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Author Topic: Confessions of a Sailor: Karn's Memoirs  (Read 1228 times)


Bird Watching - The Kenku
« Reply #20 on: September 18, 2006, 09:50:07 am »
Well nature is usually bad enough but twisted evil animal things
are far , far worse!Why oh why I agreed to go 'Bird Spotting'
with that large group I'll never know, I guess I thought Roy
and the others would protect the feeble bard, guess not.

Though the healers were on top form that eve, died twice!

Still have yet to meet this Soul mother everyone talks about, must
be bardic luck, though I did see her take two of our number
upon their deaths. Sounded like an anchor being wrenched from
the sea floor, a deep creaking sound, not at all conducive to a
happy atmosphere.

While I lay there bleeding, the sound was almost soothing, maybe
Though when our fallen returned they did look bad.
So anyhow, after that little debacle we entered a cave full of
Kenku! Just for fits and giggles...I've heard that before...

Apparently I am classed as a wizard these days, despite the fact I
can barely cast invisibility after smearing everything with Gum
Arabic, and I mean EVERYTHING!

In any case we survived the cave, barely...


« Reply #21 on: September 24, 2006, 02:43:40 pm »
Well not much has happened of late, except for my recent dabblings with a card game played in the Wild Surge called Creatures. I've never been one for crafting so this is a welcome way of passing the time when I'm not singing dancing or generally annoying townsfolk.

Seems Rhynn has decided to start playing too, and we have had a few battles with each other. Lately the lass is getting much better though! Not much on the adventuring front to report...I hope this changes soon!


Love Vs Pleasure
« Reply #22 on: October 08, 2006, 04:31:55 pm »
Recent events have got me thinking about Erion...

It has been months, nay years since I last wrote of him here, and
yet today the pain became all too raw again, real...

I spoke with Rhynn, she is a troubled lass, and no doubt her
troubles are all the more other-worldly than mine will ever be,
yet the root of the problems seems similar to mine, all-be it in
different circumstances.

Love...I once thought I loved Erion, now perhaps I merely enjoyed
the pleasure of being with him. If so what is love? Rhynn says
she has heard some can love more than one equally? How? I
could never have...but maybe now?

I would never mention who I have come to feel most close to here,
maybe he is even on a par with Erion? Does that mean I love
them both? Or that they merely bring me pleasure...
I have confused myself more with all these questions.

What I am sure of after today...each of us knows not how much
time we have left, live for the moment.We must grasp all that
life throws at us with two hands, and throw just as much
back, for to do otherwise, we deny ourselves the only true

I hope it doesn't happen...


Exploring the Past: The Baroness of Imjam
« Reply #23 on: December 04, 2006, 10:34:44 am »
Well its been a while eh? Seems this book has been neglected of late, though I haven't been
around Hlint much either. Glad to see some friendly faces when I returned though, Rhynn
greeted me in typical Rhynn fashion, her shrill cry could make a lesser bard blush! Also
recognised a lad named Hawk, I remember him from before and his distinctive dress sense,
not quite as good as mine though. I also hear Muir has had her little 'un, she must be mad!

Any way, back to the tale of note.
Today I met with Rhynn in Hlint who said she was leading a trip to Imjam castle to speak
with some baroness or some such. Well never one to pass up the chance to be a general
annoyance to everyone I decided to go with her. We trecked to Wolfswood, together with
Rissa, and that Hawklen lad.

When we got there we found quite a large group, though
the weather didn't bode too well, good thing I brought my umbrella!
So from there we went on down a road that seemed to go on forever. On either side of us the
plants were failing, the horses looked starved, not a nice place for a holiday at all
that Kingdom of Erylin.

Anyhow we eventually came to the castle, and what a castle it was. Turrets and battlements
and all the works! Not seen too many castles in my time, apart from when we played for
some noble back on the Euryalus.

So, outside we gathered and were questioned by the
guards. Turns out we were the second group to pass this way, maybe even the other group
also searching for this painting or maybe the horse? In any case after some light
persuasion the guard went off to request our admittance from the baroness, luckily she
was in a good mood!

