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Author Topic: Deon Darklash: Pain and Pleasure in Equal Measure  (Read 319 times)


Deon Darklash: Pain and Pleasure in Equal Measure
« on: February 07, 2007, 06:09:23 pm »
[SIZE=32]Pain and Pleasure in Equal Measure:
The Journey of Deon Darklash


Life alone for a young man in Karthy can be tough, often at the will of the sadistic town guards. Deon escaped his family home in the small town of Pyke when he was sixteen; his father wanted him to enlist in a local militia. Deciding he could not live his life under the harsh restrictions of a military life he left his home town in the night. Moving quickly through the harsh lands of Rilara was certainly a fearsome experience but through some sheer luck he stumbled upon the city of Karthy relatively quickly. Though whether he was lucky to stumble into such a place is debatable.

Deon was dressed in a tattered cloth shirt as he stumbled through the gates of Karthy, and straight into a town guard. The man looked at him sternly from under a dark steel helm, and without a word, lifted Deon and carted off to the town stocks where he spent his first night in his new home. Beneath the faint glow of the moon which escaped from the prison of dark clouds enveloping the skies, Deon saw rats scuttling around in search of food scraps while two men argued over who would take the last sip of wine. As his eyes gradually became heavy and he fell asleep, even in his uncomfortable position, the young man’s mind was filled with great fear, yet great excitement all at once.

In the morning he was released, albeit, reluctantly by the same guard. His first day of exploration was an eventful one. All around him the sounds of the ocean, of merchants haggling over goods, of drunken folk stumbling from the taverns making their beds in the street, and yet he felt excited, more so than he ever had in Pyke with his boring family.As he stood in wonder he failed to notice a lad reaching for the small coin purse he had taken from his father before he left. Then, feeling the foreign hand, Deon turned to see a small boy, perhaps nine or ten year’s old dart off into a crowd with his coin purse.

Deon gave chase, rushing head first through the crowds of people. A blur of arms and legs lay in front of him as he pushed further, the boy still far off, but still in sight in the distance.

The boy ran down a side street and darted into a door which immediately shut behind him. Deon arrived to hear the sound of a deadbolt being locked on the other side of the large wooden door. Furiously he banged upon the door, shouting for the boy to come out and face him.

From behind him, a woman approached a curious grin on her face as she spoke,
“Allo 'andsome, aww did those buggers steal yer money too? Ye must be a soft touch lad.”
She smirked as Deon turned form the door and answered angrily,
“Keep your nose out wench, this doesn’t concern you!”
Her grin became even wider,
“Oh, venom”,
she took a moment to study him, pursing her lips slightly,
“That will serve ye well 'ere lad. Now then, are ye going to stand there all night banging on a door that will never open or do ye want to spend a night in a warm house with plenty of wine?”

Confused, Deon followed her reluctantly; something in her eyes intrigued him, though now he might say it was the way she was dressed, or rather not, that beckoned him forth. The woman walked, her feet bare and leaving no sound on the stone floor, within seconds she disappeared into a dimly lit open doorway, from which she beckoned him in.

Here he was entering a house with a strange woman, after being robbed of all he owned, and yet he felt no fear as he stepped into the dimly lit hallway. Immediately the strong, almost overpowering smell of incense and perfume filled his nostrils. Sounds of wine glasses clinked together and echoed down the hallway, occasionally a slight giggle would escape from one of the many doors they passed.

At the end of the hallway, a large hall opened out before him. Men and women stumbled about drinking wine and laughing with each other. Plush carpets lined the floors and paintings of scantily clad figures adorned the walls. Before him, a large table stood filled with all the foods he could imagine, as well as a fair few he couldn’t, with many of the men and women sitting to eat.

“This is the night of Flesh and Magic, young man”,
the woman said,
“Ere tonight we honour our lady Xeen, together with Lucinda. Go on 'andsome, enjoy the night, sample the wine and other pleasures we 'ave 'ere tonight, for to not do so would insult our lady.”
She smirked and weaved her way into a large group of people dancing, leaving him alone.

That night was one of the most influential evenings of his life. In that one night he had become an adult, he had learned of everything his father had tried so hard to shield him from, and Deon enjoyed every moment of it.

Deon can remember little of what happened; wine can have this affect, the woman, who he came to know as Shai told him. She also taught him of Xeen, and that the feast hall were he came to live, was also her temple, where people came to honour her through a fulfilment of all of their desires.

Over time, the pair became very close, and would often share their nights, with plenty of wine for good measure, however they would never tie themselves to each other, in fact he was fairly open with his affections both for the other women and the men, much to Shai’s amusement.

For almost four years Deon learned the ways of Xeen, and eventually undertook the required rituals to become one of her clerics. In service of his lady, Deon continued to help in the day to day tasks of the feast hall for many more months, as well as enjoying the spontaneous 'holy days’ that were often held.

While Deon enjoyed his time in the temple immensely, over time, his thirst for new experiences and places overcame him. While Shai knew she would miss him, she also knew that all pleasure is fleeting and must be followed to new places.

As the preparations for another year’s feast if Flesh and Magic were made a small caravan of wagons departed from Karthy towards Lannisport, Deon was among them beginning his search for new experiences. His travels led him to the continent of Mistone, and to the small town of Hlint for a time yet he never truly settled. Now Deon finds his way to the port town of Vehl, a place filled with vagrants, wanderers of the night and plenty of drink.[/FONT][/I]


Xeen's Favour
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2007, 05:51:52 am »
*Deon sits in Hlint penning a short entry into a small black leather bound book*

While I have been in the town of Hlint for some weeks now, until this point I have not felt at all welcome in this place and had decided against writing my thoughts down on the matter. Yet Xeen has favoured me greatly this day it seems, and it has been most pleasureable. During my usual pacing around the town today I stumbled into a young woman and man, both preparing toga's for an upcoming party. The woman had caught my eye before, and I remembered her name as Kinai. She spoke with me of the lady Xeen, it seems she is eager to understand the ways of my mistress, even if her handsome companion was less forthcoming in coming to understand pleasure.

