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Author Topic: Demetri's Journal  (Read 281 times)


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    Demetri's Journal
    « on: October 21, 2006, 08:24:49 pm »
    //I'm going to be using this for my CDT instead of my old one, since the other one is rather out of date and I forget what's happened.

    It's finaly good to be back to adventuring. Looking for my parents was rather long and tedious of a task, and well now that they're safe and all I feel like I can risk my life again. I told them about the Elis's, and how they were all killed by orcs except for Drak. They actually took it well, a bit better then I expected actually, they kinda cheered and said something about they're FINALY dead. I came back from their house on the western side of the Forest of Mist, and I met up with Dalan again. He told me his mentor, Elgon, died, and well that's not the best thing I've heard recently. He also told me that Thokain and some of the other Dwarves havn't been around, which means there is fewer good walls to hide behind. Now I should get some rest, and pray to meet a prety elf lady in the morning.

    -- Demetri Tolbit --


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      Re: Demetri's Journal
      « Reply #1 on: October 23, 2006, 09:18:18 pm »
      I was in Hilnt today and I saw Dalan sitting there with a baby. I thought what has this crazy Dwarf gotten himself into now? I went up and started to talk with him, and the baby was Sak'ura's and some guy with the last name Firesteed I'm not too sure. Dalan was taking care of the baby, Abigale I do believe, and we talked some about random stuff. I also found out that Sak'ura drinks, I didn't know that, maybe she picked up habit while I was gone, again I don't know. There was also a mention of the rings I ordered before I left, and she doesn't remember, maybe I can just buy some new ones off her for some ale. I think I'll give her the ale before I ask, then when she's completely hammered I'll ask her for some rings. Actually, no I won't Dalan respects Sak'ura, so I guess I'll try to. Well the deer looks done, I guess I'll go hope to see a prety elf lady while I eat me deer.

      -- Demetri Tolbit --


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        Re: Demetri's Journal
        « Reply #2 on: October 26, 2006, 01:12:33 pm »
        *This page has a bunch of brown copper looking dust on it, it seems to be inprinted onto the page as if it were purposly put there*
        I got two rings that help me with hiding, and stealth from the orc bashers today. I also was lured into buying a cat's grace amulet from them as well. I paid them in gold, as well as with two boxes of silk that I had oin me. I then went to kill some of the gobbies, for old times sake. That's where I met up a party of 4, or somewhere around there. I helped them with some jobs that they needed to get done. We went into Seilwood, and three died, the soul mother let them pass freely however. I have to get get back to mining again, now that my resting is over.

        -- Demetri Tolbit --


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          Re: Demetri's Journal
          « Reply #3 on: October 28, 2006, 01:59:01 am »
          I helped a Dwarf named Grimnor get to the bottom and back up to the surface of the Red Light caves. Then we went to the Haven mines to get Iron, but there was a weird magic that took place, and in the middle combat we found ourselves back in Hilnt. We decided to ask people to help us get Platinum, and we got a few people. There was a cleric and monk of the same deity, two shape changers, and a halfling named Coffin. We got back to the surfacer safe and sound, and I got some iron for my traps. Were about to leave again though, so I should hurry this up.

          -- Demetri Tolbit --

          //EDIT: Fixed Spelling errors.


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            Re: Demetri's Journal
            « Reply #4 on: October 28, 2006, 02:06:51 am »
            *The writing on this page is rather messy compared to the rest of it*
            Wow, I thought I knew cold. Well I was wrong, for now I truly know the meaning of cold. Grimnor and his friends went to the Ice Caves on the Barbarian Isles. If you're reading this then there is one thing I have to tell you if you go there, BRING A VERY THICK COAT! We mined some Saphire, but along our way up our cleric was killed by the goblins while he was saved our fighters life from certain death. Then when we made it to the surface we were ambushed yet again by goblins, and that's where Grimnor died. Thankfully to both of them the Sould Mother seemed rather gracious, and no harm was done to them. The boat is almost arriving to Leilon, so this will be ending here, at least for this entery.

            -- Demetri Tolbit --


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              Re: Demetri's Journal
              « Reply #5 on: October 28, 2006, 07:24:49 pm »
              Grimnor said he'd make me an Iron rapier when he could, he just needs some practice. I offered to help him get some bronze to practice with until he gets good enough to make my Iron rapier. I thought it was fair, lug load after load of tin and copper from Seilwood, and get a good rapier out of it. I'm not sure of what the quality of his weapons are, since I havn't seen any of his goods, I'm just hoping they're done at least half decently well. I guess I should get off to mining then, the sooner I get his ore the sooner I get my rapier.

