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Author Topic: The Musings of a young Druid....  (Read 573 times)


Re: The Musings of a young Druid....
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2006, 08:52:26 pm »
*With a look of serenity and calm on her face, Luna sits high in a tree, alone and at peace. She pulls out her journal, and after several moments of thought, she starts to write*


Something I have not known in many, many months. True silence around me, and in me. I found a place for my friends. A place where they will be protected and in Balance. A place where they will be of use.

This is that tale...

For weeks I had been seeing the same images when I was alone and meditating. At times the pictures would even come to me while I was trying to relax. Two images. One of a beautiful Oak. Sourrounded by light and peace, although impossible to get too. The other image was of a dark ash tree in a place of murkiness and shadows. Red eyes all around and spiders on the ground. Both, somehow, held a key to the solution I was seeking.

This solution, at least the one I thought was the best, was suggested to me weeks prior by my mentor and dear friend, Rhizome. He thought the Grove of Awakening would be the best place for my plant friends. I asked if he would guide me, since I had never been there, and he accepted. However, his duties kept him away and the visions were coming more frequently so I decided to see if a way could be found.

I was accompanied by my dearest Ceela and my dear friends Daren, his wife Jilseponie, Yardislan and the speedy, halfling Jennara. I thought we would try in the Dark Forest first, to see if any clues could be uncovered. We were immediately confronted by a Tree Brother which Ceela and I attempted to speak with. We were, in the end, successful even though it took awhile as the Tree's move much slower then we do. The Trees seemed to know of my journey and instructed me to wait while they decided what to do. Wait we did. To myself and Ceela, the wait was not so bad. For Daren and Yard however, it seemed to be most unpleasant.

Finally, much to our relief, we felt another presence around us. Something Primal and Raw. A feeling I had felt before. I knew we were in the presence of the Second Father. His presence made me feel bestial and very alive feeling. I wanted to roar loud and long at His approach. I had been in the presence of the Second Father once before when He tasked Rhizome with helping protect the portal to Arborea as well as protecting Arborea itself. That was an incredible experience, however it paled in comparison when He spoke to me. I could feel his Power resonating through my mind.

I could feel the tensions of my non-Druidic companions rise as He approached. Most do not fully understand what it means to be a Druid. Balance is the most important. Part of keeping that Balance means knowing and understanding that there is a little Dark in everything and everyone. Without Dark, there would be no Light and vice versa. As such, the Second Father, who is commonly referred to as the Dark Father, made them nervous and edgy. I assured them that all would be fine and to trust in my instinct.

*Luna pauses here, absently brushing her face with the feathered part of her quill, a far-distant look on her face as she remembers the events that followed. After several moments of reflection, she continues writing*

Whhhyyy areee youuu hereee?” the Second Father asked. “What do yoouuu searchh forrr?

I replied, “I wish to find a safe and protected place for the plants I am holding. A place where they can be in Balance.

My response evoked an unexpected reaction. The Second Father seemed upset by my mention of Balance.  He demanded I tell him of my “slanted” Balance. How Balance could be kept while the men of the towns came and murdered His children in numbers. I could almost here the cries of the fallen Trees echoing around me as He spoke. I explained what my view of Balance is. That true Balance was a mixture of giving and taking, of Light and Dark. If too much was taken without giving back, then the Mother would take all that is necessary to tip the Scales in order to maintain Equilibrium.

My reply seemed to have satisfied the Second Father. He informed me that he would help me and my friends and show me the Path to the place I sought. He stressed however, that the way was not easy and that we would be tested along the way. If we succeeded, we would find our way.

I will help youuu,” the Second Father spoke, “on one conditionnnnn. If I show yoouuu the wayyy, yoouu have to agree to plant the seed I give youuu. Youuu will plant ittt in the fertile grounndd you will finddd near the Groveee
What will your seed do?”, I asked.

It will allowwww the plantsss that inhabit yoouuurrr body to strengthen my Childrennn. They willll help them growww strongerrr. My Forest willl be wilderrr. Morree dangerousss. More Dark.

I thought for a long while and mused aloud about my choice and the possible consequences. My companions assured me that all choices had consequences to them and that I should do what I felt was right.

I finally reached my decision and informed the Second Father that I would plant his seed as He had asked. He asked us to rest and prepare. As we did so, the area surrounding us grew more wild and dark. It was most comforting to Ceela and I, however I think the others were concerned.

