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Author Topic: A tiny book of big adventures - Daniella Spellstop Smallnose  (Read 1258 times)


A tiny book of big adventures - Daniella Spellstop Smallnose
« on: February 01, 2010, 03:00:31 pm »
Well, I figured out the mystery of the missing honey! I found Dweeblie licking the honey bottles I had been gathering for sale. Just as I stepped into the room we're renting at the Inn, there he was, with his tongue on the bottle. He froze for a moment and then ran away and pretended to be sleepwalking. Yes, like I haven't seen that act before! Why does he like sugar so much?  One day he's going to turn into a bear. He's working on his cooking, yes, but I wonder if the excess sugar has to do with his lack of facial hair. Not that I tell him, because he is sensitive about that, just like if I mention the size of his nose. But I love him anyhow. He's my tiny silly sweetheart with a small nose and no facial hair.

So I'm very happy we decided to come visit Port Hempstead after our wedding. There's always something to do! Work, work, work! It's like a lightning bolt explotion of all gnomish senses!  Whoooo! My head feels like spinning in excitement!

Tall folks are funny, sometimes they talk a lot, other times they run away after rolling their eyes. Must be a local custom, like the one Mr. Drachus told us, that whenever he's there sitting on the fountain, we have to toss gold on the floor next to him.  He seems to be happy when we do that.

By the way, Dweeblie is going to write a note to the city leaders to see if we can make benches our size. We have to climb there all the time and our feet don't touch the ground. Makes me feel tiny and I've started to carry a little tiny bench to the crafting halls so that I can reach the tables.

And what's up with the giant rats in the sewers? We went there with this tall folk, Mr. Daniel Poetr, I think was his name? Tall folk, blond almost white hair... which reminds me, I'm going to have to work on a potion to turn hair different colors. I think people like to dye their hair around here... some brown, some blond, some dark, some have no hair at all! I'll be rich!

I just need to work more on that last one, the potion to grow hair.  I ended up once with a werewolf face, covered with fuzzy hairs for two weeks when I tried to make that potion at school for extra credit. The teacher didn't like it. I had to wear a helmet that covered all my face all week. I could barely breath inside it!

I'm going to also work on a shrinking potion to make those sewer rats normal size so that they can live in the holes on the wall, like they used to do back home. Between the walls, no bothering us... outside the walls, angry gnomes will get you! Perhaps I can drop a few drops on the entrance to test them and see if it works... Hopefully it doesn't happen like that one test I did at school once, where my Potion 101 teacher became a giant after I messed up the bat hair for the cat hair on the potion list. Yikes! I remember her head all squished on the roof as she said "Daniella, you mixed some wrong components on your potion of Exponential Surprise."

So Dweeblie has also been working on his tinkering to improve his craftskills and design a device we've engineered. It's like a big cart that traps giants. I'll make it invisible, we'll roll it to the roads where the giants camp and kill adventurers. Then, we'll lure them to the trap, I'll sleep them, then I make a giant strap that keeps them all together on the device, and Dweeble casts Bull Strength on him, so that he can pull the device to the mountains far away. We'll have to put a tiny lever in the front so that Dweebie can reach. I think it will work well. Once we design it, we'll sell it to all towns where giants are nearby. We're going to be rich!

Right now, we're helping the wolf man... I mean... Fehriel and Talia with some materials for their wedding. Such a cute couple. I wonder how their babies will be like, since he usually has a wolf head?  Dweeblie asked him if they sniff each other, you know... like wolves do, but they said they don't. So why would you wear a wolf helmet and pretend you're a wolf and not sniff everything around you? That's what dogs do and wolves too. It beats me... can't think of a reason there. But I like the guy and he gives us work, work, work! I'm looking forward to see how they do their wedding. Ours was... kind of short, but it was ok... even when I tried to run away on the honeymoon.