              -- Demetri Tolbit --


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                Re: Demetri's Journal
                « Reply #6 on: October 28, 2006, 07:35:35 pm »
                *There seems to be a bit of blood on this page, and for you rnagers out there it smells like Kobold blood*
                I'm having to spend the night in this dark cave, my ox seems rather up set with me since there is only hard rock for him to sleep on. I have a good bit of ore though, I still need more for Grimnor's practicing. I hope I don't get attacked by Kobolds in the middle of the night, they can be rather nasty when I'm wide awake. Ox seems to have found a suitable place to sleep now, I'll go use him as a pillow, he seems rather comfortable. I'll wait for this fire to go out, and then some good old rest.

                -- Demetri Tolbit --

                Stupid Kobolds, they attacked me in the middle of the night, they found and disarmed all the traps I set in place, what smart yet stupid little buggers. One got me bad in the arm, at least it's my bad arm. I really have to thank ox though, he woke up in the middle of the night to find a more suitable and comfortable position, and right after he moved the Kobolds attacked. Well, I have to change my bandage it's getting a little bloody, I don't think I'll be able to get back to sleep though, so when this fire goes out I'll just start mining again.

                -- Demetri Tolbit --

                //EDIT: Made it easier to distinguish the two enteries.


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                  Re: Demetri's Journal
                  « Reply #7 on: October 28, 2006, 07:51:28 pm »
                  I met a man today, he seemed rather inteligent, a good conection to have into the city. He told me he worshiped the god of knowledge or something, I really should start remembering names more. The mans name was Salt, and he is a seeker of knowledge in the field of buisness, and economics, two things I'm not too good at, at all. He seems to be interested in how I do buisness though, because when he had to leave he told me he'd meet me again down the road, then he said it to the others, it was rather strange. Well, I also met a young human girl, no older then 10 years of age, I could be off though, I don't associate much with young childeren let alone human ones. She was an orphan, since her parents died in a farming accident about 2 years ago. I didn't know of orphans in the Hilnt area, and it doesn't make sense at all. Why would there be orphans in Hilnt? There is a large mass of strong and dependible adventurers in the area, and it's in the middle of no where so why would they migrate there? Makes no sense at all to me, but I'm not a specialist on the matter, so why am I even thinking about it? Also, the orphan we met her name was Pige, are Pigeon for short. i don't know why they call her Pigeon, she could have tried to fly once, who knows with childeren? I also met another lady, I forget her name though, it started with an "M", and it ended something like "au", and probably had a silent "x" at it, don't know why I think it, it just sounded like it would have an "x" at the end. She lost a child as well, found it a bit of a coincidence, having an orphan, and a mother who lost her child together, talking about their family and such. Right, I remember now, her name was something like Minaux, I remember because a Pigeon is a bird, and a minno is another type of aminal. Well, back to the mining, Grimnor is relying on me.

                  -- Demetri Tolbit --


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                    Re: Demetri's Journal
                    « Reply #8 on: October 31, 2006, 03:40:09 pm »
                    I got rid of my Bronze, and my ox seems so much hapier not having to deal with the weight. I hope he won't be upset at me when I go back to mine in a few days. I also took up a job collecting eggs for someone, his name seems to have sliped my mind at this present moment, but a job none the less. We havn't agreed on a price yet, but hopefully we do soon enough. Another interesting thing is Grimnor paid me more then I offered for the bronze, he wants to pay me 20 coins each instead of 35 coins for two, I'm rather pleased at his offer to say the least. I should start grinding my corn, it's morning now and just woke up and felt like writing, but to alas I must get to work.

                    With a deep sigh,
                    -- Demetri Tolbit --


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                      Re: Demetri's Journal
                      « Reply #9 on: October 31, 2006, 03:50:19 pm »
                      I got a letter Beli wrote me a letter today. He wants me to get a room at the Leilon for when he gets back, which he said should be soon. I can't wait to see him, better yet, I can't wait to fight along side him again. I know his lawful ideals get in the way of some situations, but a good fighter like him is hard to come by. I think I'll go mine tomorow, I want that Rapier before Beli comes back to his adventuring life, not exactly sure why his monestary wanted him back, probably a good reason, and he'll most probably tell me when I ask him anyway.

