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Author Topic: The Letters of Meribeth Silvest  (Read 166 times)


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The Letters of Meribeth Silvest
« on: March 06, 2005, 02:32:00 pm »
Mistress Fredith,

I have arrived at Fort Llast this day. I must say I do not understand why I am needed in some filthy fort on Mistone, instead of leading the crusade for having a temple built in Karthy or Point Harbor. I believe our strength needs to spread there, but I have done as you asked. I am doing what I can to establish an archive in this temple.

The lieutenant has been quite rude since I have arrived. He says that he doesn't "Need any blasted foreigners telling him how to run his fort." Honestly, I think any slum boy of Pranzis could take care of this muck hole better than that imbecil in charge now. But it is not my place to be the judge of such things. He is, however, impeding my efforts to build an archive in the temple, saying there is no room for such a thing to be done, and that books aren't going to help defend his fort.

As if he knew how to defend a fort! The guards walk around in common dress, the gate are swung open most of the time, and there is no inspection proceedure for anyone passing through! I saw a band of ruffians passing through earlier that looked like they were fit to wait off the road to rob passing citizens!

Mistress, I assure you that I could perform better doing another task, and I ask of you to let me leave this wretched hive of ruffians, brutes, and imbecils.

-Meribeth Silvest, Hand of Toran.


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RE: The Letters of Meribeth Silvest
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2005, 02:38:00 pm »
Dearest Anna,

Congratualations, I hear your daughter is beautiful and healthy. I am shamed to not be able to be there to see her. I wish you and Marco well, and I hope you bear many more healthy children. I promise you that as soon as my work for Mistress Fredith is done I will come back home right away to help you take care of things.

I am afraid that Mistone is a dreadfull as I had feared. I had hoped that the rest of the continent would reflect Port Hampshire, but I was wrong. I swear Allurial must be a fool or a Tyrant to let such filthy conditions be the norm.

On the bright side however, I found the most adorable little stuffed bear in a shop in Karthy on my way through. I had it sent with this letter for the baby, I hope she likes it.

Be well while I am away dear.

-Auntie Meribeth


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RE: The Letters of Meribeth Silvest
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2005, 07:37:00 pm »
Mistress Fredith,

I do not understand your request to be on the look out for interesting people. Honestly, I do do not think anyone here is worthy of note, but I will do as you request.

Today I caught a glimpse of a dark elf. He quickly cast invisibility, and then ran off quickly. He reeked of onions.

I saw a pale elf in blue with white hair. He seemed to walk with ... presence. I can't place it, but something seemed important about him. He began coughing up a fit, and saw me, and then went away.

A priest of Lucinda ran through naked. Is that interesting enough for you mistress? I think he was obviously touched ... then again, what Lucindite isn't?

A quiet woman came through ... she walked as if no one could see her, but still kept mostly to herself. She wore an Ankh of Toran, but out of no love for the god .... though when she touched it she seemed to feel love for something ... She noticed me watching her, and hid quickly.

A rather rogueish looking man came through the fort holding a mandolin and wearing a red coat and a white hat. He tried to hit on me. I believe a fist to the stomach taught him manners.

A man in black, spiked armor with two blades and who reeked like a dozen dead orcs pickled for a month in a keg of Black Knight Malt walked through. The Lieutenant of course didn't seem to mind him though. I am pretty sure he kicked one of the fort watch dogs as he passed through. I am not sure I trust him.

This last one was interesting to me however. A young man with red hair came to pray at the temple. I watched him through a cracked door. He said a prayer to Toran I had only heard a few other times. He tried to stand strong, he tried to look strong, but his face betrayed him. Underneath that strength he looked genuinly worried about something. Usually none of this would strike me .... but then he looked into my eyes ... and I swear I saw "her" in those eyes. I must be mistaken ... maybe it is just that same duty, that same fear, that same ........ I do not know mistress. It has been so long I have since forgotten. She left us, and perhaps I still have not gotten over that.

I hope this helps you do Toran's work mistress.

-Meribeth Silvest, Hand of Toran


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RE: The Letters of Meribeth Silvest
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2005, 07:47:00 pm »
Dear Hal,

Please look in on my niece Anna and her husband Marco while I am away. I know I should leave those two alone a bit, but ever since Gwenn ... passed ... I have been worried sick about poor Anna. I am not sure her marrying Marco was the best of choices, but there is nothing to be done now. I think she would have done well to join the order like her mother. No man is a substitute for Toran.

I wish she would have seen that before ... but she never was as bright as her mother ... then again, he mother too found a man, though a man of Roferien. She chose well I suppose ... but I can't help but wonder if shemight be with us now if she didn't go off with him. Servants should serve thier lord, not themselves.

I know we do not always see eye to eye about religion, but you are good at taking care of things. Please take care of Anna and Marco. Do not do it for me. I cannot think of how I would repay you. I know what you want, but I cannot give you that. I ask you do this for them, and I know you are a good man.

My apologies

