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    Letters Home - Whims of a whimsical girl
    « on: September 14, 2011, 06:22:30 am »
    The letter is written under a clean, yellowy sheet, with bluish-black ink, through a nervous and slightly out of focused hand. Written with nothing but a few mistakes and spellings errors, the letter is signed and sealed to a "Madam Lorelei of Fair Circus Tents"

    [SIZE=18]Dear Mama,
    How are you? I'm fine, thank you. Yes, its me again, Lil....fine, I know you don't like me shortening my name... It is I, Miss Liliana Le Blanc (hope you're happy).
    I'm writing you this letter, after a long hiatus because, well... I misplaced most of my coin, and couldn't effort the parchments, or the ink, or the delivery pigeon. Yes, I know, I shouldn't have left, and yes, life alone on the roads are hard, and poor. But that is why I am writing you this letter, I find a home, at last!
    Well, not an actual home, I still live with my sleeping bag, and I haven't any actual property of my own. But I think I found a good enough place to settle, for the time being. It is called "Center" and yes, I know it is a bit of a silly name, but it is actually in the center of the continent, so its a fitting name.
    I sort of like this place, to like, sum it in a word, its "cozy", or more "homey", I think. Anyway, the people are nice, and I already made several friends.
    On my first day, I've meet a sweet little gnome, not the kind we had back at the fair, but he was also kind of nice. His name was Shu, or Shou, or something like that, you know gnomes and their dialect. Well, he was kind enough to "talk" to me, even if we didn't understand each other, he didn't speak in common tongue. He did teach me some gnomish words, like Rammu, which is hello in gnomish, or was it bread? ....I cant remember exactly. Well, he was nice!
    I also met a fellow by the name of Pimpernickle, he was also a short folk, but a fun one none the less. He's a singer, I guess, but I can't understand how his voice can reach that eye for human ears, I think his lyrics can reach knee's high ears alone.
    I also met a nice couple, by the time of Sikhai, and Kiyla. They're elves, I think. Another odd language that one, Mama, but I intent to learn it someday, right after gnome talk. They also showed me parts of Center, and were nice enough to give me some coin. I think the husband took a liking of me, but his wife quickly came, and I was nervous not to make it look as if I was trying to woo him. You know I've never kissed an elf, and I can only imagine if their lips are as soft and fair as they say, or if its true that their tongue glow like stars at night. I think its just false advertising, but I'll fill you in.
    Last but not least, I met a woman by the name of Haylis, I think was her name. She was a guarding bow-woman for arts and performers, which I think is nice, she is like a safe keeper for artists, which I think, could be of use for our clan, if we decide to regroup again. I must confess, I was sure she would be all wimpish and weak like me, she also had lemonade hair, just like me! but she sure wasn't(!). So I guess all them stories of yellow hair making you frail and weak, was just a ruse to not let me go on my own.
    I am quite glad I met her, she showed me around Center for a bit, and boy, I sure am glad I picked the long route to the town. Theres lots of monsters around, and no, you don't have to worry, I didn't go wandering on my own, she kept protecting me with her bow, they were flying away like lightning I tell you! Just like woosh! and they were deep inside some spider's eye. Oh yeah, she took me to see some spiders....the wild ones (Yes, I know all spiders are wild, but please refrain from commenting until the end of the letter).
    In any case, we got into some caves and she helped me get some spider silk, for my pet grasshoppers.(see? told you it's be worthwhile to hold on your comments).
    That is another thing I wanted to inform you of, I started training a grasshopper, I was thinking it'd be a good way to earn some cheap coin, a small performer, just like we used to hold. I already started taming her to hop on command, and I've named her Dorsy. Well, Ms Dorsy, just cause she's an insect doesn't mean she can't be a lady, mind you!
    Well, that is all for now. I also wanted to let you know I am safe, and sound, and yes, I have been practicing my arts, but only for a bit, I can't effort the ingredients for the complicated cantrips spells. I'm well fed (thanks to the elf couple) and I am happy, which I hope helps you feel better.
    Also....I wanted to let you know, I haven't found the dark eyed man, and I haven't been looking for him for some time now, so I hope that makes you feel better.

    I'll stay safe, till the next letter, Mama, and I love you,
    yours truly,

    Lost Ms Dorsy to a frog, the show is canceled, I would likely request for some trues if you can spare, till I work on my next act.