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Author Topic: Deverian  (Read 223 times)


« on: September 13, 2011, 10:22:32 pm »
Deverian never had a true place he could call home, and he likely never  will. The closest he ever came was Fort Vehl, but he had no home there.  he had a certain spot behind the inn he would sleep in, but that spot  was little more than a few garbage cans and a ragged blanket he stole.
He has little to know memories of his parents, only that he was finding  his way of life on his own at the age of 7 or 8. Then, most of the  townsfolk would give the young boy a loaf of bread or cup of water. But  as he grew older, he wasn’t a cute little boy anymore. No one would give  him anything, so he began stealing to live. He made a living as a  thief. He would perhaps take something from a merchant, then pawn it for  money for food. Or he would steal the food directly. Either way, it was  the only way he could live.
Although he almost never got caught, the townsfolk knew him as, “That  little thief”. He hadn’t a care for when they threw insults and anger at  him, because hey, living is living. Slowly, the pawn shop began to wise  up. How could a kid like him have all this stuff laying around to be  pawned?
  Now Deverian began traveling, from place to place, anywhere he could  swipe the quick item. He took some things from caravans along the road,  if he came across one at night.
Then, one day, after he had slipped a long sword from the weapons  dealer, he was sitting in a little lean-too when it occurred to him that  maybe he could use his skills from his life of crime and become an  adventurer. The sword wasn’t much, but it was a start. Small,  nonetheless, but a start.
He started training with the sword, which he decided to keep. He would  hit trees and sticks with the blade, or toss a twig into the air and try  to hit it. He had always been strong, but the blade still felt heavy,  and he would practice until his arms would take it no more.
Then, a day after Deverian decided to take off, he found a mercenary  camp. They had plenty of weapons and armor, so why not grab some  equipment? He slipped in in the dead of night and stole some full-plate  armor, and a shield. But he had underestimated how noisy the new gear  would be when he put it on improperly, and one of the patrols caught  him. After beating the young man senseless, the mercenary bound Deverian  up and took him into the camp.
Although the mercenaries were angry that Deverian had almost gotten away  with some of their loot, they recognized his desires and  skills,  allowing him to join their camp, and they would train him. He learned to  fight, equip armor, and overall, survive as a warrior.
But one night, Deverian decided that being a mercenary wasn’t who he  wanted to truly be. That night, he gathered up his armor and blade, and  snuck away.
Where he was headed to, was probably somewhere around Center. He can only wait and see.
Physical Description: Deverian is tall and well-muscled. He has a thick  layer of stubble and poorly-trimed  brown hair. He normally has on his  black armor he took from the mercenaries. He blade hangs in a orient,  hand-carved sheath. He normally has dark circles under his eyes.

//the bio


I simply find it
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2013, 09:19:04 pm »

[SIZE=8] I simply find it mind-blowing. That I have been so much in my life, and that this day of adventuring has been more complicated and interesting than ever before. I've had so many difficult things to do, its just amazing. I've become almost doubled my swordsmen skills ever since I started battling live targets.[/SIZE]



Re: Deverian
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2011, 06:07:34 pm »
I have started to make poisons for my blade. I find myself much more effective if i can add that little extra punch to my blows. I can't make much now, but if i stick with it I should be able to craft some nice solutions. For now I must remain content with just small spider venom. I have heard of a cave in silkwood forest full of spiders, but I dare not venture their unless with a large party. In my recipe booklet on poisons, it has lich venom. I wonder how one goes about gathering lich venom. I haven't a clue.

A man named Riam has requested I bring him the head of a beast called Zamin. He resides in gloom woods, which is stuffed with zombies. I'll have to search the place for this beast.



Re: Deverian
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2012, 01:09:55 am »
I saw an interesting add today near Center. It got me thinking about a way to earn gold once my skills with the blade grow a bit more.  The man was a blade for hire, and it struck me as an interesting thing to do. i could see the world, all the while making gold and advancing my blade skills. Perhaps, once I am worthy of some more difficult tasks, I could become a blade for hire myself.


Re: Deverian
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2012, 12:04:42 am »
//OOC note to self about soul strand loss~ today at 10 ish pm, i lose a soul strand with deverian due to severe lag. I was down but stabilized, and when i was at 0 hit points going to where you stop bleeding, i got hit with a major lag spike and could not use a moderate healing kit that would probably have put me at enough hit points to kill the gnoll overlord. Possible grateful plea material if i ever need one//


Re: Deverian
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2012, 02:20:07 pm »
I met an interesting elf today near Prantz. She was a mage of some skill, and I found her quite helpful with slaying the forest giant overlord. She had several interesting spells, but my skill with a sword was much greater then her magic, and I had to lead the way. I believe that she was somewhat intimidated by me, which was somewhat nice. If only more people knew my true skill...


Re: Deverian
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2012, 07:06:55 pm »
I adventured through the Krandor Crypts today. They were an interesting place, with some interesting undead. I found lots of mummy mages, and some skeletons that were far greater in skill than the ones in Vehl. I may adventure in those crypts more often. However, the vampire with the acid halberd was enough to make me go out. Perhaps, when my skills  grow a bit more, I can slay the vampire who undoubtedly holds the key to get to the next level of the crypt.


Re: Deverian
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2012, 01:30:36 am »
I met a nice girl named Cord today. She was an excellent singer, and I enjoyed her company in the Great Desert. The place is normal lifeless and dead, but she brought a sense of energy and happiness to the place. With any luck I will see her again soon.


