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Author Topic: Chronicles of a Warrior  (Read 1173 times)


Re: Chronicles of a Warrior
« Reply #20 on: March 17, 2010, 11:30:20 pm »
More good news to jot down in this lil' book.  I have been practicing and practicing and I think that I've become more proficient at executing that ki critical strike.  I have noticed that I have been able to manuever my sword in battle more efficiently and and achieve critical ki damage more frequently.

I feel now with this breakthough I have truly mastered my greatsword. *smiles and taps his quill*

I have asked Tralek to start to train me in the ways of stealth combat and manuevers.  I wish to learn how to hit my opponents from the flanks and into their sweet spots.  I believe blending this form of strike with my ki damage will be most devistating to my opponents.

While training with Fehriel I also witnessed these moves as he taught me to be a weapon master. Now along with Tray's training I think I could master this art of battle and stealth.

I also with to dodge boulders and fire as I have seen Tralek do.  Maybe one day I can also spot traps and disarm them in the field.  This will make me a valuable asset to a party I think.

*goes to wake up Tralek for his lesson*


Re: Chronicles of a Warrior
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2010, 11:15:47 am »
*Vrebel comes back into the house dusty and bloody.  While relaxing in his tub he pulls his out his journal and starts to write*

I have conquered the rift *smiles*.  Today I went and gathered fine diamonds, cobalt and adamantium ore all by myself, well also my sword *grins*.

As I was approaching the bridge that leads to the ore I spotted a darkie scout.  I drew my bow and was able to cut him down long before he was able to holler to the other darkies.  It must be that I was using stealth and was able to get into a striking position like I have seen Tray and Feh do before.  These skills are proving most useful.  Before I would just rush em, but now I use my wit and stealth to pick them off.

As I crossed the bridge I was able to spot one of their traps.  I was able to skirt around it to avoid it.  Maybe with some training from Tray I can pick it up one day so know one gets hurt.

I also used stealth tactics when fighting the darkies near the adamantium, I would draw the warriors out and cut them down, repeating it until there numbers were down to nothing, *grins*

A successful trip in honing my stealth skills.  I will do it again maybe soon.


Re: Chronicles of a Warrior
« Reply #22 on: March 24, 2010, 04:00:15 am »
I talked to Tralek today and he told me about the vital spots to hit on an opponent.  He went into detail on how deep the cuts need to be to peirce them and the various entry points i can use with greatsword to either peirce them or slash them.  

Some cuts will kill almost instantly like a slice across the jugular on the throat while others will draw out blood at a constant rate weakening them in battle.  Vital organs are different as far as how long it takes an opponent to peircing the heart ofcourse will kill an opponent quickly while a lung puncture could take more time.

He has shown me how to use the greatsword to strike at these areas as he weilds a greatsword as I do.


Re: Chronicles of a Warrior
« Reply #23 on: March 24, 2010, 08:38:24 pm »
Well after seein' Tralek bein able to dodge just about every giant strike while we were in the great forest I got to askin'  him how he does it.  He said he's able through his stealth trainin' be aware enough of his surroundin's that he can move  out of the way before the weapons hit em'.  I tried to watch him more in battle to figure out his style and it seems its almost unreal how he can dodge those strikes.

So he's been showing me how he does it at the house and such.  He blind folds me and gets his staff, *grins* didnt know he had one.  Anyways, he goes around quietly and starts wackin me with it.  Dang thing stings when it slaps ya.

At first I though he was just doin' it to take cheap shots.  He told me to relax more and try to use my senses to feel where he is, to hear the wooosh of the staff before it hits me.  He also told me to get up lighter on me feet so I can dance. Hmm, dancing in battle, kinda like it.

Anyways through lots of days of practice I aint gettin hit as much and I think I'm getting better at anticipating those blows, least I got less bruises than before.

