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Author Topic: Damon Silverdawn - A Journal  (Read 465 times)


Damon Silverdawn - A Journal
« on: December 07, 2008, 06:53:20 pm »

To what purpose I have decided to start keeping this journal, I know not.  Yet it seems to me to be something important to do, strange though that I never thought to do so during my days in Katherian, perhaps truthfully I had no desire to recollect those days.

Today I arrived finally in Port Hempstead, it was a long voyage, but happily uneventful unlike my last time at sea.  Given time to think as one often does whilst at sea, my life thus far has been one of selfish survival, this I must change if I am to be more than what I am.  My first thoughts upon landing however are to find some form of gainful employment, as the few coins that I arrive with will not sustain me for long, and as I have oft heard, Bloodstone was not defeated on an empty stomach.

So after taking some rest in an Inn that I can best describe as a dive that would have been at home in the seediest part of Katherians docks, I set out to look for work.  Thankfully there seems to be an abundance of it going begging, both for officals of the town and also those of some of the other towns nearby as well.  Perhaps I will not need to fall back on my other talents after all?  As I write this, my thoughts turn to those I have met thus far in my brief time here, they seem a little different to what I have been used to from humans.  The first was a young lady, foolishly perhaps I did not ask her name, nor even offer mine, as for why I cannot say, perhaps I was distracted by her eyes, which were the most startling shade of purple.  KIndly she offered to help me, seeing some of the blood that was on my clothes following a scrape with some quarrelsome wildlife.. how different from those of Katherian, she did not know me, yet was prepared to help a stranger, telling me that someone needs to make these kinds of offers.  The next day, with this in mind I met a large man, by the name of Ulther, he was like I.. a recent arrival here, so I helped him to find some of the folks who were offering employment.  While I was not able to spend as long talking with Ulther as I had wished, he seemed a most honorable sort, and one that I was glad to aid.

I wonder what the next days will bring to me?  For now though, I must concentrate on finishing the jobs that I have started, my place in this new world, will I think become clearer to me as I become a little more settled.


Re: Damon Silverdawn - A Journal
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2008, 08:56:02 pm »
~Dusty beginings~

It's been a busy week, which explains why I haven't had much time to write before this, however now I find myself with time on my hands, and a nice lake with good fishing to while away the hours as I put pen to paper.

I've played the part of delivery boy mostly these last few days, which, whilst somewhat dull, has allowed me a good opportunity to travel Mistone and to see much of what the continent has to offer.  The exercise has done me good as well, helping me to shake off the last cobwebs from my sea voyage, so I am thankful for that.  Now though, I must concentrate on the more difficult jobs that I have undertaken thus far, when I say difficult, I really mean dangerous.  Dusty and dirty as well they've proven, the contract I have to recover some strange compound for a man named Friar has had me skulking around in the catacombs there, facing the walking dead who roam at will amongst the tombs and graves that have been placed within.  Most of these lesser undead I seem well able to defeat, either by bow or with my blade, though there are some within there that have more testing powers, including one who was able to call upon magics to aid it, still that one too fell before me, making me thankful of my fathers lessons with the sword.   The main challenge lies at the end though, and that has thus far proven more than a match for me, seemingly it is invulnerable to my weapons, which not suprisingly puts me at a serious disadvantage.  My feelings are that I must find others to aid me in this task, even if that means a split of the payment... after some is better than none, which is all my efforts thus far have garnered me.  Vehl and Hempstead being port cities though, I have no doubt that I shall be able to find help.

Of other things, during my break for fishing here, I had what seems to me a lucky meeting, a man named Hardragh came out of the Inn that resides in the large oak here at the Stormcrest crossroads.  It was pleasant to be able to spend some time in idle chatter with him, with nothing more important to talk of other than the pleasure that fishing and hunting might bring.  Towards the end he mentioned that if I was in need of work, I should contact him at the main inn of Leringard, the Leringard Arms, and he might be able to find it for me.  If nothing else, I think it will be worth the price of a piece of parchment to write and find out if there is anything to which I can turn my hand.


