatever it takes to become skilled enough to be a WEAPON'S MASTER some day!!

            Until Later,
            Curtis Simon Orcutt


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              The journal of Curtis Simon Orcutt
              « Reply #5 on: November 30, 2005, 08:55:00 pm »
              11/30/2005 (by Earth Reckoning)

              Another good little while of fighting!!

              I have begun to venture out beyond Mistone, spending whole days on relara fishing and adventuring, and even venturing with my future clan mates to Dragar.  There, I stood toe to toe with the largest of giants, and fought well.  I have learned much from practicing with my katana, becoming more and more skilled.

              I have even begun to lead small parties on my own.  I led a small party up to Lar to investigate the rumors that someone needed help there.  The Ogres Mages, the bane of my existance, were again very tough, and I died enough times to feel less experienced in my travels.  AND.. the Soul Mother has taken two more pieces of my soul.  But, tis the life of fighter, especially one who wishes to become permanently bonded to my weapon as do I.

              I have taken the opportunity to talk with as many Weapon's Masters as I can come in contact with, learning from them the tricks of our chosen trade.  Soon, I feel, I will be strong enough to follow that path, I trust more and more in my abilities every day.

              More adventuring awaits, SO..until later,

              Curtis Simon Orcutt


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                The journal of Curtis Simon Orcutt
                « Reply #6 on: January 21, 2006, 05:13:03 pm »
                1/21/2006 (by Earth Reckoning)

                It seems there are never enough hours in the day to take the time to write in this now very dusty journal.

                My time outside of Mistone now far exceeds that upon the land of my original adventures.  I spend much time on Relara searching for gold nuggets and fishing, lots of time with my future guildmates on Dregar cleansing the land, mining for coal and silver, and practicing my critical and  important skills with my weapon.  I have had my iron katana, now with a nifty electrical charge generator built into the hilt, for many months now.  Recently I had the master forger, Riley Alexander, inscribe its chosen name into the blade.  It whispered to me that it wished to be called The Cunning Sword of the Odyssey.  So.. bearing it now takes on deeper meaning as I look down at the crisp lettering that reminds me each day how deep of a bond we have formed.

                My whirlwind attack has become devastating!!  I can head to the Sielwood Cave alone very easily now and even went a long ways into Haven Mines all alone.  I often head there with
                Addison, my new friend, or often with Silool, my old friend!!  When I head to Dregar and Relara, my katana sinks deep into many a giant's leg!!  Lots and lots of bugs, deer, lions, cougars, ogres, lizardmen, falcons, goblins, spiders, gnolls, ants, trolls, harpies, scorpions, snakes, etc. have tasted its fury!

                I have also practiced my skills in many crafting areas.  Gone are the days when I buy tanning acid and oil.  I make all my own!  I use it on the many lion, cougar, and deer hides I tan and cure to make useful items.  I mine for days on end to make armors and weapons.  I cut trees for hours to make arrows, bows, and to trade silool oak for potions so she can make fine musical instruments.  Every gem I find is crushed to make dust for more potions and oils.  I dig clay and sand for hours to make molds, ingots, and my newest creation Crystal Rod IIs.  These are gladly traded to my future guild mates for the electrical charge generators and cold, fire, and electrical damage absorbers that I now have incorporated into my robes and boots.

                I have taken every opportunity to talk to each and every weapon's master is see!!  I have talked with Mr. Barion Firesteed on more than one occaision.  He gave me many tips on training in the right skills, practicing with my weapon at every opportunity, and other valuable training.

                Soon I will be ready to ask the Gods to pursue my chosen path.  If I must undertake a challenging quest to do so, I will do that!  Mr. Firesteed told me he was able to plead with the gods to follow the weapon's master path using only a long and mournful prayer to the gods, and I hope the same will be true for me!

                Well, off to more adventuring!!

                Until Later,
                Curtis Simon Orcutt


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                  The journal of Curtis Simon Orcutt
                  « Reply #7 on: February 06, 2006, 07:50:49 pm »
                  2/6/2006 (By Earth Reckoning)

                  Life is good!!

                  For many a month now I have tried to gain more experience in this world!!  Something always held me back, but finally after adventuring to a VERY difficult location, which my future guild mates swore me to secrecy about, I have acheived my goals.

                  I finally learned to intimidate others just enough to get my way at times.  Combining this with all my other skills will make my path of being a true weapon's master straight and true.

                  Every chance I get, I adventure with the many weapon's masters in the world.  I went into Haven Mines with Islime, and returned later with Barion Firesteed.  I helped a small party get up to the Grey Peaks mountains and back.  I regularly foray into Haven Mines with my ever good friend, Silool, and often with Bob Copperhead, Addison Scarlace, and many others.

                  I feel I am truly ready to follow my true path, I practice each and every minute I possible can with the Cunning Sword of the Odessey, and look forward to the day when I can yield an even more powerful cousin to her!  

