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Author Topic: Confessions of a Sailor: Karn's Memoirs  (Read 1205 times)


Confessions of a Sailor: Karn's Memoirs
« on: July 10, 2006, 05:54:48 am »
Confessions of a Sailor ~ Karn's Memoirs


Living aboard a ship since birth can give you a slightly skewed view on things, especially when
you are suddenly left 'cast-away’ on land for the first time. This is the experience of a
young Karn who had until recently never spent more than one night on land.

Since his
birth, Karn’s family had been his crew-mates together with his elven mother, Lilaa. The
crew had been together for much of their lives and many of the ship’s crew were elven,
despite the tolerance of other races, they rarely if ever chose to spend the whole of their
lives on the ocean waves.

Karn grew up on the Euryalus and spent almost all of his time there. He was a valued crew
member who by day would work hard above deck, doing whatever was needed of him,
despite his meagre strength. By night however, Karn’s job was to entertain the crew, and
that he did.

As a child Karn’s mother gave him a flute and taught him well how to play it, yet he would
soon surpass her playing abilities. During his childhood and on into his adulthood Karn
became well known aboard the Euryalus as the ship's entertainer, a role he revelled in
given that most of the crew were Xeenite, and highly regarded those who could bring
others pleasure.

The nights of revelry and drinking continued for many years, and over time Karn caught the
attention of the ships captain, a strong and well-travelled elf by the name of Erion. One
evening Karn played in the ships galley, where the crew would gather after their evening
meal. Before a crowd of drunken sailors, Karn played the small flute his mother had given
him as a child. Within moments the crew stood in awe of the melodious sounds of the
flute Karn stood playing. Most enthralled of all, Erion the ships captain later met with
Karn after his performance.

Thus began a long relationship between the ships chief entertainer and its captain, the pair
were often seen together, and while the crew thought it unusual, the crew’s motto of 'live
and let live’ ensured the pair were able to solidify the special bond they enjoyed for many

While the captain saw a great enthusiasm for life and love in Karn, the young bard also saw
the emotional strength and courage within the captain. The pair were almost direct
opposites in every way, Karn being so naïve to the world outside the ship, and Erion,
being all too wise to its horrors. While Karn was intrigued by his captain’s experience and
tales of battle, the captain was almost envious of the simplicity of the sheltered life Karn
had led.

As the pair grew older, their relationship developed and the pair became well
known as partners among the crew.Erion would tell Karn tales of his battles and the creatures
he had fought before he became captain of the Euryalus, and Karn
would sit for hours listening to his lover enthralled by tales of
far off lands and deep underground caverns.

Yet Karn’s life was set to change. Their relationship lasted fifteen long years, merely a blink of
an eye for an elf, but the pair were to be separated under the most unusual of
As Karn slept in Erion’s arms early one morning, outside a storm was brewing in the seas near
Leilon. As many of the crew slept the waves came rushing at the hull of the Euryalus, and
the ship began to rock violently in the wake of the storm. Far worse than any of the crew
had ever weathered, all crew members were called upon to steer the Euryalus safely.

This was to be the final night Karn would spend in his beloved home. The waves encroached
harder and more frequently, the sky darker than ever before, the morning had not come and
a dark mist covered the sun.

Erion gave his lover one brief last kiss before he left to take the helm. This was the last time
Karn ever saw him, moments after he left the room the whole ship shook. Hardened sailors
with years of experience screamed out as the ship crashed into a group of rocks near the
port town of Leilon.

Much of what happened after the crash Karn can no longer remember, and it has been four
months now since the darkness and the storm came and the Euryalus was destroyed. A
vague recollection of being washed up on Leilon docks still haunts him, yet anything more,
or the survival of any other crew members remains a mystery to him.

Today Karn still mourns the loss of his partner, and will do so for the rest of his life. Yet
adapting to a life on land, which Karn has never been exposed to, is by far his greatest
challenge for the moment.