*Vrebel continues throughout the months training with Tralek using various techniques to help him learn how to dodge incoming attacks.  Tralek also explains how to strike at vital areas with both the greatsword and basically any other weapon that is conveintant at the time.*


Re: Chronicles of a Warrior
« Reply #24 on: March 25, 2010, 05:33:17 pm »
Well I got into the arena today with Tray and Ty.  Ty wanted to do some experiment tryin' to find traps that Tray set so I figured it was a good time to learn and improve on findin' and disablin them things.  Tray laid down his trap while we closed our eyes.  Ty went up first and found it purty soon and it didnt take me long to locate it either.

I tried to recover the trap but I still dont know how those things work and as much as I tried I couldnt recover it.  Then Ty, with the help of all of Tray's trap gear was able to recover the sucker.  That gear seems real nice.  Once I learn the teqnique ta gettin' these things back or at least disablin' them I'm gonna get me own trap kit like Tray has.

Next came the fun part.  Tray had me dance with Ty *chuckles to himself*  Guess she never danced with no one cause she seemed purty timid.  And to make her experience all the more memorable Tray told me to and her to try and stomp on each others feet.

At first I didnt understand the stomp part but after gettin Ty's heel punched into my toe I caught on real quick.  The next time she tried it I, out of reflex, dodged her heel this time.  My turn to stomp on her but I went easy and took off my boots.  So we did this fer a while, kidna a weird dance but I got the idea.  Gotta be quick and light on yer feet and anticipate yer opponent to do dodge like Tray does.

Tray also said fer me to practice dodgin fireballs somewhere.  He gave me some pointers on how to anticipate the fireballs, boulders and such that were comin my way and then said I should go out and try to dodge em', but make sure they werent empowered *chuckles*

He also said I could learn alot from watchin and studying creatures who used flankin' or sneak attacks.  So guess I'll head out somewhere and see if I can study em'.

*Vrebel continues to practice the dance moves with Ty and Tray throughout the months so he gradually gains his ability to anticipate and dodge attacks and spells*


Re: Chronicles of a Warrior
« Reply #25 on: March 28, 2010, 12:40:16 am »
After breakfast I decided I felt stupid enough to go dodge fireballs in the Ire mounts as Tralek suggested.  I also used this opportunity ta try an sneak up to em'.  

I decided the armor was still too clanky so I wore my stealth gear along with my hood.  Soon though i will hopefully have enough padding in the right places as Ty suggested that my armor wont make so much noise.  That way I can at least be able to get behind an opponent while in battle and plant my greatsword in his  gut as Tray intstructed.

Anyways, so I went out there and got purty close usin stealth before the shaman saw me.  He started into his chants and I knew it was bout to get hot.  He started workin a some fire into a ball and then let it launch in my direction of course.  I saw it coming but the flash makes it awful hard ta dodge something do big.  It singed me purty good but I was able ta move just in time so he didnt get a direct hit.

Second time was better, I learned not to look directly into the fireball but kinda to the side as it came in and ducked and rolled.  It still burnt me clothes up a bit but I started learnin' that these fireballs could some day actually be avoided if i keep trying and practice my rolls.  If I can get quick enough and duck just in time I think I can avoid em'.

*For the next few months Vrebel spends time out in the ire mountain fields practicing stealth monuveuvers and ducking, rolling and dodging fireballs while fighting the local gnolls with varying degrees of success.*


Re: Chronicles of a Warrior
« Reply #26 on: March 29, 2010, 07:39:35 pm »
*Vrebel finds a soft area of grass near the outskirts of Bydell Castle and starts to right in his journal*

He didnt tell me they go invisible!  Darn Kenku know spells er have potions er somethin'.  Luckily fer me I always carry round my trust lense, er lenses, I got two.  Some smart gnome invented em' way back when I'm told.

Anyways, it gave me a good idea about how they fight and use concealement to their advantage.  This is a teqnique I could use as well as soon as tray makes me more of them concealment potions *smiles and checks his utility belt*

So they come up on me and seem to try and get up real close and with a quick thrust they start stabin' at me in various places which I took note of.  They went mostly fer me stomach area, groin once *grunts* bastard, and one tried to come up behind and stab me in the back round me kidney's.

They use a lighting quick motion but very well aimed.  The whole move was so quite that sometimes I didnt realize they were attacking until I hear the pitter patter of my blood fallin' on the leaves.

