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Author Topic: Demoic discoveries.  (Read 404 times)


Demoic discoveries.
« on: August 16, 2004, 11:10:00 am »
[SIZE=16]Entry #1.  [/SIZE][/b]
[SIZE=16]  Key, a colorful name for a colorful person, too colorful if you ask me. As far as I can tell she’s on of a kind, rude, tough talking, tough acting, oh and it seems I’m no longer human, I’m a Rustin’ Prime. She claims to be a Planar for an outer plane, *laughs slightly then continues writing*, that’s as likely as the priests of Toran being right about my father’s condition. Ah yes she also claims there are more Devils than just one, *smiles to himself as he records this* Yes, yes, that’s it, she’s a devil and I’m a demon, that’d explain the little voices in her head. Oh yes she’s a tricky one but we seem to have something in common, every thing goes dark when we want it to, which I’m guessing means I have acquired a bit of arcane power, quite the skill to pick up in these times. [/SIZE][/b]
[SIZE=16]  Then there is a man named Xander, polite fellow, almost as good looking as me yet I have a hard time making eye contact with him. It causes me pain in my right arm and a burning in my eyes. Probably another Wizard, a protective spell perhaps, it really doesn’t matter anymore, just a happening I thought to record. [/SIZE][/b]
[SIZE=16]  And last in this entry I will record a bit of my newest friend, Asteroth a talented wizard. We have made quite the dynamic duo, a trio if you add his little dragon friend. We’ve completed quests and continue to find more. One thing however has disturbed me, Asteroth inquired to whether I was a Tiefling or not. Quite the accusation to make I of course denied, but it has left me wondering, why would he say such things? Does something about me truly emanate and evil that others can feel? But this is my chance for adventure and childish nightmares must be put aside. [/SIZE][/b]
[SIZE=16]*closing his red leather bound book Pheir laughs once more shaking his head and continues on his way to the inn for some dinner*[/SIZE][/b]


RE: Demoic discoveries.
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2004, 05:23:00 am »
Entry #2.
    Anslem….that is a name I won’t be forgetting. It seems he and Asteroth are correct. I have some form of demon blood. My mother died while giving birth to me and my father was a Paladin to Toran before the unknown and fatal illness overtook him, so how did I acquire this fiendish blood? Certainly not from my father, from what I know of this so called “God” he would not let evil serve him. And my mother, of course not, no fiend would die while giving birth. The Church of Toran claimed that my father had her buried in the sea the day of my birth and her death. No, had she been evil my father with all of his “God’s” power would have detected it upon their first meeting.
    And Key, she did not kill me. With all those voices going off in her head she said there was one that told her to refrain. Could she have detected my demonic heritage? So many question I would like to have answered, so few who can or will answer them. I must now seek the one named Ozymandias, a pale looking sick elf a saw upon my first arriving here. I am told he is one of great knowledge and wisdom, and right now I need someone with a lot of both.
  *closes his book and walks towards the market thinking, “I just hope I don’t get any more riddles.”*


RE: Demoic discoveries.
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2004, 08:04:00 am »
Entry #3.
    So I've got demon blood. *smiles* Nothing wrong with that. Better than having Giant blood, can't cover that up nearly as well. Didn't affect me one bit before I knew, so it's not gonna affect me now. No reason to let it.
    Law enforcement around here sucks a good deal, lest they know your lying then your in for it. Then again all they care to do it knock you over the head and throw you down with the fish. I knew I'd find a use for spider poison. Anyway, the guards round here are too lazy to get off their rears to do anything, instead they prefer to enlist "adventurers" to do it for them, with no pay either! How rude, only thing that got me through last night was the prospect of loot, and spider poison. Oh yea and that the guards are perfect targets to taunt. Take it pretty well too. *feels a giant bump on his head from a guards mace* Anywho, last night, saved the ladies, and the fellas, got rewarded with nothing I didn't "acquire" myself, and went back to Hlint with a bump and quite happy from the entertainment. Well nothin more to say.
  *closes the book with a snap, and winces as the loud noise hurts his ears*