Lost, alone and in a strange new society outside of the friends
he has known all his life, Karn wonders his way to the small town of Hlint...


Karn's Latest Portrait! (Updated April 2007)


The First Night in Hlint
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2006, 06:00:18 am »
Yesterday I arrived here in Hlint, having wondered my way from Leilon where I
first awoke on land some months ago.

This place seems very busy for such a
small town, almost rivalling the markets of Leilon, yet the people here seem
to come from so many different backgrounds. As I wonder around the town,
I have seen huge giant like creatures talking freely with the tiniest of men,
such strange sights were non-existent on the Eyuralus.

I miss Erion, so much. I wish he could come back to me, yet the not knowing
whether he is dead or alive is the worst part. I cannot dwell on him though,
I must make friends here if I am to survive on land.

One of the first men I met here was a wizard by the name of Nex. An elderly
man who shows great skill with magic, he is also a kind soul and helped me
in the Hlint sewers to battle the rat man. It seems that beast is often
stealing the tax records of this small town, though his motivation escapes

Nex is a powerful man, and together I think we made a good team.With the
added power from the wizards spells I was able to fight far more effectively
than with my rapier alone. As hard as I try I will never be a fighter.

Later Nex took me deep into the Seilwood. There we battled spiders, or rather he
battled spiders, and fought our way to a cave. Inside we found hoards of
little lizards known as Kobolds, and later we battled huge slime cubes.
Tonight has been most memorable, and I feel I really have made a friend in Nex,
for this I am glad.

...and Erion, should you be watching over me now...I have written you a poem.


Ode to Erion
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2006, 02:46:35 pm »
A heart so pure, so brave, so true,
Ne’er had a captain so cared for his crew,
Yet none cared for him, more than I,
Alas our times end soon was nigh.

His arms so strong, his grasp so tight,
Ne’er would I guess that upon that night,
Times together, many had passed,
Yet that fateful eve was to be our last.

My home, my love, my life, my ship,
Upon the stormy waves did skip,
The sky grew dark, the sea grew fierce,
My lover torn, my heart lay pierced.

And now I walk upon the land,
Without his palm within my hand,
I sit and look out to the sea,
Wishing he would return to me.


New Faces...Old Memories...
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2006, 07:04:30 am »
Since my last entry I have met more of the fair folk of Hlint, and as much as I miss my old life,
I am thus far enjoying my time here.

Soon after Nex took me into the undercity of Hlint I
met with a young human lad by the name of Roy. He, together with an elven woman
spoke of the bards necklace once more, apparently the dizzy lass had lost it again inside
the same cave I travelled to with Nex.

Roy seems a very agreeable chap and is almost my protector against the hordes of monsters that
seem to congregate around Hlint.

All my time on ship carrying and working could not
prepare me for full scale battle, and while I have had a few skirmishes in my time, nothing
near the scale of the battles here.

My skills are improving a great deal, both my music and my magic is far more advanced than I
could have ever of hoped. How I create my magic, I still do not know! It just happens,
though for this I am glad! One spell knocks everyone off their feet except me! Har! Good

I still think of Erion every day, and I always will. I still hold out some faint hope he will
return to me. Erion, I never told you enough, but if you can somehow ever see this...I love

I shouldn't dwell on such things, not when there is so much to look forward to here. I never
knew a life on land could be so varied! It does make me wonder why I was ever able to
spend one hundred and thirty one years on the same boat! Har!

In my time here I have also met a woman by the name of Rhynn. Though we met only briefly
we had so much in common, our love of fish for one! I look forward to meeting her again

Today, I have met another young woman named Muireann, a Mistite Cleric too! Although I
have had a few meetings with sailors who follow Mist over my years, I had never met a
priestess of the lady doom. It was quite an honour, I if anyone know the power of a storm
at sea, and it should be respected.
I look forward to spending more time here.


