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Author Topic: Cederic Fennelroot - Inside  (Read 695 times)


Cederic Fennelroot - Inside
« on: March 05, 2007, 07:02:32 pm »

 [SIZE=16]Appearances are deceiving. I would never trust someone like that, so readily. He offers his protection, and I believe it is sincere. So does Ariel. I will keep my eyes on him.



RE: Cederic Fennelroot - Inside
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2007, 07:13:27 pm »

Why do we always end up travelling together with him? He has proven his good intentions well enough, but I sense there is something more behind it. Does she really consider him a friend, already? I guess he has 'good grounding', as that curious fellow would call it. Then why am I so perturbed?



RE: Cederic Fennelroot - Inside
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2007, 04:31:32 am »

(At the docks in Fort Vehl) They have spoken for hours. The rain did not stop them from going on and on about who knows what. Has she ever mentioned me? I am tired. I will tell her I am going to the inn. I cannot stay here.



RE: Cederic Fennelroot - Inside
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2007, 04:38:34 am »
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]He finds himself alone in a dark room, standing atop a compass painted on the ground, glowing of red, all its cardinal directions blurred out. He starts running, screaming out her name. He cannot see his own hand in front of him. "Where are you!?", he keeps shouting. All he hears is his own voice, bouncing back in infinity from unseen walls, but returning with an almost mocking tone in them. He is running for what feels like forever, until he finally senses a figure up ahead. As he stops in an attempt to make it out, squinting his eyes, he notices a grin with fanged teeth glimmering in the dark, before the creature closes a door in front of it. Relentlessly banging on the door, trying to get in, the ground suddenly disappears from under his feet. Falling through pitch-black nothingness, he wakes up, sweat dripping from all over his body.



Re: Cederic Fennelroot - Inside
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2007, 02:28:00 pm »

  She has become so powerful the past few months. The spells of protection she has learned are very useful, and I'm glad they make her safer, but that new... massive fireball she launches at enemies worries me. I cannot picture my Ariel from twenty years ago, being capable of such power. I'm scared to think of what she will be capable of in a year. Two years? Until then, I better watch out.



Re: Cederic Fennelroot - Inside
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2007, 02:31:23 pm »

I have never seen him so upset. I think I made a wise choice, leaving Ariel to deal with Emwonk. She has always had a good hand with talking to people, no matter their various peculiarities, which is more than I can say about myself. I hope he understands, though, that I trust him. If I could, I would be sitting there with them. I fear anything I would say would just make matters worse. I have no way with words. "Don't be rude, Cederic!"



Re: Cederic Fennelroot - Inside
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2007, 11:12:01 pm »

"I could never be that loyal"...? What is that supposed to mean? Do I have any reason--? She leads, I follow. I protect. I have sworn fealty, upon my own soul. Upon her soul. Yes. It is my own choice. But what could she mean? Was she implying something? It is not her place to do so. I wonder if--



Re: Cederic Fennelroot - Inside
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2007, 11:25:30 pm »

 It was a short, but complicated day. I am sure he will be fine. He seemed perfectly normal to me. A full recovery. Strange breakdowns like this are to be expected. It is not the first time, after all. Ariel is concerned, though. I wish she was not, but there is little chance for that wish to come true. It is in her nature, it seems. She is very nurturing. She would make a great mother one day. Although, I am not certain she ever intends to settle down. A shame. Kinai... What did she mean by that-- Ariel... (Falls asleep)



Re: Cederic Fennelroot - Inside
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2007, 12:24:24 am »

  There they are. I can see them from across the lake, through the sunbeams. I have not seen Seidahn in a long time. I had almost forgot... What could they be talking about? Ariel is probably being her usual, nurturing self. Why must she nurture him of all people? What is it about him that brings her so close? (Sighs heavily) Would Shiff stop screaming at the fish!? What is that electric sound I keep hearing...? Oh, Ariel... Why do y-- Yes, I am on my way!



Re: Cederic Fennelroot - Inside
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2007, 01:42:13 pm »

How can monsters be allowed within the city? Even Dark Elves are tolerated by law, the Captain said. It is unheard of. How can they be, after all they have done? All I did was to try to protect Ariel. Here I am, locked in a cell with that Goblin. If they are permitted in the city... it is no longer safe. But where else could we go? No place is safe in times like these. Except for home...