By the way, Dweeblie and I were very scared the first time Mr. Fehriel walked to town. I screamed "WEREWOLF!", but people dind't know what I was saying. Later on it came out to be that he wears a helmet that looks like a wolf. Why would he do that? I'm not sure, but I like the guy... he pays well. Lots and lots of coins! I'll finally be able to get me a lion bag or 2. *cheers*

Interesting thought... people in this town barely speak. Most times they look at us and run away. Maybe they're scared of Dweeblie's handsomeness?

Speaking of which, I am working on making a potion to grow hair. I'll be rich once I perfect it! The other day I saw a tall folk named Storold. I didn't mean to stare at his forehead, but I could almost imagine his balding forehead growing hair tiny hairs with my potion of hair growth. How shall we call it? Potion of Greezly Fuzziness?

I think that same week we met an angel with no wings. His name is Tod. He said he takes the wings off. I asked him if he worked at the Angels Guild, because it would make sense and he said yes. I stepped in that guild the other day and met a tall folk called Ben. He sold us 2 oak shortbows we needed for a job we were working on with one of the captains. These captains are so lazy... I wonder why they don't get the weapons themselves? I mean... we had to carry a few of the weapons between Dweeblie and I, me on one end and him on the other end because they were big and very heavy, but I'm sure tall folks can carry them much easier.

So we've made an end-of-the-rainbow-gnomish-discovery! We've found so far that people in this town pay you coins for gathering materials, animal skins, and more! I'm so excited, I've broken three quills already writing this! We've been gathering ginseng, skins, corn, lots of it, apples, aloe, wood, you name it! Soon we'll be able to open a crafting material shop. We could call it "The big store of Small noses". Get it? small... noses?

I've noticed that a lot of people are very pretty, and since I think might be something in the water, I have been splashing my face with the water there in Stormcross Roads... *ponders about the name for a moment*

The other day we met a pretty wizard lady, Elohanna, I think was her name? She's the head of the Tower Academy and I've been trying to let her know that my gnomish senses are exploding in excitement to learn more at her academy. Perhaps she manages to squeeze me in in one of her classes? I would love that! My potion making skills will explode like a fireball of knowledge. *pauses for a moment* Is there such a thing? Hm... *ponders*

We met an interesting fellow the other day too. He speaks to animals. I think his name is Shadowolf? Shadowleaf? Something like that... he's a good folk, I would adopt him as a gnome, because he's always looking for work. Maybe he has some gnomish blood on him and he doesn't know it *laughs*. I felt sad the other day, because he lost his bear friend. The goblins smacked them while we were getting gems *pauses to dray dream for a moment* geeemmmss.....

Ah yes... *snaps out of her dreamy trance* I'm using gems to make healing potions. Dweeblie keeps getting in trouble and I have to run to him and throw a few healing ones to help his wounds. He's so brave *looks dreamy again*

Anyway, this Shadowlance fellow talked to my ox. He said my ox is happy how I treat it and I even brush her skin with a tiny brush, that she loves. It's like a kitty cat when you pet it. I was very happy to hear that, especially when we've been trying to learn to speak to animals... you know... I try my best like this: sqweekie, sqweekie. But most times animals don't respond well. Mr. Fehriel told us that you have to communicate to the animals with pictures and thoughts and from the heart. How do you make a picture on your mind and heart? Not sure of that one, but if we can't talk to animals, eventually we can figure out another skill to learn.  Maybe tracking!

I went to the troll cave and interesting enough, Mr. Fehriel was there. I showed him how I am learning tracking. First, I find a rock wall, then face it at 10 degrees, then smell it three times. If I smell troll feet, then there are trolls on the area. If not, then there are no trolls on the area. Easy as pie!

Mr. Fehriel showed me how he fights them with his sword. Very impressive, and some tall folks call that "dancing" with the sword. Like pretty Ms. Annwyl, who dances very well with her shiny sword. The last time I tried to "dance" with my skinning knife I fell upside down... good thing I had pants underneath my pretty dress and the knife was in need of sharpening! Otherwise I might have ended up at the dark land where you travel to the cross in town and then have to sleep like 10 times before you're happy again.