Friends in Hlint...
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2006, 05:50:17 pm »
Well I never knew life on land could be quite so hectic! I don't even know where to begin. This
week has been quite manic! A few days ago I met Muireann again, as well as two
brothers Ark and Haugrim.

Together with an elf named Eghaas we ventured into the
haven mines. The first time I ever did and it was a truly fearful place. Ogres at every turn
and with our small group danger was sure to find us.

We descended through the caves to
find more ogres, and these were stronger still.
Throughout our expedition Muireann was a constant source of entertainment! The way she
played with Ark was so cruel yet so amusing I couldn't help but join in. The lass really
knows how to have a good time, and she knows that may involve the odd man or two!

Ark remained very light hearted throughout, and even flirted with me on occasion, though it is
clear his desires lay more with Muireann than I, and I am glad. Erion is still the only man
in my heart, and I spoke with Muireann of him a few days back.

She is the first person I
have ever spoke of Erion to, but she was a good listener and seemed to understand.
Today I met with Rhynn again, she also is a great lass and she is great fun to be around, even
during these dark times.

As me Rhynn and Muireann sat near the Hlint pond an odd
elven man approached us. Something about him is so magnetic I felt almost drawn to him.
The man seems old beyond elven limits and his tongue is forked like that of a snake. After
licking me he deduced I had spent much time at sea...I must admit it was actually quite

Rhynn said this mans name is Ozymandias...quite a mouthful really, though ozy or ozzums
seems to suffice. He mentioned something about Elezandar needing a bard! I have no clue
really who Elezandar is, and given Ozy's odd nature, he's probably not at all normal, yet
it was very exciting. Apparently he holds the title of Arch bard around these parts...

Later tonight Rhynn, Muireann and I were sitting out near the pond once more. Muireann
came with ample supplies of Xeenite wine, and we drank and made merry for many hours!

After a brief disagreement with a new bard on the scene (not as good as me! Har!!) me and
Muireann left for bed, sharing a bedroom in the tavern, people might let them!


Hlint: A Town of Open Minds, or Closed Hearts?
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2006, 07:27:16 am »
Well today, has been an experience. I awoke bright and early this morning full of expectation
for the day ahead.

I have been making new friends here steadily and Hlint didn't seem like
such a bad place to spend my time, no Euryalus, but I coped. Yet it seems not all here are
so friendly or tolerant of others.

Soon after entering through the Western gates of Hlint, I found a small group including Muir
sitting near the raised deck. Muir was curled up and she said she was 'moping' funny lass,
she's a bit odd at times, but at least she's not dull! Sitting with her was a man I had met before, Jaleel.

Somehow the conversation got onto deities and my preference for the lads,
quite how I do not know, possibly Muir, she has a tendency to get a little caught up on
these things.

Either way, in my usual attempt to lighten the mood, I played a little with Jaleel based on
what he thought he knew about Xeenites and about me. While me and Muir found this
highly amusing, apparently Jaleel didn't see the funny side. He began ranting about
immoral actions and debauchary..guilty!

Yet he took it to a whole new level by labelling
me, an Aberration!

Never in all my time on the Euryalus has anyone spoken to me in such a way! In one hundred
and thirty one years, I have never had anyone so rude, so insulting, so 'holier than thou'
stand before me!

He actually became quite aggressive, why everything has to be solved with fists I'll never know.
Fists and swords are the dull man's words, and I was leading him in circles with my own
words. A fact he clearly could not stand, nor could he match me.

Yet it took so much out of me. I became far more vindictive than I have been in a long time,
and I even wished Xeen to bring pain upon him and his comrades as they left for the Grey

Later Muir told me Jaleel was always so stubborn and this is why I sit here,
hiding from view. I do not want to put myself in the situation again, where I become so
angry myself, so I shall move quietly in his presence and not stir the waters further.

Later I also met Roy again. Bless the lad, he's so kind and caring towards those around him.
We spoke about my preferences again, seems Muir has been spreading the word! At least
to our close friends. Unless I am point blank asked about such matters, I do not feel a
need to share them, however I make no secret of the fact I am in love with a man and his
name is Erion.

