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Author Topic: Chaynce Baldu'muur  (Read 802 times)


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #40 on: December 27, 2009, 03:29:14 pm »
*opens the journal*

Well, it seems I was right not to go into that place with the runes. Miss Anna and Miss Katrien told me it had something to do with the Tolfor (no idea if thats how you spell it), anyhow supposedly they created the Al'Noth. But I did gleam something else from that conversation, that maybe that was the way to the soul mother as well. They didn't outright say it but...

I was in Hilm the other day with Razerium, Daniella, Trenton, and a lady (I forgot here name) when a rider road in shot in the back with an arrow. He ended up turning into some sort of beast that we slayed, but he gave a warning of drachs on his tail. We went to investigate by Ozlo's tour and found a whole division of men slaughtered and many of the drach things, which we dispatched. The head guard at Hilm later told us that Lance was investigating the attacks. I should seek him out.

Was nice to see Daniella again. I had been away for a while. She seems as stubborn as ever. *smiles* Was nice to spend some time in the Inn with her before she had to race off to warn the Toranites of the Drach attack and get reiforcements for Hilm.

*closes his book and straps on his armor*


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #41 on: January 07, 2010, 11:16:45 pm »
*comes in quietly, sees she's not home, and opens his journal*

When the time comes Daniella gets everything I own.

*closes the journal and throws it against the wall*

//please consider this Chaynce's Will//


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #42 on: February 01, 2010, 12:14:36 am »
*opens the books after she falls asleep*

Hells... the wench is going to get my soul.

*closes it softly, resigned to his fate*


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #43 on: March 01, 2010, 01:07:09 am »
*writes, inspired for the first time in a while while she sleeps*

Daniella take this blade from me
I can't use it anymore
It's getting dark too dark to see
Feels like I'm knockin' on heaven's door

Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door

Daniella put my blade in the ground
I can't use it anymore
That cold black cloud is comin' down
Feels like I'm knockin' on heaven's door

*closes the book slowly, resigned to his fate*

//thanks Bob Dylan and G'n'R//


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #44 on: March 31, 2010, 10:18:52 pm »
*cracks the book open and looks up and writes his thoughts*

I'm still here wench.

*shakes his fist a bit*

Catch me if you can.

*closes the book*


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #45 on: June 09, 2010, 04:53:58 pm »
*Chaynce enters the house reeking of fruits and grapes and opens his journal after cleaning his armor and blade*

Had an interesting trip across Alindor with Alton. We explored about everywhere we could and saw some interesting sights. Mostly we were safe but we were attacked by eight troll shaman at once, not a pleasant fight. We were forced to retreat from the cave with several huge trolls following us. I made Alton and I invisible to let us have time to catch our breath then we went back and finished the job. We were then ambushed again, but we stood tall healing each other and hacking away til the fight was done after the retreat from the cave.

I need to go find Daniella soon. She has been away far too long in the service of the tea hater. I'm going to go to the temple and get some information about her where abouts so I can find her and make sure she's safe.

*he closes the journal and begins to unload the haul of fruits*


Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #46 on: September 17, 2010, 02:05:46 am »
*Chaynce comes home to an unlit Stormhaven Manor and opens his journal after lighting some lamps, blowing the dust off of it's cover*

Well, seems me and her are still busy on our own paths. Alton and I have been traveling a lot and so has Daniella. I hope to see her soon.

*he closes his journal, sheds his armor and oils his blade before slipping into bed holding her pillow*


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #47 on: December 22, 2010, 09:04:47 pm »
*blows the dust off of his journal and pens a simple phrase as he grins*

I'm still here.

*He closes the book and walks off chuckling to himself*


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #48 on: January 27, 2011, 02:12:49 pm »
*opens the journal after returning from the war council*

I have been invited to stand behind Daniella and watch her rear during the war councils.


Really though I am there to interpret if she needs it and whisper my thoughts in her ear as I see fit. I did have a bit of a say at the end of the council. I told them that I felt it necessary to ally with any one willing to help, no matter what race or religion. I told them that any that cause problems after the war could be dealt with then. You kill the biggest and baddest first, then deal with the rest.

It was interesting seeing everyone's points of view however. They seem to be well organized and have good plans for the war. I do worry however that they are ignoring certain allies due to their perceived prejudices against them.

*closes the book and drifts off to sleep next to Daniela*


Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #49 on: August 25, 2011, 02:08:39 pm »
*the book collects dust on his unused desk*

Lance Stargazer

Re: Chaynce Baldu'muur
« Reply #50 on: September 19, 2011, 03:29:37 pm »
// Posted with merlin34baseball permision.

*The rainy night over Huangjin recieved the knight in blue and gold as he approached the hall, the echoes of his steps sound over the whole place, he has been here several times, but never he felt so sad to walk thru the halls, holding his arm his wife walking along side him in a silent march, both hearts sadden by the reason to visit*

*As he approaches the black tombstone was easy to look at, surrounded by torches and a column of light, a bastard sword over the lid, alone and silent as if standing guard, on the hall of the eternally vigilant. Ell leaves the arm go, after a small squeeze, the knight clad in blue and gold approaches with his head lowered*

- Greetings Brother - he says as his hand reaches for the lid, his eyes wet yet no tears flowing out. -

- It seems that in the end you got there to get that cup of tea before us - said with a sad smile - I had to come and see you, it was simply too much happened at the time of the battle , And over all the years you gifted us with your prescence,  I'd love to be able to yell at you for putting rocks on my bed, I long for the past years when life was easier, when the road beckon us to go adventuring, the long days where we fought as brothers. -

I have come to say you thank you for all that - he touches the lid - I want to say you that in the end you were right, Who is the fool now , huh? - he smiles on spite of himself - you missed the wedding, and you aren't able to see us married now. you were right all the time.

**his hand start to glow as the blessing start to emerge after a small prayer * I've come to you today, not as Commander, but as friend and Brother, to pay you my respects .. and above all .... to tell you ... that you are missed.  

Wait for me brother. I'll be there one of this days . Sweet waters and easy laughter till we ......  met again

**He lower his head as Ell aproaches lowering her head as well, as the couple pays their respects to their life long friend *