We ventured forth into the Seilwood, long after that young lady had asked me to retrieve her necklace I have finally been able to. I would not have gone out of my way if it were not for her charming smile, I found it difficult to say no. The forest was unremarkable, trees, roots, the usual, I have never had much time for forests, though perhaps as I experience more that will change.

We entered a cave and was joined by a handsome elven man, apparently known as Cel or 'Ears' as Kinai seemed fond of calling him. He was skillful with his bow and made short work of the lizardlings in the cave. During our expedition I felt my link with my lady growing. She hes bestowed me with greater magics and my strength has improved. She must be pleased with my work thus far.

Later when we returned to Hlint, that annoying male that seems determined to insult me at every turn returned for yet another bout. This time he asked to try on my clothes, and I was more than willing to oblige. Removing my clothes and handing them to him, I did wonder if he was somehow attracted to me, and trying to supress his feelings. It is quite possible, this town is very reserved.

It was then I noticed her. An impressive woman, her make-up flawless and her clothes equally stunning, accenting her already beautiful features exquisitely. Her name, she said was Xyrae, and she too was a fellow priestess of Xeen. As her whip coiled around my arm, her eyes looked radiant in the moonlight, she certainly knows how to give others pleasure.

The pair of us ventured off to bring pain to some goblins, yet although we asked for Xeen's blessings, as Xyrae said, this day pain was our lesson and the goblins had us both bleeding on the floor, an interesting experience to say the least.

When we returned to the Bindstone she became erratic, saying her clothes and her make-up were flawed, not that she looked any less attractive. Regardless she ran off to correct her appearance.I look forward to us sharing our thoughts on the mistress soon...[/FONT]


The First of Seven...
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2007, 11:10:32 am »
*Deon sits in the Wild Surge, the patrons giving him awkward looks as he removes his already flimsy outfit to examine the lash marks on his back. He grins and begins to write his latest journal entry*

Xyrae and I met again today, and soon after she began to describe the beliefs she holds and the teachings she follows in her worship of the mistress. Walking towards the Wild Surge, I could not fail to notice her beauty once more. We rented a room to begin our conversation. Hlint is not ready for such open talk of the teachings of Xeen...yet.

She spoke of the Path of Seven. Seven pleasures or experiences that one must succumb to, one after another, giving complete focus to that desire until you come to understand it well within yourself. Then Xyrae says that one must pass on to the next and the next, each time keeping in mind and experiencing the past pleasures until the day comes when cumulitavely you have experienced all there is.

And so we began in ernest, she gave my first lesson in Lust, the first of the seven. I have never shyed away from pleasures of the flesh but, as she says, perhaps I should give more thought to what these experiences mean to me, to understand what it is I desire and give in to that desire whenever it is obtainable.

I shall pray and meditate more on her words, while these lash marks heal.

*Deon utters a prayer under his breath grasping at his necklace, before picking up his whip from the table and heading out into the harsh light of morning*


The Town of Vehl - New Faces, New Pleasures
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2007, 08:03:42 am »
I have left behind that backward town of Hlint, and I have made a new home here in Vehl. The townsfolk do not concern themselves with what you are, and though I am met with fewer stares (which I always enjoy!) this place is far more welcoming than Hlint for a man such as myself.

I have rented out a room in the One Eyed Harpy for a few nights now, a place full of 'atmosphere', or rather drunken gents and lasses knocking on your door every hour, some of whom have been most welcoming in this new town. Yes, this place is well suited to me, though I can't help but wonder why the Rolfy temple is not a stones throw from here. Bloody law-makers, such a strange place for them to hang over like a righteous plague. As long as they stay out of my way, and I think they would stay quiet here if they knew what was good for them, which judging by previous experience they wouldn't...idiots.


New Faces, Old Pleasures
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2007, 08:46:42 pm »
Vehl continues to be a welcome home to me these days. That is if you are able to hold your own here, vagrants and pick pockets dont tend to target the pierced man with the whip much. And if they do? Well the last found himself with a rather nasty lash mark across his nose.

Then there is Hempstead, and I wouldn't venture there at all if it were not for the simple fact that Deliar's temple is the cheapest merchant around! Today I had need of a few things so I walked the road through the forest to the wretched city, to be greeted with the usual snickers and odd looks from the guards and townsfolk alike.

In Hempstead I met with Kinai once more. I haven't written of her much, I'd rather spend my hours drinking than writing this most often, but suffice to say she is a good friend to me here, one who stands among few.

Now Hempstead is notoriously boring, and when a group of adventuring folk get together one thing leads to another and well...Kinai poisoned the drinking fountain. Though accidental, no doubt the Rolfy's won't see it that way, black and white for them...hypocrytes.

Her trial will commence soon, I shall protest outside, being as loud as I can! Bloody law makers, they will not silence public speach!

On more positive issues, Xeen's favour in me seems to be growing. I am pleasing my mistress the more I experience and savour in her name, and my power granted by her is growing also.

Seems Kinai enjoys a 'smiting' by a Xeenite every now and then too. I have met others on my travels here, perhaps I will write of them another day. For now though, there is another night of drinking ahead!