This evening I also met a woman named Lee. She spoke in a very odd manner yet seemed very
friendly and told me of the Freelancers Tavern in Point Harbour. Saying she was a
manager of the tavern, she mentioned they often sought out bards to perform there, the
thought excites me a great deal, and I shall try to make it to the next opening, to see how
the land lies there...

For now I sit here in Hlint, sometimes dressed as a true Xeenite lad should, sometimes cloaked from
head to toe in this hideous coat, I wonder if others feel the same as Jaleel about me?
I hope not....


The Principles of Lust
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2006, 03:13:21 am »
The principles of lust, are easy to understand,

Do what you feel, feel until the end,

The principles of lust, are burned in your mind,

Do what you want, do it until you find, love...


The Hlint Song!
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2006, 02:58:11 pm »
Welcome to Hlint,
This is Hlint,
Town of Heroes,
Town of Adventurers,
Welcome to Hlint,
Just a stupid place called Hlint.

This is Hlint,
Welcome to Hlint,
Just a stupid place called Hlint,
You're in Hlint,
Just a town named Hlint,
Don't mind us,
It's not a fuss,
You're in a stupid town called Hlint!

~Courtesy of Ozymandias~


Letter to Muir
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2006, 10:03:09 am »
*Karn copies down the letter he is about to send to Muireann into his journal for future reference, before sending a small seagull on its way, from the deck of a rickety cargo boat*

Dear Muir,

Well this trip has been an interesting one for sure! It seems like only days
since I last saw all my friends in Hlint, yet it is more like weeks
maybe even a month? At sea time passes in an all together more casual
way, days blend together.

In any case I have enjoyed my time here
aboard the Lady Rose, and would work for captain Adam again
should he ask me. Alas this ship is no Euryalus and it is nothing like
my old home.

The crew are not just elven for a start. Half-orcs, halflings and even the
odd gnome mill around the decks of this boat seemingly at ease with
the large numbers of humans aboard. Elves are scarce too, in fact only
myself and a lad called Isendir are of elven blood, not so surprising
then we have shared a few evenings together during my time here.
Nothing more than casual pleasures, yet who am I to deny the gifts of
my lady Xeen?!

He is no Erion for sure, and I would never replace him. I still long to be in
his arms, even after all this time, yet a man has needs and Isendir
happened to pass by.

Enough of that though, I have also been back to the port of Karthy during
this trip. A wondrous place though alas I was not able to visit the
Xeenite temple there, work to be done and all that. Captain Adam is
such a slave driver! In any case I will venture back to the temple one
day, maybe on the Lady Rose once more? Who can say...




The Lady Rose...
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2006, 11:04:52 am »
*A small cargo ship rides on the waves just a few hours from the port of Leilon. Aboard, Karn sits writing his account of his journey to Karthy, a smile crosses his lips as he realises he is only a short trip from being back in on his new home of Mistone*

Well this trip has been an interesting one for sure! It seems like only days since I last saw all my friends in Hlint, yet it is more like weeks maybe even a month? At sea time passes in an all together more casual way, days blend together. In any case I have enjoyed my time here aboard the Lady Rose, and would work for captain Adam again should he ask me. Alas this ship is no Euryalus and it is nothing like my old home.

The crew are not just elven for a start. Half-orcs, halflings and even the odd gnome mill around the decks of this boat seemingly at ease with the large numbers of humans aboard. Elves are scarce too, in fact only myself and a lad called Isendir are of elven blood, not so suprising then we have shared a few evenings together during my time here. Nothing more than casual pleasures, yet who am I to deny the gifts of my lady Xeen?

*A wicked grin fills his face, as he recalls his nights with Isendir*

He is no Erion for sure, and I would never replace him. I still long to be in his arms, even after all this time, yet a man has needs and Isendir happened to pass by.

