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Author Topic: Cassiel Liss  (Read 495 times)


Cassiel Liss
« on: August 29, 2006, 01:32:11 pm »
Jenra 9, 1405

I arrived in Hlint today, and it is as Angela said, warmer here, though it is still a little chilly. I looked around town to see what it was like and I saw a wolf chasing something. It was one of those...little people, Brownies it seems and a man chasing after the wolf, trying to stop it. I spotted another elf, playing a violin and singing in common, it was a catchy tune and the lyrics were...a bit troublesome to me. "This is Hlint, welcome to Hlint, just a stupid place called Hlint." Those were the lyrics...think his name was Karn. A Drow also appeared here and I'm guessing that this is normal for Drow to be running around here, because of that song. The Drow was making a ruckus, saying how he'd burn down Hlint, and lots of weapons were drawn and a fight almost broke out. Something burning appeared in darkness (someone cast it) a Fire Elemental, and it burned down a barrel. Luckily there was still some order left in the town, and someone who seemed like the Captain of the guards came and stopped them all. Everything settled down after he came but the Drow was still making a ruckus. I would've stayed to help the captain, but it was getting dark...and I was a bit tired...

He closed his book and walked off to try to find Angela.


Re: Cassiel Lissësúl's Journal
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2006, 08:32:55 pm »
Febra 1, 1405

It's been a while since I've written, I should keep up with this journal. A month has passed, not much has happened. I've been helping the townsfolk of Hlint, delivering things and the like. I also bought a new sword, that company had a next day delivery, it was really quick. I've met a couple of new people. One worth mentioning was Ozy, one of the people who killed Blood. A hero it seems and it seems like he earned that title. His magical skills were very high classed. I also met three Brownies, they seemed to have problems anyone not of thier race, but they not bad. The town lately has been peaceful and nothing really happened, it was just peaceful and quiet.

He closed the book and got up from the campfire.

He opens up the book again and continues writing on the same page on a bench in Hlint.

I've just heard some depressing news. If I remember correctly, when I was at the Freelancer's Tavern, there were four women there including the bartender talking about a wedding. I think the bride was to be the lady with the pink hair and I think her name was Sa'kura. Now just a while ago, A man and a woman were talking to another woman. The names of the ladies were Ferrit and Rhynn and I didn't catch the man's name, but he was pretty close to Ferrit. Ferrit and the man were talking about how they met misfortune at the Firesteep cave, where a few members of the group had a run in with the Soul Mother. Now the man told the other two not to tell Sa'kura that Barion was one of the people that had a meeting with the Soul Mother. I was thinking, and I think Barion, must be the groom.

"He's almost at the end of his rope" was what Ferrit said, and that's just a sad thing to hear, that the groom almost couldn't make it to his wedding. Then they started talking about another couple, Ash and Nepp. I believe Nepp was that Drow causing a ruckus in Hlint a while back disturbing the peace. I didn't like him. However they talked about how close Ash was "at the end of her rope" too, with Nepp right behind her. And they've triplets to raise! Children growing up with their's not a good thing. I hope they be careful from now on. There was one thing Ferrit said that stayed with me.

"True death seems far away, then it's right on top of you." - Ferrit

He closed his journal again, having thought of enough sad things for the day.


Re: Cassiel Lissësúl's Journal
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2006, 12:49:07 pm »
Febra 11, 1405

There has been talk about another war. After this war with Blood that lasted a while, a short while has passed and armies have begun to move again. Ozymandias talked with a man I later was told was named Kiva. They spoke about 'Metallics'. Dragons I'm assuming because of what Ozy said next.

"Dragons only mean one thing, massive wars and lots of death." - Ozymandias

Then there was talk about a Fisterion gathering his army near Firesteep. The son of Pyrtechon. The son of a god, that's quite someone to fight. What I heard next was even worse, that Pyrtechon himself will support his son. So that's quite a sum to fight already, dragons, a son of a god and a god. All the talk made me feel...insignificant. I'm here cleansing undead, and they're giving me a hard time already. What would happen if the war started and I was still this weak? I must get stronger, and fast. Kiva and Ozy continued talking about the war, and Kiva asked what Ozy's role would be, if there was a war. It shocked me really...what Ozy said.