As we entered the main chamber, Hawk was being an idiot as usual. Now normally he's a laugh
a minute, but when your trying to obtain information from a wealthy baroness, a certain
level of respect is to be afforded, even if it is all for show. So while we spoke, trying to
gather information on the painting, Hawk interjected at every moment.

Eventually it was either we all get thrown out, or we had to get rid of him. Step forward,
world famous courtier and all round woo-err of royal folk! So with my loveliest eyelashes
in full batting mode, I requested that the clown be removed from the chamber and that his
outbursts should not reflect badly on us.

Well seems I have a way with the lasses, even if I don't use it much! She agreed and Hawk was
removed. Afterwards we spoke about the painting, apparently it has some material value
being painted by an artist of renown, however beyond that it is nothing special. Rhynn
seemed very keen to learn about the baronesses staff, even suggesting it may be the cause
of a curse cast by Milara, whoever that is!

Apparently this Milara is a powerful 'un and
lives beyond bone hill, even Rhynn seemed hesitant.
Then came the drama! Hawk burst in clutching his stomach, covered in blood he was. At first I
thought he might have had a fight with that guard that dragged him out by his ankles,
but no. Seems Boo, the half-giant shadowdancer...yes that's right...had crept in and
attacked him!

Well the baroness was understandably fearful and told us to move quickly to bone hill, while
she retired to safety surrounded by her guards.

We were escorted quickly and left for bone hill. Our large group, with our tracker, Drogo the
nature boy, and some other cloak and dagger types, set off and we soon came across a
large camp of Xeenites apparently. Seems the vine is involved in whatever this is too,
involved in everything that 'un.

It was decided we would fight, despite having me, a
perfectly good Xeenite bard to go and reason with them....
Well it was a bloodbath, fortunately not my blood, but some lass named Maev got captured.
Not that I cared much, one of those holy , holy types. But seems one of the lads at least
has a thing for her, so seems we have to try another approach next time.

The plan is to send me in, Xeenite flag a waving, and then throw myself on their compassion?

Nah...more likely use my erm..'charms' to convince them otherwise! I mean they are
Xeenites, that's if they don't all whip me at first sight...

While I'm being treated to Xeenite hospitality, Rhynn hopes to rally an army from the castle
hopefully to help in the chaos, should it all kick off again.

One thing is certain, we need to get past the camp one way or another...


« Reply #24 on: December 22, 2006, 08:27:04 pm »
*Karn sits in the Wild Surge, alone, at a table with an empty bottle of Xeenite wine sat to his left*

I have met a friend, someone I have told more to in a short space of time
than I have to others I have known for years.

I don't often talk about
my past with Erion, and yet this human male, Pyyran somehow
managed to coax most of my feelings from me, with little effort.
I have not felt so open, so transparent, since my time with Erion on board
the Euryalus.

I feel confused, after all, I have few male friends. Most men are scared of
me it seems, and it is true I enjoy watching them squirm. Yet
friendship, if this is what I feel with Pyyran, is something which
gives me great pleasure.

Playing the clown tires me sometimes, its nice to just be able to tell
someone how you really feel. I haven't been able to do that in a long
time...I thought I had forgotten.


Exploring the Past Continued
« Reply #25 on: January 03, 2007, 04:15:54 pm »
*Karn sits in the Wild Surge, scribbling down some of his latest adventures, seemingly in a hurry*

Well, I'm not entirely sure whether our plan was a success or not. Maev has been 'rescued', seems perhaps she was happy where she was. In any case the Xeenites I had so looked forward to meeting had moved on. Only a handsome pirate lad in their place.

*Karn takes a moment, clearly slightly bewildered. Nevertheless he continues*

Seems I had to make a deal with him, he wanted me to stay for a while in exchange for letting Maev go. Well I thought my luck was in, handsome fellow wanting me to stay around, sounded like great fun and more besides to me. So happily I returned to the others with Maev in tow, bleeding all over, strangely...

Anyhow when I got to the group, seems everyone thought I was insane. Said the pirate lad was a nymph and worse still a LASS!

