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Author Topic: The Rambling Thoughts of Dalan Stoneaxe  (Read 1379 times)


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Re: The Rambling Thoughts of Dalan Stoneaxe
« Reply #60 on: June 17, 2007, 12:17:11 am »
Sitting in his room at the guild hall, Dalan decides to pull out his journal and write a bit before bed.
 Figured I should write a bit before going to sleep tonight.  I got just about all the baking done now for Hanna's wedding to Krys.  It should be a good time.  I do hope Grenna makes it back from her trip with her guild in time.  I do miss her.  Tis been a while since we been able to talk and hold each other tight.
 I have also been too busy to go see Abbie too.  Saw Sara today sneaking out with some food.  I figure she and Abbie are probably meeting up with some boys and going to have a picnic some place.  Dey are sweet kids, even if dey are full of mischief.  Rain says Abbie been doing right well with her lessons.  I know Sa'kura be proud of her.  Heck, I am proud of her.  She is a good kid with a good heard on her shoulders and a good heart besides.
 Tis a real shame about Barion and Jenna having problems.  I haven't got de whole story, but I gather they havin a real hard time of it right now.  I do hope dey work it out.  From what little Sara said, it sounds like Barion has been gone a long time now and Abbie I am sure is missin him.
 I think I should take de day off tomorrow and go visit Abbie.  Maybe we can get some fishin or huntin in.  That should cheer her up a bit.
 Well best get to de bed den so I can be up early.  Tis a long trip to Haven.


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Re: The Rambling Thoughts of Dalan Stoneaxe
« Reply #61 on: June 18, 2007, 11:27:19 pm »
Seated on the benches at Hlint, Dalan takes a brief rest before setting out once more for Port Hempstead.
 ABBIE BE GONE!  I got to Haven today and Jenna said Abbie has been gone now for couple days.  She seemed upset, but I canna tell if it is cause Abbie be gone or if has something to do with her and Barion.  I canna say that I was real polite when I found out she knew she be gone but hadn't done anythin about it yet.  
 I tried to pick up her trail outside of Haven, but she be awfully good dese days at coverin her tracks and de rain we had I am feared wiped out any tracks she might have left.  Still, I know de way she would normally head for Port Hempstead, so I thought I check de spot she often has camped at.  I should get there yet this afternoon.  If de sign be cold then I will head back to de guild and talk to Rain and Sara.  My guess if anyone know somethin, it will be Sara.  I am also hopin Rain might have some idea of a tracer spell we could use to find her.
 I canna say I am particularily upset with her as much as I am worried.  It don't seem like Jenna had much time for her and I got no idea what Barion be up to.  I find it hard he would just up and leave her, so I suspect de church has got him on some important errand.  I am sure dis has all been hard on de lass.  I just want to find her and make sure she be all right.  She be good for her age, but she is still no match for many of de creatures and evil things floatin around dis world.
 I got to admit, she got me plumb scared.  I got to find her before somethin terrible happens.