                      Have to keep waiting,
                      -- Detri Tolbit --


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                        Re: Demetri's Journal
                        « Reply #10 on: November 01, 2006, 08:34:05 pm »
                        Finally collected all the eggs I needed, took me a few days of lazyily working then a day and a half of whiping my self into doing it, metaphorically speaking of course. I sold them to Malar for 2500 a box, so about *some math and other number stuff here* so that's about 70 per egg. I think I should set some set rates, so for a single box it'll cost 3500, for 2 it costs 6000, for 3 it costs 8250, for 4 it'll cost 10000, and for 5 it'll be 11250. That sounds reasonable I think. I also sold my crystal rods that I made from all that coal Throkain gave me, I can't believe I still have some of it. I'll be collecting eggs, and rods for Malar, I think he'll be a consistant coustomer, or so I hope.
                        Now to restate my prices of a box of eggs:
                        1 box: 3000
                        2 boxes: 6000
                        3 boxes: 8000
                        4 boxes: 10000

                        Hope my egg buisness woks out,
                        -- Demetri Tolbit --


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                          Re: Demetri's Journal
                          « Reply #11 on: November 01, 2006, 09:02:53 pm »
                          I talked to Freldo at the Leilon Arms today, I was able to rent a room at 1000 gold per I'm not sure at the moment he was rather convincing when he told me about it. I decided to get a double room, so when Beli comes back we can share a room. I'm not too sure why I want a room so badly, I keep telling my self it's for the storage, but I'm starting to not believe my self. I've always hated the boxes commoners call cities, and I've always hated their buildings. I've been able to adapt better then my parents ever will, or so I believe (for all I know my parents could be city owners by now, crazy thought but who really knows?). I'll try this room thing out despite my worries, it's not like I'm spending too much on the room, just all my earnings from my egg collecting venture, trully what a waste. It's what Beli wanted though, and Beli was sane before he left and I'll assume he is now so I'll take Beli for his word and I'll stay at the Leilon.  What am I really doing? I don't know, -- Demetri Tolbit -- _________________________________________________________________________________________
                             Argh, I can't sleep, why can't I? I have no reason not to be able to sleep, is it worry? Worry about what though? What my parents will think of me? Or my sister if she ever finds me, or is it my brother? Yes, my brother, I regret the day he died. It's all my fault, I should of never told Leonard to hit on the attractive elf. How was I supposed to know she was the mayors daughter? Well any way, he was thrown into jail for some heinous crime, and we tried to break him out twice (I think, it was some time ago). Our third plan worked, sort of. You see we didn't really plan the third, it just happened. Since during the second we got caught, arrested, and sent to the gallows, all four of us (I guess I should mention Natorian, Leonards twin brother was with us as well). I thank what ever god I must thank for giving Natorien his "knacks" (it's what he called it since his parents constantly told him it wasn't magic because magic was of the evil people, or something like that, yet again my memory is failing me). So Natorien burned through the ropes, and killed the hangman with his burning hands spell "knack." Leonard was the only one who didn't get out though, and all the village people were going after him while I, the chicken, ran away. Daemon was the smart one, he took the mayor at knife point, dragged him off his platform, and proceeded to threaten murder. Everyone changed their sights to my older brother while Natorien untied his twin. The village began in an out roar, they did a full charge at Daemon when the twins ran off for freedom. I don't know much, but when I checked the village a few days after, in a clever disguise, I couldn't find any sign of Daemon except for trails of blood, and talk about a ceremony to elect a new mayor. I asked what happened to the old one and they wouldn't tell me a word, they just scolded me for asking such a question. I trully don't know why that memory won't let me sleep, if it truly is that memory. It happened a long time ago, and to tell you the truth I've killed many people, mercenaries, mad men, but this one death sits in my mind, and all I can think about is what trully hapened to him? Did they hang him? Was it painful? What happened!?
                            Shall try to get some rest,
                            -- Demetri Tolbit --


