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Author Topic: Missy  (Read 77 times)


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    « on: August 29, 2006, 03:00:01 pm »
    After leaving Saudiria, i traveled through the mountains towards Hurm. Not an eventfull journey if you know that wildlife routes through the mountains and the wildlands behind them. From hurm i set sail towards Leilon. ... its cold there for someone who is used to the desert heat. After a hort travel i reached the town of Hlint. Talk about a strange place.
    On my first night there a strange looking elf began to talk to me. While he was doing it he was coughing up blood. He told me most people around hlint don't trust him. Well i'll be the judge of that. Anyways...he seems to know very much about the history and about all the things that are going on in and around town.(reminder to self: talk to him about shadow dancers) His name was ozysomething, but he say i could call him just ozy *grins* that at least i can remember.
    A few days later i was sitting on the bench nexto the beank. A place where everyone seem to gather. A dire wolf showed up and started to chase 2 quicklings around. After that a drow appeared (reminder to self: talk to him about shadow dancers), he stirred up some trouble and a lady who worshipped toran draw her blade on him. He already appeared with drawn blades. Ohhh also saw a fire elemental burn the trashcan. After all these things...or during...the town captain stepped up and wanted to know what was going on. The quicklings started to explain about the wolf that tried to eat them, but that didn't interest the captain much. This was wrong to me since he is there to protect the people of the town so he at least should listen to them. *grins* i kinda got into an argument over this with the captain. I don't think the good captain likes me much...
    After things cooled down a man named animonus asked me if i would like to fight some goblins in a cave called red light cave. Since i didn't do much fighting, i thought the practice would do me good. the group that went into the cave were: Animonus (a wizard i think), Karn (a bard with a very strange sense of humor, maybe because he's an elf, dunno yet) and garath (a ranger i think but i didn't ask him). The trip went really well until we were on the way out and gareth fell. Once outside the cave animonus made gareth invisible and he could get to the spot he fell to pray. I did some shopping and that kind wizard asked me along for a trip in the woods. He showed me a place where i could find brown bears. I think i impressed him with my tracking skills, because i could tell him there was another bear closeby, and there was. I also showed him some blackbears, i saw those tracks as well *smiles*.
    I guess thats it for now. I didn't ask around about shadowdancers yet, but i did meet some people and i did get a first impression of this town.
    I think i stay around here for some time and see if i can find some clues to shadow dancers, maybe even find that sad lady i saw at the pond in saudiria, amybe one of the people in this town knows who she is......


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      Re: Missy
      « Reply #1 on: September 04, 2006, 02:41:03 am »
      many things happened, and it has been a long time since i had the time to write things down. I am sitting here in the inn in Hlint with all the drunks walking past my table.
      I met ozy again and this time i asked him about shadow dancers. I asked him if he knew a few and how to get to them. Naming a few wasn't hard for him. Sometimes i think he knows everyone. But getting to them is a different story. Ozy name 5 shadowdancers, the first a lady called lailath, but she is never seen in hlint he said. Second is a guy called vin, who is also never seen. then he named saud & rand also never seen and probably a bit hostile as well. Great, i am looking for shadow dancers and all the names ozy told me are not to be found. Then he said a name: lady ray. She is around town from time to time. Finally a name to go on......
      I also met a big guy called barion, he wasn't really friendly, but he wasn't unfriendly either, he made me 2 new knifes made out of iron, but that costed me all my money, but its money well spend i think. He also told me about a shadow dancer named abigail, she was kinda approachable, but she died so that name can be scratched of my list as well.
      A few days later i met a nice man named roy and he made me a better bow *smiles*. He did this with the help of a lady called elhara, who suplied the materials.
      the places i've bee are strange indeed. Mostly cold and damp caves *shivers thinking back*, i take a troll in the desert anyday. A cave to mine iron, a cave to mine copper, and a cave where a stupid bard in town lost her necklace. I don't like caves, thats simple to say now.
      I met many new people as well, but i am not going to list them all. When i venture in the world and intresting things happen, i will write about the people i was with, for now i will retire in a room here at the inn and sleep for a while, all those caves made me tired and cold.

