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Author Topic: Lindara - Halfling Rogue  (Read 156 times)


Lindara - Halfling Rogue
« on: June 30, 2010, 02:07:03 pm »
For posterity:

Character: Lindara
Age: 40
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Race: Halfling
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Lindara slunk through the streets of Hempstead, staying out of sight from the guards. She had been living out of the dumpsters and trash cans behind the Inns for months. Her friend Alton Tealeaf had left, and she didn't know what else to do. All she wanted was to reunite with Alton as he had been her protector from the bullies when he was around.
She had never known her parents and Alton's family had taken her in at a young age as an orphan. She did visit Alton's family every once in a while but decided that she no longer wanted to be a burden on them and had struck out on her own, not knowing that the streets of Hempstead could be much meaner than one would think.
She saw Alton one day traveling the streets with a man in black and gold armor. She was so excited to see him running up and speaking as quickly as she could in halfling. The man in armor cocked his head and looked at her and laughed.
"Tell her to slow down and speak somethin' I can understand!" Chaynce laughed.
She looked up at the man in armor and stepped behind Alton.
"He's not nice." she said.
"Oh he's fine, this is the..." Alton snickers, "The protector of paladins."
She giggled, "I didn't know paladins needed protection."
Alton replied, "Um tell him that."
Chaynce looked down a bit confused and stated that he had business to attend to and walked off.
She glanced back at Alton and told him of her situation, about not wanting to be a burden to his family, about how she left his house and only visits once in a great while, when she was really hungry. She told him of how she was living day to day out of dumpsters and scraps behind the Inn's.
Alton decided that once again he would help out his childhood friend. He told he that he could teach her what he knew of stealth and cunning so that she could feed herself and take better care of herself. She happily agreed to learn his ways, as she knew a few of them from hiding in the alleys of Hempstead.
Alton got one of his old bows and an old short sword from his bank chest and handed them to her. It was a simple bow of hickory and a simple copper short sword, both battle scared but of no exceptional quality.
Alton decided that the first place he should take her was rat hunting. Her dexterity and ability to slide out of harms way served her well during the short trip to the sewers of Hempstead. The times living in the alleys and keeping out of sight served her well.
Alton proceeded to teach her what he knew of hitting the soft spots in someones armor, and how best to sneak behind someone with a bow and support the battle. She learned all she could until Alton decided that it was safe to take her out and face his first nemesis, the kobolds.
Out of the gates they went, her old hickory bow in one hand and the chipped copper short sword at her waist, preparing to take on the challenge of her life. Into the vast word Lindara went, following her longtime friend Alton Tealeaf.
//she has no ties to anyone important and her parents are dead or gone never to return, she has no noble bloodlines or anything silly like that//
//Chaynce is my character so of course he gives permission to be laughed at in the bio. Alton Tealeaf is my sons character and he will be following this post with an affirmation that I'm allowed to use Alton in my bio//


Lindara - Halfling Rogue
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2010, 02:16:08 am »
*she opens a book, cracking its brand new spine*

I finally have enough coins to buy a journal!

It has been wonderful time since I found Alton in Hempstead. We have been on so many grand adventures. I have seen walking dead, giants throwing rocks at me (though the silly things can't hit me with them!), spiders, oh and rats and huge trees!

Never had I thought the world had so much interesting things to shoot with my bow! My archery is getting so much better and Alton is a great teacher, though in some aspects I think I may be better than him.


He took me to his mansion, well, he said it was his mansion, before he really fessed up that it was the man in back and gold's mothers Inn. The Twin Dragon it was called. He had a giant room though that even had a pool!

He said I could curl up in a corner in a pile of blankets when ever I wanted, but that I had to scoop poo for him if I did. That's when I found out what his job really was... poo scooper of the Twin Dragon Inn!

*laughs and yawns*

Soon I shall get some magic rings from one of Alton's friends that will help me in combat and stealth. I can't wait. Oh and I'm getting big kitty boots too!

*closes the book and curls up in the pile of blankets in the corner*


Re: Lindara - Halfling Rogue
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2010, 09:02:24 pm »
*digs her journal out from under Alton's bed and blows the dust off*

Well it's been a while since I have written. I have been traveling a lot with Alton. He's taken me to see all of strange things all over Mistone.

My archery has gotten way better. I can find the soft spots in all sorts of creatures, and can fire my arrows quicker than Alton can! He doesn't like to admit it though!


It's been a long day.

*closes the book and curls up on the rug next to Alton's bed*