I have to tell Dweeble of the gelatinous cubes that we've found at the caves there in the woods with silk. I took a sample of them and maybe I can develop a potion to make us gelatious too... that way when an enemy hits us, our smoochie skin absorbs the blow and like a ghost, they pass through, making no damage. Or, or, or, or perhaps I can make Dweebo a beverage? With lots and lots of sugar. Could be this the secret ingredient for my hair growing potion? I've heard rumors of some lands using it for growing hair. I wonder if it's true. *looks at gelatinous cube sample on a vial with intrigue*
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Re: A tiny book of big adventures - Daniella Spellstop Smallnose
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2010, 10:59:51 am »
Once again, I caught Dweeblie licking the honey bottles we had gathered, so just in case, I gathered a few more, because now it's a given that they mysteriously disappear when he handles them.

The other day I gave him a few boxes of honey to hold on for me while I went to the swamps. When I returned, I asked for the box and he told me this story about a big bear that he found in the woods and he told me he had to toss a whole bottle of honey to distract him and then run away.

"Yes, hun, hun in the heat of the moment, I realized I was outnumbered in size, so I reached my bags to find my sling, and the first thing I pulled out was... was... a honey bottle!" - he said that, while recreating his movements and then pulling out an empty bottle from his bags

"A honey bottle, right?" - I said

"Yes, hun hun, and since there was no time to think, I had to toss it away so that the bear would get distracted by the honey and then I could run away, like uncle Larry".

"And, you went back to find the bottle after the bear ate it?" - I said while pointing at the empty honey bottle on his hand

He looked at the bottle, started sweating, and then responded.

"Yes, hun hun, I thought you might need it to refill it for more orders". He then offered me the empty honey bottle with an obviously forced innocent look on his face.

It was then that I realized that he can't help himself but eat anything sweet, so I gave him a hug and then... I spotted it!

"So Dweeble, if you ran away, why did you end up with a honey mustache on your face?" - I asked

"Hun hun..." He started sweating again. "It was all the splatter of the honey on the ground, it went all over, up, down, side to side! It was like waves of honey everywhere! You should have seen that mean baby brown bear... I mean... that mean fierce bear devouring that honey like there's no tomorrow" He then proceeded to rest his head on my shoulder, affectionately and purring like a kitty cat.

At that moment, I couldn't fight it anymore, I had to laugh, so I faked a cough and told him I would go to the Inn for some fresh water, and once out of the Inn room, I started laughing until tears came out of my eyes.

When I came back, he said "Are you ok, hun hun?". I responded "Yes, hun hun, just choked there for a moment" and chuckled slightly.  He's so cute and innocent at times...


Re: A tiny book of big adventures - Daniella Spellstop Smallnose
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2010, 06:51:03 pm »
Now I've done it! Will Dweeble notice it? Will ANYONE notice?? How could this go so wrong?

Let's see, when I started experimenting with my potion for growing hair added the ingredients:

3 Rat leathers
2 drops of enchanting oil
2 aloe
essence of grizzly bear
*this next one is hand written by Daniella on the recipe card* gelatinous creature sample

*Reads the instructions*
Boil oil it all on a small pot at 300 degrees for 1/2 hour

I did that...

*Reads more*
Add aloe and 2 rat leathers

I did that...

*Reads more*
Verify that the sample has reached 300 degrees and add the esence of grizzly bear inmediately after 1/2 hour

I did that...

*Reads more and nods*
Add the last rat leather and remove from the fire until it cools down and pour on vials until they're full. Should serve 4 vials.

I did that... and then added the special ingredient to experiment with it... the gelatinous creature sample I got from the caves.

*She then squints trying to read further instructions on the edge of the parchment, where it seems to have been blurred out with some sort of liquid*
Apply once... or let dry?

