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Author Topic: Determination  (Read 641 times)


« on: June 11, 2004, 03:15:00 am »
*written in a clear strong cursive on a piece of crumpled paper accidently discarded by a seat in Hlint* I sit here reminiscing about how fortunate I am to be here. So many times I should have perished at the hands of enemies and yet somehow I find myself surviving, whether it be from the aid of friends and companions or  by the grace of the powers that be. What I do know is that when I came here I was immature, naive and full of fear and worry, what is my place here, I am just a lowly fighter, I do not have great magics, divine powers, deft skills, worldy knowledge, how can I be of any importance in the battle that is coming with the Blood. And yet... I sit here now new resolve in my mind, determination filling me. I have seen many things, no longer am I the immature young whelp that could hardly swing a sword to save himself. I have held my own against ogres, giants, elementals, and yes even those that I admire, mighty dragons. I have discovered a sense of my own worth, a sense of power from within to drive myself onwards, to hone my strength and skills, to strive to develop myself to the point that, I know now that I too can play a part in the battles to come. When the armies of the blood arrive they will find me before them standing firm in the face of their rage and anger. If I fall then I will fall but I will go down fighting for this land, my friends, companions and the decent people and creatures who dwell here. My determination is unquestioned and oddly my mind is set at ease knowing this. I will fight bravely and well or I will die trying.