The lot of them must be mad! So as you can imagine I wanted to spend some time with my latest playmate, however the group had other ideas. They forceably held me back and dragged me out of that grove kicking and screaming.

*Karn sighs, but then seems to perk up*

Good thing I have Pyyran waiting to whisk me of to Dregar as I write this. He's so much more handsome than that pirate lad anyhow!

*Karn walks out of the Surge, almost with a slight skip as he wanders towards the benches*


Recent Events
« Reply #26 on: January 05, 2007, 01:50:53 pm »
*Karn sits in Leilon, underneath his umbrella. He shivers slightly as he writes, but his face looks flush, almost crimson*

I finally did it. I think Pyyran knows how I feel for him now, or at least something approaching my feelings. I cant even be sure about what it is myself, I thought there would have been no other, after Erion, but perhaps I was wrong. I shall not dwell on my emotions, I merely live them. I've always found too much self analysis to be for those with too much concern for what others think. A consideration that has never troubled me overly.

Pyyran and I talk, not just about idle chatter, but about ourselves. I think he is confused. After all, if you're sauntering along fine then bam, Karn walks into your life, I'm sure anyone would be a little shaken!

*He smirks as he keeps writing*

And he is kind, a trait I find lacking in most lads who usually find me annoying, or simply do not like who I am. I have been called many things in my time, Pyyran calls me friend, but perhaps there will be more there?

He has entrusted me with his old blade, Coldfire, and she is a masterpiece of a weapon. Cold to the touch like ice, yet flames billow forth from its surface. An illusion Pyyran says. It is truly amazing.

I think I know how he feels...

*Karn wanders off towards Hlint, a gentle smile rather than his usual grin accross his face*


The Morning After...
« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2007, 06:50:59 pm »
*Karn wakes in the Wild Surge. Pyyran slumped to his right, still fast asleep. He carefuly stands so as not to wake him and wanders out into the bar area. Immediately he orders a drink from the bar man hoping to remedy his slightly aching head, before he begins to write*

Me and Pyyran have confessed to each other of our fears of being alone. I grow tired of watching others and their romances, it always seemed it would never even fly through my life once more as it did with Erion. Xeen teaches all love is fleeting and should be savoured. At least now I get to savour it once more, for however long it lasts.

*He stands, looking in one last time on Pyyran before leaving the inn, a broad smile on his face*


Random Thoughts...
« Reply #28 on: January 09, 2007, 09:35:41 am »
As the morning comes,
The colors are there,
The sun fights to light its way,
Settled in each thing and one.

Through the curtian's dark.
The colors are here.
The lovers rest silently on.


All the colors might just blur.

Wreathed with comforting scents.


The colors start to stir.

Comforted by the environment.


The colors are so sure.

Brushed into an awakening...


These colors will endure.

Into your head,
Into your mind,
Out through your soul,
Race through your veins,
You cant escape it.

Into your life,
Into your dreams.
Out of the dark,
Theres sunlight again.

You cant explain it,
Can you feel it?

Be every color that you are.


« Reply #29 on: January 11, 2007, 04:43:27 pm »
*Karn sits on the bench in Hlint, occasionally looking up and laughing at the Mistite chastising the Toranite over the road*

Religion is a funny thing eh? Lately I started to question my own convictions. Why do I follow Xeen? Probably because most of my crew used to, they had many nights of revelry in her name, and it was fun. But then...I suppose I fell in love with Erion.

Now Xeen isnt big on love, excess, passion, lust yes, but heartfelt love and concern? Probably not. Now given all thats happened with Pyrran, I'm not sure what this feeling is. It might just be lust, like I've felt for so many lads before, but it feels different.

I offered a prayer near the fountain to Ilsare just the other day. Nice place there, plenty of flowers, some from other continents seem to flourish there hapily. I thanked her for giving me another chance. After Erion, I thought that was it...I'm tired of meaningless lust driven encounters.

I met a lass today, her names Ranéwin, and to her side a most beautiful celestial lass. Apparently Ilsare blesses her faithful with angelic creatures when they cast a summoning spell. Some are even lads!

*Karn grins wickedly at the thought*

I want to know more about...the lady of dreams as Ranéwin called her...