*she notices a bit of honey on the corner of the parchment*
Could Dweeble had spilled honey on my parchment and licked it to ruin it? How am I going to tell him my hand turned into a hook because he licked some honey out of my recipe card?? Or could it have been the gelatinous creature sample?

Oh...I'm in trouble! *eyes tear up*


Re: A tiny book of big adventures - Daniella Spellstop Smallnose
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2010, 04:10:46 pm »
Uh oh! I think someone noticed. Miss Annwyl is too smart as she is pretty. She asked me what I have on my hand and I played silly and asked "What?". The conversation quickly diverted to a newcomer in the group, so I was saved by that!

Could Dweeble notice? I think he mentioned something about glue. I think he believes I glued this to my hand... that might work... while I figure out how to make it right again! *chuckles*

Dweebie is so cute! The other day he was flexing his muscles trying to look cute for me, like a bird in mating season, and I realized it was because he got jealous because the singing bard, Mr. Andrew wanted to say goodbye and I think he likes to kiss people's hand. *kisses her own hand and stares at it for a moment* I don't see the point on that... must be a tall folk custome.

So, back to Dweeble, he was there, and ran to a corner facing a wall, crying because he wanted to be strong and I didn't notice him flexing his muscles. I shook Mr. Andrew's hand quickly and ran to Dweeble, and then I figured out he had it all wrong!

It all started when we went to the ice caves. Duh! It's cold! So, we gathered up and hugged to share body heat. And if I recall correctly, he's the one that started hugging everyone else, so I continued the trend, and we managed to keep warm that way.

Then, he got jealous because I hugged Mr. Andrew to thank him, and he also helped me up crossing the cold water. Hey, I tried to hold my breath, but the water was above my head, so walking on the tip of my boots didn't work, so Mr. Andrew offered his arm to keep my head above the water. I guess I have to learn to swim at some point!

Anyway, there was Dweeble, all sad facing the wall, talking to himself how he was not strong enough, how he was so jealous *chuckles* so  I tickled him, and told him he is a silly gnome for being jealous, and once Mr. Andrew was gone and there were no others around, I told him how much I like his nose and his lack of facial hair and there's nobody else in the world that is cuter to my eyes than him. I gave him a kiss on the forehead and that made him smile again and get all dreamy.

"You know what will make you feel better, hun hun?" I said
"What hun hun?" he responded
"GEMS!!!!" I cheered! And his eyes lit up even more, and he ran to the boats, so I had to chase him to go gather more gems for our potions and studies.

So you see? It worked out well after all.... and I don't think he even noticed my hand... I kept it hidden under my cloak at all times.


Re: A tiny book of big adventures - Daniella Spellstop Smallnose
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2010, 10:12:23 am »
So there we were, walking to the fields near Port Hempstead and Dweeble started chasing a tall folk, male, with a shiny sword. Going to have to get me one too, everybody has one! He mentioned something about having some pending scores? We thought he was a gambler, has to be!

After he left, a tall, pretty lady called Pallena walked by the fields too. She likes animals, she can talk to them...ooooohhh... She offered Dweeble some whiskey, and oh my! He swallowed it in one breath and got so drunk he ran to hug a skunk... poor skunk thought he was attacking him and fought back. Good thing that Ms. Pallena can speak skunkish, because she calmed it! After the rum wore off, Dweeble didn't even remember what he did, poor Dweebs! Getting in trouble even without knowing it!

As that developed, the tall folk with the shiny sword came all covered in blood. I think Ms. Pallena called him Shiff a few times. Maybe that's his nickname. He sat on a rock, and after a while, bears and wolves were attacking us. I think they smelled the tall folk's clothes covered in blood and wanted to eat him.

All of a sudden two bears approached us and started fighting each other next to us, for no reason!  Ms. Pallena mentioned that it had to be mating season, 'cause they usually are not that aggressive to each other.

After a while, everybody left and then it happened!