"So we may be battling a God, the Dragons, and the Great Ozymandias." - Kiva

My heart sunk, fighting gods and dragons would be dangerous yes, but to fight a hero, that...that's different. What Kiva said next though...

"Sorry to disapoint you. But even if the odds are greatly against me, I won't go down without a fight. And I'd wager a majority of the masses share my view.

I agree with Kiva. Even if the world seemed to be against us few, I'd still fight to my last breath. Thuogh I wouldn't be of much use now, I am still weak. I have to get stronger, and if there was a war, I'd be ready for it. I hope I'll be ready for it...and, the last thing I'd want to see, is a fallen hero...

He closed his journal and went to look for something to eat, then he went to train and get stronger.


Re: Cassiel Lissësúl's Journal
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2006, 12:39:49 pm »
Apreal 15, 1405

These past couple of days were spent at Bear Island, where we tried to get the head of the Bugbear Leader. Ashley, a guard in Point Harbor asked us to, and I decided to help. There was a reward involved and also I could get stronger. The party consisted of Quantum, Twixel, Sa'kura, Nyyna, Serissa and Therrin. I followed along because I wanted to see just how strong these Bugbears were, and I was amazed. Not only were the Bugbears fierce in close ranged combat, but they also had deadly archers and powerful mages.

However, what truly amazed me was the speed and power our group had in taking them down. This Quantum was a seasoned veteran, and so was everyone else. We dispatched them with great speed, but of course the Bugbears put up a fight and there were a few injuries. We went into their temple and flushed out the leader. There were even more Bugbears inside, and even a giant bear.

I kept thinking to myself, what made them so strong? Obviously everyone has trained hard to become what they are now, but it felt like something else. I guess I should've asked them, but I think I learned it when we were getting out. It's their faith. When Serissa fell, Quantum prayed to his god. With the power he borrowed, he brought Serissa back to life. It's their faith and their goals that make them strong.

I wonder do I have a goal...I have faith in order, that it will keep everything peaceful, and I goal is to become stronger, and protect that order. I guess as long as there's order to keep the peace, then it shouldn't matter who rules...

He closed his journal and realized that it was already night time.


Re: Cassiel Lissësúl's Journal
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2006, 11:22:49 am »
Jular 21, 1405

There hasn't been many things happening these days. They've been passing by slowly, but surely going. Everyday that passes by, the closer we are to war...

"But Ozy isn't always right" - Karn

I guess not, however, it is better safe than sorry. Preparing for war...learning a bit of alchemy to make potions. Learning better methods to fight, getting new equipment.

There were people stargazing it seems in Hlint. With Hope. All you can see is just darkness in the sky at night. However, they're stargazing with hope, imagining I believe. Seems like hope is one of the few things that keeps the people going. They keep hoping that the dust would settle, and the world would grow warmer again and the crops will grow, but it's already been 3 years. To me, that's false hope. They can wish all they want, but I doubt they'll live to see the dust settle. Such a sad fate for humans, they die too quick...they cling on to things that might never happen. But maybe that's what makes them unique...their faith in a better world. Right now they're just lying to themselves with 'hope' but perhaps they can change something about it. Let's see what the short-lived humans can do...

He closes his journal and lets out a sigh


Re: Cassiel Lissësúl's Journal
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2006, 09:43:44 pm »
Novlar 2, 1405

I've purchased an iron chainmail and that's really all that I've done these past couple of days. Learned a new spell. Enchanting my weapon with flame and it lasts quite a while and is pretty helpful. I like it.

I went traveling with Goldwin and Rao a month or so earlier, but I've never had the time to write about it. It was a little frustrating. The lizardmen we fought were strong. They were quite a challenge to fight and it wasn't easy but we managed somehow, Goldwin was strong. What frustrated me really was one time, is when my spells wore off in the middle of a fight. I tried to recast it in battle but my armor restricted me and I couldn't complete the spell. That almost got me killed as there were quite a lot of lizards and Goldwin was cleaning up others and Rao was shooting arrows from afar so I was left to fend for myself.

After that trip we took a break in Fort Velensk. I wasn't very happy with that little adventure we had, I realized that I wasn't very good at anything. I have mediocre skills in magic, and mediocre skills in fighting. There must be some way to get better...maybe I should just focus on one thing. I like the spells...yet I also like the close range combat. Decisioins decisions...

He closed his journal and went off to meditate.