Enough of that though, I have also been back to the port of Karthy during this trip. A wonderous place though alas I was not able to visit the Xeenite temple there, work to be done and all that. Captain Adam is such a slave driver! In any case I will venture back to the temple one day, maybe on the Lady Rose once more? Who can say...

*A loud thump can be heard as the Lady Rose drops anchor in the port of Leilon. Karn stands, quickly puts away his journal and readies himself to leave. Saying a brief farewell to his crew mates, Karn skips off down the gangplank before announcing to the confused people of Leilon "Lads an' Lasses, yer favourite bard is back!" He then quickly opens an umbrella to shield his head from the snow and walks off towards Hlint.*


Lessons in Espionage
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2006, 07:47:18 am »
Today I have begun to understand the value of knowing information that you are either not
known to know, or are not supposed to.

This is far different from my bardic work, yet fits
in with it surprisingly well. Using invisibility to conceal myself from view I was able to
watch a little get together between Ark and Muir earlier.

I didn't do it to harm anyone in anyway, but more for Muir's benefit. I do not see how what I
have been told of Ark can be in any way good for her. In any case, I found I am
surprisingly good at hiding!

By using magical manipulation it seems I can perform tasks
usually undertaken by rogues.
Knowledge is very powerful, and obtaining extra knowledge may be the key to becoming a
successful bard.

I will develop these skills further. Perhaps even seek out a rogue, to help
me. Who knows, I might be able to convince Ark to give me a few lessons!


RE: Lessons in Espionage
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2006, 05:05:16 pm »
For the second time today invisibility has proven a powerful tool in coming to knowinformation I perhaps shouldn't!

After arriving at the temple of Mist (Muir usually hangs
around there, lass likes the rain! bah!) I briefly saw what I now know is the tide Muir
had spoke of.

Indeed he was a powerful lad, the sort who exudes strength in buckets but charm in thimble
like quantities. Even though Muir seems quite taken with him, Ark has no chance really, I
almost feel sorry for him...maybe he'll need solace when his world caves in?
Oh yes, I can be the shoulder to cry on!

In any case, the tide ran off quickly, well more lumbered but you get the idea, and Muir and her
little bodyguard were left. He was a nice enough sort, bit quiet for a sailor lad though!

Muir seemed very on edge, almost as though she was driven to do something, yet she
would not tell me what.
After some gentle persuasion she agreed we should go and find Anna Lee together, apparently a
group of people had found an object and miss Lee may know what it is. Seems the tide is
very interested in this object...

We arrived in Hlint, and after a few moments I spotted miss Lee near the inn. Muir
immediately went over to her and asked her for a word in private. Apparently private also
meant without me!
Well I wasn't having that! Donning the trusty back cloak and hood I have grown so fond of
these days, I followed the pair under the veil of invisibility.

You can hear so much more when you are not being spoken to...

I will now transcribe here what I have learned:

~ Miss Lee spoke of three items, a Phylactery, a book and a glass unicorn. She gave no
indication of their relevance.

~ Perhaps this is the same glass animal I had heard of before?

~ Miss Lee seemed reluctant to tell Muir something. She is hiding something for certain,
perhaps Muir will find out what in time. In that case, so will I.

~ Muir also seemed reluctant to approach Master Ozymandias. I can understand why, but
ultimately he has greater knowledge than most around these parts and he may be a potential ally, if a fickle one.


Just plain old Hlint
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2006, 06:40:15 pm »
Been a relatively uneventful week or so really. Possibly the most note worthy
expedition I took was to the Haven mines. Myself, Roy, Nixx a little brownie,
Kargoth a BIG druid and some others went off towards the well

Down there were ogres in their hundreds, each one packing more of a punch than
the last it seems! However our group was strong and seemed well balanced.We
even managed to make it all the way down to the leader! A big old brute he
was, but he fell like all the others. On the way back up though...not all went
to plan.

We were ambushed on the third floor, surrounded by ogres, with all my companions
dead or dying, I did what an self respecting coward would do, I hid!
Invisibility is a wondrous thing!

