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Author Topic: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)  (Read 365 times)


Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« on: March 03, 2009, 12:06:26 pm »
Stormcrest Crossroads
Decilar 12, 1445

Dear Gwen,

How are you little sister?  I hope you're well, and that Ma, Pa, and uncle Dareon are also.  Have you been getting my letters since I've arived on Mistone?  I hadn't heard back from you yet, so I was wondering.  I suppose it could just be I've been too itinerant for the mail carriers to track down.  Perhaps I'll have to see about finding a room to rent somewhere, so I can at least get mail from home.

Anyhow, I've been out of work as a caravan guard for quite some time here.  There just don't seem to be any regular merchant caravans that need guards.  Maybe that's a fine testament to how safe the roads here are kept by the local authorities.  Though, I've also theorized it may be as a foreigner I'm not trusted, or there may be some sort of guard's union at work.

Don't worry though, I'm not starving or anything like that.  I've actually found that certain establishments and individuals will pay extremely well for glass bricks, or at least offer credit toward goods in their stores in exchange.  So, despite my reluctance to remain a glass-blower, it seems that I'm in the business here anyway.  Let Pa know I've even managed a few works of fine crystal on my own.  He should be proud since he would never let me touch crystal-working when I was helping in the glassforge there at home.  He didn't think I was quite skillfull enough yet, and coal was too costly to risk being wasted.

Maybe I'll make a trip home for a visit this winter.  But I'm kind of reluctant to.  I just don't think Ma & Pa will quite understand, though I think Uncle Dareon might.  You see, I guess you could say I've become one of those 'crazy adventurers' that everyone blames for bringing on the dark ages and things like that.  Don't be shocked though.  It's really not as bad a life as most folks think, though it's certainly dangerous.  In any case, I've made friends with a lot of fine folks, most of whom follow Toran or Rofirein.  I even took a trip with some of them not long ago to the frozen northlands of Krashin.  My share of the valuables we collected on that trip alone was over 400 True!  Can you believe that?  It was taken mostly from the kobolds we encountered and had to fight our way through.

That reminds me, ask Uncle Dareon if he'd like me to send back his old gear that he loaned me.  I've replaced most of it with better gear from one of the businesses I have been supplying glass to.  I even have a really finely crafted iron hand-and-half sword, and my own full set of copper plate-mail.  But even more vaulable are some of the pieces of magicly charmed jewelry I have.  I know you've always been interested in the Al'Noth, sis, so I thought you'd find that exciting in a way.

Oh, and in case you didn't get my earlier letters, I've even met a Protector of Lucinda, and a Priestess of Lucinda!  Though, admittedly I don't know them as well as I've come to know the Stormhaven's who follow Toran, or Mister Poetr and Miss Amireana, who both follow Rofirein.

Well, the daylight's dying again, so I better finish this letter off and get it sent.  I'll write again soon, I promise.

Your loving big-brother,


P.S. - I've enclosed a bank note made out to you for 100 True.  Share it with Ma, Pa, and Uncle Dareon.  You can each have 25 True that way to have a bit of extra fun.


Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2009, 07:46:08 pm »
Fort Wayfare
Decilar 15, 1445

Dearest Sister,

I hope you've received my previous letters.  I still haven't found a place to lodge that meets my approval, so I'm still very much itinerant.  In any case, I hope this letter finds you and our family well and safe.

There's been a further development here on Mistone that I'm anxious about regarding a pending invasion from the forces of the Green Dragon Cult, as it's called by some.  I happened on a gathering in the town of Krandor earlier, and there a man by name of Edvar spoke of something, which if proven true may be dire for these lands.  He asked the people of the gathering to vouch for one another, so as to I suppose gain proof of allegiance and integrity.  A risky and altogether foolish way of conducting his endeavor if you ask me.  Any two among the crowd, even if enemy spies and infiltrators, could vouch for one another and how would he know for certain they were who they claimed to be?  And after this rather ineffective screening he told us the reason for his pressence in Krandor was to enlist the aid of adventurers faithful to Mistone against the coming threat with the goal of uncovering enemy infiltrators rumored to be within the Battle Group (those who make the strategy's and plans for Mistone's defense) of Fort Wayfare itself.

When Edvar placed our collected group under the command of the well-known Protector Storold, I had hoped he would bring a higher degree of order, common sense, and wisdom to our little mission.  I was sadly let down.  Though perhaps the error does not fall on the Protector entirely, as it seemed there was a wizard among the group that proved perhaps beyond his control who appeared to have no sense or wisdom.  The man blatantly told those who we were to be investigating that we were there to investigate, even though Edvar had specificly told us not to reveal our purpose there in Fort Wayfare before we'd departed.

As much as I wish to stop the threat the invaders pose, here on Mistone, before they turn their plans upon our beloved kingdom of Erylin and Alindor as a whole, I could not bear to be part of such a bumbling cluster of fools.  I left because for all I knew, these bumbling fools might've turned upon me and declared me a spy simply for hailing from Alindor as I do.  If these are to be Mistone's saviors, I think perhaps Mistone is already lost.  In any case, I am one more skilled with fighting directly, not so much in this realm of subterfuge and investigation as was our mission, but even I could see that more discretion was needed.

I will later follow up with my friend Ben Poetr who was also party to the investigation, and ask him what came of it.  I can only imagine disaster from what I saw unfolding there, personally, but perhaps by some miracle of the gods the infiltrators will have been uncovered and removed.

