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Author Topic: Chaynce Baldu'muur  (Read 801 times)


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2008, 02:19:11 pm »
*opens the book one more time and writes*

I am not an idiot.

*closes it and goes to wander the world*


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #21 on: November 26, 2008, 03:45:56 am »
*opens the book slowly*

All I can do is think of her. Think of keeping her safe... think of protecting her. I want so much to ease her mind, to take away her problems, whether it be with the blade or my caress.

*smiles as he writes*

I finally got to feel her lips against mine, I thought for days that it was just a moment of weakness for her but today, today as I went off to the Broken Halls with Balazar and Mandalorian she stopped me. She stopped me and kissed me and wrapped her arms around my waist. And after, I told her to be safe, and I added the words "My Love" to the end of the sentence. I don't know if she heard, I don't know what her reaction was, because I was walking away. I wanted, well, for it to sink in, to let her think, to give her time to figure out what she wants.

I love her enough to wait. To be patient, to give her her space. But one thing is for sure, and thats if someone hurts her my wrath shall come down on them with a vengence never seen before. I shall hunt them to the ends of the world.

I love her.

*he lays his head down on the Inns pillow and closes his eyes not sleeping, but turning about, thinking of her*


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #22 on: December 03, 2008, 01:13:04 am »
*opens the journal while sleeping in his mound of stuff behind 101 Hlint*

Seems she feels the same way. She asked if I ment what I said the other day when I walked off. I said I did.

She told me...

*smiles and drifts off to sleep thinking of her words*


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #23 on: December 23, 2008, 06:41:18 pm »
*smiles a bit after he opens the book*

I don't know if I'm in trouble or not. Miss Jaelle waked up with her child after... Daniella was questioning me about Jaelle. I was honest with Miss Daniella, and I hope she sees that.

I walked Miss Jaelle and her child home to Krandor, and Miss Jaelle said that perhaps the Toranites were wearing off on me more than I thought. An interesting idea.

I found Miss Daniella later at my mother's Inn and we talked. I still can't figure out if I'm in trouble or not.

*sighs and closes the journal*


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #24 on: January 12, 2009, 01:32:31 pm »
*opens the journal quietly as he doesn't wake her*

Well... things have been... going... with Miss Daniella. We have taken to staying in Inns together. It is nice to wake up in her arms. Part of me wonders though, she is or rather has been called to be a Champion of Toran. I don't know if, well, that I am in her future plans. I hope I am but I saw how my Fathers relationship with Toran fractured our family. Perhaps I should take her on a picnic and have a talk with her to see where I stand.

*he slowly closes the book and goes back to sleep as dawn creeps across Vehl*


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #25 on: January 26, 2009, 02:49:27 pm »
*opens his journal while waiting for the boat to Mistone*

Seems she has figured out where I stand. She asked me to marry her. Rather odd thing for a woman to do, but... she never was like most women. I was a bit... stunned at the question but I said yes. We still have to work some things out, like where we're going to live since... I have no home, and I don't think sleeping in a straw pile is going to go over too well. She went back to Mistone to attend to some business so I should get on the boat and go find her.

*he closes the journal an boards the ship*


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #26 on: March 23, 2009, 01:01:46 am »
*opens the journal and looks at the last entry before writing*

Seems I am now a spoiled child. I never knew spoiled children lived in alley ways and in Inns. I never knew spoiled children gave of themselves to always try and protect their companions. I never knew spoiled children layed their lives on the line everyday to protect the weak.

Because I use jokes and sarcasm to get my point across she doesn't hear my meaning, and I'm beginning to wonder if she cares at all.

*he sighs*

I think we might be done. I don't think I will ever mean a fraction of what her god means to her. I see now why my mother and father did not stay together. Perhaps it is time to move on, time to rely on myself again, the time to lock my heart up, perhaps for good this time.

*he closes the book and curles up by the lake*


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #27 on: March 23, 2009, 04:56:57 pm »
*opens the journal while sitting on the foot of the bed in the Wild Surge*

Well, I saw her again today. I didn't think she was going to speak to me at first, but eventually we went into Storan's Crypt. I asked if spoiled children were allowed in there... probably not wise of me.