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                            Re: Demetri's Journal
                            « Reply #12 on: November 04, 2006, 09:26:59 pm »
                            *The writings on this page are rather messy, looks like they were written with a tired hand. Also some splotches where the ink seems to have been mixed with some water, like rain droplets or tears.*
                            My hands are shaking from all the mining I've done. I've almost paid off Grimnor for my rapier, and he trusts me enough to give me the rapier when I still owe him another 240 trues, not like it's much mind you. When I saw him he was in a rather bad situation, well, he was conteplating on his death. That stubborn dwarf refused to think about it though, no he gathered up a rather large party and went into Haven mines to reach his grave. When we all got to his grave we decided to go to the bottom, but there were some inconviences and we had to goto the top. A bunch of the party dipersed, and didn't take any of the loot with them. We decided to travel into the moors to the east of Hilnt. We went to the bottom of the temple in there, and killed the warlord. We went to drop off the head to Garnet, except for a select few of us including me. So I didn't get any trues from him, there should be another uprising sooner or later though, why don't the humans understad that if you kill them they get angry, but if you earn the hearts from where they recrit then they can't be angry if they have such a limited supply of troops. After that wonderful trip I found a buyer for my old topaz rings, a person in our party that is rather adept in the healing arts. Ohhh.. and her name is Lynx, and she's a human, I think. Well, she didn't have enough trues on her for the rings, which I offered to her for a discount since they're used. So we went into the Hilnt crypts and ridded of some evil. There we met a wonderful Elven lady named Lonna, she's a healer as well. She's most beutiful to say the least, I think I was a little to obvious in my actions though. When we were killing Zombies Lynx found a flower on the gound and told me to give her it "as a gift." I obviously took the rather obvious hint, and gave her the flower, and well she seemed happy. She was happy, and in a crypt, quite an odd place to be happy to say the least. We got out of there and Grinor was waiting to get all the bronzeI mined. Lynx and I showed him Lonna, and he looked happy at another potential customer. We talked for a bit, and then I got Grim his bronze. That's when I got my new rapier, and to tell you the truth I don't know what's more beutiful, my new rapier, or Lonna. What am I crazy? Of course Lonna was more beutiful, she's well, she's Lonna. Why am I thinking of her so much? I met her once, just once. I'll keep looking around for another beutiful elven lass, just incase she's not interested. Well, back to what happened, Grim wants to open a shop. As do I, I told him and he proposed that we open our own buisness some day. I took up his offer, and I'll look around for some property to buy in a year or twos time. I used my new rapier, and I asked if Grim could get me another. He told me it was almost pure luck that he made that one, I personally think it's skill, but he probably knows himself better than I know him. I went out and got some gobbie blood on my new rapier, and it seemed to enjoy it as much as I. Yes, gobbie killing, my favourite pass time. Killing those nasty buggers, that's what they get for beeing such a nuisance, and for almost killing me so many times. Didn't think of it until now, but I think the real reason I enjoy killing gobbies is that it reminds me of Leonard. He was my best friend, and a human at that, what on oddity. Leonard, he was a good guy, why did he have to die? Why couldn't he have the gift of long life like I? He would of used it better than me as well, he knew how to live, he lived his life to the fullest. Then there is me, I'm too scared to ask women for their company, why can't I be more like him? Why can't I be more like my brother even? He was just as good at what he did as Leonard, both amazing adventurers. Then there's Natorien, he was rather odd, don't remember him as much, he left the group at a much earlier time to settle down with some tavern wench. He was such an odd person. Well, from what I've heard he actually normal. He settled down like the common folk, and unless my translations are wrong common means normal. Leonard kept on fighting though, he didn't have any childeren though, well he might have, he did fancy bar maids. He was a rather tempting man, is what the women said, took the hearts of many, MANY ladies. None of them came to his care when he was dying though. He laid in a bed, at his brothers house, just lying there. I was by his side every minute, he had an odd disease. One offten found in gobbies, one that actually doesn't kill gobbies, and is easily transfered to humans, and other normal folk. The doctors, and clerics didn't know what to do, they said he was old enough to die. He was 67 when he did die, and he was 65 when they said that. He proved them wrong sure enough, like 2 years means anything to an elf.