And I want to see Pyyran again...


« Reply #30 on: January 18, 2007, 11:48:09 am »
*Karn sits alone atop a hill near the Haven mines. Beside him the grass still flattened where Pyyran had lay. He smiles a minute before his eyes are drawn to a book which sits to his left. The book lies open on the grass, face down. Karn recognises it as Pyyran's collection of writings, and quickly picks it up at the open page. He finds a note written for him, and smiles once more. He sits there for a few hours, reading through the discontinuous notes. Flicking form stories still unfinished, to mundane tales of Pyyran's day to day goings on, a smile is ever present on Karn's face as he reads through it. Some time later he carefuly wraps the book in a purple cloth, taken from his pack and places it inside. With far less care he takes out his own journal and puts quill to parchment.*

Well Ilsare took her time, but she got the job done! Yesterday was one I will never forget, just like that first night I sang for Erion. Pyyran looked at me with such fondness, kindness and even love in his eyes. I never thought anyone would look at me in that way again. He seems so different now, so certain.

This book has confirmed it, he has made many disicions about me it seems. I have learned so much about him from his book he left here, surely for me to find. He says he is tired of thinking about things so much, and while he may not understand all of what is happening with us, he is willing to let his emotions guide him, just as I am.

May Ilsare guide us...and Xeen show us plenty of pleasure on the way!

*After scribbling a brief note, Karn climbs down the hill and almost skips off towards Hlint. Arriving through the northern gates, he stops off at the fountain near the Ilsarian temple and places a small flower at it's base*


A Tale of Dragons
« Reply #31 on: January 22, 2007, 12:26:19 pm »
*Karn hides in one of the backrooms of the Wild Surge in Hlint, unable to control himself anymore he bursts into laughter causing his invisibility to fade. Yet no-one is around to notice and he sits down in a shadowed corner to write his latest entry*

Well Gruff bless him, he's not the brightest of lads! Seems what started as a bit of fun with Hawk toying with the fabric of reality, constructing wierd tales of fancy, has ended up as a tale of Dragons! Invisible ones no less! And where is our handsome bard in all this? Well it seems he's been eaten!

Gruff and a group of would be rescuers arrived to find a scortch mark, made by Cel's arrows and no sign of either of us. Well it seems the search is on. So I'll lay low for a few days, let the suspense build! Then I'll make my return. I hope Pyyran doesnt catch wind of this tale and believe it, maybe I'll send him a letter to let him know...


Love or Lust
« Reply #32 on: January 25, 2007, 04:35:19 am »
He says he loves me, I say I love him. And I do. Yet Xeen teaches love shall be fleeting, all consuming and then burn out after its brief dance in the flames, I cannot bare the thought that I am merely infatuated with him.

I know there is something more. Deeper. I knew it that night in the Surge. And it was confirmed just a few days ago as we sat in the chapel of Ilsare within the Minaret of Symphony. I felt an urge to thank the archer of love, and it seemed so did Pyyran. Together we knelt before a statue of the lady, the faint sounds of the music hall off in the distance, and the scent of flowers in the air. I had never been to such a beautiful place.

That same day, hours before we had spent a memorable hour in Xeen's temple in Karthy. I donated all I had with me, perhaps out of guilt? Of late I have been offering my devotions to Ilsare as much, if not more than to Xeen, a fact which, had I been a priest would have surely not gone unnoticed.

I still feel torn between the two ladies, hah imagine that! But more than the name, it is a deeper contridiction within myself. For years I have lived carefree, taking my pleasures and seeking them wherever. I am quite well known in Leilon! Not to mention Point Harbour! But now, I find myself contantly having thoughts of him, only him. I still enjoy all that I used to, yet I choose him over all of that. I think this is the resistance Kali the gypsy spoke of in her card reading. I am resistant to make that change for certain...just yet, even though I know I love him...