I have heard other rumors as well, about this coming invasion, that the Green Dragon Cult may only be invading as a cover to get another force to some unknown ruins or such and retrieve an artifact to further their cause.  I suppose only time will tell for sure.  In the mean time I will keep my eyes open for suspicious people in dark cloaks as described by Edvar of Krandor.

I am sorry if my letter brings you undue distress.  I pray daily for your safety and well-being.

Your big brother,


P.S. - I've enclosed another bank-note for 100 True, use it to make ready in case Erylin should be invaded in the future.


Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2009, 08:01:52 am »
Leringard, 121 Leringard Arms Inn & Tavern, Room 102
Decilar 27, 1445

Dear Gwen,

I've finally found a place that meets my expectations for lodging.  I'm now a resident in room 102 of the famed Leringard Arms Inn & Tavern at 121 Leringard.  So, now you can start returning my letters with little fear of them being undeliverable.

It's true, the cost of my room here is quite a bit more than you'd think, but what should one expect from an inn known throughout the world?  It's certainly a classy place, even if the proprietor is an odd fellow.  The room is furnished with a smallish bed, a writing desk (which I'm putting to use for the first time right now) and plenty of storage space.  The other decorations are rather sparse, but have a homey feel to them that I like.

My landlord is a fellow named Steel.  His skin is covered with blue, and he makes it sound as though it's his natural skin color, but I'm sure it's from extensive tattooing really.  I mean, no one has skin of such a deep blue hue!  You should hear his voice too!  It's almost unreal, and disturbingly deep and resonant.  You can practicly feel it ripple the air around him when he laughs!  He seems to be a fellow of quite some experience, with a history in the mercenary trade.  I'm sure I'll be hearing more of his interesting stories during my stay here.  Just being around him makes the hair on the back of my neck raise, but more in a sort of awe than fear, I think.  Make no mistake, Steel is no fellow I'd want to anger though, that's for certain.

Well, I should get going for now.  I'll have a lot of work to do to keep up with my rent payments.  I hope you all are doing well and in good health when my letter reaches you.  Take care.

Your big bro',



Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2009, 02:10:14 pm »
Faroth, Kingdom of Erylin in Alindor
Jenra 18, 1446

Dearest Brother,

I'm so happy to hear from you again.  I've been holding off trying to write you until you'd gotten a place to stay, as you'd suggested I should.  Ma & Pa are doing well, though business has been somewhat slow for Pa lately.  Uncle Dareon sends his best wishes too, and says you can do whatever you want with that gear he gave you, he doesn't need or want it back.  We haven't really heard any rumors of war here in Faroth, except those coming from Kuhl, but that's old news.  You know how quiet it is here.  Nothing ever seems to happen.

Maybe if your adventures bring you closer to home again some time you can show me that magic jewelry you wrote about.  I'd really like to see it all!  I wouldn't mind getting out from under Ma & Pa's often over-protective caring either to see some of the world beyond Faroth, but they won't even let me ride along with Uncle Dareon to Fort Homestead on delivery trips.  It's not fair, I'm not a little girl anymore.  I missed you on my birthday back in Oclar, maybe you can make it for my 18th later this year?

Jimmy Ashenhue has been taking an interest in me lately.  He seems to come by to ask Ma for herbs and remedies, "for his mother," almost every other day.  But, Ma & I both know he's really just coming to sneak lusty glances at me.

I think it's kind of cute how Jimmy's taken an interest, but I'd much rather have Sven Treefeller looking to court me.  It seems I'm beneath his notice though.  I don't know what Sven sees in that Misty Lavenhall.  She's such a spolied brat!

Just yesterday when I was out sweeping the walk in front of Pa's shop I heard Misty whining to her father that she didn't have nice enough shoes for the Sunra dance.  Then she dragged him into the cobbler's shop across the street and I watched through the window-front while she picked the most expensive pair he had in her petite little size!  Studded with silver and polished greenstones, can you believe that!  Her father groaned at the price, and looked pale when they left the cobbler's.

With all the expensive things mister Lavenhall buys for Misty and her mother, I wonder if he's not embezzling from the city's treasury to pay for it all.  Pa says he thinks mister Lavenhall makes a lot of money selling moonshine and running a gambling ring in the cellar of his tavern.  It's funny how most everyone says behind mister Lavenhall's back that they think there was something fishy about the way he got appointed to his treasury position.  Most folks think Eugene Pearson should've gotten that job by all rights.

Anyhow, enough gossip, I bet it's boring you.  I just wish there were more interesting things going on here in Faroth to write to you about.  I doubt there'll ever be anything going on here that'll match up to one of your adventurous days out there in the big world though, huh?

Give yourself a hug from me,



Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2009, 11:09:59 pm »
Leringard, 121 Leringard Arms Inn & Tavern, Room 102
Novlar 7, 1447

Dear Gwen,

I am so very sorry I haven't written in over a year.  I've just gotten so caught up in working that ...  Bah, there's really no good exscuse, is there?

How are things going in your quest to seduce Sven?  Heh, or have you allowed yourself to be swept off your feet by Jimmy?  Or maybe some other unwarry prey has caught your attention?  I'm sure you're just dying to write me about it all, eh?  Likely not, but you know I've got to tease you a bit.  It's my job as your big brother.

