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Author Topic: Kat's Stuff  (Read 262 times)


Kat's Stuff
« on: December 31, 2010, 11:36:59 am »
The beginning:
 Character: Katelyn Poetr
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Class: Cleric
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Deliar
Domains: Good Travel


Katelyn was only three, an orphan of the tsunamis that hit Port Hempstead, when she was adopted by Ben and Lana Poetr. As young as she was, the memory of losing her parents and older brother in the waves soon faded, and she came to love her new mother and father. Katelyn was heartbroken when Ben died only three years later. Vague memories of losing her earlier family resurfaced, and the only thing that seemed to soothe her was carrying around his old leather jerkin. She found a little lucky clover symbol in one pocket and insisted that her mother tie it to a ribbon so she could wear it around her neck.

Remembering how much she loved going to the guild shop with Ben, Katelyn seized every opportunity to go to the Hempstead store with Tod and soon, Daniel. She continued this even after her memories of Ben began to fade. She especially came to love accompanying her grandmother, Ferrit, on trips to the crossroads to sell merchandise to passing travelers. At home, when she wasn't getting into mischief with Charlie and Bria, she'd sometimes set up a 'store' and try to sell fancy mud pies. Katelyn was an active and boisterous child who enjoyed playing in the rough and tumble style of the village boys. In their frequent spats, she'd try to make peace, but wasn't afraid to use her fists if she needed to do so.

As Katelyn grew older, she came to understand that the work of the guild wasn't just selling things to make money. She watched Grandmother Ferrit spend hours explaining to young adventurers which things would best help them survive and thrive. She began to notice that many local shopkeepers helped their customers, considering them friends as well.

Katelyn dragged Charlie along to the wagons of itinerant peddlers, listening with fascination to their stories of the road. She longed to travel, to see all the places the peddlers and their children talked about. Katelyn especially liked to talk to Asbury Wilson, an elderly Lucky Coin who still traveled his route around the area, but called Center home. He fueled her desire to travel, telling her that the road was the place to find new discoveries and adventure, to experience the excitement of the unknown, and to find interesting things to trade.

When sent on errands to the Hempstead merchants, Katelyn often took the opportunity to talk with Froigrin Pincher about Deliar. The high priestess talked about the way traders promoted harmony throughout the region by bringing goods and services to all the villages on their routes. She explained that following the Lucky Wanderer often brought wealth, but that it was more important that the needs of the community be satisfied. She taught Katelyn that the best kind of trade was one where both parties felt they got the best of the deal. Froigrin cautioned her though, that the roads in life are at best uncertain, and that one must take care to do everything possible to improve one's luck while being prepared to accept that fate may not be favorable. Katelyn came to feel that these travelers of the road were the blood that flowed all through Brelin, bringing a better life to all.

When Charlie left home, Katelyn began to think about leaving, too. It was just too quiet without Charlie thinking up mischief. Bria felt herself too grown-up for foolishness, now that she had suitors and 'prospects'. When Rachel died and Bella and Becca left, the place seemed unbearably empty. Katelyn waited her chance, and when Asbury Wilson came by, she went right along with him, apprenticed as his new Mint.

Katelyn is small but sturdy, with black hair and dancing blue eyes.
  • I acknowledge that I have read and understand the dogma and expectations of Deliar and I intend to follow them.
  • Katelyn saw and interpreted Deliar's dogma in the past in the teachings and actions of Asbury Wilson and Froigrin Pincher as they showed her how commerce binds people together, benefits all, and gives direction to improving the common good. Katelyn will, in the future, reflect that interpretation by spending time selling from her ox-pack, as Ferrit once did, while traveling, helping people, and seeking items of value.
  • Katelyn will follow normal practices for clergy of Deliar, particularly in regards to choice of weapon, armor, clothing and colors worn. She'll wear a chain shirt for travel, if it's not too heavy, and otherwise wear earthy colors with gold or green trim. She'll use a shortsword for protection, and of course, she'll carry her lucky clover.


Re: Kat's Stuff
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2010, 11:58:54 am »
Oclar, 1475
 Rose offered to tell my fortune with cards last night.  She took me and Charlie to a fancy room in the Bull's Eye and used some cards with strange pictures on them.  She knew about my family dying in the big tsunamis, sort of -- she said I felt abandoned.  She said I'd be working toward something that will affect something much greater than me.  When Charlie asked about the card with the big tree, she said that it meant something that connects everyone, and affects the workings of the world as a whole.  That sounds really impressive!
 I asked if there was a card for Charlie and me, but Charlie said it was better not to know the future for that.  I think he's right--more fun to wait and see.
 She said we could spend the night there, but we didn't feel comfortable there.  We left and rolled up in our cloaks by the campfire.  It was a good night.