Re: Cederic Fennelroot - Inside
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2007, 09:31:06 am »

How can they  blame us for their misfortune? Ariel and I had nothing to do with it, and Emwonk is surely in no condition to have had a hand in this... fall of Bloodstone. I am not so sure about some of the others. Some of them appear to have been around these lands for a lot longer than we have. Who knows what they might have been involved in? It frustrates me to hear them accuse us like this. I can understand their situation, but it is no reason to start throwing blame around. I cannot appreciate what everyone is doing, handing them sacks of gold and bags of food. Like Ariel said, it is as if they accept and admit to what they are accused of. If they throw so much wealth on these people, should they not do the same with all others who are starving, handing out equal amounts to all of them. Why do these people deserve special treatment? It feels hypocritical. Saying "I have not had a good meal in days" after having handed over a sack of gold, does not make much sense to me. I only hope all these 'generous' souls make the effort and go out there, finding more poor peasants to share with their wealth and food. I doubt it. (Sighs heavily) I can pity these people, but they must understand that we have all lived through tough times.  We all have our sorrows...



Re: Cederic Fennelroot - Inside
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2007, 07:54:31 pm »

It is hot, this close to the furnace. I suppose Ariel is more comfortable with heat than I am. Why else would she have us sit down next to it. She seems to be having trouble voicing what she wants to say. She should work on that, but I can never grow impatient with her. Look at her cleaning the mud off her boots... I would be doing it for her if she had not scolded me for doing so before. "You are not my servant!" she had yelled eventually. But I am, Ariel. (A pause) He loves her? So that is what it was. He should not bother her with such words. I will tell her that I will have a talk with him about it, make him not bother her any further about this.



Re: Cederic Fennelroot - Inside
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2007, 08:03:37 pm »

So where can we go for some privacy...? The Merchant District usually does not have many people running around it. There is a fountain there as well, that I think Ariel will like. Yes, I will take her there. ("This way.") I wonder what it is I do not understand. What is it she is not saying? I suppose I will find out soon enough. (A pause) She keeps playing with the water or looking at the ground evasively. She still has trouble speaking about... whatever it is she wants to say. I 'don't understand', I get it. (Sighs heavily) Oh, I think she is finally about to speak in a full sentence. ("Yes, Ariel?")




Re: Cederic Fennelroot - Inside
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2007, 08:45:53 pm »

(Lying alone in a bed) This cannot be...! How--? When--? Why, Ariel...? Have I not proven myself to you enough? Has my loyalty to you not been sufficient? Where... When did I fail you? At which point did he prove more suitable for you? This is... torment. Agony in my soul. It burns. It burns to ashes. He has... you. He must have you bewitched. His demon blood has poisoned you! He must pay for what he has done! (A pause) (Rolls over to the other side) No. He is not guilty. I cannot falter and blame my own faults on someone else. I will... be strong. If you still have need of me, I will protect you. (A pause) But why... why... Why have you--? Oh, Ariel... (A single tear falls onto the pillow) I love you.




Re: Cederic Fennelroot - Inside
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2007, 12:53:32 pm »

(Sitting down in a room, gazing into a small mirror) Where did I go wrong? Has the amount of loyalty and vigil I have expressed not been enough? I have been right at her side for so many years and not once did I falter from my duties as her knight. Did she even notice? Maybe she never did. Maybe I... (A long pause) I tried so hard to remain unwavering and pious, that she never was given a chance to see what was inside. How fiery my soul is, or how violently my heart beats for her. I was too busy being suspicious of dangers, trying to shield her from any possible harm, no matter how slight the risk was. This face... It has no expression. No hint of something underneath. Nothing but foul, stern features and squinted eyes. She could never have seen it, and now she never can. It is too late! (The small mirror flies into a nearby wall and shatters)



Re: Cederic Fennelroot - Inside
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2007, 12:55:32 pm »

 I have not seen him in several days. I would think it should be a relief, not having to gaze upon he who so boldly stole her heart, but I can sense unrest within Ariel. She misses him, I can feel it. I wonder why no letters speaking of his whereabouts have arrived. Why has he not kept in touch with her? He better not have betrayed her already! (A heavy sigh) I suppose he could have sent letters. Letters she has kept hidden from me. After all, what right do I have to be informed of everything that is going on between the two of them. I only wish he is taking this seriously and realizes where his place is now.


