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Author Topic: Thalis Elwin's Journal  (Read 69 times)


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    Thalis Elwin's Journal
    « on: January 27, 2006, 04:49:57 pm »
    I arrived in the village of Hlint the other day. I've been attempting to support myself by cooking and tailoring mostly, but a number of notable events have passed as well.

    I met Zwech and Sabrissia Ice. We returned a number of undead to the Great Cycle and found some essence the undertaker was interested in. I am not sure if it was wise to return it to him, but I did need the money he offered to be able to afford a crafting certificate. And I'd rather accept his money than take the gold carried by those cursed with undeath. We also investigated some "rat man" in the sewers. It seems it was a were-creature, after a fierce battle we were able to lay him to rest as well, although I'm worried he might be back, lycanthropy is a ghastly curse indeed.

    Later we met and joined up with Vesath who knew someone who would be interested in the knuckles from the skeletons we put to rest. It was someone he called "the Hag" and she lived in the swamp. Unfortunately Sabrissa was beset by mosquitos and had to defend herself with a fireball. As Vesath had used his magic to turn me invisible she did not see where I stood and the fireball knocked me unconcious, where I bled to death before they could find me. I sensed my work was not yet done as I found myself standing back in Hlint, I proceeded to where I left the world to meditate upon the grace of Aeridin.

    All this left me a bit scared and uncertain, which is probably why I did not protest when our party decided to attack the lizards in the same swamp. I leave them to the hands of Aeridin as they wait to be reborn.

    In my travels to find materials for my crafts I had a very close encounter in the Sielwood Forest. I tried to move as silently as I could, but some ettercaps spotted me and entangled me in their webs. After I tried to escape it's grasp and that of the spiders nearby I was knocked unconcious. I am not sure why but the attackers lost interest and I was able to flee despite my wounds when I regained my senses.

    Having returned to Hlint I walked around in what seemed like a mist, and I am not sure of my actions then. Eventually someone, who later introduced herself as Annun Firith, found me and bandaged my wounds. I believe she also poured a potion with healing properties on my wounds because I quickly regained my strength and my mind quickly cleared.

    When she heard I was a servant of Aeridin she gladly dropped her guard and showed her face. It seems she was one of the dark elves[1] and I understand why she would be hiding about her identity. She did show me a few places to find berries in these lands and we talked long about the demons that have come to these lands of late. It seems she is a hunter of demons and from what she told me they are not even part of the Great Cycle. I am afraid this will is a threat which affects us all.

    It seems many in these lands need the guidance of Aeridin. Perhaps I cannot judge those who fight too harshly, but rather join with them and try to help them see the wisdom the ways of the preserver of life.

    Cormamin niuve tenna' ta elea lle au'.

    [1] If I'm wrong, please correct me, Thalis wouldn't have made that mistake.  :)

