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Author Topic: Out of the Darkness and Into the light...  (Read 204 times)


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    Out of the Darkness and Into the light...
    « on: March 14, 2005, 02:21:00 pm »
    Journal entry of Ardul: *the words seem to have been written by a shaky hand* The sssun is overwhelming no amount of warning-which my father gave me plenty of- could have prepared me for the shock of it. I have spent the last few days near the surface trying to let my eyes adjust to the harshness of it but each time it blinds me until I retreat back down. *the handwriting seems to have turned into a more smooth style* I decided to wait till nightfall and that was much better. However even this moon that lights the sky at night is still a bit unecessary. Once arriving at the town of Hlint I got a few strange looks due to my skin I imagine so I decided to at least don a helmet for the time being until more people come to know me and understand I mean them no harm. Once in town I headed directly for the inn to buy some supplies since most of mine were exhausted on the trip to the surface. Inside I met a man-who turned out to be a half elf of some kind-named Father Maylin, he was a priest of Aeridin who is an ally to my Lady and offered to show me around town some and help me get some work to refill my coffers to make the trip to Castle Blackford and the temple to Lucinda there. We first began in the crypt and I found his connection with Aeridin must have been extra-ordinary for the undead there barely stood a chance against a breath off of his holy symbol let alone him putting his full effort into it. We made it near to the bottom when all of a sudden a dark creature attacked and with a wave of magic I was put unconcious. I woke in the temple a bit shaken but all together ok and Father Maylin and I decided to use a bit more caution in the future. After collecting some skelton knuckles for a creature in the swamp I was able to gather enough to purchase a shield and we headed to merchants back in Hlint where I met the first of my kindred on the surface. I had my helmet off due to the merchant not being able to understand what I was saying and he approached me from behind and spoke to me in our language. I was so stunned I didn't even speak to him at first but eventually relaxed when he removed his helmet and we struck up a conversation. He was a large handsome male and was very polite...until Father Maylin came to see what was going on. He immediatly took him as human and began giving subtle threats for him to leave. Father Maylin being a wise man backed down and left with no problems but I am sure had he been rude in any way the male would have struck him down without a second thought. After the drama the male left and I went in search of Father Maylin on the way I ran into two dwarves named Argos and Noss and a human male named Hrath. They were going to attempt to fufill the captains wishes and hunt down the leader of the lizardman clan out in the swamps. However it was a suicide mission the deeper we got the more powerful and intelligent the lizardmen got and it took several attempts and the assistance of some strangers to get all of our belongings back from the swamp. After that debocle a woman named Gre -who fights amazingly well with no weapons - joined our little band and we went to hunt Orcs. This went much better but depleated all my healing supplies and I decided to return to Hlint to resupply and get a drink at the inn. *The ink color has changed but handwriting seems to be the same* I have met another of my kindred in Hlint named Ceala she seemed very interested in my religion so I decided to keep that little tidbit of information to myself knowing that it could cause far more problems for me and my house however she was kind enough to offer me a hood to help shield my eyes and warned me to speak in plain elvish tounge since it would make us less suspicous to the people in town.After a small rest I met back up with Noss and he guided me around more of town and with the help of He and Argos we were able to take down the leader of the Red Light Goblins which the wagon man paid us handsomely for. On the way to find pelts for Johan with Noss and company we ran into Father Maylin again and he joined us on our trip. We faced some ogres and strange looking birds on the way and found the cave where the bard Ragrian and lost her necklace and faced off some jelly thing and had to lay the wrath down on some bugbears as well. After seeing all this in the forest it makes me wonder how Johan's wife ever was able to aquire any of these goods in the first matter I guess. Most having to rest or go on to other duties split off and it was just Father Maylin and I going to gather the scout ears for Quartermaster Talon when we came upon the first and most powerful horror I have seen on the surface. A mummy of a amazing strength and speed and the aid of magic attacked out of nowhere it beat us down not enough to kill but enough to disable us. It attacked townsfolk and slaughtered near everyone in the Inn. We tried to warn passerbyers but most took it as silliness until someone came along and told us the same mummy had attacked the temple of Toran and near left it in ruins. The folks near us gathered and were headed to the temple however Toran is an enemy of Lucinda and I know he wanted no help of mine so I let them go and decided to get some long needed rest back just below the surface so I would not awake with the sun beaming down on me.