Re: Damon Silverdawn - A Journal
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2008, 08:54:19 am »

Again a busy week, one filled with work for little reward.. or so I'm likely to feel, as the most of what I gathered I have been forced to sell at the local pawn shops for a tiny fraction of its likely value.  Still that said at least I have found a market for this junk, gods who would think that any of it was even worth a coin, let alone the vastly overstated prices in the stores themselves.  Mind you, it does remind me of one of Turgan's old phrases, and he was right, they really do see you coming..  Happily though, someone I met had mentioned that I should stop and check the Angels guild in Port Hempstead, fortunate indeed that conversation turned out to be.  I was helped by a lady named Ferrit, and her Husband Kyle, both of whom treated me with kindness, taking the time to listen to my needs and to explain what options I might look for to solve them.  Having come away with a new blade and a fine cloak, both made by my hosts, I have to say that the thing of greatest value I received cost me nothing, that was their good advice, which now gives me thought as to what I should look to next to help me on my way.

Upon reflection I was touched by their kindness, and also their honesty, compared with what I learnt in Katherian, which was very definitely "buyer beware".  Another happy note, Lady Ferrit mentioned that at times their guild is in need of certain supplies for their crafting endeavours.  Something to keep an eye out for I think, as I will definitely be checking back in with them to see if there is anything that they need.


Re: Damon Silverdawn - A Journal
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2009, 07:10:36 pm »

It's been sometime since I have had the urge to write in my journal here, in truth I have not had much to write about until lately, so that, I have no doubts has kept me from recording my thoughts.  These last few days though I have endeavoured to practice my blade skills with real earnest, and it has started to pay dividends for me, I find myself getting more precise with my blade, better able to overcome those whom I faced.  My progress however has been slow, I think I have mastered all the challenges that I am likely to face in the crypts of Vehl, and I must look further abroad for places that I can train.  With that in mind though, through my struggles with the restless dead of the crypt, I find myself thinking that there must be a better way for me to fight, my choice of the rapier as my blade is suited to me, but the wearing of armor and shield I find inhibits the style in which I would prefer to battle.  Speed and movement should be my allies in preserving my skin, rather than trust in the thickness of my armour to keep me safe, better yet would be not to get hit at all.

Having had a few moments of quiet reprieve whilst I write this, the thought that I should perhaps  seek out someone more sklled with the blade who can help me to develop the skills I wish, both in combat and movement has occurred to me.  Another one to add to the list....  As a happy side note though, I think I will find myself able to visit the angels again soon, as I found many a coin that the undead had kept.  Well not that they would ever have needed them, but still they have even less reason now that I have ushered them on to their final resting.  So my needs are as follows, equipment and training and practice, not necessarily in that order, I need now to think upon how best to attain them.


Re: Damon Silverdawn - A Journal
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2009, 08:08:36 pm »

Well, well it is with some happiness that I am able to write at this time, I feel as though I am really making progress, though it is not as much as I would like.  Now what is it that I mean by this?  Well my skills with the blade improve, no doubt as a result of the more difficult challenges I have faced of late.. but, I am less than happy with the style in which I fight, hampered by the way I must defend myself.  I was fortunate enough to witness a true master of the blade the other day, his movements fluid, graceful, unhindered by armor and shield, speed and skill seemed to provide the defence he relied upon.  So with this fresh in my mind, I am resolved to practice harder, and seek instruction or guidance to help  me see if I too can learn to fight like this.

Of course, I seem to be given to flights of fancy, as I am ignoring the simple facts of life.  Like all of the races who live in these lands, I too must eat, drink and have coin enough for shelter in an inn.  Not to mention the need to improve my equipment, and so my grandiose plans to become the next blademaster have been hampered by the mundane need to earn coins.  Still all told I have managed to find work enough for some of the local guard of the city of Hempstead, and the town of Hlint, though I think the coin could be more generous, but for all of that I am glad for it, and combined with managing to gather some supplies to trade I am hopeful of being at least able to manage a few well earned nights of comfort, and some new gear to help me on my ways.

What now to do, well I have but a little more gathering work to perform, and then it is to the arena in Vehl for me to practice and also to test my skills some more against opponents.


Re: Damon Silverdawn - A Journal
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2009, 10:55:02 am »

Practice, practice, practice... my arms burn and ache from it, each and every strike against the target dummies at Vehl arena sends a pain up my arms like they were being beaten themselves, and my legs ache from the effort of motion and strike, dodge and riposte.  Still I try to hold to my resolve to spend at least 2 hours in practice at the arena each time I hie myself to the wonderful cesspool that is Vehl.  Despite my practice it seems I have a way to go, if my last run in with the kobolds who dwell outside of Hempstead is anything to go by.. My best guess is that a patrol of the Silverguard either found me or saved me from the vicious little dog men, now they did tell me, but as I was but an inch away from death I cannot recall what they said, still all told I owe them a debt for my rescue, and I will find a way to repay them.    