When we were rested, we walked straight into the dark forest around us. Suddenly we were somewhere else. Somewhere beautiful and breath-taking but also very wild. I opened my senses to my surroundings and allowed them to talk to me. I felt the more bestial parts of myself being magnified and enhanced. We were in a very Natural area, but one were only those able to survive would succeed, where the hunters where also the hunted. I think we were in the Beastlands, a place I have only heard of. My companions and I carefully progressed through the area and were often beset up\\on by the most wildest of animals, many of which could not be calmed by my approach. Unfortunately, we had to put many animals down in order to protect ourselves, which, while saddening me, was necessary.

After many hours of walking through the wildlands we found ourselves in, we came across a female creature of some sort.

*Luna pauses here again and smiles to herself as she remembers the odd creature that they had encountered. She chuckles at some memory before bending over her journal once more*

She was...very shy. Running from tree to tree, and in fact running into one tree and out a completely different one! She would peek around the trees at us and giggle. We tried to talk to her for sometime before she replied back. I asked her what her name was to which she excitedly spewed out a name the length of which I had never heard before. In the end, she said we could call her “Lomi”.

Lomi was a very energetic creature, whose nature we are still not sure of. She was not very forthcoming about what she was. All she replied was, “I am me!”, which did make sense when you thought about it long enough.

After several unsuccessful attempts at ascertaining where the right Grove could be located, to which she would reply that there were many Groves around, Daren asked Lomi if there was an area where the ground was the most fertile. Lomi got even more excited and assured us that there was such a place. When asked if she could show us, she replied that it was far away and pointed vaguely towards the East. In a moment of questionable clarity, Yardislan thought it might be helpful to cast a spell of quickness on Lomi. She really seemed to enjoy the fact that she was now able to run tremendously fast and said she would show us the way. Relieved we started following her and were very dismayed when she ran into a tree and vanished!

Chuckling amongst ourselves, we resolved ourselves to walking and headed East. Along the way, we encountered a Green Dragon! Never before having been near one, I thought it prudent that we should run rather then risk our lives. After all, I have seen the little wyrms on Dregar and they are very deadly. I cannot even imagine what a large Dragon is capable of!

After walking for several more hours, we found suddenly found ourselves standing in an incredible Forest and under a Wood Elf town; Once more I was questioned and once the guard was satisfied we were asked to wait. He turned to leave and to the amazement of everyone he literally ran right up the trunk of a huge tree! Branches seemed to reach out  and grab him, propelling him upwards at an alarming rate. In a short while he returned and spoke to one he referred to as "Mistress", although none of us saw anyone nearby. Quite suddenly, a nearby butterfly that had been enjoying the nectar of a flower suddenly altered and transformed into a  Druidess of such power and wisdom that I was immediately humbled and in awe. I could feel her wisdom wash over and surround me. She asked of my intentions and I answered honestly of what I intended to do. To release the plants and plant a seed. She asked what seed I would plant and upon informing her I carried the Second Father's, she asked to see it. After showing it to her she seemed almost dismayed at my choice, but she did not do anything to dissuade my decision. She did however explain more fully what would happen. The Dark Forest would grow so powerful and be much more dangerous to intruders as well to those that lived nearby. This had an immediate effect on Yardislan as well as Daren, who with his wife and baby daughter lived nearby. Ceela and Yard got into a minor argument concerning the situation. I did not reply, however I did listen and did consider my choice. The Wise Druidess led us to a Grove and there opened a door in a Tree. I stepped through without hesitation and found myself in yet another beautiful area, although I have no idea where. Lomi was there waiting impatiently for us. After expressing her total boredom while waiting for us, she led us to another area strong with with magic and instructed us to once more step through and find our way to Arborea.

*Luna pauses again, her face alight with the memory of seeing the Grove for the first time. Her eyes almost glisten with tears at her joy of the memory. She continues*

Upon stepping into the Grove of Awakening I am filled with the most complete sense of awe and peace that I have ever felt. The Grove is incredible! Huge sentient Trees awaited us. They gazed down at us with their ancient eyes and touched my mind with their awe-inspiring sentience. Lomi took us before the Guardian of the Grove who welcomed us and showed us where to plant the seed. He did not seem to care which seed I had. It mattered not to him.

There is plenty of roooommm here,” the Guardian replied.

At this time Yardislan told me something I had already been considering, that I should seek out the First Father and seek his counsel. I feared that it would not be possible to do so, however the Guardian overheard and informed us that he could call the Tree Father if I so wished it. I did not have to think long, the choice was clear. I respectively asked for the Tree Father to be called and the Guardian did so.