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      RE: Out of the Darkness and Into the light...
      « Reply #1 on: March 16, 2005, 10:16:00 am »
      Journal of Ardul'Aonar De'Afin

      Things have been so busy I have barely had time to write. My kin attacked the temple of Lucinda and now I cannot get training in the arts of magic. Somehow I will prove that I can be trusted but I dont know how at the moment. While sitting in the Wild Surge trying to gather my thoughts I met some men celebrating named Brutus and Seleece(sp?) they helped me find the bear pelt I needed and showed me their magnificent shop that I am sure I will be buying some goods from once I am more on the wealthy end.


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        RE: Out of the Darkness and Into the light...
        « Reply #2 on: March 16, 2005, 10:17:00 am »
        Journal of Ardul'Aonar De'Afin

        The mummy is haunting my dreams and my waking hours... I am not sure when I will get back to this but my thoughts are too scrambled at the moment to write. Hopefully I will find peace in prayer so I am heading to temple for a bit.


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          RE: Out of the Darkness and Into the light...
          « Reply #3 on: March 24, 2005, 02:56:00 pm »
          Journal of Ardul'Aonar De'Afin

          Going to temple has helped greatly. So much in fact they allow me to remove my hood inside since I am one of Lucinda's chosen. I am one step closer to finally achieving my one of my goals here on the surface of becoming a war wizard. A friend Aralin recoverd a gem that will help us see into the mummies nature hopefully it will be the key that helps us put his restless soul at peace and perhaps the darkness of my dreams.


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            RE: Out of the Darkness and Into the light...
            « Reply #4 on: April 14, 2005, 11:56:00 am »
            Journal of Ardul'Aonar De'Afin

            The mummy has not been seen since we found the gem perhaps that was all that was needed or he is waiting to pounce when we have relaxed...but at least the dreams have passed. One good thing did come of it however, I know longer have to wear that damn hood in the temple of spellgard. I was given permission by the head necromancer since I am paladin of our goddess he said I shouldn't have to hide. Unfortunately though I am really no closer to get any wizard training with the temple being so busy with rebuilding they have no time to even give me a clear assignment or have any weavers spare for me to protect so I am going to have to go out on my own and protect the ones I come across.

            I think I understand why dwarves like caves and mining its very relaxing and if I get any good at it perhaps profitable. It also is a break for my eyes that wicked light is debilitating even with a hood on I lose my senses briefly when it sneaks up on me. I may have to just lay in it one day until I cannot take it any longer mayhaps then I will learn to get used to it like the surface elves do.

            Bigots, it seems they are more abundant than I was aware of in the last few days I have been nearly kicked out of Hlint by the captain because I was talking to a brother and locked in Lucindas temple in the castle since they were afraid I would harm the queen. With as much as I have done for Hlint and since the queen is one of the people I have been seeking since I got to the surface it is truly a shame and very frustrating. But no matter once I become a warwizard perhaps I can get a task to prove myself to the queen and it will make it a bit easier for me everywher task at a time I guess.


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              RE: Out of the Darkness and Into the light...
              « Reply #5 on: April 21, 2005, 08:07:00 am »
              Journal of Ardul'Aonar De'Afin

              This has been my greatest day since coming to the surface, I was apart of a band of adventurers that helped to find a relic for my mistress. Along with the group some of her stronger followers including a high cleric. Though he does not trust me yet he still allowed me the honor to be by his side despite my skin thanks to another of Lucinda's weavers Ahndar. Mayhaps I am getting closer to my goals faster than I had expected.