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Author Topic: Bevilnarim's Journal  (Read 247 times)


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    Bevilnarim's Journal
    « on: August 15, 2004, 08:38:00 pm »
    *written in Svirfneblin script*

    Since I've found myself on the surface without knowing how to get back home, many wonderous - and not so wonderous - things have happened.  I've decided to keep a journal for my benefit, and the benefit of any who should happen across it...  

    Bevilnarim the Lost

    Entry one:  Its been a weeks since that dragon brought me to the surface and each day brings some new surprise, both good and bad.  Dusk and dawn are extremely beautiful, although many surface dwellers do not even notice the wonders that surround them every day.  They do not worry whether this is their last day, be it a drow blade in the back, becoming a mind flayer snack, or any of the other various dangers we Svirfneblin face every day in the deeps.  Try to avoid sailing on the oceans...  Imagine no walls, no roof, just water as far as the eye can see, and nothing between you and swimming but a big wooden cup.

    Do not get me wrong, they have their share of dangers, but wondering each day if your home will still be there after the day is finished hardly crosses their minds.  I've tracked down some creature called Xochil that will give you shapeshifting abilities because it was inconveniencing people in Hlint because of spiders, as if killing all the spiders wouldn't have been the better idea.

    An undead elven army, can you believe they think elven undead are unusual, decided that all humans must die.  We managed to stop most of the armies, and track down where they came from, only to find out that a drow is behind the trouble, surprising huh?

    Seems some wizard is creating imposter creatures to cause problems over in Dregar.  Apparently he can create an exact replica of any creature or person, and have their memories as well.  We tracked down the wizard and 'opened one door', but that's apparently not the end of it.  

    I've learned little of why the dragon decided chose me, although today I helped some important lady learn things about the land of Dregar that appears to be of some great import, although I most certainly hope that dragon didn't bring me here to be a bodyguard to some lady, no matter how important...  Anyway, this lady had us escort her around Dregar, to Xora's tower and the Willow's Weep.  Seemed to upset her a lot at both places, and some sort of mist followed her around when she got upset.

    Thats all of my entries for now, hopefully I can add more detail to these events in future entries.


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      RE: Bevilnarim's Journal
      « Reply #1 on: August 18, 2004, 03:41:00 am »
      Entry 2:  Such a variaty on the surface.  Bitter cold, forge-like heat, water and ice from the sky(And if you ever reach the surface, just forget the sky is even there, I still get sick everytime I think of all that empty space above me)...  Almost anything you can imagine.  Beauty and wonders are abound up here.  Scouting in the underdark you see the same walls, same temperature, same humidity, and be glad for it, cause oddities usually mean danger.  You stumble across the occasional beautiful cavern, and they beat out every sight I've seen on the surface thus far, but are extremely rare compared to the beauty and color of the surface.  

      Seems that there is drowlike intrigue here as well.  Today we sought out 'nomads' for the 'Intelligence Agency' in Pranzis.  Seems like all this so-called intelligence wanted was the information to wipe out this rather peaceful seeming group of nomads called the Nelsarans.  I got a copy of their teachings, and to see such an admirable idea destroyed seems like a waste.  It's also another difference here, this philosophy would be destroyed immediately in the underdark...  Svirfneblin accept outsiders, albeit not easily...  Much too dangerous.  For all these varied creatures to congregate somewhere would be absolute folly, and most likely a bloodbath.  Interesting.  Anyway these nomads seemed peaceful enough.  They ran when we talked to them, calling us 'rapa'.  Turns out Rapa was a betrayer of they're order many years ago.  We found some information in a tavern with a library(What an odd concept) and Miss Tribs copied a book of that explained the teachings of Nelsara.  Seemed to comfirm the fact that these Nelsarans are peaceful.  Surface dwellers seem a bit dense on matters of stealth and espionage, I don't think they'd last 10 minutes trying to keep things from a drow.  On several occasions Sir Ozy mispoke important information, intentionally as I do not believe Sir Ozy has forgotten anything ever, and from what I have learned, he's older than the oldest drow.  But they kept correcting him, letting the 'Intelligence Agency', have some rather important pieces of imformation at times...  But the agency was blatant about wanting to wipe out the peaceful Nelsarans, things like where they were going, how we infiltrated them, where their main camp is, and so on.  I didn't particularly like that.  Well time is wasting and I must study this information about Nelsara and Xochil.  Seems that this Xochil is the leader of the Nelsarans now...  I haven't determined if he or she is an enemy, friend or neutral yet though.  Until next time.