                            I have to put the book down or I'll go on forever,
                            -- Demetri Tolbit --


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                              Re: Demetri's Journal
                              « Reply #13 on: November 07, 2006, 09:25:48 pm »
                              I wish the soul mother would be more gracious. I mean I have to wait so long just to think over what I did. Now what did I do? I let my guard down, for one second, and there was no one else around to help. What's such the big problem with that, seriously? Well, I guess thinking about what I did in this rather tourturing state is better than being dead. Is the pain of dying so many times worth all these extra chances? Well, I guess it is, but it hurts. I've been following people again, I should be more productive, but its just so much fun. I followed that Pandorn gentelman and his dead friend, they were rather boring mind you. I followed a rather nice looking elf as well, she seems rather shy though, and a little out there. I think she thinks she's still in the woods, but she's in a city, well village I wouldn't go calling Hlint a city. I would like to learn more from my following, but people don't seem to talk about anything when they're traveling, it can get rather boring. I should just appear in front of one of them, see how they react. They would probably just gasp in shock then get back to normal, people seem so dificult to scare, I would enjoy a good spooking or two, see how people react. What could I do to spook people though? Just that initial shock is rather bland and boring. I should place some bones on the ground, I should be able to get some from the crypts, those stupid skeleons are leaving their bones everywhere. How could I scare people though? I could have a trail of bones leading from the benches to the crypt, then leave a note on the ground. Probably make the note say something like,
                              "The dead have rissen. Toran chooses you to put them back in their rightful place."

                              ohhh, or I could start a major conspiracy yes I could put,
                              "Dear Erag,
                              I need those soul essenses as soon as possible, or I will have your head.


                              Yes, that sounds like a mighty fair idea. Make a trail to where Erag is in bones, then I plant the note behind Erag so it looks like he droped it. It'll be hard not to be seen, but it sounds like might good fun.

                              Need sleep to think this over more,
                              -- Demetri Tolbit --


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                                Re: Demetri's Journal
                                « Reply #14 on: November 10, 2006, 11:28:36 pm »
                                What a good couple days I had. First it started off slow, making crystal rods oh joy! Then I went into the Gobbie waste lands and saw a man just dying. I cured him up, and it seems he had a gobbie problem of his own since when I helped him a stupid gobbie shot me with an arrow. I fliped out, and shot him back, between the eyes. The man thanked me and told me his name was Kendor. I helped him out and well, that'as about it until I saw Lynx go into the crypts. Kendor went to deliver the ears he was asked to get, and I followed Lynx into the crypts. I walked not even 30 seconds afrer she did, and they were dead, ever single one of those skullies dead. I was quite impressed, didn't know she was that good at disposing of the undead. Well, after that we went through the rest of the crypts, and helped get an essence for Kendor. We went to the benches in Hlint, and talked. There was a town crier on break, and we all had a quick chat. Then we went to the bottom of the gobbie caves, with another human. Who was it though? I forget his name, it was some one though none the less. He had redish armour I think, ohh, who realy cares who it was, anyway, we killed all the little peskies and came back up. There were many ambushes on the way up, they planned them at almost perfect times as well so I was the only one left behind to defend. I'm still alive though, and was barely injured. When we finished with that whole ordeal we went to the camp out side Hlint. It seemed every one around went to do the same at the same time though. There was Gil, and two halflings, one came with us to the swamps, and helped us get the essence. After that I left and here I am writing this. Now that I read it again, it seems rather boring. It wasn't though, and who ever reads this later, it was an amazing day, almost as good as the day I saw my parents again. Wow, I have mixed up priorities, seeing my parents who I thought were dead is on par with haveing a good killing spree with my frinds, wow. I'll write about my self in some book and Ill write,

                                "I like take long walks on the beach, while I slay gobbies in the mid afternoon. If I can get some Kobolds in there to, it'll be the best sun set ever."

                                I don't think I'll pull that prank any time soon, I seem to be having fun with out using my malevolent acts of pranking. Ohhh, I still need a key for my room in the Leilon. I'm perfectly fine sleeping in the forest though, but it's what Beli wants. I think I'll just hand him the room when he comes back, I have little use of it. I want to keep a key for the Leilon though, the damn locks are too good to be picked. Having access to the portal in there would be nice to have, and I can laugh in peoples faces when I lock them out of the Leilon.