Luckily with this bark skin up and my mithril armor not much can get through with these.  Now the darkies in the rift is a different story.  Those fellas are a bit more well trained and have better equipement.  Well best patch meself up and get some rest so I can go out and master their moves.

*Vrebel continues to enter the kenku fields outside Bydell castle on and off again for the following months until he has their every move memorized by heart*


Re: Chronicles of a Warrior
« Reply #27 on: March 31, 2010, 11:03:13 pm »
Tray gave me another trainin' lesson today.  I told him about the gnolls and my fireball dodge trainining so he decided to test out how much I learned.  

He got me up on the stage in the back of our house and then shot one at me.  I managed to dodge it purty good but his fireballs are quicker and hotter than the gnolls ones.  His knowledge of the Al'noth and his dodgin' ability really help him in dodgin' things and he is a good teacher.  I have ta say bein' round him all the time it does tend to rub off.  I think I'm gettin close to were I can dodge a gnolls fireball all together one day.

Tray also gave me some more instruction on were to hit an opponent to do extra damage.  He quized me on the vitals and said I should have them memorized so when I'm in battle hittin' em' will be as natural as me swingin' my greatsword.

He also said a large part of his uncanny abilities at dodging blades, boulders, fireballs and stealth striking opponents is anticipation.  Being able to anticipate what will happen next in battle maybe two or three steps ahead gives you that extra advantage to take the neccessary precautions or stance .

Awareness of yer surrounding in battle is also important.  If yer fightin' someone in battle and ya have an opportunity to swing on his friend who aint lookin' you take that shot everytime.  Bein aware of a giant that just grunted while he is throwin a boulder at you gives you the split second difference that allows ya to move to the side so it dont hit ya.

Lastly he told me that a good stealth fighter is good at catchin his opponent off guard and then swingin' on his vitals.  Tray said my knockdown swing is perfect for disabling my opponent so his gaurd is down allowing me to hit his vitals.  Thats it, he said you have to learn how to get yer opponents gaurd down and sieze that opportunity to hit the vitals everytime.

*Vrebel puts his quill down and goes to practice the techniques that Tray taught him on the dummy.  He swings at the vital spots over and over hitting the vitals only.  He practices this type of fighting on the dummy every day in the months following.*


Re: Chronicles of a Warrior
« Reply #28 on: April 01, 2010, 11:15:27 pm »
*Vrebel slides for hours along the jagged walls in the darkness to a spot that he feels is safe enough.  He waits for a while until he hears no sounds of those he spotted at first*

Seems I lost em'.  *Looks around* This seems safe enough.  *Vrebel then opens up his sachel and takes out some tinder and starts a small fire, cooking something quickly that looks like meat and then breaks out his journal and begins writing all the while keeping an eye out into the darkness*

Well I decided ta come back to the Rift and bring my trainin to this awful place.  Them darkies are real sneaky like and they know this place like the back of thier hand.  

I took out that one that was trakin' me.  He had a full head of white hair rolled up in a pony tail.  He was tryin' ta sneak up to me to hit me in my vitals like Tray taught me.  I made it like I aint seen him comin' up so I could see his technique.  He came up from behind and drew two swords, one in each hand.  He was real quite like and with a quick thrust went fer my back sides lookin' ta stick me and puncture me kidney's.  I dodged just in time so he's just grazed me and brough my greatsword to the show.  His red eyes lit up and he started ta yell somethin' but you cant talk very good when yer throat is slashed open.

These darkies are well taught in the arts of stealth and if you get surrouned by the white hairs you best be callin' to yer god er gods cause they'll cut you down in no time.  They are far more deadly than the kenku I fought out by Bydell and move with a grace and  fluidness I aint seen in a while.  

They seem keen on layin' traps, they also like throwin' somethin' at you to disable ya, but I've been too quick for their bag of tricks ta work.  Their are also fierce warrior darkies down here as well.  The stealthy types usually got white hair like the one I put down.  Once you start fightn with the warrior types ya better be lookin' round cause if theres a white hair in the group he'll stick ya like Tray has taught me.

