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Author Topic: CAL's - - Pale Master Quest  (Read 176 times)

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CAL's - - Pale Master Quest
« on: May 23, 2005, 12:29:00 pm »
After seeing the endless wasteful sacks of goblins living in their under world of muck and myer I found myself a new home. A home away from the chatter of the town or the clink in the mines. Someplace where the leaves make no noise when the wind blows. The silents of the broken forest was where I came to find peace with those like creature that i seek out the most, the undead. While they have not excepted me as their master, one day they will. One day my will, will be thy owns. I seek these creatures to understand them and to control them. To learn from them as they once were alive I seek to bring them back again. Not like reanimated scare crows, but alive to work for me and all races. To control the undead is to control the very essence of life it self.

Becoming a Pale Master is just the first step to reach this goal.