                  Destiny awaits!!

                  Until Later,
                  Curtis Simon Orcutt


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                    RE: The journal of Curtis Simon Orcutt
                    « Reply #8 on: February 26, 2006, 11:48:09 pm »
                    2/26/2006 (by Earth Reckoning)

                    Well, this journal was beginning to get very dusty, so had better tell the good news bad news story of my life recently.

                    Well bad news first I guess.  The Cunning Sword of the Odyssey (CSO) is no more.  The connection we had was so strong!!  It was devastating when he shattered.  I knew that he had been whacked on the silly oak tree in the Broken Forest a few times.  (The undead seem to appear right by that tree every time and often I hit that tree instead of THEM!!)  The killing blow, though, was truly honorable, actually.  I had taken a large group down into Haven to seek out the minerals and ore at the bottom of that mine.  I gave them all a detailed brief of how to fight in that potentially dangerous place, but a few did not listen and wandered back out into the middle of the room while I was mining the last spire of coal. (I love coal, but that is another story).  And BOOM!! more ogres appeared and began pounding on my relatively young fellow adventurers.  It was a little bit of a tough decision, coal, young ones, coal young ones...but of course I had to to rescue them.  So, turning away from the coal, I drew CSO and charged in.  BUT, somehow, I thought I was still mining, so I took one more swipe at the coal spire, WITH CSO, and he shattered in my hand.

                    SOBBING inwardly, I pulled my pick back out and rescued my party mates.  After we were safe back in the passageway I have been in so many times, I let it out!!  Sobbing openly, I broke down.  The news had JUST come to me that I would be able to pursue my chosen path and now I was without CSO....a very sad moment.

                    We worked our way out of the mine.  I took out my sadness out on the ogres as we went..that pick works as good on ogre's heads as it does on ore spires.  It split more than one of those heads open as we went out.

                    Arriving to the surface, I hired a FLOCK of birds to send out looking for a master weapon's maker.  Master Gloin finally sent me a bird back with a referral to a friend of his.  I quickly gathered the clay needed, made some large molds, smelted the iron I had just mined, and RAN to port hampshire.  There, a MASTER weapon's maker met me and, as I watched with awe, a new sword was formed for me.

                    A beautiful iron katana like my CSO, I turned it over and over in my hands.  It had the same balance and heft as CSO, but I wondered if it would ever be the same.  As the next few days passed, many on Mistone, many on Dregar with my future guild mates, many alone gathering the endless materials needed for my crafting skills, I began to like this new sword more and more.  We began to bond as strongly as CSO and I had.  Finally, I heard it's voice.  It whispered to me.  "Thank you for wielding me so well!"  "Because I am a newly forged sword, you are my first wielder, use me WELL!  My name is: Curtis's Sinuous Ossuary!"  

                    WOW!!  What a name, I had to look some of those words up in the common dictionary!!  I decided to shorten it to....CSO II.  I will have to look for Master Riley to enscribe this new name on the blade of this fine new blade.

                    Well, it must be time for the GOOD news.

                    After spending many straight hours seeking quests in this fine world, I was able to learn much of the happenings.  I have been helping to deal with a fine orb that a certain Daren found. For two weeks now, we have been looking to destroy it.  Also, I went to a large meeting in the Hotel Layonara and learned much about a legendary blade with three places to set crystals in it.  I helped to slay a few of the demon spiders that came to try and stop us from finding more clues in the mystery of this blade, and sat in awe of Reventage, Jet, Cole Norsemen, and many many other powerful characters in this fine world.

                    I was also able to help Miss Addison try to save her beloved village.  It was very challenging, and finally as we were escorting the villagers out to safety we saw him.. a blood sub-general, a big evil bug bear.  The few of us that were left to do escort duties, myself, Riley, Addison, and Ireth, stepped up and did our best.  My assigned task was to kill the bugbear mage.  I began to hack at him and suddenly a large hand appeared, turning every way I tried to attack from, keeping me away from the mage.  Finally, I broke through and cut him down.  By now, only the sub-general remained and the other three were bravely challenging him.  Just as I turned to attack him, I watched all three of the others fall to the ground.  Enraged, I struck a killing blow to the general, finally cutting him down.  With tears running down my face, I checked each of my fallen companions for signs of life.  They were all barely breathing and I broke out many of my always handy healing kits.  As I applied one to Riley, he sat up and lived again.  YES!! I went to each of the others and they were able to be awaken also!!  What a grand adventure!!  We also met a MASTER weapons master.  Addison is lucky enough to be training with him for many days to come.  I am sure she will emerge as a weapons master.

                    Well, with all this experience gained, I was able to finally, finally, become a budding weapons master.  It felt SOO good to learn new skills!!  I can now, once per day, strike a "KI" blow, doing maximum damage.  My focus in the katana is even better now!

                    To sum up, LIFE IS GOOD!

                    So, until later,
                    Curtis Simon Orcutt