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Author Topic: Becoming the Bear - The Trials Oighog  (Read 318 times)


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    Becoming the Bear - The Trials Oighog
    « on: March 13, 2005, 08:53:00 pm »
    I had gone to rest in the hutch of pine branches I had constructed.  Day to day I had run from the lands hunted by my clan for more than a week.  I awoke in the presence of a great dragon, but this one was not white, nor did any fear grip my heart unnaturally.  I still drew my club in defiance.  It told me that it knew of my clan, the attack upon it and what the future would be if I did not rise in defense of this land.  I told it I thought all dragons should burn in the suns fire for eternity.  It laughed.  It understood my hatred and distrust for it but again warned me of the peril to all, my clan included, if I did not help.
    For good or ill, I was in a new land now.  The path away from the lizard took me to a town called Hlint.  I sooned learned this was a town of lazy folk who did nothing for themselves, but I needed the coin to get better arms.  The graveman wanted the essence of an undead in one of the crypts.  I had seen spirits before conjured by the clan shaman to aid the village in times of attack but the bone and flesh creatures here were unknown to me.  I met another shaman who had been given the same task.  He named himself Father Maylin, though I'm sure he was not the orc that had raped my mother.  We battled our way down and encountered the foul deadites in great numbers.  Their touch was wholly unclean but the spirit of the bear took hold over my reason and I waded through the host until I joined combat with black deadite whose essence we were sent to retrieve.  Grievously wounded as I was, I returned the creature to the grave once again but fell to my wounds soon after.  With a last cry of rage I ordered my companion to flee the mass of dead that ripped at me.  The death was glorious.
    But I came-to next to an odd, glowing monument in the Hlint town.  Apparently little time had transpired between my passing and coming there for Father Maylin, direly wounded, soon limped out of the gates of the graveyard.  Our power against the unnatural creatures of the crypts was joined together once more and we retrieved the hard won essence.


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      RE: Becoming the Bear - The Trials of Oighog
      « Reply #1 on: March 14, 2005, 05:50:00 pm »
      BAH!  These "men" of Hlint are weak.  I do pithy errands a child in my tribe could do, but still I need the gold to arm myself well.  I am discovering that even this bought copper stuff is inadequate for my needs.  I attacked this glowing light in the fens near Hlint, after bashing some serpentmens heads in, but my weapon did nothing.  Fortunately, I had prepared for the weapons lacking and cast an enchantment upon it to allow me to kill that shocking blue light.  Perhaps the essence of it can be used somewhere...


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        RE: Becoming the Bear - The Trials Oighog
        « Reply #2 on: March 14, 2005, 06:04:00 pm »
        I came to an outpost along the road west of Hlint.  Even here it seems no one can do things for themselves.  A robed man that stank of perverse magic pestered me for essence of a wisp.  I had no idea what a wisp was but after his simple description it was clear he wanted the dancey blue light essence.  He paid good "jink" for it, though.
        "Jink".  It is good word for this stuff they call money.  I learned the word at the Hlint inn where the town peoples gather to play a game of cards called, "Creatures".  It somehow reminded me of something else I can't quite put my fist on...  But I play it good and took enough jink to buy better armor.
        I traveled past that fort to look for a copper dagger for the forts single, spineless guard and came to some town.  A little girl was doing honor to her ancestor in the "Krandor" crypt but was attacked by some foul deadites.  I agreed to get the ashes of her ancestor that she dropped in her flight.  I battled my way deep into the crypt and found the deadite that attacked her.  I summoned an animal to aid me in my struggle but to little effect.  I fell back to the crypt entrance, the greeny deadite followed with some of his lesser minions.  I left, recouped and prayed to Kiten for power.  Again I called an animal to my side and re-entered the crypt.  The rage of the bear entered me and, with my animal companion, we hurt the greeny deadite but it's corruption was overwhelming and I fell in the struggle.  The death wuz glorious.
        I again awoke in Hlint but this time my spirit was not whole.  I was surrounded by a white glow that water would not wash off and I was weakened terribly.  I decided to return to the inn and win more jink with my cards until I could feel better.


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          RE: Becoming the Bear - The Trials Oighog
          « Reply #3 on: March 15, 2005, 09:09:00 pm »
          I gots some of the poison pouches from dem wee spiders in da crypt and in da sewers.  I wuz tinkin' maybees dat cheap buyer would take dem for hiz usuals 1 jink but nows I's tinkin' they could be of more use if I render dem and apply dem to a bolt.  Da clan shaman oft made simple poison potions for the hunters to use from plants and even from one fish that the clan sometimes got in dere nets.  I never see 'im do its with a spider pouch... I shoulds check into dis.  Killin' dem cave goblins might be more easy iffin they're beins sick when I bash dere ugly little faces in.
          ooc I'm having a tough time finding a voice for this "lass".  She isn't stupid but she's no genius, but she is wise.  However, she grew up in a barbarian tribe... so... what to do, what to do?  If anyone has any suggestions for a speech type or accent, please pm me, because I grow weary of changing the "voice" from one post to another.


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            RE: Becoming the Bear - The Trials Oighog
            « Reply #4 on: March 23, 2005, 04:13:00 pm »
            I spent many days in meditation.  My failure to reach and kill the goblin chief in the cave of red light was gnawing at my mind.  A few days without food and in prayer helped.  Kiten guided me toward the only solution.  I must summon the long-tooth dog to help me.  The tusked pigs are not strong enough for the task but I will prepare to summon them as well, should the dog fail.  I was torn that I should rely on a weaker animal to aid me but all animals belong to the heart and will of Kiten.  As do I.  While the dog attacks, my bear anima will also.
            It did not go well.  The goblin-kin swarmed up at every juncture and my animal companions were all slain.  Wounded, alone and without succor, I penetrated the final the cavern.  Again the goblins attacked in force and pushed me back into the cave corridor where I fell in my battle frenzy.  The death wuz glorious.
            Weakened as I was, I returned to the cave as quickly as I could.  Surely the goblins were weakened now and in a state of disarray.  I could smash them and finally introduce my mace to the chief's head.  A moment of respite and prayer in the caves and I surged ahead.  I found the place of my death, still warm, and prayed to be made whole once more.  I summoned the long-tooth dog to my side, entered the spirit of the bear once again and charged into the chief's lair.  The battle was fast and furious.  The chief was hard pressed, even with his thralls attacking me from behind and he ceased his combat in an attempt to heal himself.  That was his last mistake.  With their leader dead, the other goblins fought like heartless sheep but they honored their leader by not fleeing to save their own miserable lives.  To that I will give them tribute.  Two twists and the chief's head came free.  This should be proof enough for that lazy Dwarf merchant in Hlint.  Praised be Kiten.  I offer this kill in your honor.  *kneels to pray*