Time to Think...
« Reply #33 on: February 02, 2007, 04:35:24 am »
*Karn steps off a ship in Leilon docks, waves to the crew members he has spent the last month with, who reply with smirks, jeers and the odd shaken fist. As always Karn appears oblivious as he saunters towards Hlint. Arriving in the adventurers town he stops off briefly at the Wild Surge. Sitting at a table, etched with a small sail boat he takes out his journal and begins to write*

Been a month maybe since I last stepped foot on land, the Mary Rose found me again, this time in Point Harbour. The offer of a trip with my once beloved ocean, plenty of ale, and a fair amount of true persuaded me to help the captain out again. Seems most of his crew had fallen sick, with something or other, and he was in need of a sturdy lad or two for the rigging.  

The trip itself was uneventful, more deliveries and such, but it gave me time to think. Not about Pyyran, I know my feelings for him, but about myself. The lady of dreams' call grows ever strong to me, and while Xeen has led me well to this point, perhaps there is another path I must now take.  

Soon after I got back, I met most of the folk I now know as friends. Muir and Gruff seemed equally pleased to see me, but while I was glad to see them both well, I must confess I was far more concerned to see Pyyran.  

Hawk spouted out some drivel about him being DEAD (The word is written harshly as if in anger). That drunken bugger needs a good slap if you ask me. If I cant oblige myself I'm sure I've plenty of others to keep him in line.  I will not waste any more time on him here.  

So, within the small town of Hlint last night a melody was heard. It echoed out to the benches where adventurers and their ilk often gather. The sound drew me, I had heard it before. It was the tune Pyyran often hummed.  I followed it, trying to pinpoint the source of the sound, but it was not apparent.

Then I saw him. Just across the pond. Instinctively I ran, ran to him. He darted behind a house, and I quickly followed. There he stood, a beautiful golden harp in his hands, I grinned at him as he fumbled through a tune. Bless the lad he tries!  

Pyyran these days looks a changed man, he's so much better dressed! Why he ever wore a vest I'll never know when he has a chest like that! But anyhow...  He offered me the harp, an instrument I had heard above all others on our trip to the Minaret of Symphony.

Tentatively I felt it's weight, yet it seemed almost to fit my hands. Then it happened. I felt a feeling unlike any I had ever felt. While my harp playing has always been fair at best, last night my fingers swept over the strings like they were water.

In my mind I knew what I was thinking of, it was not the notes, or the composition, my fingers played themselves. All I could think of was holding Pyyran close in my arms, as in reality I held the harp.  Finishing the melody it was clear, and I was filled with a happiness much deeper than any pleasure I have experienced before.

I want to go back to the Minaret of Symphony, I will speak with the priests of Ilsare there.  

Suddenly reality intruded on the moment, as it often does, a large parchment dropped squarely on Pyyran's head. I couldnt help but giggle. Seems he had other business to attend to, so we kissed and he was gone.  Sometimes I feel like I am in love with a stranger in the night! It's exciting though!  

*Karn laughs and orders a drink at the bar, then wanders off out of Hlint*


« Reply #34 on: February 08, 2007, 05:40:10 am »
*Scrawled crudely at the top of the page in large letters*


Well now I feel better, but still that daft lad has cost me a new friend as far as I can see. All the folks in Hlint getting their nickers in a twist over Drow in Hlint (Like we haven't seen worse!) and then Hawk has to go and stoke the flames further. Tahletril stumbled across, heard the word Drow and was off. Swords drawn he was in a right state.

No doubt he has good reason, family traditions, hatred over centuries blah blah, but frankly I dont have the time for such fueds! Life is too short! Well then Hawk decided to magic him up, casting goodness knows what over him until he looked like he was bringing the apocolypse. And what for? To see the elf take on the drow. He didn't have Tahletril's interests at heart, that elf would have been ripped to shreds, even with all of the wards.

And yet WHO is blamed?! Yes thats right our faithful friend, companion and general nice lad Karn! Seems I should hate drow, forget all that I've been taught because once or twice somewhere about A HUNDRED YEARS AGO drow killed elves. Well frankly I don't care! This is my life, I live it how I want, always have. So long as no-one does anything to me to harm me, then they're alright in my book. But if, like Hawk, you start being an idiot, then you'd better watch out...