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Re: The Rambling Thoughts of Dalan Stoneaxe
« Reply #62 on: June 19, 2007, 05:59:44 pm »
Sitting on the docks at Fort Vehl, Dalan fumes and curses in dwarf barely under his breath.  He is obviously extremely angry and Tempest his stitting across his lap as if daring anyone to approach him.
 I see to be one step behind Abbie all de way.  I got to Port Hempstead only to find no sight of Sara.  No one I ran into as seen her for the last day or so.  I can't find Rain, so I got no idea if he knows where she is or not.  I headed out of the city and made a wide circuit around town,  I picked up what looked like a trail of someone who was trying to watch another person.  I couldn't tell if it was Sara and Abbie or not.
 I decided to head out to the Stormshack, where I got a bit of a break.  It seems a ranger was coming toward town when he saw two lasses heading toward Fort Vehl.  They were doing a fair job of moving through the woods very quietly.  The elf said he was impressed with there sikll based on their obvious young ages.  He is pretty sure they dinna see him.
 I got here to Fort Vehl and asked at the temple about the girls. I thought perhaps Abbie was hoping to find Barion there.  I couldn't get a straight answer out of one of the young human guards.  He mentioned a young lass spending the night in jail and then a jail break.  I tried to get more out of him but he told me it was church business.  De lad has no idea how close he came to having  his head removed from his shoulders.  Dere is no way he could have stopped me, he was so wet behind de ears he might still have been nursin for all I could tell.  
 He kept sayin his superiors were in an important meetin and couldn't be distrurbed.  The thought of Abbie being in jail with de scum of Fort Vehl as got me blood a boil.  I have seen Grenna try to tear a temple to de drow down with her bare hands.  I figured to use an axe and speed matters up.  But since she not be dere, I left with a spit on de floor and sayin how little I thought of de idea of jailin young lasses under age with scum of Vehl and no wonder de church going to pot with ideas like dat.  Must have shocked de guard a bit, he turned white den red with anger.  I showed him Tempest and offered to step over to de arena if he wanted.  He took one look at me axe and turned a bit white again.  I said I was no wee lass not even 15 to lock up, and turned and stomped out.  I wonder if dat temple door going to need to be fixed.  It bounced pretty hard when I slammed it.
 I came on down here to de docks to cool down.  One of de dock workers wandered by and for de price of an ale said he had seen two young lasses board a ship. He thinks t'was for marinor's Hold but wasn't sure.  I figure if dey went to Port Hempstead, dey are all right.  If not, den must be headed toward Marinar's Hold since dem be de only two ships dat left port about de time Abbie got herself out of jail.  Goin to have to ask her how she managed dat.
 Hmm, looks like me ship loaded and almost ready to sail.  I best be boardin her.  Wonder how many of Vorax and Dorand I could get to help me tear down de jail here?


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Re: The Rambling Thoughts of Dalan Stoneaxe
« Reply #63 on: June 20, 2007, 02:15:11 pm »
Sitting before a small fire while his supper cooks,Dalan writes in his journal once more.
 I must say I am truly learning what the sailor's mean when dey say that a stern chase is de longest one of all.  I feel like I am getting close to Abbie only to find I have missed her by a a day or two.  I left Marinor's Hold and checked de area outside of the city. When dere was no sign of her, I decided to try de farms.  One of the farmers had needed help years ago with his scarecrows and I thought perhaps he might know something.  Turns out Abbie had spent de night with him.  He thought she might have said something about visiting some rangers.
 I got to the ranger's grove only to find she had left de day before with a patrol.  Dey were pretty good about giving me directions on where the patrol was headed.  I met up with dem on dere way back to camp.  Turns out they wiped most of a bandit gang out and then escorted Abbie back to Marinor's Hold.  Dat would have been good news but a young one mentioned Abbie had talked about going to Dregar.  My heart nearly sank down to me big toe and he thought of trackin her there with the way dem giants have been of late.
 I hightailed it toward the hold and the Freelancer's where they left her.  I figure I would stop to eat and rest here for an hour or two and den push on through de night.  The good news is a raven showed up a bit ago with a letter from her.  Said she was all right but needed time alone to think.  She figured de woods be de best place to do dat.  I wouldn't mind it but the woods in Dregar be de worse place I can think of for a young lass like Abbie to be wanderin around in.  Best I can tell is dat I am now about a half day behind her.  If I push through de night, I can hopefully hit de Hold before day break.  
 I hate to stop to cook supper, but out of trail rations and I be bushed.  I don't think I have slept more then 4 hours a night de past week.  Gettin too old to keep up dis kind of pace.  Besides in two hours, de moons be up full.  De clouds bad and can't see de moons, but things seem a bit brighter even so.  Wouldn't do to break me fool neck chasin Abbie down in de dark.
 I still got to figure out what to do when I find her.  I will not consider anythin but findin her.  Part of me would like to tan her hide so she canna sit for a day or two.  De other party of me figures she must be hurtin bad inside and needs dis time alone desparately.  I might just shadow her and keep her from any major harm while she moves about, dat is if I can catch up to her in time.  I be pretty sure I can still outsneak her and keep a cold camp so she don't learn I am watchin her.  Time will tell.  Well dis rabbit done and if going to get me eyes a rest at all, I best eat now.  I be getting to hate trail rations, but best pick up a bag of em at Marinor's Hold.  Sure won't be able to build a campfire if I do find Abbie.  She wouldn't miss dat no matter how carefull I be.