Today the most memorable thing to have occurred was the defeat of that nature
wench Ranewen. The lass seems determined to cause me strife here, constantly
harassing me in her animal shapes. Yet I would not survive a fight with her I
think, though she picked the wrong argument with T'ashr!

The tiefer went off after being chastised for using magic like a child and
slaughtered countless badgers! Bloomin' nuisances anyway!
But being a druid the lass Rane then challenged T'ashr to a fight in Hlint!

Dizzy mare, you never challenge a sorceress like T'ashr its just not a smart thing to do.

Needless to say Ranewen got crisped by a fireball, and then skulked off, probably to
some tree.

Best thing I've seen in months! Har!


Blood is Back!
« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2006, 07:04:30 pm »
Except, not quite.

It seems Ozymandias took it upon himself together with Rhynn
and the Pandorns to stage a little play of sorts. It drew attention from far and
wide, as well as from those near.

Apparently Rhynn played the part of Ozy's
lap dog, or Courtesan as they are more officially known. It seems the whole
thing was more a parody of what had been said of both Ozymandias and
Rhynn in the past.

The Pandorns seemed to fit their role a little too well as Black Wizards, this
together with Ozy dressed up like Bloodstone provoked quite the reaction in
the local people, and would have in me, had I even known what blood looked

Jaleel seemed as unimpressed with events as ever and took it upon himself once
more to be Hlint's sole bastion of honour and justice. A position Ozymandias
quickly made seem less plausible given the nature of any dragon to control the
humanoid races.

Now Jaleel being a Rolfy, thinks he must smite evil at every
turn, and granted Ozymandias isn't all sweetness and forked tongues I am
sure, yet Jaleel is more like a bull at a gate than a honourable man.

And lastly Rhynn, dressed in her 'slave-girl' outfit, really made quite an impression.
Apparently it is common belief Rhynn is a pawn of Ozy's (I wouldn't mind!
Har!) and so today's little performance was a slap in the face if you will to all
those who:

1) Believe Ozy to be the most vile man on the face of Layonara

2) Believe Rhynn to be his faithful puppet and nothing more

Neither of which I’ve never found truth in, though…I imagine their are many
perks to being a puppet of Ozymandias! Har!


The Tide Comes In...
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2006, 10:56:38 am »
Seems my little investigation has led to a rather
annoyed Okoth. How he could even know what I
said to that sailor I do not know.

Perhaps he got
drunk and spilled forth his information like ale from
a tankard. In any case the tide knows what I know,
and if today is anything to go by, he seems eager to
let me know of his presence.

A small parrot swooped down into Hlint and moved
towards me. I always told Roy nature was just not

Bloody thing spoke with a mans voice! Said he
was the tide or some such. I could barely understand
what it said, did it even say anything?

I think I'm going mad! Half of Hlint thinks so too...I
must find Muir!


Lesson's Learnt
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2006, 04:16:00 am »
For futrure reference I will write this down:


Well it has been an interesting few days to say the least. Having wondered my way towards fort
Himlad where I heard some farmer lad was having trouble with his heard, I stumbled into
a large group assembled there.

Most of the group members still remain unknown to me, but Iz, that odd little Toranite was
there. She's kind enough though, and seems to work for the greater good even if it is not
popular. In any case, the group there told us newcomers of a plague which had effected two
of their companions. This plague was said to have been spread by rats, and even were-rats!

Well the most I had ever seen were in Hlint sewers, but never so many!We agreed to head
towards the site of a cave where the others had apparently gone missing. Turns out that
Misty that I met, Donnchadh had been infected.

When we reached the site, it was a mess. A pile of broken caravans and smouldering remains,
with a young woman lying on the floor. Far more intriguing however was the magic circle
myself and Iz wondered across in the far corner of the site. Their a lifeless Gnome lay, just
inside the magical inscription he had supposedly created.