I met an interesting gal myself recently...  She's an Elven beauty!  I know nothing can really come of any of it though, but it makes me feel good the way she flirts.  You know how most gals back home wouldn't even give me more than a second look, so it's a nice change of pace.  I think she actually likes all my muscle!

Heh!  Muscle!  Now if you thought I had muscles when I left home, you should see me these days!  I've gotten cords like a bull-ox these last few years.  No wonder though, after all the time I've been spending digging sand and clay, mining copper and tin, and banging away on the metals at the forge.  I've actually gotten decent enough that I've forged some good bronze throwing axes.  Oh right, you'll want to know why I'd even want to forge those, huh?  Well, I use 'em to fell goblins and such from distance, when getting up close with my sword would put me in danger of taking the heat of the magic flames their mages sometimes surround themselves with.

Anyhow, I think Zariana is going to be my neighbor at the Arms soon.  She was asking me who she needed to talk to about renting a room there.  I guess she liked the look of my room well enough when I showed it to her.  Don't get any ideas now!  Nothing happened between us!  I was just trying to be friendly is all.  Anyhow, I don't even know if I want to really settle down with anyone yet, or ever.  Some of the things I do are really dangerous, and it's not the sort of life a gentleman would bring a lady into, ya know?  I fought giants today, for Pete's sake!  Honest to gods, boulder-throwing giants!

Anyway, tell ma, pa, and uncle Dareon that I'm doing good for myself and that I love 'em.  Maybe I'll come home for a visit some time soon.

Your big bro',



Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2009, 01:47:18 pm »
Faroth, Kingdom of Erylin in Alindor
Novlar 16, 1447

Dearest brother,

I'm so glad to hear from you!  Things have really gotten wierd around here.  Amgine, Eugene Pearson was killed by something just last week!  And Sven was quick to get him burried, there wasn't even a proper funeral.  Oh!  you wouldn't know yet would you?  Sven was made deputy to Sherif Bluefield, about a month after he and Misty announced their engagement.  Anyhow, according to Sven he says some sort of animals tore up poor mister Pearson, but pa and Uncle Dareon were there to help with things when they found the body and they both said they didn't think wolves had made the kind of gashes and other wounds that killed mister Pearson.

Anyhow, it seems that mister Lavenhall and the folks supporting him will be getting that new mill built that they'd been petitioning the council for, since mister Pearson won't be able to petition against it from the grave.  He'd been against it because he was sure it would mess up the flow of the river enough that it might make it hard for the salmon to find their normal spawning grounds or something.  Well, he actually listed all sorts of other potential problems it might cause too, but his best argument was about how much it would cost the city's coffers, despite that mister Lavenhall insisted that it'd make up for the cost in new revenues in under five years.

Anyhow, Uncle Dareon and Jimmy will be setting out on the yearly glass run to Fort Homestead and back with most of Pa's best goods from this years making here in about two days.  Ya know, I've gotten pretty fond of Jimmy now that I think about it.  He's been helping Pa in the glass-forge like you used to for the last eight months, and he's really gotten pretty good lookin' with all those new muscles he's gettin'.  Funny how his constant, persistant attempts to charm me used to annoy me, but now I kinda miss it when he's not around.

I bet you can imagine how puffed up with pride Misty's been since she got engaged too.  I think she deserves that lout, Sven!  Can you believe he actually tried to pinch my bottom the other day!  I stepped on his toes real good and reminded him rather loudly that he was engaged to that brat Misty.  He glared aweful at me for it too, 'cause his gang of friends were all hootin' it up after that.  I can hardly believe I actually felt smitten for that oaf only a year ago!  Ya know, there's a time I'd have felt a lot safer knowing he was sherif's deputy, but I'm not feeling any safer at all now that he is.  I hope Sherif Bluefield can drill some decency and manners back into him, but Sherif Bluefield sure looks haggard himself these days.

This whole town's really feeling wrong these days, Amgine.  I can see it in Ma & Pa's eyes too, when they exchange glances out on the porch in the evenings.  They know something ain't right, and I'm thinking the Lavenhalls are the roots of the rot, if you ask me.  But no one can find anything solid to say anything against 'em.  I really wish you were home again.

Love from your little sister,



Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2009, 10:16:01 am »
Leringard, 121 Leringard Arms Inn & Tavern, Room 102
Febra 20, 1448

Dear Ma & Pa,

In her last letter Gwen said things were getting strange there back home.  She told me how Mister Pearson was found torn up by wovles, or something.  She said you didn't think it was wolves that did it though, Pa, is that true?  She also made some pretty dark insinuations about the Lavenhalls, that she thinks they might've been behind it or something.  I'm sure you've probably already talked to her, but in case you were unaware of her suspicions, I wanted to let you know before she goes and gets herself into some real trouble.  You know how she tends to see conspiracies and such that aren't really there.

Anyhow, I hear you've taken on Jimmy Ashenhue to help out with the glass deliveries with Uncle Dareon.  Have they gotten back from their trip to Fort Homestead and points along the way yet?  Just curious to hear what you think of the fella since Gwen sounds like she may be taking an interest in him after all.

