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Author Topic: The Book of the Rising Star  (Read 464 times)

gilshem ironstone

The Book of the Rising Star
« on: September 09, 2011, 11:34:42 am »
[indent]And so it happened, I emerged from my cocooning within the walls of the human fortress.  I was carried to the brink of existence's precipice, looked over the edge, and saw only light.  They had no answer for the highborn blood in my veins.  I flows thicker and hotter than before, its strength becoming an irresistible wave to wash away all that stands before me.

My new strength is not only from the trial of the body.  Illumination becomes me.  I see the fear that lesser races have of us.  They give me strength.  They give me power.  They see a future when I am their master and it moves them.  I thought, in the beginning, that they deserved my wrath.  For touching my hallowed skin, for sullying my garb, for thinking they could break me.  I pity them now, lost, fearful, lonely children they are.

I am a guide.  I shall show them the truth.  They will understand.  There is no room for them amongst us, the highborn.  They must be shown this, and then depart, as free men, secure in the knowledge that they serve a higher order.

My deep kin would have them all die beneath the yoke, but I feel they do not yet appreciate the responsibility we, the highborn, possess.  If a child acts out, you do not dash it on the rocks, you instruct, you correct, you show the path of righteousness.  My surface kin would stand apart, or mix among them, and this is also in error.  We must enforce our stature, we must remind the lessers of their place, and let them come to the correct conclusion.

It is time, I have learned the path in the arms of my enemy, and it must now be walked.
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gilshem ironstone

Re: The Book of the Rising Star
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2011, 09:28:20 am »
[indent]These poor creatures.  They are so filled with mistrust that they do not see their salvation when it arrives.  The hermit, the Beacon, humans all let their fear prey upon their senses.  When they see me deliver this region from the plague that ails it, they still will only see darkness.  Indeed faith resides in my kin.  The highborn, once delivered, will bring stability and safety.  The shadow cast by the people of the Sun can be illuminated, and the fair tongue spoken freely amongst all.  This is my promise as I look upon a land cursed by the fraility of children.[/indent]

gilshem ironstone

Re: The Book of the Rising Star
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2011, 10:16:13 am »
[indent]I have walked out of the light of my estranged kin for some time.  I can only guess what games they play, but I hope to feel their passion soon.  Instead I fill my mind with Steel's knowledge, learning to call from distant Pits and unknown lands.  My skill with enchanting Al'Noth has begun as well.  I fear that I may be too weak to create a sword befitting my great lineage.  Symbols surround me of the greatness of my forefathers, I must strive to bring them in to my own being, for then I can show the true glory of our kind: sword, spell, book and art.  I travel for Dregar again, for I must suffer the humiliation of failure again, for to face any other path, I would surely die.[/indent]

gilshem ironstone

Re: The Book of the Rising Star
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2011, 01:11:21 pm »
[indent]The question asked of me was apt: Am I prepared to seize the opportunity's for greatness I shall encounter?  I must not show indecision in my pursuits, that is certain, but would I let my sympathies for those that share my blood interfere with the grander scheme?  And would I sacrifice those of highborn blood if it meant a greater future for us all?

Regardless of the answer to these questions, I cannot allow his inflaming of this response in me change the fact that he only tries to sow fear and doubt in my heart.  Poor creature that he is, he can only respond according to the life he was raised in. One day he will see that that is not necessary and that other kinds of strength exist.  Until then, I seize upon the last piece of wisdom he left with me: my strength is in my convictions.

gilshem ironstone

Re: The Book of the Rising Star
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2012, 11:06:19 am »
[indent]I looked in to my heart, and I saw a flame.  The people of the Sun commit daily crimes against my blood and I can brook it no more.  I must unleash this flame on them.  Teach them that they set down a path they had no comprehension of how to walk.  They will fight against elves in the baffling way of our people.  We will wait, and watch, and then when the time is ripe we will rise as the tsunami that took Hempstead.  Inexorable, unstoppable, complete.  For everyone of us expelled, I will take ten back to Ni'Haer; that is the price.  I will take their soldiers and their politicians back to him, for they are the ones to blame.  Let those who never chose the path be spared.

Once the details of the arrangement are complete, I will search out a base to operate from.

gilshem ironstone

Re: The Book of the Rising Star
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2012, 09:55:51 am »
[indent]I have continued my practice in conjuration of materials, following the lessons set out by the Blue Mercenary.  These skills will bring about great glory in my pursuit of justice on the People of the Sun.  I have been able to achieve greatly restricted summons, mere parlor tricks, but my facility with the calling increases.  I hope the payoff is worthwhile, as it comes at the expense of my other studies.[/indent]

gilshem ironstone

Re: The Book of the Rising Star
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2012, 10:47:41 pm »
[indent]I prance about as one of them, talking about trivial matters of the day.  I get mostly queer looks at the Bulls Eye, as they think me some sort of pervert or deviant.  I even had one particularly distasteful human attempt to assault me as I struck up a conversation about the Toranite caravan that passed through Center two days prior.  I will have to avoid Center for a month or so, until the population mostly moves on before I can attempt again.  The sound groupings of the Nesarene dialect taught to me by the bard are not difficult to replicate, but I struggle with making them sound authentic and effortless.  I will perhaps spend some time concentrating on only the language, then incorporate the mannerisms to match my disguise.[/indent]

gilshem ironstone

Re: The Book of the Rising Star
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2012, 04:51:15 pm »
[indent]Intoxicating.  That is the only word to describe what I bore witness to.  Although I only scratched the surface, the Scorpion has dug deep and far.  What power he has tapped in to.  What resources.  It is a wonder that this Bird Lord could contend with him, or that Erilyn gives him such trouble.  But his trouble dictates the course of my own destiny. I believe I can transpose my plan for the Sun on to Erilyn if there is a comparable faction in play.  Otherwise I wiil resort to phantoms and imaginations to make them gnaw themselves from within.

Considerations to keep in mind:

I must exploit the weakness they present.
The unknown is my greatest strength.
I cannot rely on my deep kin, for they are as babies, looking only for the next meal.
Be prepared for war, for that lies at the end of this road for better or for worse.

