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Author Topic: Lokarn's reports to the temple of Rofirein.  (Read 68 times)


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    Lokarn's reports to the temple of Rofirein.
    « on: August 01, 2005, 07:24:00 pm »
    Hail comander, I have just arrived in Hlint to begin my smith training. The town is filled with interesting people. Some of whom have been freindly and helpfull. I hope to begin learning my craft as soon as possible. I will keep you informed of my progress. Below you will find detailed information about the trip here.
      I left the temple early morning four days ago. The first day was easy as I walked the road south from the village. I saw few people aside from one merchant caravan carying goods from the south. Sometime midday I came to a stream so I stopped for lunch. I ended lunch and continued on my way. I walked south for the next two days. Nothing eventfull to report. Afternoon on the third day I came to the road where I was to turn west. I saw a ranger who said he came from Hlint and told me it was a mere day and a half walk from where I was. This was good news as my food was runing low, I had given some to an old beggar who said he didn't have enough to feed his children. He may have been lying but just incase I wouldn't be the man to turn a child away from food. I decided to make haste that day as I was excited to see the town of Hlint.
    I arrived late morning the next day. I paid for a room at the inn and set out to find a messenger to send this letter. I was lucky to find a merchant who was headed your way and would deliver for only five coin. He is waiting for me to write these last sentances so this ends my report.