We did not have to wait long before He was in the Grove.  His presence was so very different then the Second Father's. The Tree Father exuded peace and and serenity and a deep, deep wisdom.

I told him that I had gone to the Dark first to which he replied, almost sadly, “The Dark path is always easier.

I asked for His counsel and He stated that the choice was mine alone to make.

May I have your seed Father?”, I asked. The Tree Father set his seed on the ground. I slowly picked it up and looked at it while asking what the effects of His seed would be.

The plants will bring much knowledge and wisdommmm to the Grove. The Grove willlll grow strongerrr.

He once more told me that the choice was mine alone to make. I took a very long time to decide and listened to comments from all my companions. Ceela was most concerned that I would break my word to the Second Father and she counseled me to do as I promised. Others hoped I would plant the other instead.

I knew what I had to do. Balance is a difficult path to walk at times. Those that Protect the Balance often have to make decisions that many do not understand nor even agree with. However, that cannot sway ones decision.

I slowly and respectfully walked into the center of the Grove with my held head high, my mind decided. I would trust my instinct. The instinct that I knew to the right choice. I knelt down in the lush, green grass and pulled both seeds out of my pack. I gazed at them for a long while before I slowly dug a small hole and planted not one, but two seeds. I kept my promise to the Second Father and planted his seed in the Grove. But I also planted the Tree Father's seed in that Grove for that was the way of true Balance. Both the Light and the Dark would benefit from those I carried within me.

As they were released, the souls swirled around me, bathing me in their love and caring, saying their goodbyes and giving me their thanks for helping them to be free and safe. The spirits divided themselves with part going to an area of Lightness, and part going to the area of Darkness. Those that went towards the Dark left the Grove to help empower the Children of the Dark Forest while those that went to the Light stayed in the Grove which already seemed more full and vibrant.

As I turned to my friends with a smile on my face there was one thing resounding in my mind.


*Luna closes her journal with a soft smile and leans back against the tree trunk, assured that she made the right choice and willing to accept whatever consequences come of it*


RE: The Musings of a young Druid....
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2006, 11:32:19 am »
*Once more she takes her worn journal out, opens to a fresh page and starts writing*

The silence is still nice; however, I do miss the plants from time to time. I carried them for so long that their constant murmurings in my head became a comfort. Getting used to them not being there is taking some time, but I know it is for the best. They needed a place where they could be in Balance once more.

Ceela has started working on my tattoo! I can't wait for it to be done! She told me it would probably be a few more times of her working on it until it is completed. It will be grand once it is done! I am going to be starting on her tattoo very soon. She wants me to tattoo the Great Oak around her neck so that she will have it close to her to use as a focus always. It will be fun! Although I am a bit worried since I have never given another a tattoo. Only myself. I hope she likes it.

Ceela and I recently were involved in the search for an artifact. The group we were in tracked it to a village in the Dark Forest where there were some odd occurences going on. To make a long story short, one of the women of the village accompanied her sister and husband on a dig at some ruins. They found a pair of boots. On the way back, they were attacked and the sister and husband perished, but Lara lived. She apparently put the boots on and that is when bad things started happening.

Once she put them on, she started calling herself Amreth. She also gained the frightening ability to control the minds of those around her. She sent all the other women of the village off on a useless hunt where they all perished. We think perhaps it was due to jealousy. She also had all the men under her control, save one. Her grandfather. He is the one that told Ceela and myself what was amiss.

We attemped to remove the boots, however they seemed to be melded right to her skin! We could not remove them no matter what we tried. To make it worse, merely touching the boots could affect one's mind and will, so extreme caution had to be taken. In the end we discovered that Lara was possessed by at least one demon. Lia attempted to banish the demon and in doing so killed Lara. We were all very irrate at her. She seemed to be unconcerned with what happened which made me very angy. What was worse, we attempted to call the girls spirit back but it was apparently dragged down to the Abyss when she died! Poor Lara. We told the grandather the news and provided what comfort we could to him.