"Hun hun, can it be mating season?" he looked at me and said
"Oh, ok. Let me go gather some corn and silk and I'll meet you at the Inn" I responded
"Oh yeah!" he cheered

And in a matter of seconds, as if he had twenty doses of Expeditious Retreat, he ran to town shouting to everyone he would see on his way "MATING SEASON, COMING THROUGH!"


Re: A tiny book of big adventures - Daniella Spellstop Smallnose
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2010, 10:47:03 am »
Have been sitting down with Dweeble to teach him a few spells. So far, he managed to learn Magic Missile. He burn a few trees on the process, but managed to perfect his aim... eventually.  So cute!

I've been noticing ink marks on his face lately. I wonder if he's drinking them or drawing a mustache on his face again. I heard him say he was drinking poisons to inmunize himself, like his uncle Larry. I surely hope he knows what he's doing... I'll better make a few potions to remove poison effects soon... *scribbles down a note on a piece of parchment paper*

I'm still looking around for Ms. Elohanna. I think she wants me to join her school or at least visit. I'm so excited!!!! So many memories come back of my school days. I wonder if their labs are as big as Spellguard's.


Re: A tiny book of big adventures - Daniella Spellstop Smallnose
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2010, 10:49:24 am »
I think he noticed... he asked and said something ambiguous about it, but in my super smartness, I redirected his attention toward an elf lady with lots of tatoos. And it worked!

"Hun hun, can I see your hand, please?" Dweebie asked
"Yes, hun hun" I said, showing him my right hand
"No, the other one" he asked
"What other hand?" I said, while hiding my left arm on my cloak
"I knew it!" he yelled
"What? What?" I said, while looking for a distraction, and in my smartness, I said "Look, she has tatoos, Dweeblie" and pointed to a lady elf with lots of tatoos on her. And in a fraction of time his attention got diverted to the lady's tatoos and he went running to her saying "I want to see them, them tatoos!"

So there we were on the road in Wayfare, Mr Githrin, another fellow who's name I forgot to ask, and a lady who's name I forgot. Yma, Umya... Hm... she was very pretty elf lady, with lots of tatoos on her body, and she was carrying a gigantic bow. I could row a boat with a bow that big!!

There we were, and then she turned into a bird! Dweeble was screaming "CHA CHA" pretending to talk to the bird, running around to catch it. I got into the spirit of things too, so I ran after the lady bird too to try to catch her. I truly hope she didn't mind... It was FUN!

Anyway, running around trying to find her, I ran into Mr Andrew, with a dark elf in chains and a bunch of Wayfare guards. Whoooaaaa! I wasn't sure what was going on, but Mr Andrew needed help find a group of dark elves that wanted to harm the city. They had a dark elf in a cage imprisioned too. I called the others and after a bit of "yap yap", we headed out to find these darkies. For some reason they wanted us to be quiet... as if we couldn't! *chuckles*

Anyway, we started the search and we found... monsters! Big uglies, giants. We fought them and then we saw it! A dark mist showed up where the dark elves were hiding. Eeewww! I've seen that type of mist kill people in seconds!

We debated whether to go there or run... I was aiming more for running away, but then, a big fellow, dark elf came out. He spoke like a leader, referring to "his army" being in place. He had a sword that dripped acid. I couldn't imagine him hitting you with that, a big ouchie!

All of a sudden one of his army fellows showed up and started attacking us. Dweeblie fell! I cried a bit while running to him and tossed a potion, and it worked! He stood up and made himself unseen. We were all unseen, so it was hard to see where everybody was except for listening to their voices.

Anyway, the big guy decided to head to town. We ran and made it before he did and that's when it happen. All chaos broke lose! A bunch of guards came by, like an army, and a bunch of dark elves came through the walls. It was amazing! I started blasting some with fireballs, trying to help, but then everything turned dark, I couldn't see, got confused, paralized. All I remember was darkness, darkness, darkness. A smell of burned was on my clothes, and I realized I had some burns on my body. What happened? My hair was frizzier than usual, but I don't know. I just remember being able to see again and I ran as fast as my short legs let me!