The First Day of the Rest of My Life
« Reply #35 on: February 19, 2007, 05:54:02 am »
*Karn sits in his room above the as yet un-named lounge. He surveys his handywork; looking at the carpets, the dressers, the mirror and smiles to himself. Not his usual mischievous grin, but one of genuine hapiness. Walking over to the music box he selects 'The Harper of Ilsare' and sits down to write in his journal, swaying gently to the music as he does so*

Pyyran has made me so happy. In fact happy doesn't even come close. I hadn't seen him in while, but now it seems he had been working towards finding us both a home together. Us...home...I never thought there would be another 'us' for me, nor a 'home' ever again after the Euryalus. It seems a distant memory now, those years on the open ocean. They have certainly had an impact on me but, now, I know that life on land has too.

Rhynn says she owns the building where I know live, and I cannot think of any better land lady. She has grand ambitions for this place. It's not just the fact I now have a home, but that I will soon be living above a place where people come to drink, tell tales and sit in general relaxed comfort! I cannot think of a better place for me and Pyyran to spend our time.

She says she wants me to perform on the stage in the lounge. In truth I cannot wait! After my less than welcome reception in Leilon, I had gotten some measure of stage fright of late. But I was born to entertain, and in my own home, under the eyes of friends and my love, I am sure I will enjoy any performance I give there.

Pyyran and I spent our first night together in our new home last night. I feel so safe, so protected around him. All the daily troubles a bard must endure are diminished with him in my life. Our union has no doubt raised some eyebrows, especially in the small town of Hlint. But most if not all of our friends seem very happy for us.

Rhynn even seems to enjoy watching us display our affections!

Seems love is everywhere these days, saw Muir with that Jeran lad in Hlint, they seemed happy. Then theres Ozy and Rhynn, finally it happened. The lady Ilsare smiles down upon us all. I must take Pyyran to the Minaret soon, I wish to speak with the priests and give my thanks for all I have in my life.

One event of interest...Last night before we retired for bed a rat was found in the storeroom! No doubt forraging for food, damned vermin. I'm used to plenty, you'd be suprised how many rats are on a ship in the middle of the ocean! Yet still they evoke the same reaction they always did, one of my trademark screams no less!

Pyyran caught it...he's so manly!

Watching it writhe around in his hand the rat looked quite well kept, not like the common vermin usually found among food. Pyyran decided to take it to the guard lass outside. Suffice to say she wasn't too pleased being disturbed by such trivial matters! She left its well being up to us.

Well...we didn't want a rat, we wanted a cat!

So...Rhynn being a wizzie and all set about ploymorphing it. Well...even with all her power, it ended badly. The rat transformed into some sort of hard shelled blob of something, and then it started to bleed, a lot.

It was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen, even worse than that one time when that fisher woman kissed me!

The poor creature was ultimately killed by Rhynn, she tried to be humane, but I think the damage was already done.In any case, it was still a rat. Sure there's plenty more!


Another day...
« Reply #36 on: February 20, 2007, 01:40:02 pm »
//OOC - Karn has a new portrait, please download and overwrite the old ones, those who know him in game.
  Thanks All!


Days Blend, Time Flows
« Reply #37 on: February 28, 2007, 07:49:17 am »
*Karn sits in his room, occasionally shooting a contented smile to Pyyran as he lies sleeping in their bed. Around him various unfinished clothing designs, the odd spool of cotton and many rough garments are strewn. Karn looks around the room, looking at all he has achieved before he begins to write.*

Days...they're a funny thing. Sometimes they seem to last an age, other times they almost bleed together. Perhaps it is when we have our least cares our time seems to slip from beneath us? In any case these days, despite all the upheaval, all the darkness, I have generally been able to keep myself in good spirits. I have Pyyran to thank for that. And my friends.

There has been a lot of movement of late. Hlint isn't as bustling as it once was, but it will still be my home. It has been to good to me for me to just leave. Besides I have to help out here when Rhynn gets back. Even if she has to go through the hells in person, I know that lass will be fine, her power is no laughing matter, and any who take her on have got their hands full. I think Ozy and her are a good match really, both on the outside, both looking in, at all of us, the 'normal' folk. Hah! Never thought I'd be saying I was one of those! I'll have to work on that.