As ugly and dangerous as the streets of Vehl can be, I can't help but feel a certain kinship with the residents at times.  Distant memories perhaps coming back to me of the days I spent in Katherian?  I know it not, but I write this as I relax in the One Eyed Harpy my mind does wander back to them, and to the days before, troubling thoughts of what happened over that voyage.  Now that I am settled somewhat and am able to, it is time I started to ask questions.


Re: Damon Silverdawn - A Journal
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2009, 10:12:57 pm »
~Practicals and Goggles~   

As I start to write this, I must confess that it has been a strange few days.. now this does bear further explanation, and I can only hope that once I am done with writing it will make sense to me, not only now but also should I come to review these words later.  Having practiced and practiced in Vehl's arena, I was determined to put my learning to the test, admittedly only against a select few opponents, but at least I would be able to get a feel for it's effectiveness.  With that in mind, I decided that some of the challenges around Hlint would be the ideal place to start, and thus lightly armored and with my trusty rapier in hand I engaged with some of the Kobolds that make their nests in the wilds outside of the town.  Taking a long cold look at it, well maybe not so long nor so cold as it deserves, I think this is a style suited to me, the ease of less armored fighting style seems well suited, and it certinly pairs well with my choice of blade.  Several bands of kobolds fell before me, quite easily I might add.  Well at least until the final group with whom I fought, when taken unawares one of the sneaky dog faced scaley fiends caught me well in the back, damned near ruined my cloak as well.  So bleeding profusely I decided that enough was enough, and it was time for me to limp back to town.

After managing to hobble my way back to Hlint, and on the way to the campfire area that lies just outside the road on the way to Llast, I met a lady, by the curous name of "Goggles" interesting I thought, both then, and now... Most of the ladies with whom I've spoken would perhaps shirk from a name such as that, thinking that it might somehow detract from their appeal, or mystique.  Quite an interesting conversation we had by the road, it seems that fate decided to smile a little upon me, whilst no doubt also laughing as I swayed back and forth light headed from loss of blood, as I had still not managed to fully stop the bleeding from my earlier run in with the dog men.  Goggles it seems is a skilled warrior, and as luck would have it she offered to help teach me somewhat of her skills.  This despite my having managed to offend her somewhat during our conversation.  I am to wait until I hear from her by letter, and then perhaps we shall have a time for her to teach me some of the skills that I still feel I sorely lack.  My part in this is thus far to wait, and as she reminded me, to do my best to avoid getting myself killed.

I do feel a slight twinge of self satisfaction, finding a skilled warrior to learn from is certainly something I have been hoping to do, for quite some time now.  Let us hope that, both I and Goggles,live up to this expectation.


Re: Damon Silverdawn - A Journal
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2009, 04:10:37 pm »

...Or lack thereof, still as yet I have not heard from my mysterious lady trainer.  Mind you, thinking a little more deeply on the matter I have not been much about of late, having been on an expedition through silkwood forest to gather silk and the like to trade.  Perhaps if I become a little more accessible it will help.

Writing this however does help to remind me of the progress that I've made.  My time in the forests around Hlint has not been entirely unproductive, my practice has certainly paid dividends for me.  I frequently engage my foes now, without the hinderance of my shield, and either lightly armoured or even unarmoured.  A trick that I've learned of late seems to pay off, and will I think with more study prove most effective **reminder: practice this**  switching my blade from hand to hand when fighting, so simple a thing, though the gods be praised for giving me the ability to wield it equally well in either hand, this seems to put some of my opponents off balance.  But for now, more practice in Vehl arena I think will help, along with, shall we say "live" practice as well.


Re: Damon Silverdawn - A Journal
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2009, 06:23:05 pm »
~Fighting like the wind~

It's been many months since last I had time, and inclination to dip quill in ink and record my thoughts here.  I feel almost as if I have been letting myself slide with this, in order to gain mastery in other areas, or is that just an excuse?  In any event, much has been learnt by me, at least in my skills with the blade, though perhaps not so much in other areas, such as discretion and temperance.