We cleared out most of it and returned to the surface where we had a talk. A talk about Toran and her being chosen by him. She said he came to her in a dream. I asked her if she was asleep or awake, so I could know if it was a dream or a vision. She said it didn't matter.

She did say she loved me but made it clear that Toran came first. I asked her if perhaps Toran brought me to her to protect her in her times of need. Her answer was that she didn't need protecting. I then asked her that maybe Toran knew that eventually she would need protecting and if that could be why I have such a love for her. She answered that she had prayed to him about that. I asked what his answer was... and she had no reply.

After always telling me to pray to Toran and he would guide me how can this be? How can he leave her to wonder? To hurt? I am more confused than ever.

*he slowly closes the book and readies himself for the road*


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #28 on: May 26, 2009, 02:24:04 pm »
*notices his journal at the bottom of his bag as he unpacks his things and picks it up and writes*

Well, I finally have a home.

*looks about rather suspiciously*

I wonder when this dream is going to end.

*glances at Daniella asleep on her cot*

A proper bed is needed. I hope she doesn't mind too much who I'm having make it.

*goes back to putting his things away, the few things he has anyway*


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #29 on: June 17, 2009, 01:44:39 am »
*opens his journal after finding some enlightenment*

Well, I witnessed a small child, true and unbroken by the world. I wish I was the same. It was nice to hold him in my cloak and listen to his cooing sounds.

It made me think, long and hard, about what me and my love Daniella are doing.

*looks about the room in the home he never thought he'd have*

What is this? Is this real?

*sighs and closing the journal penning one last thought*

After all these year I don't think she means to marry me, even with our big bed.

*sighs, snuffs out the candle and cuddles up next to her, after glancing at his traveling pack*


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #30 on: June 30, 2009, 02:08:41 am »
*opens the journal after a long night and watches her sleep*

She finally told me what I have long suspected, bloody Toran won't let her marry me.

Toran has taken my father and nearly took my love.

I shall protect her with all my might, but I don't think Toran and I will be having tea soon.

*smiles a bit and smooths her hair before her closes the journal and gets some needed rest*


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #31 on: July 03, 2009, 03:14:38 am »
*opens the journal while he watches her sleep*

I bloody knew it... Toran hates me.

He's trying to take my love like he took my father.

But... I found her last night... yelling at Toran, perhaps he heard her.

I shall not leave her, I shall not falter, not for Toran, but for me, and her. I am the protector, and protect her I shall, no matter what god, no matter what beast, I will die for her. Thus is my fate.

*closes his journal slowly and wrapping himself up next to her*


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #32 on: October 09, 2009, 02:12:19 am »
*opens his journal while she sleeps blowing the dust off of it*

Twas nice to be home. It was good to see her again and hold her in my arms. I'll have to apologize about the leather straps remarks in the temple. Wait, have I ever apologized for anything?

*smiles and shakes his head*

There are times when I wish I didn't say some of the things that come out of my mouth, but... I have fun. I do hope she realizes that that's all it is... in fun.

I built a small shack for my new friend Alton out back of our house. She seems to think I'm keeping him as a pet, but... he loves animals and wants to be around them, so I bought him some chickens to tend. I'll work on making the shack better, but he says he's happy with it as it is. I'll still make it better for him though.

*he closes the book and lays down next to her contently*


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #33 on: October 15, 2009, 02:56:50 am »
*sighs as he trudges in from a long day of knee capping giants and working on the shack and opens his journal, blowing a bit less dust off than last time*

Well... construction is a bit harder than I thought, but the halfling coup is coming along nicely.

Alton likes it but she doesn't. He seems to like tending the chickens and living a simple life.

*shrugs a bit as he writes*

I don't think she like's him out there, she fixed up the spare bedroom for him, but I think he likes it outside better. I'll just keep working on his little home.

*smiles as he watches her sleep*

I hope she'll forgive me someday for the things she thinks (underlines the word thinks) that I've done.