As for me, I'm sure Gwen's relayed to you how I've been doing pretty good over here in Mistone.  I'm not doing any caravan guard work, like I set out to do, but I am doing some glass and crystal work from time to time, and making a killing at it.  I'm also gettign quite a bit of income from adventuring.  Yep...  I'm one of those odd fellows who risks his life slaying monsters that need slaying and exploring dark caves and ancient ruins.  I'm sure you probably think I'm crazy, and maybe I am.

I've also met a fine lady that I really am, well, smitten with, to be frank.  Actually, I've met a couple fine ladies in my time here that've tugged my heart strings.  I suppose I should tell you all about them a bit.  The first is an Elven gal, named Zarianna... and though I wasn't so much looking for anyone to sweep me off my feet, she took an interest in me.  We both knew up front it wasn't going to be a forever sort of relationship, but I stopped caring about that 'cause she really made me feel more special than anyone else ever has.  I guess Zari's opened my eyes to just what kind of man I am now, and I'll always be thankful for that.

Then more recently things with another lady I knew started, err, well changing.  Miss Amireana...  oh now she's a beauty too, especially for someone her age.  She's a bit older than me, ya see? When we first met, she didn't seem interested in me, and well, though I thought, and still think she's breath-taking, I didn't see how we could be anything more than friends.  But I guess she changed her mind and decided maybe she did like me as more than a friend, and I can't say it took long for me to follow suit.  Maybe I'll bring her home to meet you some time soon, if you promise not to be too judgemental.  She's very special to me, and I think she might be the one, ya know?  But I want to take things slow and be sure.

I continue to hear rumors that an invasion force is here in Mistone somewhere, but I haven't seen any of it myself yet.  Perhaps they're working as infiltrators, and won't reveal their pressence until everything's in place for a swift victory.  Some folks say their main interest for being here is really to find a lost Bloodpool in some old ruins.  But no one knows which ruins might hold something like that.  Either way, I figure these Green Dragon Cultists, as I'm told they're called, are bad business.  You folks should be watchful for any strangers showing up back there at home, in case they're thinking of hitting Alindor the same way they're try to hit Mistone.  I'm told they hail mostly out of Kuhl, so maybe they'll have an accent?  Maybe not though, if they're truly good infiltrators like I think they may be.

Anyhow, I don't mean to get you all worried.  Know I send my best to you, and maybe I'll be coming home for a visit soon.  Let me know what you think of Gwen's story, when you can, if only to help put my mind at ease.

Your grown son,



Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2009, 05:28:08 pm »
Faroth, Kingdom of Erylin in Alindor
Apreal 14, 1448

Greetings Son,

I wouldn't say things are all that unusual here these days myself.  Your sister does have an imagination, you know how she is.  But, at the same time, I'm pretty certain that the wounds Eugene had suffered weren't made by any wolf.  Not unless it's a wolf that can use an axe, because that's what your Uncle Dareon said it looked like had done him in.  He ought to know better than me with all his experience on the road and facing that bandit that took his arm and all.  I trust my brother's word on that.  In any case, sheriff deputy Sven took along a few of the fellas on a sweep around the woods that covered a range of about 15 miles from town center.  They didn't find anything, except what looked to be a recently abandoned camp where maybe a dozen men might've holed up according to what one of the fellas that went on that patrol told me.  He said he thought it had been the camp a bunch of tinkers had set up when they came through the area around that time.  I guess they found the usual wolf-spore too, but no wolves were seen.

As to Jimmy, he and Dareon ought to be getting back from their trip within the week.  He's a hard working lad, that Jimmy.  Real respectful too.  If he ever did work up the nerve to ask Gwen's hand, I'd give them my blessing if it seemed she wanted it too.

I'm glad to hear you've found a lady yourself that you fancy well enough.  It's about time too.  You're getting on what, twenty-eight years now?  Your Ma was tickled pink, and of course she's hoping you'll settle down and give her a few grandchildren to dote over.  She's looking over my shoulder while I write now and telling me I better make sure to let you know you can bring your lady friend home to meet us anytime.  She'll cook a real special dinner and we promise not to be too picky and find all her little faults.

I think you can set your mind at ease about your sister and her wild stories.  Things here have scarcely been better.  I may have to expand my business a bit soon.  I had a fella all the way from Mariner's Hold asking about contracting for a supply of my finest glass wares just the other day.  Seems that new mill has brought our town more attention all around in a way that's good for business.  I know I'll certainly be busier than a bee for the next couple months.

Your Ma and I both send our love,

Tam Lanif


Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2009, 08:19:43 am »
121 Leringard Arms Inn & Tavern, Room 102
Leringard, Kingdom of Trelania, Mistone
Mai 25, 1448

Greetings kin!,

Just a quick note to let you all know I'm doing well.  Better than well, really.  A few days ago Miss Amireana and I had ourselves a picnic that went really well, despite being rained on.  Ma, you'll probably not belileve it, but I cooked everything for the picnic myself and the menu included roast venison, raosted almonds, apple juice, apples, and fresh baked wheat bread.  Miss Amireana said it was all the best she's had.  I think she might've just been being polite but, she sure smiled a lot while we enjoyed the food together.

I've also decided to start up my own business more officially, and I've posted a notice to begin offering glass and crystal to the general pubic here in the local trading halls.  I'm hoping folks'll like my pricing and set up a couple contracts with me.  If not though, I've still got the Angel's guild to supply, but credit there doesn't pay the bills for living and such really.  Hopefully I'll be able to start offering some more advanced crystal products soon too, as my skill at the glass-forge is improving as I work.