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Re: The Rambling Thoughts of Dalan Stoneaxe
« Reply #64 on: June 24, 2007, 05:55:44 pm »
Dalan sits alone in his room with his feet soaking in a basin of water.  He chews on the end of his quill as he thinks about what to write here and in a letter to Grenna.
 Well to make a long story short, I have dun tramped over a large part of Dregor looking for Abbie.  She wasn't dere, which explains why I cunna find her.  I had tracked her as far as the Freelancers where someone reported to me she bought de use of a portal.  Based on what she had told dat young ranger, I figured she gone on to Dregar.  I must say she had be worried sick being there.
 I spent I don't know how many days looking for signs of her, but no one had seen her.  I finally decided to come back to de guild hall to resupply when I found a letter waitin for me from my dear sweet Grenna.  Turns out Abbie ran into her and Grenna being de dear lass she is, took her under her wing.  She has been stayin with Grenna at her guild house and doing a few small trips with them.  
 Grenna suggested I leave her be for a bit, so I guess I will.  Nere is to smart not to follow Grenna's suggestions.  *rubs ribs* Nor to good for me health.
 I guess I will send Abbie a letter saying how glad I am to know she be safe and with Grenna and for her to let me know if she wants to visit some time.  Meanwhile, I guess it be best if I stay away for de time being.
 I figure to send a letter to Grenna too, tellin her how gratefull I be.  I would offer her some money for expenses, but dat just make her mad I be afraid.  Instead, I guess when things settle down will make her a grand supper and take her on a trip some place.  Dem Farstriders sound like right good folk aidin in de care of Abbie.  Figure it best I tell her to thank them for me as well.  I be glad I did have time to make dat meal for Grenna to serve dem before all dis started. Perhaps some day I will get de chance to actually be de pack she runs with.
 I suppose it be a good idea to tell her how much I miss her.  Tis been a while and I miss our talks around de fire or at her guild house forest.  I been feelin like somethin missing and couldn't figure out what it was still I started thinkin of what to write.  Den it dawned on me, tis her that was fittin an empty place in me life.  With not seeing her, dat void coming back.  I hope what ever botherin Abbie clears up soon.  I miss dem both somethin fierce!


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Re: The Rambling Thoughts of Dalan Stoneaxe
« Reply #65 on: July 03, 2007, 12:46:02 am »
If someone would walk by, they would see Dalan sitting on the ground with his back to a building in Lenigrad where he can watch the docks.  At his sides lies an emty whiskey bottle.  His hands and feet are a bit numb and he has trouble grasping the quill.  It is still a ways to dawn and there is little or no traffic yet on the docks.
 Well I gone and done it now, me guess.  Had a nasty row with Grenna last night and me whiskey be gone too.  I figure Hanna none to happy with me neither.  I canna say I am rightly sure how dis all happened either.
 It all started out with me gettin de letter from Grenna saying Abbie be fine and with her da in her old village.  I quit lookin den and decided to end back to Port Hempstead by de way of Hurm.  Dat was me first mistake.  De ships no longer be running regular like and I guess I missed de last one leavin for a bit.  By de time I could get someplace else to catch a ship, Hanna's weddin was long over.  I canna face her.  I gave her me word I be dere and den I wasn't.  I feel plumb awful about it.  All sick and torn up inside.
 For some strange reason, sittin on de docks here helps de pain subside for a bit.  Course I suppose dat is just cause me feet and hands go numb and don't take much for me mind to follow.  Sort a pleasant stupor it be.  Me second mistake was letting Grenna catch me at.  She gave dis whiskey to warm me up a spell.  Not me fault she gave me four whole bottles of de stuff.  Must say de first bottle did warm me up all nice inside.  But den I got to thinkin again and got all upset.  Told her was movin to Raven point.  I figure I can live dere alone and not have other folk relyin on me no more.
 Made sense to me it did.  Grenna seemed to get all hot about it.  Said I had a duty to Abbie.  Dat I was runnin out on her and Hanna both.  I said allready hurt Hanna, no cause to do so more by stickin around.  She had a point about Abbie, but at dat point wasn't to interested in admittin she had somethin dere.  Besides Abbie got her da. Barion been actin bit upset dat she so close to me anywaz.  And when she was alone, tis Grenna and her pack who took care of her and she went with, not me.  Me third mistake was probably telling Grenna all dis. Never did know when to keep me mouth shut.
 She said somethin dat riled me fiercely, though not sure what it be now.  The good part of the second bottle might have had somethin to do with dat.  So I got up and left and headed for de docks.  Even managed to catch a ship sailin for Raven.  To bad dinna see Grenna board.  She gave me a right good piece of her mind she did. Said she was leaving dis mornin early to fetch Abbie home to Haven and if I was any sort of hmm dis she say man, uncle, not sure rightly, but the general drift was I ought to go too.  She turned her back on me, and reboarded de ship.  Wouldn't talk to me on de way home.  When she docked told me off again, and said if I wanted to come best be here dis morning.   Too bad I dinna ask her de time she was leaving.  Been sittin out here de rest of de night waitin.  Near half froze I am and me last mistake was not buying more whiskey before de tavern closed down for de night.  Still I figure dis way canna miss her.
 I sort of like dis cold feelin.  Nuthin seem to hurt so much.  I figure when I dun got Abbie home, I might move to Raven Point.  I got to wunder however how much whiskey and kegs of ale it would take to get me through dere winter.  A small cabin on de edge of town shouldna cost dat much.  Dat way dis cold feelin stay and maybe I won't hurt so much inside.  Life of a hermit don't look dat bad.  No one gettin hurt and i bet ye get used to bein alone after a few years anywaz.  Hmm dat ship over dere loadin cargo, best go check to see where it be bound.