Re: Cederic Fennelroot - Inside
« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2007, 11:47:32 pm »

He puts it in a peculiar way, but it is clear she has him smitten. I cannot imagine someone like Kinai and himself as a couple, but I feel sorry for him. He thinks it is hopeless, and therefore his love is forever doomed to be unrequited. I wish I could help him, but I am not that much better when it comes to communicating such emotions. ("Communications exceed capacity of expression.") I know the feeling. Sometimes the tongue is not diverse enough to communicate certain things inside, burning violently. (A pause) Do not worry, Emwonk. I know what you are trying to say, but I cannot voice it. No matter how lengthy and planned-out, it would never do it justice. ("When words cannot speak, actions are acceptable, correct?") So what? Actions are not nearly enough. It would just be blunt... and ugly. Not close to the grace and beauty it deserves. That it really represents. ("So come on, Ced! Say it, or do it!") Actually, I do. All the time. It just does not translate the way I expect it to. (A heavy sigh) I want to sleep.



Re: Cederic Fennelroot - Inside
« Reply #17 on: April 05, 2007, 11:29:46 am »
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]He finds himself in a dark room once again. He is stripped completely naked, no armour, no clothes; standing bare-foot on cold stone. There are eerie whispers, coming from every direction. It is difficult to make the words out, but the voices switch between female and male constantly and, on occasion, a strange hissing. The tone of the voices change from neutral to accusing, spitting words of contempt at him. Attempting to block them out, he covers his ears with his hands and tries to run. The voices are still as loud and piercing as before, and running is impossible. It is as if he is treading through sticky mud of some sort, keeping him from advancing. Nothing is helping, but he refuses to scream, gritting his teeth and closing his eyes with all the force he can muster. Suddenly, the voices vanish and his feet come loose of the mud, causing him to fall to the ground.
 After a while, he looks up and sees Ariel standing there, looking down at him with concerned, warm eyes, smiling her usual endearing smile. She helps him up and he stumbles around a bit, dizzy from the fall, before he can stand straight again. She speaks the words in a comforting tone: "Well? What was it you wanted to say to me?" He attempts a smile and his eyes open up a bit, as he starts screaming the words out... Nothing is heard. He tries again, but no sound leaves his lips. He feels his mouth with his hands, noticing there is none there. A look of utter shock and horror wash over his face, and Ariel shakes her head in disappointment, turns around and starts walking toward a figure that has appeared further ahead. He falls to his knees, whimpering in distress, tears falling from his eyes. He wakes up with a gasp, finding himself in the forest by the camp-fire with Ariel and Emwonk sleeping across from him.



Re: Cederic Fennelroot - Inside
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2007, 06:19:38 pm »

I would have thought it would bring her more joy than this, as much as she was admiring it before. Why is there no reaction? This was probably a bad idea from the start. I understand how Emwonk wanted to help, but she does not seem to appreciate her gift. (Sighs) Something is wrong. She does not appear to have been sleeping very well. It must be Seidahn, again. She still has not heard from him, I suppose.



Re: Cederic Fennelroot - Inside
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2007, 07:58:50 pm »

(Stirring restlessly in his bed) What right does he have to meddle, shouting at me to express myself in one way or another? I can't believe what he was doing. He actually told her how I felt about her. Why would he assume something as such? Then, what possessed him to do anything without my consent? I can't believe this. I just couldn't stand the stares, the commands. I can't let her know it is the truth. She is with Seidahn. (A pause) No, it is just an excuse. I have loved her for so many years, and I have always been too afraid to say anything. Afraid for her reaction. How it would tear me apart. I cannot stand to face her, telling her anything about my feelings. Of all the giant monsters I have fought fearlessly, I am too afraid to share my emotions with anyone. I am so pitiful. I can't... I just can't... I must leave this place.