I best be stayin' here fer a while and fight some more of em'.  It dangerous but the only way fer me ta perfect my skills is through real battle with an opponent you can learn from.

*Vrebel remains in the Rift for months fighting various groups of dark elves.  He pays close attention to the sneak attack tactics of the white haired ones and thier movements in battle.*


Re: Chronicles of a Warrior
« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2010, 12:13:52 am »
I decided to tag along with Tray today in the dessert.  He said it would be a good opportunity fer us to further my dodgin' and sneakin'.  We sadled up and rode out to Corax lake.  I left Toozoon, my trusty steed, at the lake as I needed ta practice me foot work and it dont work real good tryin' ta sneak up on somebody while on a horse *chuckles to himself*

We entered the dessert and soon enough then giant wizards started tossin' fireballs at us.  Tray told me to anticipate the fireballs by readin' the hands of the wizards.  He said if ya look real close you can see em' congurin' up them balls in their hands before they let it go.  I did what he said and it worked.  

Once I knew what ta look fer I was ready ta practice my dodge tecniques on the incomin balls.  As instructed I dodged and rolled out of most of em'.  I also had to do this while bein attacked by the lakies.  This was an added challenge but I wanted to challenge meself.

We praticed sneak attacks on giants when they were stunned, in darkness, and distracted while fightin Tray.  All good times to slide in a greatsword between their big rib bones.

Tray said that he thinks I'm real close to being able to finally dodge some fireballs all together.  He also said he's noticed alot of improvement with me sneak attacks and keepin' my footin' when I'm gettin' flanked from an opponent.

*When Vrebel gets back he continues to pratices with the dummy hitting the vital areas in order of how he remembered them.  He practices his stance and balance and quickness as well.*


Re: Chronicles of a Warrior
« Reply #30 on: April 04, 2010, 03:00:34 pm »
Tray has started to teach me the art of learning and reading various magical items.  I have long enveiyed his ability to cast magic and how he seems to be able read from priests scrolls and use magical items that we find in our travels.

Tralek has taken it opon himself to train me in these ways as well.  He brought our various scrolls, wands and other items and layed them out in a circle for me to study.  He showed me how to resite the words on some of the scrolls.  He also demonstrated to me how he goes about using a new item he finds and that its basically all about breaking it down to its essential components and finding out how they work together.  Kinda like tinkering a bit.

I'm a great tinkerer and so some of the items were purty easy fer me to take apart and play with.  Its kinda like a puzzle that ya gotta solve, some are more difficult than others.

Anyways he's left these items in this circle and if I got questions he said I can come ask him fer help.

*Vrebel spends the next couple of months each night before he goes to bed sitting in the circle and going through the various items and scrolls reading some, destroying some others in the process, and asking questions to Tralek when he can't figure an item out*


Re: Chronicles of a Warrior
« Reply #31 on: April 05, 2010, 10:11:09 pm »
Took another tour of the Rift today.  This time was with others, namely this Jake fellow with an eye patch who seemed alergic ta everything, Ty, Tray and Anrdraia, a beautiful priestess of Kitharian.

We had little trouble slicing through the spiders and snakes.  Jake sayed back sence he was alergic.  I along with Ty practiced our sneak attack manuevers and dodging techniques.  Tray would give us little tips on our kills and check the entry points on the corpses ta make sure we were hit em' were we should.  

I studied and learned from Ty as she uses the bow fer her sneak attacks.  She has to get close enough ta get a clean shot but it seems effective enough.

We came to the darkie bridge and Ty tried ta disable one of them traps.  I studied her technique and watched as she approached the trap as she looked around and slid her feet feelin' fer any change in the terrain.  Then BOOM! Um she missed one.  She was goin fer the far one and walked right smack into a humdinger.  I learned that you cant be too rushed in pullin' these traps.  Those who lay them can be clever and put a real obvious one right next to one that is heavily consealed to lure some poor chap into the good one.

Ty recovered after numerous bandaging but she learned her lesson too I hope.