My love for Pyyran continues to grow, every month we are together I know him more. These years may have seemed swift but I am thankful to Ilsare for every day I am with him. That reminds me, I have to drag him to the Minaret again.

All the tales, all the knowledge he has, sometimes I think he should be the bard! But then, aside from the odd fishwives tale, I've never been so good at the 'knowing all' role. Still I'm getting there, and theres always my adorable personality to fall back on!

I've been working on my designs. Sal seemed to really love the clothes I made for him. Perhaps it's a market that could be expored. Recently I heard of a large movement in Leilon, a whole swathe of new fashions. I will be sure to go there to make some sketches soon. Maybe Rhynn would let me have a stall sometime in the Nameless lounge. I certainly wouldn't make much true, but it's the enjoyment more than that. There's a certain sense of pride knowing folks are wearing your designs!

And I suppose I should go and explore around Port Hempstead...


Away from Home
« Reply #38 on: March 20, 2007, 12:18:26 pm »
*Karn sits in the Scamp's Mug, ignoring the petty comments from a drunken sailor in the corner who seems to dislike our bard's choice of clothing. He orders another bottle of Xeenite red, to yet more redicule, as he begins to write*

Well this is Hempstead, and to be honest it's not much to write home about.'s still Hlint, will be until/if Rhynn decides to sell the bar, can't imagine many folks out that way these days. Still, you never know.

Havent seen Pyyran in longer than I'd care to say, no doubt he's off adventuring. So long as he doesn't get himself killed thats all well and good. I do miss him though. I shall go home for a few days, see if he turns up. Maybe work on my designs...

As for Hempstead, well...theres a pond. A really big stage! Deliar's temple, always nice and cheap.

Then theres Vehl. Place filled with nasty drunken fools and pick-pockets, but they know how to throw a party! Vehl is missing something though, a really good tavern! Unless it's down some ally I've yet to pluck the courage to wander down.

Still, either of these places are nothing like Hlint, old Hlint.

But it's so dangerous around there these days. Those goblins, are becoming a real problem. Garent is long gone, some lass in his place, seems useless to me. I'm not one for the law much and we always mocked Garent but the place was much safer back then, and the town was thankful for it, even if adventurers played pranks on Garent a little too often...guilty!

*Karn stops abruptly and sighs, looking rather annoyed at the sailor continuing to goad him from the corner. Muttering a few words he dissapears under a cloak of invisibility, then quietly sneaks over to the sailor. With a grin Karn swiftly slaps the drunkard across the face, giggles and dashes out the bar invisibily into the streets*


Back at Home...
« Reply #39 on: April 13, 2007, 07:25:45 pm »
*Karn sits in his and Pyyran's room in their home in Haven City. The night draws in fast as Karn works by candlelight on a piece of fabric he is attempting to fashion into a shirt. He turns a moment looking back to a sleeping Pyyran and smiles a heartfelt smile, rather than his usual inane grin. Carefuly putting down his stitching he opens his journal and begins to write*

Well Pyyran turned up back home just as unexpectedly as he always does. We seem to be able to spend at least some of our hours together each week lately at home, though perhaps now our love is burning gently rather than the heated burst of flame it once was.

I still haven't entirely made the move to Hempstead as most others have, somehow it just feels cold there. Though I am travelling more these days, my time split between the city walls of Hempstead and Vehl and back home here in Haven.

Hlint is still my local town and I imagine it always will be. It offered a home to me in the days after the Euryalus...

Speaking of which, I've been having some odd dreams lately about the old girl. Visions of the crew, of Ilen, Adien and Rein, and of course Erion. I still wonder what happened to them all, I mean, if I could survive, wiry old me, then those big burly sailors would have had no problem, right?

Perhaps I will see them again, I feel something in the air, I think...

But enough of that!

So Hlint Hlint...same as always really, well minus all those mad adventurers. I still make my weekly trip to the temple of Ilsare, I mean after all she deserves a LOT of thanks for Pyyran in my book. I doubt Xeen is best pleased but that's just tough, things change. I've changed...