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Re: The Rambling Thoughts of Dalan Stoneaxe
« Reply #66 on: July 03, 2007, 12:39:38 pm »
Sitting alone in a corner of the ship sits Dalan writing in his journal.  As far away as possible on a small ship stomps Grenna back and forth.
 Well I caught her gettin on de ship today.  At first she looked happy to see me, but den she realized I must have sat out side drinkin in de snow.  I should've brushed de snow off me beard and tried walkin a bit sooner.  Me feet were a bit numb and I sorta stumbled up de ramp to de ship.
 Hey, I tried to tell her I was sober, but dat beltch dinna help me none.  T'was more dat I hadn't eaten since de mornin before and dat much whisky has a strange affect on me stomach.  She just glared at me, said glad I decided to come see me kin and stomped off.  
 I do see her lookin at me when she don't think I be lookin.  But for de life of me I canna tell what be going through dat woman's head.  I am here and I will help take Abbie home.  Beyond dat Raven Point soundin better all de time.
 She can be mad all she wants, I am going to go dere soon as dis trip be done.  A dwarf got to do what a dwarft got to do.  T'was nice of de captain though to share his bottle with me.  Going to make dis trip a bit more passable I think.


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Re: The Rambling Thoughts of Dalan Stoneaxe
« Reply #67 on: July 04, 2007, 05:10:39 pm »
Well we got to port without killing each other.  She kept yellin at me to stay out of de captain's spirits.  Thing is, I barely touch a drop of it, more to ease de hangover den anythin.  But I figured, why tell Grenna;  it gave her somethin to yell at and least she wasn't ignorin me.  So I just kept me mouth shut and kept waivin de same old bottle around.  Though she was right about one thing, I was pretty down about way things been goin lately.
 On de way to Abbie's hidden village, we ran into some slaver's.  Must admit did me body good to forget about me troubles and let me axe fly.  Dere was one lass about Abbie's age and had her spunk too.  We are up on de hilltop scouting em, when I saw her spit in de eye of one of the slavers.  Dat slaver shouldn't have used a whip on de lass.  We hadn't decided yet if pass them by or not.  Grenna was urgin a fight, but I wasn't sure of dere numbers.  
 I have got to get ahold of myself.  When I saw dat whip hit de girl, I went plumb mad.  I can't recall lettin me rage go like dat since the day Sa'kura fell to de trolls.  I forgot all about sneakin down or waitin for dark to try to rescue the slaves.  I charged down dat hill like a grizzly defendin his territory. We burst amoung dem slavers with axes flyin.  Got to give Grenna dis, she fights with de best of dem and wasn't too mad that she dinna get to kill her full share.
 De poor lass, however, was dead.  De slaver had cut her throat.  T'was the last smile he ever had since Tempest took his head off at de shoulder's in one stroke.  We buried de lass up on top of de hill along with some of her clan folk,  De rest we lead to freedom to a nearby town.  I hope dey make it all right.  Hate to leave em, but we got to find Abbie.  Leastwize now dey got a chance.  All de way to Abbie's village I kept seein Abbie's face on dat dead lass.  I kept thinkin it could have just as easily been Abbie captured when she was out roamin alone.
 De other thing I kept thinkin about, was would de lass be still alive if I had waited till nightfall to strike at de slavers.  It would have been safer by far for dem if we had come down from de hills, taken out de sentries and freed de slaves.  Den maybe de girl and de others of dat clan be still alive.  It seems like lately I am not doin to good in de decision areas.
 I have decided to leave de bottle alone, but Raven's Point lookin better and better all de time.  I don't trust me reactions lately.   If I be dere, den can't hurt no one but meself.  Safer for all I figure.
 We're a couple days out of de hidden village now.  Found us a nice campin place here by a small lake.  I got de fixin's for making some bread on de stones and de lake looks like dere be some fish in it.  I got to go now, Grenna be tellin me I should bake some bread and cut it up for supper.  I wanna go fish and den decide.  Looks like a bit of a fight brewin, but de fun kind.  Neither of us be real serious just lettin off a bit of steam.  De kind where when yer done, makin up is so much fun!


