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Author Topic: Minugi's Journal  (Read 165 times)


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Minugi's Journal
« on: October 08, 2006, 05:22:57 pm »
Name:  Minugi

Race:  Halfling

Class:  Cleric

Occupation:  Enchanter

Age:  26

Alignment:  NG

     To any reading this, this is the journal of Minugi the Mute.  This is a small journal of any very important happenings in my day to day life.  However, this journal will mostly concern itself with the results of my sign language lessons with my teacher, Jennara Creekskipper.  Due to my disability, these lessons are very important to me.  I will be keeping track of my progress and writing down motions and their definitions in entries to come.


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RE: Minugi's Journal
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2006, 05:40:59 pm »
I've had my first meeting with my teacher today.  We went over some basic motions, as well as a couple advanced motions that pertained to the evens of the day.  Following are the motions we went over and their definitions.

*links index fingers, raises hand, interlaces fingers, grips wrist* -- How are you today?
*strokes chin, raises hand, wiggles a thumb* -- I am well.
*strokes chin, raises hand, holds up a hand* -- I am happy.
*strokes chin, raises hand, flashes several fingers* -- I am sad.
*strokes chin, raises hand, links index fingers* -- I am hurt.
*strokes chin, raises hand, links index fingers (right finger on top)*  -- I am hungry.
*strokes chin, raises hand, grips wrist* -- I am thirsty.
*scratches forehead* (just two fingers) -- Minugi
*places knuckles on forehead* (four fingers) -- Jennara
*wipes lips, raises hand* -- You are...
*touches neck, strokes forearm, interlaces fingers, wiggles a thumb, flashes several fingers, grips wrist, puts one fist atop the other* -- One day you will speak this quickly.
*scrathces a palm* -- Sister
*rubs knee* -- Ghost
*grips wrist* -- Tricks
*moves a hand in a wavy motion* -- Water/Sea/Lake
*raises a hand and moves it left to right slowly* -- (River) Flow/Sail

My mind is swimming with all of these motions.  I must work on memorizing these movements or I'll never be fluent in sign language.  Also, I need to remember that each individual movement corresponds to each word, so phrases can be mixed and matched to create what I am trying to say.  I should be able to meet with my teacher again tomorrow, so I must get practicing so as not to disappoint her.


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RE: Minugi's Journal
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2006, 01:02:09 am »
No lessons today.  Teacher did not meet me at the usual spot.  I'm sure she was busy.  I seem to have misplaced my set of armor and my shield.  Those are strange things to misplace.  I must keep my eyes open for them.


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RE: Minugi's Journal
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2006, 01:42:30 am »
I met with Teacher again today.  She seemed happy to see me after our long break.  Lessons were short however, as Teacher had to leave in order to aid a weaker one.  Today's words and phrases were:

*strokes chin, raises hand, rubs knee, interlaces fingers, raises hand, wiggles thumb* -- I am glad that you are well.
*scratches palm, touches forehead* -- She is...
*links index fingers, touches forehead* -- He is...
*points to a thumb, raises hand* -- They are...
*strokes chin, touches forehead* -- It is...
*grips wrist, raises hand* -- Those are...
*points to a thumb, raises hand* -- These are...
*cups hands* -- Where, When, What, Why (only slight differences between the four)
*touches lips* -- Loud
*opens a fist* -- Quiet
*raises hand* -- Annoying

Teacher and I will try to meet again tomorrow evening, near the bank.


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RE: Minugi's Journal
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2006, 01:19:39 pm »
I feel like my brain is about explode!  I've learned so much!  There's no way I'll be able to remember all of this!  I suppose I'll just have to keep my journal with me at all times, and review my lessons any chance I get.  Anywas, I suppose I should right these words down before I forget them.

*crosses arms* -- Uilliam
*taps an elbow* -- Enough
*wipes lips, raises hand, puts one fist atop the other* -- You are quiet.
*touches nose* -- North
*flashes several fingers* -- South
*taps an elbow* (make sure its the right elbow) -- East
*wiggles a thumb* -- West
*touches nose* -- Near
*taps fingertips together* (give a fairly wide bearth between taps) -- Far
*points at lips* -- Field (like a farm)
*links index fingers* -- Hill
*scratches forehead* -- Mountain
*strokes a bicep* -- Desert
*scratches a palm* -- Swamp
*rotates a finger* -- River
*points at lips* -- Pond
*touches lips* -- Lake
*touches neck* -- Ocean
*pinches earlobe* -- Oasis
*touches forehead* -- In
*pinches earlobe* -- On
*raises hand* -- At
*brings both hands together* -- By
*curls fingers* -- Under
*touches neck* -- Over
*grips wrist* -- Through
*crosses fingers* -- About

Teacher and I don't have a set time to meet again, but I will keep my eyes open while I'm in town for any chance of another lesson.