We spent the rest of the weeks down in the Rift with Tray tweakin' and adjusting our fightn' and dodgin skills.  The golems unfortunately dont got any sweet spots so we had to go old school on them.  But the darkies were great pratice as we learned as much or more watchin' them attack us as we did attackin' them.

*Vrebel takes the lessons he learned from the Rift and encorporates those into his daily regumine for the following months.*


Re: Chronicles of a Warrior
« Reply #32 on: April 07, 2010, 12:04:05 pm »
Tralek decided to take me out to the great forest to continue my training.  As we were approaching Hilm on horseback he told me that this would be my final lesson as I have learned everything he could teach me.  Daunting at first but I was happy that all my hard work and training had paid off.

Upon entering Hilm we were greeted by the mighty warrior, Wren.  He also knows and fights in the ways of stealth like Tray and my old instructor Fehriel.  He said he was done with his business in Hilm for the time being and would help me with my training in the field.  I was overjoyed that he agreed to help train me.

We cut through the giants using the tactics Tray explained.  Wren decided to take point and let me flank the giants from the side hitting their vitals.  Wren was good at showing me were to postion myself with hand jestures while he fought.  He told me when to hit and helped me with my timin'.

I also continued my dodging and rolling techniques on the incoming boulders that these giants love ta throw.  Like Tray said its all about aniticapting them comin' in and following and learnin' the angles the rocks take and how long they stay in the air.

We fought for days.  Tray used darkness in the Trollocs.  The darkness gave me a great chance to sneak up on them trolls and place my strikes.  With the sight I could see everything and really study my opponent up close and his vital areas before striking.  I studied them after my strikes to observe how their bodies reacted to my cuts.  Some were slowed down other hobbled around depending on were I hit em'.  The big ones that dual weilded were real good at dodgin' my best shots even in darkness.  I studied thier moves and how they dodged seein' how I might use these tecniques in battle.

Wren had to eventually make camp.  Tray and I continued my battlefield trainin' on dodgin more boulders and sneak fightin' in the darkness.

At the end of our weeks long hunt Tralek proclaimed that I had learned everything he had taught me.  He seemed pleased in my progress.  Wren also said I had done well.  

I know that this kinda fightin' will help me to be more effective in battle.  I have wanted to train and learn these techniques ever since I saw Feh use them in battle and during his trainin' of me as a weapon master. I hope to learn new aspects of this art including figurin' how to use wands and read scrolls, disable traps and sneak up on opponents.  The world is wide open fer me now.  I am excited to continue in this new way and hope that it will save the lives of my friends and innocents in the days to come.


Re: Chronicles of a Warrior
« Reply #33 on: May 31, 2010, 06:58:49 pm »
Commin' inta Vehl I had the luxury of meetin' the queen of stealth, Duchess.  I asked her if'n she could spare a few hours ta teach me her ways.  She said she'd be glad to which made me happy cause I know how good she is.

We went to the arena fer starters.  She told me to go behind the pillar and try to use the shadows to sneak up on her.  As I got around the pillar and started toward her she broke out in laughter, busted.  I tried again and again but the mithril half I was wearin' was givin' me away.

I then swithched into me goin' round clothes, made a cloth and such.  She said that was a bit better but me skills werent up ta par still.  She gave me this cloak that seemed to cover me in shadows and said to try again.  I put it on and this time I got pretty close before she saw me.  Seems if I just practice me foot work I can get this quite stalkin' stuff down.

She then taught me how ta sneak attack as I was walkin' up quite like.  She said the trick was ta hit and run back in the shadows and then strike again till theyre all dead.  I tried that a few times on her so I could get the motions down.  I liked this approach if ye got em' singled out.

She told even better is if I can knock em' down.  That way you can pick and choose wear ye want ta hit em' while their gettin' their feet er claws back.  That worked real nice since I already know how ta knock somethin' flat on its feet.

We sparred back and forth through out the day  and she tried her stalkin' stuff on me too.  She was real good but I was quick too.  I was reactin' like tralked taught me.  I couldnt see her till she struck me but if I was quick enough I could knock her down and then she was toast.