If things around here get too busy, I probably won't be able to make it home for a visit any time soon, I'm sorry to say.  But we'll see what the future holds, eh?

Love you all,



Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2009, 09:42:20 am »
121 Leringard Arms Inn & Tavern, Room 102
Leringard, Kingdom of Trelania, Mistone
Decilar 25, 1448

Dear Gwen,

I'm sorry it's been about seven months since my last writing.  My life has been busy, and I'd been putting off writing in hopes of hearing from you all too.  Miss Amireana distracts me from proper thought too, and I find myself daydreaming of her often when she's not around.  I'll probably bring her home soon to meet you and Ma and Pa and Uncle Dareon.

Aside from being distracted by Miss Amireana's beauty in spirit and form, I've also been quite distracted with business.  It's really been keeping me busy, but it's also brought in quite an income for me.  In fact, I was recently able to purchase a house near Blackford Castle here in the kingdom of Trelania.  The view is absolutely lovely and majestic, since the house sits near the cliff-side and you can look out over the sea.  The waves crashing on the rocks below the cliffs provide a gentle, soothing rhythm of sorts, and while they're kinda loud at times, they're also relaxing.  In fact, I chose the home because it sits not too far from where Miss Amireana and I had our first real picnic together.  Additionally, my business has brought me the attention of a large trade and craft guild in these parts that I often supply with glass called the Angel's Guild.  They were impressed enough with my good business sense and proper manner, as well as my notable strength, that they've made me a probationary member of their guild.  So, I'm really pleased to know all my hard work is paying off in more ways than I'd have imagined.

I'm hoping to sometime soon ask Miss Amireana for her hand in marriage.  I'm not certain she'll accept my proposal, but I'm so in love with her that I'm going to work up the nerve to ask anyhow.  She doesn't yet know about the house either, and I'm planning on surprising her with it, maybe after I've had it remodelled a bit first though.  I want it to be perfect for the two of us when she first sees it.

Anyhow, I hope to hear word back from you soon.  I miss your letters little Sis.

Your big Bro,



Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2009, 09:42:37 am »
121 Leringard Arms Inn & Tavern, Room 102
Leringard, Kingdom of Trelania, Mistone
Junar 21, 1449

Dear Gwen,

I still haven't heard from you since my last letter.  I suppose you're real busy being wooed by Jimmy, eh?  Well, don't get so busy you forget to write your big brother.  I really enjoy reading all your letters, Gwen.

Anyhow, I've got an update for you about my progress here.  I've finally gotten a set of rings made for my proposal to Amireana.  You should see them!  They're made with gold and diamonds that I acquired with some help from others.  The diamond wedding band I have to go with Amireana's engagement ring is even more spectacular!  The diamond in it is simply huge, and sparkles almost as though it's alive in itself.  I'm hoping I might come across one equally as impressive to use for my own wedding band.  That, and getting my home re-modelled are the only things I've got left to do before everything will be completely ready for my proposal to Amireana.  I think she'll be really impressed, though admittedly I'm thinking of going ahead and proposing now, and worrying about the house and my own wedding band after.

Anyhow, after I propose and assuming Amireana agrees to marry me, I'll plan to bring her home to meet all of you.  I'll send word ahead of course, so you all can make things ready for a visitor.

Give my best to everyone for me.

Love from your brother,

Amgine Lanif


Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2009, 09:45:05 am »
173 Blackford Castle West
Blackford, Kingdom of Trelania, Mistone
Decilar 19, 1449

Dear Gwen,

Please share this letter with Ma, Pa, and Uncle Dareon.  I want you all to hear my most exciting news!  I've proposed to Miss Amireana Mandrine at last, and she said yes!  We're planning a special trip to come visit you all in Faroth so that you can all meet her and make her feel welcome to the family.  I know there's probably no room for us there at the house, so we'll arange to stay at the inn.  I've got plenty of Trues to pay for the trip and all, so that won't be a problem.  Shoot!  I could probably even help with some of the cooking 'cause I've learned how to cook a bit since I've been on my own.

Anyway, we haven't set a date for the wedding yet, but we have decided we'd like to get married here in Blackford.  It's a beautiful area, and both Amireana and I love the cliffside view looking out over the waters here.  It's also where we had our first picnic together, and where I proposed to her just yesterday.  In any case, once we decide on a date for the wedding we'll send you everything you'll need to make travel arangements so that you all can be here for the blessed day.

I'm so excited!  I love Miss Amireana so much that each moment I spend with her is a treasure to me.  I'm really looking forward to spending the rest of our lives together.

Hope to hear from you all soon,

Amgine Lanif


Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2009, 01:45:29 pm »
173 Blackford Castle West
Blackford, Kingdom of Trelania, Mistone

Dear, sweet Zarianna,

I find myself in need to write to you the earnest feelings of my heart.  Maybe because I have trouble saying them well enough face to face, as dumbstruck as I cna become.  I want you to know how it is I feel so that maybe, somehow, we can work this out and move on with easier hearts.

When we first met and got to know eachother as more than just friends I told you then I loved you.  You told me then that ultimately we couldn't really be any more than we were, because you weren't the type to wish to settle down, or because you felt too young to wish for that yet, or because of the difference of our races in terms of lifespan.  So, with your encouragement even I began looking for another to love, and found her.  But now, now I wonder if you meant what you'd said back then, and I'm torn.  You see, I do still care for you every bit as much as I care for Amireana.

