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Author Topic: Ceviran's Journal  (Read 840 times)

Ceviran's Journal
« on: September 29, 2015, 04:20:35 pm »
Milstone took longer than I wanted. The captain of the ships keep saying there were storms, but I knew better. I know the captain is taking strang longer routes in order to try and avoid the pirates. I fear the day when sailing will be impossible, the seas will be to in danger for commerical use, and it will belong to them. I also realized that I do not enjoy sailing. I hardly could eat, and what food I did eat didn't stay down for long. The constant up and down of the ocean has made my body feel weak when I land on Mistone I will have to stop for a few days to rest and get my strength back up.

Krandor again took longer
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2015, 04:24:46 pm »

Krandor again took longer than I wanted, but I am excited to start training more here at the hospital. I only look forward to the Lifegiver's blessing allowing me to heal the sick, being the light that comes to brighten up the darkness. I got lost a few times on my way there but the people of Milstone are usually friendly and helpful to give directions. I have been warned of wild animals and to be stict to the road as much as possible. However, I was also warned that bandit camps are all around and to travel quick from town to town. I continue to fear what the world is coming to, but I am cheerful. I think I can make a difference to these lands.

I have met a few adventures
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2015, 04:32:56 pm »

I have met a few adventures now, and they seem to be good people. The first a heavy set dwarf with black hair. A Master Slagil Bellows. I wasn't sure about him at first, his robe bears the symbol of Dorand. I know that you have no quarral with this diety, but I know he is not our friend as well. However, Master Bellows has come to my aid and has helped me more than I could of imagine any stranger would. He told me about the land, crafted me fine armor, much better and stronger than the leather armor that I left North Point with. He told me of a crypt that has just been poisoned with the undead. Him and I cleansed the crypt in your name. We brought the light to the darkness. I felt Aeridin's presence down there. I feel that this is suppose to be my calling. My way to praise the Lifegiver is by the cleansing this world of the abomination of the undead. Master Bellows even gave me a special club, suppose to be stronger against the undead. I know that many of us use the quarterstaff, but I just pray that Aeridin will know that I am trying to do his will and that he will make my club still strike true. I also met a strang man in red robes. Master Akio, A human man. He was pleasant, he also had the fears that I did. That the world is slowly going into darkness, but I reminded him of you. That as long as there was one light on this world, that evil will not prevail.

Master Bellows and I are
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2015, 03:25:43 am »

Master Bellows and I are starting to become friends. I know we come from different worlds and differnt believes but he seemes to share my belief to cleanse the world of the undead. We helped a Master Friar clense the crypts in Fort Vehl. I fear that there is dark magic in Mistone. Every crypt that I have came acorss now as been cursed by the abomination of the undead. I continue to feel my connection to Aeridin is stronger. I feel his strength when I am clensing the world of the undead. I not only feel stronger, but I feel my connection to Aeridin when I am bringing his light into the darkness. I feel hope. I know there is lots of undead to clense, but I know as long as I continue my mission I think one day Mistone could be clean.

My connection to Aeridin is
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2015, 03:29:49 am »

My connection to Aeridin is becoming stronger. I feel his blessing. I have gone back to the Center Crypt to make sure the Undead are at rest, and every trip I find that more and more undead are rising. I am frustrated with the results, but I know it is the will of Aeridin that I am there. I feel my purpose is to bring the light into the darkness. When I am tired and sore, and bloody from fighting with the undead, I look down at the golden leaf hanging around my neck and I feel better. I feel less fatigue I feel that Aeridin is encoraging me to continue to fight.

I ask Ezekial of the keeper
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2015, 03:32:36 am »

I ask Ezekial of the keeper of the crypt in Center about the strang green light that marks the entrace. He was unsure of how or why it works, but he told me strong clerics were the one put it there. Someday I want my faith to be so strong that Aeridin will grant me this ability. That I could use this power to protect all the enterances of Layonara's crypts. To make sure that if the undead do rise that they couldn't escape there tomb. I will look to see if other have more information about this magic.

I posted a message in various
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2015, 03:35:47 am »

I posted a message in various taverns and inns around the Mistone looking for a teacher. I am hoping to find another Aeridinite or Undead Slayer who could give me more knowledge about the Undead. If I know my enemy I can better plan out how to defeat them. I can only hope for a reply soon.

A Master Jo Poetr replied to
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2015, 03:41:47 am »

A Master Jo Poetr replied to my ad. We met up with a Lady Fern both strong fighters of the undead. We clensed as much of the Krandor crypt as possible, but we ran into a locked door and could go no further. The undead seemed stronger here. I fear they could easily rise and leave the crypt and destroy the town of Krandor. I am glad that I am staying at the hospital and can keep an eye out for them. After we finished the crypts we joined up with Master Bellows and a Lady Mari and went to clense Storan's Tomb. I didn't get alot of information about Storan, but apprarently he was cursed and his evil form still haunts the Tomb. The tomb was over runned with undead, even stronger than the ones in Krandor. I fear that every tomb, crypt, graveyard, moseleum, and everywhere else is cursed. No corpse is safe there is too much dark magic in Mistone. The dead will not stay dead, my biggest fear is that there is one dark power causing all of this. I can only hope and pray that, it is not the case and all these are seperate instances, but I can't imagine that they aren't linked some how.

Today was a true milestone in
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2015, 08:07:53 pm »

Today was a true milestone in my life. I have finally met with another Aeridinite. It was truely a memorable meeting. Master Armando a Lightbringer, just like my teacher Amara in North Point. He had traveled far, hearing  a rumor about the crypt in Center. We may have met by chance, but I reason now that Aeridin met us to meet. Master Armando was an aging human, he seemed tired, said he had been a lightbringer for three decades. After our experience together in the Center Crypt I can only imagine how much of a toll it takes to be an Undead Hunter. He mention something about giving up being an Undead Hunter and going back to being a healer. This is why I think Aeridin met for us to meet. As one lighterbringer's career of clensing was coming to an end, mine was just beginning. I did not know it this morning that I would wake up and my life would change. However, I know now that it did. I accompanied Master Armando to the Center crypts, I figured I could learn some points about how to better clense the undead. I was not expecting to join the Lightbringers. He watch my skills in fighting the skeletons, and saw my connection with Aeridin. I think I may have impressed him. However, the biggest sign and the most difficult part of the day was the voice. I heard a small boy crying out for his mother. I was overwelmed with emotion, thinking back to my own mother. I thought we needed to rush in to help, but I think Master Armando taught me the most valuble lesson of all. That the undead are vial evil creatures that will do anything to feed. A spirit of sorts someone how inside my head trying to play with my emotions, hiding as the little boy trying to make me confused. Master Armando told me to trust my mind, and not my heart. In this scenario. At one point I could hear multiple voices in my head calling for me to go into the darkness. I knew Aeridin gave me strength allowed me to resist the voice. I think this was this biggest test for me to prove to Master Armando that I could resist the temptation, avoid the trickery, and continue to fight against the undead. Master Armando did mention that this mission was not for the faint of heart. After I resisted the little boy changed to its true form a vial undead spirit. I musted up my strength and with the power of the Lifegiver I was able to bring the light to the darkness. Master Armando was pleased, maybe even a little bit impressed. As soon as we crossed the protective barried in the crypt, he ask me to kneel and join the Lightbringers quest. To clense the world of the undead. To fight the followers of Corath, and to bring the light to the darkness. I feel that this may have always been my mission. That my meeting with Master Armando was destiny. That I born for this mission, to bring the light to the darkness, because I AM CEVIRAN THANGAHAT'AZLLAH AND I AM A LIGHTBRINGER OF AERIDIN!