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Author Topic: The Training of Esme  (Read 246 times)


The Training of Esme
« on: June 20, 2011, 01:18:06 am »
Many more months have passed and Esme has gotten a lot more proficient with her fighting stance. Before, she had to consciously remember to get into position the way Fiddlehappy has told her. Now, her body moves on its own when it needs to be. When she needs to be more defensive, Esme's stance changes instinctively. When she sees an opening, Esme's body moves to a more offensive stance so that she may strike with the blade in her hand. Fiddlehappy has taught her well.

As for her sword skill, although she knows to swing the long sword, she has no strength behind her swings; they were light and deflected easily. This frustrates her greatly. Thus, she decided to practice with a shorter blade for now so that she can gain the strength to swing the long sword more effectively. Every day when Esme has time, she spends it in front of a dummy. She practices swinging the blade, stabbing, and sidestepping while using the blade to deflect incoming blows. Her sword motion is becoming more fluid and natural. Furthermore, Esme can feel her swing becoming more effective. Before, her swing was light. Now, after many months of swinging and practicing with the dummy, her swings have some impact behind them. Pretty soon, Esme can see herself holding a long sword with complete confidence that she can hurt someone with it.