I hate feeling like I've chosen one of you over the other, because it doesn't seem fair at all to the heart to have to chose.  Yet by the ways of the world, and it's laws it seems such choices are a nescessity.  Still, I've committed now to Amireana to be married, so my choice is made against the feelings in my heart to wish to love both of you equally.  You and I can still be close friends, but not lovers...  yet I wonder at how blurred that line becomes when we are near.  For Amireana's sake, I must remain solely to her, as it would harm her otherwise, yet this does harm to you I feel at the same time.  Am I wrong?  Think on it, even though I know you don't like thinking.

Still, there is another reason I write you today.  As I think I've mentioned, Amireana and I are planning a trip back to my hometown, so that I can introduce her to my family before we marry.  As I'd once promised you that I'd take you to meet my sister one day, I thought to invite you to come with us, if you'd still like to meet her?  I understand if you chose not to come, things between us being what they are right now, but I'd still like you along if you think it's a trip you'd like to make.  You can let me know when you've decided, if you would please?

Heavy hearted, but still your friend,

Amgine Lanif


Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2009, 11:53:23 am »
173 Blackford Castle West
Blackford, Kingdom of Trelania, Mistone
Mai 10, 1453
 Dear Gwen, Ma, Pa, Uncle Dareon, and Jimmy too!,
 I'm sorry I haven't written in a while.  It was good to see you all when Amireana and I and our friends were able to make our way there a few months back.  I'm sorry however that circumstances weren't happier during the time of our visit with you.  I'm sincerely happy that Jimmy has made a full recovery since that vile necromancer was 'forcibly evicted' from Faroth by our efforts.  But I'm not writing to bring up those memories.
 Instead, I'm happy to announce that Amireana and I are now wed, and enjoying our honeymoon together very much.  I wish you all would have been able to make it for the wedding yourselves, but I know how long a journey that would have been, and that Pa's business wouldn't have run itself during that time.  In any event, I'm looking forward to hearing an engagement announcement from Gwen and Jimmy so that perhaps Amireana and I can return for their wedding.
 Our wedding here was rather small, but I think that made it nice in some ways too.  We had a small reception afterward as well, with singing, dancing, and food and drink for everyone who showed up for it.  I'd worked myself like crazy preparing all the food and drink in advance, and found out that afterward I had much more than was even close to being needed.  I'm sure it will be put to use though, perhaps I will donate to feeding impoverished folk in the area.
 Snowflake's waiting for me now, so I think I'll end this note here.  I look forward to hearing from you all again soon.
 With love,
 Amgine Lanif


Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2009, 01:36:39 pm »
173 Blackford Castle West
 Blackford, Kingdom of Trelania, Mistone
 Jular 22, 1454
 Dear Gwen, Ma, Pa, Uncle Dareon, and Jimmy too!,
 Life with my beloved Amireana has been sweet. Though, admittedly I've scaled down production of glass and crystal for my own business since we've wed.
 I haven't written or spoke of it to you before, but I went through a trying time back in 1451. It's taken me a few years to come to terms with it now myself. I know what I need to do though, and I'm beginning a path to help me reach my goal. The Green Dragon Cultists must be stopped, I think I know that better than most other folks in the world, based on what happened to me back then.
 I'm training myself to be able to stand against them. Perhaps I'll seek a more skilled wielder of weapons, a master, though I'm also inclined to just continue pitting myself against the many dangerous foes I face with my guildmates to learn from experience what will allow me to eventually face and overcome those cultists.
 Though admittedly, some of the more recent trips I've been on have left me hurting far more than they helped. Thankfully the Bindstones, or my comrades through their use of the Al'noth or prayers to their gods, have continued to pull me back to life. I'm unsure how many more deaths my spirit's bonds to this world can take.
 At least there has been good news about the war with teh cultists on one front.  You may have heard how a force they'd sent against Fort Hurix was defeated back in 1451 as well?  Well, a friend and guildmate of mine, Ben Poetr, was among those who defended Hurix.  He's just gotten back today from a ceremony where he and the other heroes that helped there were pressented with medals and other awards.  He's seeming a bit smug about it too.  He has a right to though.  They did good that day, and saved many lives.
 I hope to hear good news from you all. I'm sorry that my own writing hasn't been as cheerful as you'd probably like, but you should know what path my life is taking.
 With love,


Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2009, 11:49:53 pm »
Faroth, Kingdom of Erylin in Alindor
 Junar 24, 1455
 Hey big brother!,
 It's been good to hear from you.  I apologize for taking my time to write back.  I've been busy with all the planning.  Jimmy asked me to marry him, and I agreed (as if I wouldn't)!  Mom, Dad and even Uncle Dareon have been making it clear they approve of Jimmy too.  I think they're relieved that Jimmy is perfectly willing to take over Dad's business, since you seem to have found a life there in Trelania.  Anyhow, if you're not too busy and are able to make it, our wedding is to be the 9th of Seplar this year.
 Misty Lavenhall's been acting like a shrew since the news of our engagement spread though.  I think she's miffed because Sven Treefeller broke up with her, on her birthday, no less.  Serves her right though.  She was really treating him poorly, as though she expected him to buy her new pretty clothes every Sunra.  Anyhow, Sven's turned out to be a fine deputy to Sherif Bluefield since the two of them split.  Mister Lavenhall sure wasn't pleased when Sven changed his mind about Misty either.  I heard they had a hollering match that night, and Sven hasn't stepped foot inside the Lavenhall's tavern since.
 Jenny Kumellon was by the other day and asked about you.  You remember Jenny, right?  She seemed kind of sad when first she heard you'd gotten married, so I asked her about it.  I guess you never knew it, but she used to have her eye on you.  I always wondered why she hadn't married yet, and she told me she'd been holding out hoping you'd notice her.  Her folks died last winter, did you know?  Their cart fell through thin ice on the river, no one knows why they didn't cross at one of the bridges.
 Ah fudge!  Now I'm getting sad thinking about poor Jenny.  There's no single men around her age left in town these days, so she'll probably end up an old maid on her own.  Well, it's late so I think I'll go to bed and try to dream of a brighter, happier future for her.  Who knows?  Maybe she'll have one in reality after all, and I'm getting sad for nothing.  Her folks left her a fair inheritance at least, so she's not wanting for True.
 Hope to hear from you again soon brother.
 Love from your little sister,


Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2009, 08:19:40 pm »
173 Blackford Castle West
 Blackford, Kingdom of Trelania, Mistone
 Jular 9, 1455
 Dear Gwen, and everyone else back home too,
 I'm glad to hear you'll be wed soon, Gwen. I can't think of a much better feller for you than Jimmy either really. I see you're also still a bit of a gossip with those bits about Misty, Sven, and Jenny in your last letter. I'm sorry to hear about Jenny's folks though. The Kumellon's all seemed a rather reclusive family from what I remember. I don't think I even know what it was her pa did for a living, other than travelling a couple months around harvest every year.
 Anyway, I'm a bit sore from my latest mishap. I was practicing some fancy sword moves while going to do some mining with my guild-mates and a couple other folks when I knocked my left arm out of joint. Talk about painful! Steel and Ben helped to get it back in place right, which hurt more than when it popped out, or so it seemed. I think I'm really going to need to train under someone a lot more skilled than myself if I really want to learn to master those moves and others without killing myself. Maybe Kyle, our guild leader, can help me.
 Kyle's supposed to be a master of the katana from what everyone says. A katana is a long, slightly curved sword, in case you didn't know. They're pretty exotic weapons and not many folk use them that I've seen. Maybe more common in Tilmar or Corsain and that area of the world. Anyhow, Kyles katana seems to me to be nearly the same length as my hand-and-a-half sword, if a bit lighter. So, maybe I can learn to use some of the same techniques in my fighting style as he does in his. I guess I won't know until I ask him and start training. I'm pretty sure he'd train me, at least. He seemed pretty unhappy that 'the way of the weapon master' was dying out these days. You know how I usually like to learn to do things on my own though. Still, my goal is bigger than me and my stubborn self-pride, so I need to learn to learn from someone else.
 Did I mention my friend Ben's getting married soon too? He's marrying a lady singer named Aylana, who happens to be Kyle's daughter, I might add. Their wedding won't be too far from home even. They plan on having it at that lake that's near Katherian and that monastary called the Path of Elemental Balance during a party that Priestess Hedessa is hosting with the support of the guild. It ought to be an interesting day, I'll say that. We're supposed to dress up as animals for the party, Ben and Aylana being no exception! Should be fun!
 Well, time for me to get to bed. Snowflake's out of the house tonight on one of her wanderings, so it'll just be me. Maybe I'll find myself blessed and she'll wander in during the night though. Who knows? It's happened before. I think it's good she gets out to help folks like she does though, even if I miss her while she's gone.
 Love from your big brother,


Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2009, 10:30:33 am »
173 Blackford Castle West
Blackford, Kingdom of Trelania, Mistone
 Seplar 16, 1455
 Dear Gwen,
 I went ahead and talked to Master Kyle about getting some training with my swordwork.  As good as I am with my weapon, I can't seem to get the knack of how he and others do a special spinning attack.  I fall down when I attempt it more often than not.  Whie we were on a trip to gather resources with a few of my other guild-mates Kyle asked me to demonstrate my spinning attack move so he could maybe give me tips on how to pull it off.  It was a bit embarassing, but I swallowed my pride and tried a spin anyhow.  I really need to learn how to become a master if I'm going to stop that cultist.
 So, I met with Master Kyle and another person he's taken on as a student in the arena at Fort Vehl.  Her name's Huntemara In'Darsus, though Kyle and Elohanna both refer to her as Sarah most of the time.  Guess she decided at some point to change her name?  Anyhow, Kyle had us each take a turn at sparring with him.  Taking up a defensive stance he masterfully blocked or parried each of our attacks.  I tried a few extra powerful swipes at him to see if I could strike through with just brute force, and he diverted those easilly as well.  So then I focused on trying to get him off balance with a quick flurry of feints, jabs, and tiny swipes, hoping to land a strike on him that way.  His footwork was masterful, and I couldn't manage to even get him close to being off balance.  I certainly understand why he's thought of as a master.  Hunty had her turn at him too, and she couldn't touch him either.  After the sparring, Master Kyle had us practice on dummies for the rest of the session, but he encouraged us by telling us we did well for beginners.  I don't think I learned much beating on the practice dummies though, they're just not the same at all as an actual living, moving, and thinking oponent.  Still, I asked for training so I'll do as Master Kyle directs and continue practicing focus and precision on dummies, or out in the field.
 I also met one of Ben's other sons recently while I was heading into the cursed, gnoll-infested mines of Haven.  His name's Fianon, and while I think he prefers to fight with a pair of short-swords, like his pa, he also demonstrated proficiency with the longbow.  He seems to have a head on his shoulders too, and didn't give me any lip when I gave him instruction on how to stay alive in the mines.  Another person who went in with us was a lady by name of Caly.  She too showed wisdom in listening to my experienced advice and direction in the mines.  I'm not sure, but I think the two might be a bit sweet on eachother.  At least Fianon was flirting a bit with Caly anyhow, and called her "cutie" on a couple occasions.  She is cute, though, I have to admit, but pretty quiet and shy.  By the time we were headed back out though she seemed to have gotten more comfortable with me and Fianon.  I took Fianon in again for another trip a few days later, and he still performed well in there with his bow.  Maybe after a few more trips I'll let him try it with his short-swords and see how he does.
 Amireana's been venturing out on her own a lot, or staying at home on her own when she's not out helping folks.  I wonder if I spend too much time venturing with the guild sometimes, and I think she feels unwelcome among them still.  Maybe it's time for me to plan a trip for just the two of us to spend more time together again?  Maybe I'll ask her to come along and watch my next training session with Master Kyle and see if that helps her to feel more included.
 Well, I hope everything is going well there in Faroth, and I'm really sorry I missed your wedding.  I wish I had been able to make it, but I just got so busy here with my new training and all the needs for the guild and the traveling that entails, that I couldn't fit it in.  If it'll make up for my absence, I'd like to give you two a sum of 20,000 True to help you get started in your new life together.  Maybe you can buy your own plot of land and a small starter house with it?  I'm sure you'll invest it wisely...  Or at least I hope you will.
 With love from your big brother,


Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #18 on: October 15, 2009, 09:21:35 am »
Faroth, Kingdom of Erylin in Alindor
 Novlar 10, 1455
 Loving brother!,
 Jimmy & I both send our sincerest thanks for your wedding gift to us!  We decided that rather than buying our own home we'd instead use the money to expand the family home since Ma & Pa have made it clear we'll be inheriting the home and Pa's business from them.  They're retiring after next season!  Can you believe it?  Ma even talked Pa into traveling abroad to see the countryside and the Port of Kings to kick off their retirement.  Uncle Dareon is going with them on the trip too, so when they leave it'll just be me and Jimmy running things here.  Jimmy's really confident that he'll be able to handle all the local business, but thinks he'll need to hire someone to transport the usual glass products along the old route to and from Fort Homestead.
 Oh, and just so you don't think we missed out, Jimmy and I just got back from a nice honeymoon ourselves.  We went to Katherian, and stayed at a rather nice bed and breakfast there for about two weeks before we decided to head home.  We even visited the vineyard there run by the church of Xeen and they let us help stomp some of the grapes for making wine.  It was fun!  I'm proud of Jimmy too, 'cause though I caught him looking twice at a couple of the priestesses there, he always dismissed their advances politely.  Not that I didn't think a couple of the Xeenite priests weren't pleasing to the eye myself!  Can't blame anyone for looking, right?  The time we spent at the sea shore was really nice too.  It was neat to get to see what a real city looks like, with all the fabulous fountains and sculptures and such.  But I'm glad to be back home now too.
 Tell Amireana to give you some tickles by proxy from your little sis'!
 Love from me (and Jimmy),


Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #19 on: October 15, 2009, 09:39:04 am »
173 Blackford Castle West
Blackford, Kingdom of Trelania, Mistone
 Jenra 13, 1456
 Dear Gwen,
 I'm glad to hear you two have gotten off to a good start in your marriage.  I'm not too surprised to hear Ma & Pa are retiring either, to be honest.  I'll have to stop by some time in my travels to see the new additions to the house once they're finished.  Maybe I can even give Jimmy a few pointers about glass and crystal work that I've learned on my own out here in the world that Pa might not've picked up and passed on to Jimmy himself.
 My work with the Angel's guild continues to teach me all sorts of new things.  I've been smelting ores, making glass and crystal, and even forging weapons.  In fact, I made a new sword for myself from adamantium not long ago.  It's not too fancy, but it is well balanced and useful in my swords-mastery training with Master Kyle.
 Master Kyle's teachings have helped me to find new focus in my sword forms, and I've even learned to perform a real fancy spinning attack form that's called "the Whirlwind Attack" while wearing my full-plate armor.  It hasn't been easy to learn either, let me tell you, but I've finally got it down well enough that I don't risk falling on my rear or risk hitting nearby allies with my blade.  I'll keep practicing it as well as my other techniques until they become as easy as breathing.  One day I may even learn to focus my blows with such power and precision as Master Kyle, but he says I need to find my inner "Ki" before I can learn to channel it into my strikes.  He says when I do find my inner "Ki" it'll be like a real peaceful feeling, maybe kinda like I feel when I'm out digging sand in the deserts.
 Well, I need to get back to training and other work now, but it was great to hear from you.  I hope to hear from you again soon.
 With love from your brother,