*closes the book, blows out the candle and snuggles up next to her*


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #34 on: October 18, 2009, 01:42:38 am »
*opens the journal after waiting for her to sleep and doing a search of the whole house for intruders*

Sometimes... she can be so stupid.  What in the world would she say to me if I gave some of my hair to a Corathite. The lady seemed to recognize Raz as well.

*sighs loudly*

Then she sets up a meeting with one that she has to go alone to. I don't think that's going to be happening anytime soon. I can follow her and she'll never know.

*walks downstairs to check the lock on the front door again and satisfied trudges back up the stairs*

I'm going to have to have another talk with her about this in the morning before I head to Spellgard to research what they can do with the hair, what sort of curses and such.  She told me not to go to Storold, but I may have to if I can't find what I need in the library there.

*sighs again and blows out the small candle next to his side of the bed*


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #35 on: October 27, 2009, 02:01:02 am »
*after checking the house over and over in his armor he sits on the front step and writes*

I am disappointed. In myself, I am disappointed that I can't be her always to protect her. I do know, that I shall die to try.

*tosses the journal hearing a noise and runs around the back of the house only to trip over Alton's chickens, much to Alton's delight*

*he walks back around the house and picks up the journal*

Hell. I shall die so Anne dies. I shall not have her minions hurt Daniella again. I have an idea...

*he closes the journal and walks upstairs in full armor, sword drawn, to find some parchment*


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #36 on: October 27, 2009, 02:11:51 am »
//a copy of a note he all over towns//

*messages are posted in every place Chaynce can place them*

Dear Miss Anne Ravenwind,

I tire of your antics. If you have any sort of soul left you will face me. You will NOT play games, and I'm done playing yours. I want your head, and if you are cowardly, then hide... but I seek you, I will not relent. I no longer have mercy for you or your soul. Prepare to die, you shall not hurt the one I care about again.

Prepare to die,
Chaynce Baldu'muur, The Protector

//a smiley face is drawn below//

//this notice was in response to this letter he received//

First of all, I am fine.
I was attacked by an assassin in our home. By Toran's grace, I was not killed, but the attacker got away while I was unconscious. I got some rest at the temple, but I have not had a chance to clean up the blood from the floor of our home yet. I hope you have not arrived home and thought the worst.
I asked two of the paladins to go home after the attack and check to see if the assassin was still anywhere near, but I fear he or she may have used the portal and taken a quick escape. I asked two more to guard me at the temple so that I could get some sleep. I will be fine. It was my own fault for letting my guard down. I should know better.
I am fine.  Please do not worry too much.  I'll see you when you get home.


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #37 on: November 18, 2009, 01:08:49 am »
*opens his journal*

No more pies... I really mean...... if Alton keeps this up I'm in trouble. I certainly didn't dump the poo in the house.

*slams the journal closed and goes to look for Alton*


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #38 on: December 06, 2009, 12:45:50 am »
*opens his journal after a long day of deconstructing and moving the chicken coop*

Well, Alton has moved away. My mother has offered him a job caring for her horse and oxen in exchange for a real room. I had to move the chicken coop so Fred and Bill and *sighs* whatever their names are could live out back of mom's. Probably better for him anyway, and me as well. At least Daniella won't have to step in poo anymore.

*groans as he lays down after the hard day and falls asleep*


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #39 on: December 15, 2009, 06:29:23 pm »
*Opens his journal after a hard fought trip across the Islands*

I have no idea what I have found, I came to a place that even I, in my infedant wisdom, would not enter. There were creatures that sucked your blood guarding a dead pink tree. There were small pixies flying around a silver shiney rock that emitted increadable energy.

Then... a series of bridges with at least seven runes set in rock in front of them. Across this set of bridges was what looked to be some stone manticores, a dragon statue, and some other statues I couldn't make out. It looked as if they were guarding a platform that had fires burning upon it. I dared not open the gate, as I was worried of the statues comming to life.

*he carefully draws the runes he saw down in his journal*

*see pictures here... *

I need to find someone who knows runes and have them have a look.

*closes the book and sinks into a deep sleep*