Next we needed to decide what to do with the boots. In the confusion after Lara's death, Ceela picked one up as did Kali. Eventually Quill got Kali's boot because it was affecting her mind so we forcefully took it from her. The group was supposed to retrieve the item for some halfling who wanted to put it on display in some museum! This did not sit to well with Ceela and I.We informed the group that they could do what they wanted with the boot that Quill has, but we were going to destroy the one we had. This met with resistance since apparently they had promised to return the items. I informed them that we had made no such promise as we were invited to help protect the group, which we did. Therefore we were not going to allow these items of great evil the chance to infect another with their charms. Too much bad had been done. It was time to try to right the Balance. Eventually, Quill rightfully decided that the boots needed to be destroyed. We informed the halfling of this, one by the name of Corius. He was not pleased. Ceela and I cared not. Our minds were made up and no one would change them for us. The rest of the group was very upset by that as well. Apparently they were afraid that if we did not hand them over, then they would not be asked to find more items. I was ok with that, but apparently others weren't.  There was no way we were going to trust a halfling to ward these boots and keep others away. No way.

In the end, I picked up the other boot and now carry it with me. Lately the boots have been causing all sorts of problems. There are times when I feel very sick to my stomach. I was trying to show the boot to Yardislan and Silly and Allie (two sisters of Lucinda, very energetic, very nice although Silly is a bit of a prude). However the urge to NOT show them was suddenly very strong and I could not control it. I was saddened to not be able to trust my friends, but I just knew they wanted to take my boot! Even though I knew they did not want too, I still knew they wanted too.

*Luna stops and reads over the last sentence. She starts to make a change to it, to make it less confusing, but stops when she realizes that it will always be confusing*

In the end, someone helped clear my mind and the feeling lessened. Shortly after that a strange person showed up. He seemed to be looking for someone..or something and when he saw me *I* seemed to be it! He started playing his violin and it was a very lovely song, until the end. At the end he played a note so horrendous that ir made our ears bleed and gave more then one of us a splitting headache! He disappeared without so much as a trace. Others came looking for him, very suspicious ones. We ended up tracking them to just outside Spellgard where there was an ARMY of...people and cow heads and more! Many of us, including myself, were felled. Mostly because someone, I suspect Mith, cast a fireball right into their midst before we were even ready! I do not like that one, Mith. He makes the hair on my neck rise and I am filled with the urge to rip his throat out with my teeth, Something I quickly surpress since I am sure most would not look favorably on that. Pity. Anyway, we decided to regroup and examine the army before taking action..hopefully soon.

Then, last evening, Ceela informed me that demons attacked her in Hlint! We are fairly sure it is because of the boots. We have been very vocal of our intent to destroy them and I would wager that the demon that possesses the boots does not want that! No matter. We will destroy them. One very off individual helped Ceela defeat the demons and wants to help us. He is quite sure he can be an ally. I am not sure and I am fairly sure Ceela is not sure as well. He calls himself "Darkchild" although his true name is Kiva. He seems to not make sense which bothers me. I am very hesitant to allow him to help.

Ceela, myself, Kiva and Iradril all went to the Great Library to see if we could learn more about the boots, Amreth and how to destroy them. Unfortunately we did not find a great deal. Many documents in some language we do not understand. Ceela found a passage in a very very old book that mentions Amreth ruling over villages some time in the ancient past. We also discovered a book...missing. The young librarian was quite concerned over that, but she promised me she would find it and let me know once she did. Either way, we know there is much more we need to learn and I think it will take much tracking to find all the answers.

For Ceela and my sakes, I hope we find the answers soon....

*Luna closes her journal and leans back against the tree trunk. She stares up into the night sky with a slightly troubled look on her face*


RE: The Musings of a young Druid....
« Reply #22 on: March 07, 2006, 05:17:36 pm »
*Luna pulls her journal out with a very troubled and concerned look on her face*

Ceela is really worrying me more and more.

She was telling me yesterday how she is tired of trying to teach and educate people. There was an individual that was telling her that Life did not come from Nature or the Mother. Instead of correcting the girl and teaching her the Truth, she told her she would not talk to stupid people and left. Ceela told me that everyone should already know that. That it was basic knowledge and obvious so anyone with a brain. I do not agree. I think it should be common knowledge. Everyone should be able to figure out where life comes from. But not everyone does! That is just a simple fact. Some people are not taught that growing up. It falls to us to teach people about Balance. Part of our duty is to protect and serve Balance. We cannot protect It if no one knows about it. The more that do know, the easier our job will be. Will we reach everyone? No. I know this. But we cannot just assume that everyone knows and those that don't are stupid.

