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Author Topic: Deverain's New Book  (Read 305 times)


Deverain's New Book
« on: September 02, 2013, 09:44:38 pm »
*The book is a thick, black one, bound with wide leather strands. The pages are fresh, clean cut. On the inside cover, "Deverain" is printed in neat script. On the next page, his writting begins.*  


Where is she. . .  I have not
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2013, 01:20:01 am »

Where is she. . .  I have not seen Cord in months.  It is as if she vanished.  I can only hope that she did not leave because of something I did.  I can't remember what it was.  She didn't tell me anything.  I just came home to the cabin one day, and she wasn't there.  Day after day, she failed to come home.  Now, I sit here wondering why she left.  Was it because I left? I was not gone long. . .  Just spending time at the temple, and she knows that I leave to do that occasionaly.  I cannot stand to be unsure. 



I swear I'm not crazy.  The
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2013, 02:10:48 am »

I swear I'm not crazy.  The candle did attack me, and the monkey did turn me into a weremonkey. 

I was dropping off coin at the bank vault, and a figure started to appear in the fire.  At first there was just a face.  I ordered Caleb to get under his craft-hall counter, and the vault keeper to get out of the room.  Arms formed, and a fire elemental jumped out of the fire.  I killed the beast, and found a tattoo of a snake, wrapping around a giant, breathing a cone of water.  I believe it had to do with Grannoch. 


Later, I was adventuring in the Brechs with Iron Oxide, a dwarf who aspires to become a dwarfen deffender.  A strange, snow monkey-rat approached us, and when I tried to let it sniff my hand, the bugger bit me.  It seemed like nothing, and I cleaned and dressed the wound as I would with any other wound.  But I got the sweats and the shakes, and I turned into a weremonkey when the moon came out!  Iron got the priest from Ulgrid, and he told us to gather the monkey's blood, a belledonna plant, and some silver.  There was a silver ingot in my pack, thankfuly.  I tracked the monkey up a hill and snapped its neck, and we found belledonna under a tree.  Iron mixed the ingredients together, and I drank it.  My blood must have turned to lava.  It was more painful then any blow I have recieved.  Luckily, it worked, and I can now say that I am not fuzzy.  I may keep an extra potion on hand for the next full moon, however. . .



I hate undead...  The acid
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2013, 12:50:27 pm »

I hate undead...  The acid skeleton in Krandor almost got me, again...  

But I believe that Layla is my next problem.  She's a Xeenite...  But I don't believe that she is a lost cause. I hope to show her Toran's light.  I hope that Toran will see me traveling with her as me spreading his light, not me siding with his enemies.  It worked with Nex, perhaps she will come around as well.

I have also been spending more time in the spider caves, but the poison slows me down. I have heard of a belt that protects the user from poison, and I need to look into it. 



          A pet dragon. . .
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2013, 01:04:54 am »

          A pet dragon. . .  Lilah suggested the idea, and I must say that I find it quite apealing.  It may give me a chance to save a dragon baby from the evils the parent may impart upon it, and, well. . .  I would get a dragon.  The woods around the cabin would be a good area for it to hunt, as long as I could teach it not to eat people.  It could feed on the bears and gryphons that already wander the forest, and the Bear Caves near the cabin would make a suitable bed.  Perhaps I would need to aquire some sort of license from the city. .


         Armand is truely convinced that I am a "gobelf", some sort of fusion between a goblin and an elf.  I am not sure where it comes from, seeing as my ears are not pointed and I am not green.  But it is entertaining telling him that gobelfs may have special powers.  I told him that if he looked through a mirror at his mouth for five strait days without setting the mirror down, he would become imortal.  He probably is somewhere, right now, with a mirror.


         Glitch showed me a pair of gloves today that would increase my strength beyond that of my old gloves. . .  I only need 14 bear pelts and 42 salts and a bunch of other fun things to gather.  I borrowed some from Cord's crates, and I have a list so that I can get it all back to her.  I just need 12 bear pelts and some tanning acids and oils.  And a crafter who is willing to make it, seeing as it is a very difficult item to make.  Glitch said that even very experienced crafters need a bit of luck to make it. 



    Giving up an old sword
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2014, 05:45:26 pm »

    Giving up an old sword feels like betraying an old friend. My old one... Made of adamantium and infused with flame... Is no longer enough to damage some of my enemies. As much as I wish I could keep this one... I must have mithril. No doubt I will keep my old blade, but it will become retired. Perhaps I must view it as relieving a comrade of duty. It has seen much work, slaying beasts and bandits that make a dangerous world for those who have good in their heart. It has kept me and those close to me safe through countless journies. Perhaps I am writing this to relieve myself of the stress of setting it aside. It is a fine longsword... but I am ready for more. A hand and a half sword... I could undoubtably handle one. A mithril bastard sword... I just need a crate or two of coin. Perhaps I can work out a trade agreement... Ore or gems to someone who cannot carry it. But either way... my old sword is to be retired, replaced by a new blade. 



              Toran forgive
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2014, 06:19:51 pm »

              Toran forgive me for traveling in the company of a dark elf. Cord forgive me for traveling in the company of a dark elf. All that is good on this world, forgive me. She is one of the demon elves that took Cord prisoner, that enslave so many. And yet I saw light in her soul. Somewhere, under the confines of her goddess and her society, there is a goodness that seems to desire to reach out. She was bound by duty to redeem herself to her society, but that seems to be the main reason for her devotion. Perhaps, after her task is complete, she would be willing to give goodness a try, to leave behind the ways of her foul goddess. I do not expect or believe she would go so far to turn to Toran, perhaps not even to Az'zata. But I only wish to see her turn away from the ways of the Deep, and towards light and goodness. Perhaps I am wasting my efforts. Perhaps I am misleading myself in the belief that any of those kind who seem so devoted to their tasks could turn away from evil. But if there is any chance that she can be saved, it is worth a try. But is it wrong for me to try to aid her in completing her task, if it is to severe her ties to the underground pits? Toran guide me in my quest to save the soul of this dark elf.