                                Still witing for the key, and Beli,
                                -- Demetri Tolbit --


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                                  Re: Demetri's Journal
                                  « Reply #15 on: November 11, 2006, 11:46:40 pm »
                                  I got my key tot he Leilon. The room is a little raggidy, but it will sufice. I'll have to decorate it, give it some plant life and the such. Freldo said I could take a thing or two from the Inn's storage, just a thing or two, not the whole kitchen. I asked if any supplies were needed where they should go, and he seemed pleased that I wanted to donate stuff. After the whole Leilon thing I met another elf lass named Takiera, and I helped her out through the sewers. She had other things to attend to so we couldn't do anything after that. Before that though I collected some Skully knuckles for Lynx, and I gave them to her after she attempted to make a couger bag. She seemed pleased with the number of knuckles, and she agreed that I could give her knuckles for potions. We went into Haven mine to take a test and see how far we could manage. We got to the second chamber all right, but Lynx was almost out of her spells, so we went to the surface. She had to leave then, and I started back to the Leilon to try and fix up my room a little. Lynx seemed so happy that I got her the skeleton knucklesm an odd thing to build a relationship on if I say so. I guess it would be best called buisness, yes, we know eachother though buisness, I won't specify what buisness, actually I'll say a potion crafting buisness. Yes, a potion crafting buisness sounds like it would work. I just realized today though, that shes the only other female that I can act myself around. I even can't act normal around my mother, she can get rather stressed over the smallest of things. There arn't many other people I can act normally around, I think there's Lynx, Grimnor, I'd say Thorkain, Dalan, and Iomo, but I havn't talked with them in such a long time I can't really tell if I'd act normally around them. Wow, I act normally around two whole people, and none of them are elves, which makes sense, elves in these parts seem either rude, whiney, or just plain annoying. Dwarves are good friends to have, and so are many of the other little folk. Humans are mostly too self absorbed to notice anything out side themselves and the occasional gobbie that strays into town.
                                  I just looked over this again, and Lynx is the only female I can act my self around, and Grimnor is the only male I can act my self around. I have but only two close, or somewhat close friends. That's just pathetic, well no, not really. All through my earlier life I've only had two good friends, them being Leonard and Natorien. Then before I went to make sure my parents were safe I only had Thorkain, Dalan, Iomo, the Ironbellow brothers, and Beli. I guess I could add Beli to my good friend list of current times, I don't talk to him much because of where he is, but he's still some one who I can act my self around, I think. I'm lonely, I want more people to talk with. I want smart people though, or funny people, I don't want some arrogant hot headed elf that thinks he's king of the world. Why am I against my kind? I hate elves, I don't hate myself, but I hat elves. They seem so forign to me, they're annoying as well, and they whine too much. Now I know why the Dwarves hate then, is it that I took too much of Thorkain's racism before he left? I believed him to, when there was that one incident when he said I couldn't become an important role with the Dwarves simply becuase I was a stupid elf, I believed him that elves are worthless, and stupid. Why? I, I don't know, I'll take a nap on it.

                                  Might know the answer in the morning,
                                  -- Demetri Tolbit --


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                                    Re: Demetri's Journal
                                    « Reply #16 on: November 13, 2006, 09:45:06 pm »
                                    I figured out why I believed him, at least I think I do. He was my only friend, well my only real good friend. There was Iomo, and Dalan, but I didn't rely on them to the same extent I did Thorkain. Thorkain was the only person that I really relied on, and we built a friendship on that. He nudged his pregiduce against one elf, and he sucked me into his racist ideas. He tore me away from my elven heritage, well no, he didn't. I still owe respect to my parents, and I still feel I have to make sure they're alive, but I can't stand how they, no how I act around them. It's not their faul that I become as forign to myself as they are to me, it's that I've always been taught to respect my elders, and I only have elven elders. I owe elves my respect. There I have it, I feel as though I must pay all elves the same respect that I gave my elders of my clan. Well, maybe not to the same extent as I paid them, but I feel I must respect them none the less. How does that work though? I'm racist against elves, yet I respect them. I don't respect them for who they are, I respect them for pointy ears. The ranged merchand in Hlint does nothing of great importance, yet I treat with equal respect as I would my mother, well she didn't do anything important either. So I treat him like I do, wow, I never thought this would be so tough, there was that one elf lass, Taiera was it? Yes, i treated her with respect, and I helped her out to make life easier for her, but I do that for everyone. I help every one out, why does it always seem that I help elves out less than everyone else? Are there fewer elves than anyother race, do I just unconsciencly walk away when I see one? Why do I know so little about, well, me. I know so little about myself. I hide myself in dark clothes, never show my face, and even have a helmet under my hood. I havn't seen my reflection in the mirror lately, or even a river. Do I hate myself? No, I already established that I don't. Why is life, or living, or even just being so difficult?
                                    Dificult? This isn't difficult. Those goblins on the barbarian isles are difficult. My mere problems are nothing compared to them. Ahh, forget it, I have work to do and I woke up late. I'll continue this another time I suppose.

