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Author Topic: Wynry's Tattered Journal  (Read 96 times)


Wynry's Tattered Journal
« on: December 22, 2006, 10:08:55 am »
Well, I just arrived in this dump, and apparently it’s not as much of a dump as Kantel would have had me thinking. It’s more wholesome than Karthy, but that can be said about any damned place under the sun really. It’s odd. I’ve lived in the city all my life, first Hampshire and then Karthy and Prantz for a time, but the country and this quiet little town called Hlint, I don’t mind it as much as I thought I would. I’m writing this from a house I managed to work my way into. Damn those locks are easy to pick. I’ll have to get out of this bed before they come home though.
   Anyway there’s a lot of diversity here. Before Hlint I never ever saw a fair folk, an elf, and this place seems to have more elves than halflings or humans. You can’t walk down the road without seeing one really. I saw a gnome too, cute little fellow but he seemed overly serious. Probably one of those mage types, but there’s more to life than just reading. Oh I even saw an Underdarker. A real live Drow! She didn’t do so good at hiding herself but I guess people in Hlint don’t care?   Anyway I went with a paladin and a halfling and a few others on a little tour of the continent I’m on. Mistone. It was easier to traverse without the fear of being ramsacked but I guess that’s because it doesn’t have those new things like Milara to worry about. Damned the last time Kantel wrote me he said that Karthy was going crazy and the military was there? Military law in Karthy? That’s insane. How are the thieves guilds and gangs going to get by?! Oh well maybe that blonde lady and the half giant got themselves landed in jail. That would’ve been funny.
    The halfling, her name was Jessie. She became my friend. She’s one of those magicky types too but I think her magic isn’t from books and comes more natural. Sorceress! There that’s the word.
    I could feel myself getting better at hiding though. I mean There are so many here with better skill than I, but I can feel myself slowly getting better. Sure, hiding in crevices and corners has always been my forte but now I’ve been trying to use the shadows themselves as my hiding place. I can’t call the shadows around me like I heard rumors of in the temple, so for now I’m working on going to the shadows. Its easiest around things that cast a really good shadow like a tree or a pillar but I’m learning to use the natural shadows the light makes and sometimes even the shadows of what I’m hiding from themselves like ogres! I managed to fool one but the other guy behind him saw me. Still I can fool the rats and a few goblins and kobolds pretty easily! I’ll master this , I know I will someday!  You know, the black hound's teachings say to take whatever you want regardless. I think I can find what I want here. Maybe Kantel sending me here was what Branderback thought would be best for me. Maybe he knew that I could take what I want here, and that others wouldn't be be as opposed or aware of me getting it. I have to find my way back to Prantz and pay homage. Its not good to keep things away from a greedy god. And the Black Hound is the only one Ill share with!


RE: Wynry's Tattered Journal
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2006, 12:40:23 pm »
A few ventures but nothing drastically important. No new friends really, just a bunch of people I'd be willing to work with. Do I need people? Yes. But Do I rely on them? No. The teachings of the Hound state against that and while friends are allowed, I don't see the need at this point to make any ...unneccesary attachments.
  I've actually died quite a few times which is always potentially soul wrenching. Each time was when I would move into the forefront of battle and try to hack at the kneecaps of whatever I was up against. Apparently Halfling stabby stab to the knees is more painful than a flaming sword to the chest so attention was turned to me and before I could roll away I would get a full hit to the face. I'll have to improve my method of sneaking within battle unnoticed, making my hit and then moving away. Also, knowing exactly where to hit a big moving tree is kind of anyone's guess. They're all bark!
  Some say the Shadows can speak a language all their own, and others say there are a few here that can easily speak it. I will seek out these people and learn to speak to the shadows as well. Perhaps in learning the language comes the skill of calling them to me in the way to which I desire. Or maybe the shadows themselves unveil their secrets as you learn to become one with them. It's , atleast, something to think about.
  The Shadows are becoming more tangible to me, as I can use them to become less than tangible to others. How Ironic. I still need to find them, but I am finding where they gather less of a hassle to find, and am finding meeting, greeting and then using them to my liking as much easier than it was that day in Karthy. I'm learning and I'm growing...and I must continue to learn and grow even if the pain of death is amazing.
  All in the name of the Wary Shadow.