My dealings with the Angels Guild have once more shown to be a most profitable arrangement, their acceptance of trade goods in lieu of coin has allowed me to stretch my budget and equip myself well.  This, if not my skill, has proven invaluable in preserving my hide. Which is just as well given it seems my propensity for finding trouble, even in the most innocuous of places.  I'll be hoping to stop in there again soon, as there's a good deal more that I think I'll need, just as soon as my coin allows.

Now as to the folks that I have met, well of late they've been an interesting, and at times salty crew I must say.  Perhaps that is doing them an injustice?  If so, I doubt that they'll mind.  Hmm, the lady Endra, now that's an interesting lass, quite the spirit, and handy with a blade too.  Perhaps the most interesting thing I've seen of late was a new style of attack, quite by chance too I might add.  Having gone into the spider caves past Hempstead on the way to the desert looking for silk, I happened to run into a fellow by the name of Redri Phendrake, gave me quite a start too at first, seeing as he was all surrounded by castings of the Al'Noth, and with fire running up what had the look of a Halberd.  But being it seems a personable chap, and having said our hellos, we decided to see what trouble we might find in the lower caves.  I'm more than glad to say I made his acquaintance, as we fought our way lower, through the bugs and other nastys I got to observe a most amazing attack style, he struck almost like a tempest, a spinning attack that put everything in reach of his blade in danger.. which could of course explain why he was using such a bleeding huge pole axe.. Fascinating though, and I think some thing that I can attempt to learn, as coupled with my increasing speed and skill with my rapier, this will prove a very deadly technique, this attack like the wind itself.  All in all, a good fellow, one whom I hope to fight alongside again, as we proved ourselves well able to defeat some foes most deadly, in fact quite beyond that which I ever imagined myself being able to defeat.  I brag not here, we felled a creature with many eyes that floated in the air, only later did I find out that this is called a Beholder, and is something which can strike fear into the hearts of even the most seasoned warriors.  So it is with some pride that I am able to say that this fell before our blades, but with some honesty that I can say it is good that I knew not it's name before I attacked, else I doubt I would have held my nerve to face such a hideous beast.


Re: Damon Silverdawn - A Journal
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2009, 03:28:28 pm »
~A windstorm in action~

Well, it seems that I am able now to write, the first time in months.  Now that might well be because I am too lazy, though I will choose to flatter myself and claim that it is because I am focused on my blade work.  When last I wrote I had set myself the target of learning a new attacking style, it is with some pride that I can claim I now have that mastered.  Truly this has proven a fascinating journey of skill, but it's practical application is beyond any doubt.  The ability to attack like a storm of winds, striking all those within reach of my blade, well let us just say that because of this, my poor sorry hide has been saved on several occasions now, having been surrounded and placed otherwise in severe danger were I not able to use this to cut my way free.

So with the smile of achievement, I think I will leave this brief note, but leave it with some determination that I will write more often.  Also to show some dedication to keep my thoughts in better order so that when I do write it will be of more value than my musings thus far.


Re: Damon Silverdawn - A Journal
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2009, 02:54:18 pm »
~Back to Basics~

It's often strange how, no matter how far we have come, we often find ourselves back at the beginning, relying on that which we first did learn.  In truth I must confess to smiling as I write this, for it does seem particularly to have applied to me over these last few days.  For the benefit of myself as I look back on these writings in days to come, no I am not drunk, nor have I suddenly become religious, this descent into potted philosophy is based merely upon observation.

Now what caused this lurch into the metaphysical?  Well, of late it seems that despite all of my advances when it comes to skill in battle, to keep my self in one piece I have fallen back on the first lessons my father taught me all those many years ago.  How to fight with sword and shield, together working as one in both attack and defence, each one reliant upon the other to make it complete.   I will admit to being struck by the simplicity that it offers, well that and the fact that it has kept me from being skewered like an Elf on a stick when I was fighting the giants in the deserts of Dregar.

When all is said though, I am learning better and better to use movement and speed to compliment my style of battle, which is, if I be honest better suited to not being inhibited by the use of a shield.  I have an idea which I am working at perfecting, a leaping attack which I think will work well, and if nothing else.. it will look almost as sharp as me.  So that remains my focus each time I get myself to the arena of Vehl, at least until I am able to test it out on more active targets.

