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Author Topic: Writ of the Walking Dead.  (Read 221 times)


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    Writ of the Walking Dead.
    « on: August 18, 2004, 09:45:00 am »
    Topsiders are so rude.  They do not understand death; they fear it and try to keep good zombies down.  Last night for instance, I ran out of Crossbow Bolts.  So I reached deep in the Earth to Find the body of a Fallen Adventurer Olin who had not quite yet decomposed to a skeleton yet.  Rather he had quite a bit of Flesh still on his bones.  A zombie most people would call him.  But to us keepers of the Dead.  His name is Olin a Fallen Cleric of the Some forsaken god that turned his back on this fallen sap.

    I had “found” Olin and summoned Mandible my pet Hell Hound.  I was just trying to make it past those stinky red glowing goblins.  I had just walked up the stairs to find myself in the middle of a bunch of those green nasty things.  When all of a sudden Olin starts running in fear.  Mandible is forced to leave this plane.  Now I see two self appointed “Undead Hunters” chasing Olin.  I yell at them Enough but they still go after him.  Digging deep within me I cast the spell Magic Missile at one of them I think he called himself Fraeligar Osmond “self appointed Undead Hunter” and his sidekick the I must protect him Tristen Du'Loch.

    I have added both of your names to my book Writ of the Walking Dead.  So that I have recorded your name and if you are ever brash again.  You will be joining the dead.

    I, Myrfryn'Tal, will put you the six feet under.