Then she went on to tell me she was questioning the Path she was on. When I questioned her further about that she informed me that she thinks more action should be taken. That we should perhaps.....remove....people like that.  That they are getting in the way of Nature advancing. I am quite sure she would gladly remove the Human race from existence. She has absolutely no patience or understanding for them. She does not even try to find any good in them. And yes, I know it can be trying at times. Many humans are greedy and self-centered; however, we cannot assume that all of them are. Ceela wants to remove some of the Mother's creations. I told her we do not have the right to make that choice. We are here to protect and serve Her, not undo what She has made. If there is an obstruction preventing Nature from advancing, the Mother will take the steps to remove it Herself.

A part of me understands what Ceela is saying and a part of me, at times, wants to do just what she talks about. I know it cannot be allowed though. We cannot destroy an entire race for the actions of a few. That is wrong and would not promote Balance at all.

*Luna pauses for awhile over her writing, her face scrunched up in thought*

I do not know what is going to happen, but I am worried. She is starting down a very Dark path. I cannot and will not condone what she is thinking about doing. I can only hope that I can show her the Light before she is overcome by the Dark for even though I love her more than any other, and always will, I cannot and I will not follow her down that Path.

*a single tear slides down her cheek as she slowly closes her journal and turns her eyes to the sky as she says a brief prayer*


RE: The Musings of a young Druid....
« Reply #23 on: May 20, 2006, 03:28:58 pm »
*Pulling out her journal after so very long, Luna thumbs through it until she reaches the last entry. After reading it over she mutters to herself, "It has been a long time since I have taken the time to update this. There is much that has happened." With that, she starts writing once more*

I feel it is appropriate for me to put down in words an event that happened quite sometime ago, but that I feel is important enough to myself and the World to warrant the late entry. I have been increasingly busy of late and have not been able to spend much time around others and as such this tale has been long overdue.

The tale begins on a Journey with friends to the Great Forest. A forest of such beauty and serenity, I could spent the rest of my days exploring it fully. We traveled with some of the greatest heros, Rhizome, Plenarius, Brisbane, Ozymandius and numerous others.  Our goal was to plant the Silver Veign as we were told to do. After traveling through the forest, we finally reached our final destination, the Great Oak. As we stood outside the grove, I could feel the resonating presence of this awesome Entity. I allowed it to enter my mind and reveled in the joy of its touch. It was the most amazing thing I had experienced up to that point in my life. That is, until we entered the Grove and I stood before the Great Oak itself.

*Luna stops here for a long moment, lost in her memories, a radiant smile on her face. After a while, she starts writing once more*

As we waited patiently for the Heirophant to arrive, I stood there looking around and soaking everything in. I felt in awe. Words cannot even begin to describe the feelings going through me. After a while, the Heirophant decended from the Great Oak and welcomed us. It was a very solemn meeting as we were to witness the passing of one Heirophant and the ascension of another. She was ready to pass, however. She asked Rhizome, Plenarius, Brisbane and myself to accompany her up to the Great Oak itself. I was stunned that She requested my presence in her final hours. Stunned, but so very honored and humble.

We slowly ascended up the winding ramp to stand before the Great Oak. Rhizome and the Heirophant exchanged pleasant words as olf friends would. She also spoke to each of us and thanked us for coming. Rhizome, eloquent as always, said some very nice things and then he planted the Silver Veign and restored Hope to the World.

Everyone but Rhizome was asked to return to the others at this point while the new Heirophant spent the final hours with the old Heirophant. Plen, myself and Acacea sat under a tree and spoke and told stories in rememberance of Her many years of service to Layonara. After many hours, Plen announced that the time of Passing as upon us. We all spent many moments in a respectful, bittersweet silence. I reflected on my place in the World and the Order as well as the impact that the passing Heirophant had on my life. I silently thanked Her for Her selfless Sacrafice and as She passed, I felt Her presence enter the woods around us and become one with Nature once more. I also felt the triumphant arrival of the new Heirophant. The Trees sang his name and the grass whispered of his coming. The entire World knew almost instaneously of this momentous event. Not long after, Rhizome, the Protector of the World and the Silver Veign descended from the Great Oak and greeted us as Heirophant.

We slowly departed from the Great Oak, and then the Great Forest. It was a quiet journey back, but we all felt as if everything was going to be all right once more. The Silver Veign was safe, Rhizome was Heirophant and I know He will do what is best for Nature, Balance and the World.

*Luna closes her journal slowly and smiles as she continues remember that day. Eventually she climbs down from her tree and continues on her way, speaking to the animals and plants as she pases*