I turned back and I saw a few down, including Mr. Andrew, and the army was pounding the only one left standing, the army leader. He was outnumbered! They were surrounding him! I blasted a fireball at him and boom! A few seconds and many sword blows later the dark elf fell. I went and kicked his body and said "Bad, bad, bad!".

After that, I wiped off my tears and ran into Dweeble to see if he was ok, and he was. The town cleric showed up and brought Mr. Andrew and the other two back. Then... it happened.

The dark elf on the cage was brought to the guards and... *swallows hard* executed. I am not used to that type of execution thing, you know... I'd rather kill someone who is either trying to kill me, kill Dweebs or defending themselves, but not like that. It was shocking to me, being the first time I witnessed anything like that, so... I turned around, covered my eyes and gagged a few times as I heard the events develop.

Once it was over, I went to find Dweeble, and avoided at all cost see the body on the ground. They cut his head off... eeewwww. I'd rather poke the enemies with bolts until they look like a cactus, but not cutting off body parts like that. EEeeeewwww... That's a warrior thing I guess. But they explained if they didn't do that, he could come back to life and do more evil... that I understand. They told that to Dweebs after he asked about him going back to a bindstone and such.

Anyway, after all this action, I was exhausted. I ran to get the honey I promised my hun hun and went back to the crafting halls. After all, I had to replenish all the potions I used for next time.


Re: A tiny book of big adventures - Daniella Spellstop Smallnose
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2010, 11:04:52 am »
Shortly after the incident with the dark elf being.... *swallows hard* executed, Dweeble and I were on the alchemy halls, making potions and scrolls.

Once he finished licking the ink on the quill after writing with it, we ran to the fields to get honey, and on my way, I found Miss Lily. She's so cute! She disappears at will and reappears next to you! Now... that's being stealthy.

Dweeble drooled when he saw her disappear, since he has dreams of himself with a god's muscular body, a big mustache and beard, and a mighty sword, his hair flowing on the air, and an army of slowed giants falling to the blow of his tiny sword, one by one. *she spaces out daydreaming for a moment and then comes back* But of course, I don't tell that to anyone.  *clears throat*

Anyway, we were at Wayfare with Ms. Lily and Dweeble drank a whole bottle of whiskey and guess what he did? He jumped on the lake in Wayfare! Ms Lilly jumped after him, because he started to sink, but she couldn't help much, so I jumped after him... with the little training I've had on swimming. I've seen people move their legs really fast, and so I did. And it worked! I helped him out and then he ran to the bridge and climbed up on the walls on the sides, and boom! He fell.

I ran to help him and nothing worked to wake him up. So, my smartness kicked in again and I smeared honey on his face. I guess he sensed the power of the honey on his skin, because he woke up quickly.

"Hun hun! what happened" he said confused as I helped him up
"You got crazy after drinking whiskey, Dweeblie, and walked on the walls of that bridge and fell" I responded
"But why do I have all this honey on my face?"
"It dripped from my bags" I responded trying to hide a chuckle

He washed of his face and came back to normal after smoking a pipe. It seems to calm him. He starts talking like smart and stuff when he smokes. Perhaps I should hide the sugar and honey in my bags and put more pipe weeds on his bags? Hm....

He once again he went to the bridge wall and became one with the wall while smacking his head on it, saying "I'm no good, I got drunk, I did silly stuff" and then he started talking about Mr. Andrew, being all jealous of him and such. He's so silly! Why would he be jealous about a tall folk? They're not that pretty, they have very short noses. Who would want a guy with a short nose? It's like having a bow with no string!

So, I started doing what I can do best in a situation like this. I tickled him! He quickly forgot his worries and we then ran to the Inn to get our clothes dry and have a warm bath.  Aaaahhh... warmness!