We took the tactics out to the country by the glooms woods on the filth out there.  I used her cloak again and was able ta sneak right up all the way on one of em' and knock him down quick.  The other two saw me though.

She was a great help in teachin' me how ta move silently and in tha shadows like.  I hope we get ta do it again.

*Vrebel practices the hide and move silently steps Duchess taught him for the next couple of weeks in the arena and out at the glooms near Vehl*


Re: Chronicles of a Warrior
« Reply #34 on: June 17, 2010, 12:24:29 am »
My reputation preceeds me *chuckles to himself*  I got this letter from "The Operation" that they needed my services.  Met this gal named Kate Dawley at Fort Thunder.  I brought a bunch of my friends not knowing if it was gonna be a shakedown er not, Gorm, Ty, Duchesss and Tray.

Dawley said she had a job fer me.  After talkin' in private she explained she wanted me ta fight in some travelin' fight show.  The whole thing was rigged n' I was ta make some killin' blow in the fight that looked like me opponent had keeled over from a heart attack er somethin'.  She said she wanted me to deal a sneak attack that looked natural n' all.

She wanted proof I could do the job so we set off around Arnax pickin' fights with the regular scum that inhabits the area.  I tried my best te lay a sneaky attack with me greatsword but I kept cutin' em' in half *chuckles*

She said she was impressed with me strength but I needed improvement in me sneak attack so it wasnt so obvious I was the one doin' the cloberin'.  She gave me lots of pointers on how ta go in sneaky like.  She even got me to drop me greatsword breifly ta try and kill off the poor basterds with me skinin' knife, hehe.

Well in the end she said I wasnt ready but that I should keep up me trainin'.  I was a bit disappointed, but it inspired me ta get better and better at sneak attack and evadin' things.  Not sure if I wanna deal with that kind of operation again though.  Made me feel kinda funny.  But it did teach me a bunch about how te hurt yer opponenent the most in battle.  Heck, I'll take it were I can get it.

*Vrebel goes off to train vigourouly in his speed and delicacy in sneak attacks with Tray.  He also looks for Duchess as well as others to train with*


Re: Chronicles of a Warrior
« Reply #35 on: June 17, 2010, 01:29:59 am »
*Vrebel sits in the middle of his house with various artifacts, scrolls and books laying around him*

Gota get this mess cleaned up.

*One of the artifacts he's working with suddenly explodes covering him with ash*

Darnit! I almost had it.  impressed with me reflexes though hehe *shakes his hands out*

Almost finished with these.  Those over there are the hardest.  I really need ta ask Tray again how ta make em' tick.

Least I got one thing down.  After my run in with that Dawley gal and train'n on what she said I can finally hit a feller's sweet spot.  Still need ta work on me thrust and twist but I'll get it.

*Vrebel continues in his training with Tray on how to unlock the magic of various scrolls and artifacts and how to perfect the sneak attack for the following months*


Chronicles of a Warrior
« Reply #36 on: September 10, 2010, 06:47:56 am »
I have finally perfected the movement!  I can evade their magic and their boulders, most at least.  I still must work on me quickness and me moves.  It'll all come tagether one of these days *crosses his fingers*

I got bigger fish ta fry.  Seems our little diversion goin' after that Raelian prison so our group could skate by has caused a bigger mess.  Half of Rael's army is at Lor's doorstep and its knockin'.  They claim its darkelves but I know better.

I got Angela's back on this and I aint givin over Alantha so Rael's outa luck on that one.  We'll see what they say when we talk to their escort next week.


Re: Chronicles of a Warrior
« Reply #37 on: October 20, 2010, 03:42:26 am »
*Vrebel looks over his war room and grumbles at the mess with all the artifacts and scrolls still lying about.*

I really got ta pick that back up again.  Soon, but fer now I'm gettin' better and better at this sneak attack Tray showed me.  I just got te get quicker  with my thrusts and learn ta anticipate my opponents moves better.  I gotta feelin' I still can do more damage just got to practice more and meditate more.