                                    Never knew how comfortable a bed could be,
                                    -- Demetri Tolbit --


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                                      Re: Demetri's Journal
                                      « Reply #17 on: November 26, 2006, 09:55:58 pm »
                                      I had quite the adventurous time lately. Havn't written in my book recently becuse of it. I got my rapier enchanted with an elctrical ability, and I got a second rapier for free by giving Grim an oak lonk bow. I did a trip through Haven, got some more coal. Helped out Takeira some more. Went on a Dregart trip through Saudrai with Grim, and Mylindar. We met up with Rain and Daniel, then we ran into Samir and Omer. Don't know any of them well, except Grim of course, but we purged much evil. May not sound like much hapened, but really there was a good bit. I also got an order for five boxes of eggs in a short time. It was Muireann who ordered the boxes, and I don't know who that is, I do hope to make a good bit of money off her though, she did say she would be a constant costomer. Well I should getr some rest, it's been a long week.

                                      Getting some sleep and a good nights rest,
                                      -- Demetri Tolbit --


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                                        Re: Demetri's Journal
                                        « Reply #18 on: November 30, 2006, 11:11:33 pm »
                                        I found some trues on the ground by the well in Hlint. I didn't know who's it was, and didn't want to get accused of theft so I donated it to the Hurm relief fund thing. I'm a little tepted to get out of my bed and go grab it though. It was a rather large amout for a commoner or even a noble to have lost, I think it was some where around 200 or so. I won't take it though, I'm getting some more money with those eggs I'm collecting. Oh bloody hell, those eggs. It's so boring gathering eggs, and chickens can be rather nasty, one almost tore off one of my studs on my bracers, bloody bird, I'm going to kill it and cook it, and have one hell of a huge feast. Get some potatoes, corn, bread, flour to make some delicious gravy, hmmm, yes, that would be nice. I'm hungry now, I could eat this rather nasty stuff I bought at the general store, it's dry and tastes like wood, that's been tagged by a wolf, then rotted away an marked upon again. Well, I exagerate a little but still it's very disgusting. I did some adventuring with Grim as well, we entered a large mercenary camp near Haven, they're rather rich for being so stuipid and gullible. I know a Dwarf is the size of a delicious chicken but if he is he'll be choppin' your head off before he even considers fleeing, and by then he wouldn't concider to flee. Why did I just relate that to food? I'm hungray, yes, tat's right, I need to sleep though, it's been a long day. What to have, all I have is box upon box of eggs, and some Ale. I don't feel like wasting the egg on food since egg is ratgher nasty and I make a good bit of trues off them. Also I prefer the Ale to go to friends as a gift, then while they're completely drunk I laugh at their silly antics, HAHA!

                                        Laughin' at a thought of a silly Dwarf thinking he's an elf and cursing himself, whie eating chicken,
                                        -- Demetri Tolbit --


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                                          Re: Demetri's Journal
                                          « Reply #19 on: December 23, 2006, 09:41:22 am »
                                          It's been quite some time since I last wrote in here. Beli's kept me busy for quite some time. Before he came he wanted me to get a bunch of potions and bandages for him, and now he wants more potions, and more this and more that, it's not fun anymore, just collecting and crafting, and collecting and crafting and repeating that proccess until Beli uses his potions and bandages to go off adventuring and I just sit around in the Leilon Arms and wollow in my own boredom. I'm considering finnishing all the crafting that I promosed to people, then go back home. I'll go back home and defend my family, there isn't much fun in that but it's better than doing crafting at the speed of a crazy Dwarf monk. I'll leave a note for Beli when I ready to leave, and I'll leave one for Freldo or Jharl (or who ever the actual owner of the Leilon is) and I'll tell them I'm leaving the Inn and Beli can have the room for himself. I'll leave all my trues to Beli, since he is a nice Dwarf, and a good friend, and I'll return the belt he let me borrow, but then I'm going home to my parents, I might try to get them traveling again so I can have fun.

                                          Will be some time until I finnish all the crafting,
                                          -- Demetri Tolbit --

                                          // For those that might actually read this I'm not leaving Layo I'm just creating a new character, and I'm putting most of my time towards that character.