Re: A tiny book of big adventures - Daniella Spellstop Smallnose
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2010, 10:49:03 am »
After studying so hard, I've learned a new spell, polymorph. It allows me to become a spider, a troll, a zombie, an amberhulk or a cute pixie (my personal favorite).

The first time I tried it, Dweeble didn't want to come close to me. I turned into a troll and went to gather aloe with him at the kobold camp. He kept his distance at first, but then he started shouting to the kobolds: "don't mess up with my ugly smelly". *giggles*

Another day, we were on the fields and I couldn't resist.

"Hun hun, what would you do if you see a troll?" I asked.
"I dunno" He responded with a shrug

Quickly, in front of his eyes, I turned into a troll, and started to get close to him. I guess he hasn't got used to it just yet, because he started running away screaming.

"TROLL!!!!" He shouted while he ran away in circles

I had to dispell the spell and run back to him and explain him it was me.

"Hun hun, it's me! Didn't you remember I can do that now?" I asked while hugging him to help him calm down

"Yes, hun hun, I just I'm not used to see you all smelly and ugly like that" he responded while resting his head on my shoulder.

"Here, have some sugar" I said

And as quick as you can blink, he swallowed it and started jumping around like his good old self.


Re: A tiny book of big adventures - Daniella Spellstop Smallnose
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2010, 03:33:27 pm »
There he was, all crawled up on a corner, sucking a stick of sugar cane with tears on his eyes.

"Why so sad, Dweeblie?" I asked

"Hun hun, I'm sad" he replied

"Why?" I asked, while sitting down next to him

"First, we learned that Mustache Man died and didn't come back. The stone didn't work for him.  You know that got me to be so emotionielly.  *he blew his nose on his cloak that was next to him* Then, the tall man on the caves today didn't like my fart jokes. He told me to drop it. I'm doing everything wrong! Tall folks no-likey Dweebley." he said with tears on his eyes

I contained my laughter but remained calm.

"But hun hun, they told us that the stones don't work all the time. Mustache man will be ok now, in the other planes. We're also learning about tall folks. You know some of them are so quiet and sometimes lazy. They don't work as much as we do, prefer to buy things. I'd rather make things myself, but hey, guess what? We have more business if they're lazy and want to buy items from us!  Besides... I also made a mistake on the caves. I magic missiled that Mouse lady, that I can barely understand when she speaks. Remember?"

His face turned brighter and he said "That's right, hun hun! You're also missing aim! You're also loosey aimey!" He stood up, started pointing at me mocking me while dancing silly

"Yes, and remember the face she made when I hit her?" I crossed my eyes and stuck my tongue out like a dead goblin.

"Hun hun! That's it, that was the face!" He laughed so loud, that next door at the inn, someone started to pound the wall telling us to keep it low.

"Oops!" I said. "We'll better keep it down now. Did you have your night bath already?"

"Yes, hun hun" he then proceeded to open his bags and rubbing lavender leaves on his underarms and neck

"Why you do that, hun hun? I thought you bathed already" I said while getting on my sleeping gear with a hat and warm socks.

"Yes, hun hun, but I want you to dream about flowers and birds tonight, 'cause you...." *he started singing and dancing then*  "make me feel like singiiiiiing and daaaaanciiiiing!"

"I would say that's more like concealment of lack of bath, but it's ok, hun hun, as long as you're happy. It's good to see you smile again". I said "But please put the candle out; we don't want any fires on the Inn. We have enough with angry neighbors pounding on the walls." I giggled and he snickered. Then, he started drawing an ink mustache on his face.

"Am I handome enough for you, hun hun? Hairless and all?" He asked while making a strong warrior pose flexing his biceps

"You are, hun hun" I replied "You have my whole heart and also a third of the inn bed now, because I'm sleepy!"

After that, we ventured into the sleepy lands of cushioned warm beds.... that is, until Dweeble woke me up snoring and mumbling something about honey and bushy mustaches.