Without much thought Iz decided to pull out the Gnome to tend to him, and almost ordered me
to help. Breaking the circle we both pulled him out. Noting not much had happened, my
curiosity got the better of me!

A little wizard we were travelling with decided the circle was safe enough to inspect, remind
me never to trust a Wizzy! The centre glowed oddly as I entered and before I knew it I
was in a dungeon filled with rats!

Wondering if my friends would return I decided it best not to just sit around but to
investigate! Casting my favourite spell of Invisibility I wondered through the dungeon,
coming across many rats and even were-rats! Having investigated to the fullest I I set
about returning to where I had portalled in.

On my return I met with the others! Seems they had entered a cave and it led them to me!
Giving all the newcomers a quick tour of what had been my "home" for the past several
hours, we headed downstairs towards the door I had not been able to open. One of our
number mentioned a rat claw was needed to open the door, and apparently Donnchadh
was now a full were rat!

Opening the door for us, Donn-rat ran off again, clearly the
Misty lad never envisioned he would spend his life as a rat!
Inside many rat men awaited us. Good thing there were many fighters in front of me! When
they had been dealt with, we were faced with a noble looking man inside another glowing
circle. After a joint prayer to Xeen, Toran and Lucinda the man was miraculously revived!

Guess even the enemies can work together some times! Apparently this was a lord the
others had been searching for. He seemed rather knowledgeable and instructed us to place
coloured minerals in the flames.

A call went around for those who touch upon the weave. Though I am no wizard I have
always had a natural flair for basic magic and so I stepped forward! The feeling was so
intense as we all began to focus on binding the circles. Suddenly sparks of light began to
flash and the whole dungeon began to shake.

The others jumped into the portal and as the
stone roof began to fall all of the mages, myself included, followed.
I awoke where I had first disappeared, near the destroyed camp site. The gnome was nowhere to
be seen, yet the lord had been rescued and the cave had been sealed once more, ensuring the
plague would not spread for at least the time being.


New spells, New weapons, New friends
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2006, 10:32:07 am »
*Karn sits in Hlint, his usual feather hat no-where to be seen. On his back a highly colourful quiver sits and at his side a rather large and extravagent looking bow*

Well it's been a busy few days, as always! I shall start with my new found role in life. Since
Roy, the kindest lad I know, offered me this new bow I have hardly sought to use my
'bread knife' in battle. After all if I can do as much damage from afar, then why enter
melee with my foes?

I have found quite a natural aptitude for this bow, and it is far
superior to my previous one.
I have been able to catch an abundance of fish! Once again this old sailor tastes the fruit of the
seas! They make great target practise too!

I still have thoughts of those I heard of long ago. Folk who mix magic and their bow together,
I have even been able to accomplish this myself, all be it on a mundane scale. I have found
that the ball of light I can cast can be infused into the wood of my Oak bow. The light
then emanates from within! Not particularly useful...but still!

Aside from the ruckus in Hlint yesterday I have also recently met a goblin by the name of Grib,
a masked Toranite called Iz and lately a sneaky lass named Missy. Today I ventured into
the haven mines with Kloss, Barion and Missy. A very capable pair of lads, if a little
rotund...well just the one! Anyhow we managed to slay the leader of the ogres and collect
the reward.

I also seem to be able to cast new spells! Not quite sure how all this works, I mean just poof
and they're there! I can now summon a wolf, called...Wolfy! Also I can dispel magic and
cure more grievous wounds, should come in useful!

Yesterday I spoke again with Brisbane. A funny lass that one, but she is very kind to me, not to
mention playful! Seems my subtle hints that I may have other desires seemed not to
matter, and a very interesting proposal of me, her and a Satyr was mentioned! She really
should be a Xeenite!

She also has made me realise something a little more. All this time I have been spending with
Roy has had an effect on me, though I dare not say anything! I couldn't! ...and...well Bris
can keep a secret I hope! I find myself thinking of Erion less and less these days. I haven't
even wrote of him for so many months. Perhaps he is long gone?

