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Author Topic: Deverian  (Read 232 times)


Re: Deverian
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2012, 11:02:58 pm »
Cord told me today that we are officially an item. She invited me to move in with her, and I gladly accepted. It'll be nice to have a place to put my head at night. The cabin is looking much better after I did some repairs, and Cord has added some plants to the cabin to make it more bright. It looks good, but I still have some worries about the Broken Halls restless denizens. That curse has lasted long enough, something must be done about it, and soon. But I am still glad she has a place to call home, and that I can share it with her.

*Kicks the journal under the bed in the cabin, and falls into a deep sleep*


Re: Deverian
« Reply #21 on: November 21, 2012, 12:36:29 am »
*a loud crack resonates through the house as Deverain, yet again, hits his forehead on the low doorjamb. He then picks up his journal and begins to write*

I haven't fought with Cord at my side in a while... I have not fought much at all. It is hard to go into a cave as I once did, alone and with no companions. I used to be able to do that without hesitation, but after fighting with Cord at my side, everything seems so empty when I am alone. There is no little voice that echoes down the halls, that gives me strength in my actions. I spend much time at home with her, but I fear my skills are growing dull in the absence of combat, but I do not wish to seek combat without Cord at my side. I must find time to go on an adventure with her.

*rubs his forehead and tosses his book under the bed*


Re: Deverian
« Reply #22 on: December 01, 2012, 10:52:58 am »
I have taken up armor-smithing again. It was not hard to relearn the basics, and now I can craft anything from copper to iron. I am no tinker, however, so I cannot craft helms or weapons without the proper molds. I will have to find someone to craft the molds, so I can begin working on my weapon-smithing as well as my armor-smithing.


Re: Deverian
« Reply #23 on: December 06, 2012, 10:11:42 pm »
I am a fool. I got caught up in a pirating group, and, fearing for my life and outnumbered, I did nothing but went with them. I acted a coward and a fool, and did nothing to save the lives of the innocent sailors that will be slaughtered. I have nothing left to do, there are mages who killed the last man who wanted to leave. I am considering slipping into the water durring the battle, I have many of the names of those who were involved. The most I can do is get those involved thrown in prison, but even that does not save their lives. I can do nothing. I feel helpless, nothing to do to save the innocents. I need Cord here. She would know what to do. I only know how to fight, and I cannot fight so many. There is nothing I can do but commit a crime that I have no wish to participate in. By the time I had put two and two together, it was too late. Heavans guide me in this decision.


Re: Deverian
« Reply #24 on: December 23, 2012, 12:37:30 pm »
The time to set aside my old blade has come. It has served me well, spilled the blood of many who threatened me or Cord. But it no longer serves the purpose I require, for some creatures it causes no harm. The new sword has elven writting up and down the flat of the blade, I cannot read elven but the maker of the sword did, and I wish to find out what it means. I need a new fire enchantment for it, then it will be no different then my old sword, except for cutting through things that iron cannot. Addamantium feels much better in my hand then the iron, and mithirl is not far away. Until then, this new sword will serve me as my old one did, deadly and devastating.

My armor is also growing old, the strength I have gained since I purchased it no longer fits inside it well, and there are dents in the plates that cannot be hammered out without reducing its strength. I am looking into some platinum full plate, a far better armor then I am wearing now.


I don't know what to think
« Reply #25 on: February 21, 2013, 06:10:23 pm »

I don't know what to think about this. I was touched by something higher. An angel, perhaps, or maybe even a god. I do not know what or who it was, but I do know that they wore the ankh. Something to do with Toran. I cannot say for sure what happened, but I may end up owing my life to Toran and his church.


I was in the Center Crypts, doing some work with a group of two Toranites, Glitch, Tane, and Rasa. We had just gone through the green barrier, and there was a shadow that was grinning at me in a meanacing mannor. I poked it, to see if it would move or react, and it turned into dust that ran into my armor. Then, I felt pure rage, like I have only felt a few times before. They were starring at me, as if something was wrong, and I felt as if they were threatening me, as if they though I was some abomination that needed to be destroyed. Rasa and Tane moved to tackle or subdue me, I am not sure. But in a fury I bloodied their noses with my sword hilt, then threw Glitch across the room when he tried to tackle me, and was making a break for the door when I felt warmth. Warmth like you feel when you drink something warm in Krashin. I must have fallen asleep on the spot, because then next thing I was remeber was being in the woods, by the cabin. There was an old man, wearing an ankh, and he radiated peace. I cannot describe it. Then, I simple awoke, and felt no further need to slay undead, to continue a quarrel with my allies. I just... left. I need to find out exactly what happened.



*mutters, looking around at
« Reply #26 on: September 02, 2013, 09:26:24 pm »

*mutters, looking around at the torn and burnt papers from his journal lieing around him, then picks up a page from the middle of the floor*

I dropped my book in the bloody fireplace, an' ripped it gettin' it out. I burnt up most o' wha' I've written since I took up the sword, an' wha' I saved is wadded up from water, stomped on, and mixed around. I guess I start from here. Get a new book, open a new page o' my life. More then a new page... a new book. I'm going into the next era of me, I guess. All 'cause I dropped my book in tha' fire...