Re: A tiny book of big adventures - Daniella Spellstop Smallnose
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2010, 07:17:00 pm »
I think I have it figured out. After so much observation, I think I can conclude that the reason why Lizard Men gather around the ginseng is to discuss who is going to eat it this time.

*Daniella makes hand puppets talking to each other while making a forced lowered male voice*

"Hey, Spotty, I'll have the ginseng this time" left lizard man say

"Why you say that, Slimey?" right lizard man responds

"Well, last time you told me that you had indigestion because you ate an adventurer's leg and you wanted it to soothe your stomach."

"Ah, right... what's that?" *right lizard man points at what seems to represent an invisible adventurer by the wall behind the left lizard man*

*left lizard man turns to look at the wall while the other lizard man eats the ginseng*

"Never mind, I thought I saw an adventurer" right lizard man says

*left lizard man looks down and yells* "Hey, where did the ginseng go?"

*Daniella starts to act out a fight of her hand puppets with each other*

"Hun hun, is it story time again?" Dweeble asks with red, sleepy eyes, obviously awakened by the commotion. He wears his pj's, and is wrapped up in the blanket at the inn's bed.

"Yes, hun hun, it's story time" *Daniella closes her journal and falls asleep next to Dweeble*


Re: A tiny book of big adventures - Daniella Spellstop Smallnose
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2010, 11:39:01 pm »
There I was, retracing my steps into making the potion, when I suddenly realized... I was playing with some glue that Dweeble left on the table an hour before working with the potion for growing facial hair... and just as easy as it happened, I realized that instead of gelatinous creature goo, I used... glue!

That explains why my hand got all mushy and got that hook attached to it. And to think that Dweeble was working with that hook to make a giant relocating device we've been working on!

So... quickly, I ran to the kitchens and submerged my hand in hot water, as hot as I could, sometimes with tears of valor on my face, but off it came! The hook is no longer glued to my hand! It's free!!! Whoooooo!! My hand now is a bit pale, lighter than the other one because it hasn't taken much sun lately, but I'm happy to be free now!

I can now hold babies, hold chicken legs instead of hooking them, scratch my back with fingernails instead of a hook, caress my hair instead of pulling it out... you name it!

*sings* I'm freeeee.... free as the rainbow....


Re: A tiny book of big adventures - Daniella Spellstop Smallnose
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2010, 10:55:13 am »
It's been a while since I have sat down and add to my journal of big adventures.

The other day we went with a group of adventurers, including Ms. Rory, Mr. Argos, and cousin Buddy. Ms. Annwyl joined shortly before we arrived to Audira. By the way, I can't believe that Mr. Argos didn't know that Ms. Annwyl knows how to dance, because she does it and very well done too! I was a bit worried about Ms. Rory, she had tiny clothes on her and I worried that she might get cold... but I was watching her to lend her a robe or something if her lips went blue.

We have been working, working, working some more, sleeping, working some more, and adventuring once in a while when work gets boring again.  I've been working on gathering items, enchanting, scribing, a bit of tailoring, and lots of potion making.  Many of those potions have saved other's lives in battle, so I'll keep smiling and making them with joy.

The other day we went to the Silkwood caves and guess what? There were giant spiders OUTSIDE the cave!! How did they even got out? The cave entrance is small, much smaller than them!  

I remember seeing one of the legs right above my head and then everything went black.  When I woke up, Dweeble was holding me with a smile. Dweeble told me that he stood there and said "I feel sad, like when I ate that black potato... and it wasn't a potato". He must have been seriously sad. But Mr. Andrew managed to heal us... I think? When I woke up, they were pulling others with a rope out of the bottom of the cave. I was so scared! I was looking around to see if the giant spider would come back.

Well, enough writing now, got to go back to work. Need some knuckles for an order that I owed. Work makes me smile, makes me happy. Yay! What could life be without something to do?