Re: Deverian
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2012, 07:51:43 pm »
I saw Cord again today. We had a long talk, and I think I'm beginning to like her. I gave her a rose I had picked, and her face turned the same color as the rose. I found that I opened up to her much more then I do to most people I meet, and even though she called me 'Softy', (which I would never allow from anyone else) I found it kind of nice. It feels different talking to her rather then talking to most people, and for some reason I decided to tell her that, like I told her a lot of things that I normally wouldn't tell someone. Hopefully I will run into each other again soon.


Re: Deverian
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2012, 11:50:33 pm »
*Deverain sighs as he opens his journal*

         I went on my first adventure without Cord today since I met her... It was so much nicer when there was a pleasant voice with me. Now... it just seems so lifeless when I journey out. I caught myself thinking about her several times when I was listening to the cold sounds of a cave, there was no light elven voice to keep me company. Some of my friends say I've lost my mind, but I'm sure it will not affect me for to long.

*he is about to close his journal before he adds a quick note at the bottom, despite how he was expecting that his missing Cord would pass soon*

I still hope I see her again soon.



Re: Deverian
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2012, 01:17:34 am »
I met an elven lady today, she was seeking a way to end the famine. She claimed to know something about the subject, and said that dark elves are attacking farmhouses and such, causing a lack of food. I found the answer quite simple, I don't know why she didn't think of it. Drawing on my time as a mercenary, I told her to study the attack patterns to find an area near one of the areas that goes into the deep. With that knowledge, you could build a normal looking house, with some farmland around it, like attracting animals on a hunt, but now their attracting dark elves. But living inside, you would place a group of seasoned adventures, which would allow you to capture some of the dark elves, and gather information to battle them further.



Re: Deverian
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2012, 12:03:49 am »
Today I told Cord that I had been missing her lately. She said it was okay, and I'm trying to stop viewing it as a weakness and start viewing it as a strength. It gives me someone to watch my back, but more importantly, I think I am beginning to really like her. It is something I never had before, like a lot of my darker friends. She lightened my life, and she is very special to me, but no one else has ever been that important to me. Maybe someone was important because they were means to an end, but Cord is important to me on a more personal, maybe even emotional level. I have never felt this way before about someone, but it is a good feeling, I think. She did someone else that no one else has done, but I would rather not wright about it, I get a bit red when I think about it.


Re: Deverian
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2012, 12:25:57 am »
I'm trying to teach Cord to write, she told me that she did not know how. I've never tried to teach anyone anything, and its very hard. I taught her to write my name, and she wanted to know how to write mine, so I showed her. I don't think that she will be able to write mine, its a fairly long word.


Re: Deverian
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2012, 01:11:59 am »
I talked to Cord again today. I'm beginning to think of her as more than a friend. She said that I was her true love today, and I told her that she was probably the girl for me. I trust her more then I trust anyone else now, and i really hope that we stay friends, or maybe become more then more then friends.


Re: Deverian
« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2012, 04:10:33 pm »
Cord started calling me her hero today, it is something that makes me smile. I'm finding that i am not practicing my swordsmanship so much as a way to gain gold, but as a way to keep her safe. She cannot help but think of someone she calls the Dark Mistress, and apparently whenever she closes her eyes she sees ugly beasts trying to kill her. I told her that, whenever something is trying to hurt her in her mind or in the real world, that I will be there, and that I would always be there to help her.



Re: Deverian
« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2012, 05:07:09 pm »
I finally found someone to place the new enchantment on my blade. It was more expensive than any other item I've had to buy, but it adds a touch to my blade that comes in handy when I'm protecting Cord.

*he smiles to himself at the thought of Cord*

Its almost time for me to get a better blade, as much as I hate to do so. This one has given me a long, good service, and I hate to retire it. But I must to what I must to continue to become a better swordsman, and protect Cord.


Re: Deverian
« Reply #16 on: July 10, 2012, 11:40:23 pm »
I have decided that it is my duty to protect Cord. She says that some of the "Dark Masters" are still alive. As long as she is in danger, I have to make sure that she stays safe. Anyone who wants to hurt her, they will have to go through me to get her. And I doubt that they will be able to get through me.


Re: Deverian
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2012, 11:47:54 pm »
It has been far to long since I last saw Cord. Things have been keeping me tied up, and i have not had time to visit her. I could write to her, but she cannot read. I need to find time to see her, life without her songs is dull and colorless. With any luck I will be able to find time to see her within the week. I find myself thinking of her more and more as the time goes on, and I would give anything to hear her voice. I hope she is okay, I worry sometimes that the "Dark Masters" could try to come out of whatever slimy pit they hide in.


Re: Deverian
« Reply #18 on: August 07, 2012, 12:04:06 am »
Cord got a little cabin out in the woods. Its a long ways to a town, not far from the Broken Halls. She gave me a key to it, since the roof leaks and the wood is full of termites and I need to do some repairs. It has potential, though. Potential and personality.


Re: Deverian
« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2012, 12:38:04 am »
I took a little look around Cord's new neighborhood. Well, about the forest around her house. It would appear that she doesn't have the greatest of neighbors. I found some bloodthirsty orcs around a hole. Inside the hole, there was a black dragon. I don't know if that is quite optimal for a neighbor. I need to start patching up her walls, make some sort of barrier between her and them, and her and the elements. I drew out some ideas, so that I don't forget anything. The supports have to be changed, for sure. I was able to shake the whole house. I thought about putting walls in with a layer of thick wood siding, to keep out the water, and then some sort of mix of clay and mud and pine needles formed into bricks, and then some thin wood walls on the inside. It will take a lot of time, though, and I don't want to start yet, because I get a feeling that Cord likes the place to be sort of... leaky... and I wouldn't want to ruin something that she likes.