In any case I shouldn't let whatever feelings I may or may not have destroy one of the strongest
friendships I have here. Perhaps it is just because he is so kind to me? Despite my
intricacies, my jokes and my songs!


Never follow a Dwarf...
« Reply #17 on: September 01, 2006, 06:05:43 am »
*Karn lies by a small campfire near the eastern outskirts of Hlint. His face looks tired and he yawns as he writes*

Well that was interesting. I say interesting, frightening, sickening and draining are more
appropriate words. What started as a small trip to the High forest to collect a bear skin
soon escalated into dramatic trawl through a god-forsaken hell hole!

Myself, Missy, Cassiel, the monk lad and two dwarves ended up in a dark underground
dungeon of sorts. The place was filled with diseased rats (maybe linked with the other
plague I recently helped to contain?) in any case, the rats sickened any to the touch, and
their breath...I shant relive it here.

The dungeon itself was like a maze, tunnels and staircases both up and down leading in and
out of rooms upon rooms filled with rats. That is when I saw it...
A DRAGON! The second I have seen on land, and again a most frightful beast.

The suicidal
dwarf informed me it was a 'Mud Dragon' which would explain why it looked almost the
same colour as Roy! In any case, the dwarf luckily made short work of the mighty beast,
which seemed to be carrying a lesser mage robe.

And so onto the robe, which incidentally is worth at least 3500 true! When it came to divide
the plunder, after what seemed like an eternity down in the dark, Cassiel decided he
wanted both the robe (which I had no problem with) AND his share of the gold! I merely
observed he would be getting more like 4000 true in total while the rest got around 600

The elf ran off in a strop, very undignified for an elf.
Mizu ran after him and came back saying he would give up his share so Cassiel could have his

Fool! Begrudgingly I agreed, after ensuring the robe was dyed a very nice shade of

I hope to see Cassiel again soon, to let him know exactly what I think of his demands!


Learning my role...
« Reply #18 on: September 09, 2006, 03:59:37 am »
Repeat after me...

I AM NOT A PALADIN, I AM NOT A PALADIN! hopefully I will remember that even with my new Iron Bread Knife of
Dragon Slaying I cannot go toe to toe with an ogre mage, especially one half
way through a potent spell!

Well death came swiftly at least, I still haven't
got used to the sensation, and while others moan on about this Soul Mother, I
have still yet to meet her.

I am usually much more careful than others is all, and invisibility when all else fails
usually ensures I am the last person standing. Remember, bards belong at range
with a bow, or invisible, cursing and casting at our enemies.

Oh how I wish I could have been a sorcerer. All that power...instead I'm left with a
personality quite at odds with most of Hlint, and a sword no larger than a
butchers knife!


Hlint: Insanity Eternal
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2006, 11:41:10 am »
Nice to see some things don't change, Hlint is still as crazy and amusing as
it always was. Perhaps that is why I enjoy spending my time there so

Within seconds of entering the gates, I saw Grib being
harassed by a large dumb half-giant thingy, and a dark skinned
human, a fat drow? In any case the pair were clearly more trouble
than Grib ever could be.

The brute picked up Grib and slung him right out of the Hlint gates! Well
I couldn't stand for that! Thus Karnificus was born! The arch mage of
Mistone! It's amazing how easy it is to fool the weak minded, just a
few fake incantations and a bit of illusionary fireworks and bam,
scared thugs!

In any case they backed off long enough for me to find Grib out in the wastelands.

Already shaken we managed to get him back into Hlint. There we met
with the same half-thingy fighting with a dwarf! Well after some
more bluffing mass destruction, which I failed at, I sloped off
invisibly to watch them rip each other apart.

Hlint is odd yes it is.
Saw Miss Rhynn too, and Ozzums. He told the story of the Mourning
Blade, I've memorized as much of it as I could, and will scribble it
into a book as soon as I can. Always good to be able to retell a tale
told by such a bard.