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Author Topic: First and Last Will for Arkolio Salvorre  (Read 114 times)


First and Last Will for Arkolio Salvorre
« on: September 01, 2009, 07:51:09 pm »
House in Krandor (and all within) - to go to Trouble Tempest, on the proviso he continues to be an annoying neighbor for Connor.

Guildhouse in Vehl (and all within) - to go to Duchess. Likewise, if she is capable of holding power amongst the factions then good luck to her I say.

Every other item, including house in Haft Lake, all gold in the bank, all debts receivable and all items on my possession at the time of demise, to go to Sala Salvorre for the raising of any and all children.

Arkolio Salvorre