The evasion moves are really helpin' me stay alive out there on the battle field.  With Rael's boot on Lor's doorstep who knows whats gonna happen next.  Its like all they need is one crazy move by lore or someone from Lor and they'll just rush on in and take it.

Heck they may just say hooyey and take it anyway.  I've been makin my regular patrols checkin' on their numbers and such.  If they come I will meet them on the battlefield and defend Lore with all my might.  Sasha told me she was gonna fight Rael too if they attack which made me feel real good.  If it does come ta war I'll make sure ta fight longside her.

Got a new apprentice it seems.  Some fella names Finn.  He's ruffer than I was round the edges but I think I can train em'.  We'll see, but maybe teachin' him will help me perfect my skills better *shrugs*

Well back to sneakin' *heads to the practice dummy and gets in stance*


Re: Chronicles of a Warrior
« Reply #38 on: December 09, 2010, 09:05:37 am »
*Vrebel breaks out his journal with a grunt as he hold the side of his left rib*

Been a ruff couple of months.  Drachs invade Morakens.  Rael inchin closer to Lor.  Plague in Hlint. Things aint lookin' too peachy.  We had a strong group defendin' Morakens from the Drach raid but we got cut down all the same.  These drachs are provin' ta be a real pain in my arse.  I have fallen more times in the last couple of months than I have for many of the years I have beeen adventurin'.  Not sure if its me gettin' rusty er the opponents I'm facin' gettin' tuffer.  Maybe both.

I miss Tozoon.  Still shaken up by me death that day.  Was ridin' ta fort Gorge on her and was in the roughlands.  Missed the turn off and slam in a hive of blue snakes.  Tozoon did the best she could but she's gettin old like me.  We both went down quicker than you can spit.  Milo, that funny little halflin' druid, came to me aid but he didnt last long either.  I respect him fer helpin though,  brave of him.

I obviously need more trainin'.  You can have all teh skills of a warrior but if ya cant concentrate and focus durin' battle or just plain ridin of horseback yer not much good.  Focus, concentration, patience I need more of.  I need ta get back to the basics and remember the essentials of battle.  If ya got one of them rare moments in battle ta it.

My sneak attacks are gettin more effective and I'm gettin close ta breakin through on learnin' these runes.  I need ta use everythin' at my disposal as a fighter including magics.

Benn goin' to the rift alot these days for ore.  I had a good day there recently.  I took on the elite shadowsongs and warriors down by the bridge all by me lonesome. Five of them to me one.  I lived they did not.  Focus, concentration, attention to details, hit them were they hurt, knock them to the ground, take out the strongest opponent first, pick your fights dont let your fights pick you.

*he close his journal and lays gingerly back in bed holding his rib*


Re: Chronicles of a Warrior
« Reply #39 on: December 12, 2010, 10:06:46 pm »
Our first assignment.  The SSS snuck inta Kuhl.  Steel, Tray, Tod, Andrew, Gorm, Viper, Azk'a and myself.  That place is crawling with em'.  We skirted the edge of the forest checkin' there numbers.  Lots.  We encounter all kinds of em' big ones that sneaked, mages types, archers, winged soldiers.  Great trainin' and I did well.  

As we were leavin' we got ambushed by a big black a horde a drach types and this mage I aint  never seen before.  Big black packed a powerful punch but Gormy did good holdin' him off.  They kept comin' though, hordes and hordes of em'.  In the end it was too overwhelmin' even for our tight group.  

That oracle was quick and had a battle prowess I aint seen in them types ever.  He rode in on the black.  I really wanted that black.  We almost killed em too.  Drachs were too much fer us.  Kept distractin us from the black.  I fought my fight though.  Duckin and flankin' and killin'.  Lots of killin'.  The big ones needed ta be taken down cause they will put a good man down with two sneaks.

I regret two things:  Not puting one of them flags of might down ta boost our fightin capability...shoulda planted on right behind Gormy.  Two, should spent less time on that Oracle and more on killin' the drachs.  Oracle seemed ta run outa spells and I shoulda left em' he was consealed er something, moved real quick.  Soon I'll be able ta read them breach scrolls so I can strip that mother.


*Vrebel puts his quill away*