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Re: The Rambling Thoughts of Dalan Stoneaxe
« Reply #68 on: July 05, 2007, 01:14:39 am »
Dalan sits at a table outside Pranz at Barion's home.  He is making some quick notes while Grenna and Abbie finish packin up their packs.
 Well Journal, I must say I have had a pleasant time lately.  Grenna and I met up with Abbie and Barion not far from dere village.  Grenna and I were discussin supper a might vigoriously when dey arrived.  My how Abbie has grown.  She near cracked me ribs with her hug and I got to admitt it did me soul good to see her again.
 We had a real pleasant trip back toward Pranz.  Abbie and I often took point, and while we couldna talk much there it was like old times.  The two of us in de woods ghosting along, markin the trail and lookin for stuff.  We managed to visit a bit when we stopped for breaks and a couple nights de two of us sliped off to do some fishin and talkin.  It do seem like she got things worked out in her head and with her da.  I be glad of dat.  Abbie needs a father these days, and no matter how much I luv her, I am not her da.
 When we got to Pranz we headed out of town to Barion's place. Grenna and I restocked and repaired some gear so we could head out early dis mornin.  But then last night, Abbie found a wee bird outside on de steps.  De bird was near wore out.  But de bottem line is dat somethin has happened to Sara.  Dat be Rain and Sonya's girl.  From what we can gather, she be on her way to Marinor's Hold, and I am none to sure tis a voluntary trip.  Course it could be another of her pranks too, but it dunna have dat feel.  Abbie is holdin up well, but I can tell she be afeared for Sara.  I dinna tell Abbie, but I had a recollection of dat girl dat died at the slaver's hand.  So dis mornin, before dawn rises, we be headin out.  Dat is as soon as Grenna and Abbie get in here.  I tried to get Abbie to stay, but she would have nothin to do with it.  I would have left when she was asleep, but den she probably would have followed and dat be even more dangerous for her.
 There is a small note that follows in the margin and written so be hard for most folk or even a dwarf to read it.
 Dis search for Sara means goin to have to postpone me trip to Raven's Point. Do hope to get dere before winter sets in.  Lously time to build a cabin.


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Re: The Rambling Thoughts of Dalan Stoneaxe
« Reply #69 on: November 13, 2007, 03:15:29 pm »
Dalan opens a chest in his room and pulls out a small journal. Blowing the dust off of it, he opens it and quickly pens a few notes.
 Tis been a long long time since I last wrote here and much has happened in me life.  I would write more of the past year or two, but dere be no time.  Some type of criminal group as marked me dear niece Abbi for death.  I know not all de facts, except dat she testified at some kinda trial that was then postponed.  Dere is now a price on her head to keep her from tellin more at de trial.
 Me dear friend Tegan sent me a note of warning that was shortly followed by Abbie's note.  De birds must be flying think here in town.  I be packin up supplies and headin out as soon as I can leave a note for me guild mates.  I hope dey might hear who be behind dis.  Me axe is sharp and I got no problem removin a few heads of those who threaten me girl.  I dunna care how high up dey be!


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Re: The Rambling Thoughts of Dalan Stoneaxe
« Reply #70 on: November 13, 2007, 10:13:39 pm »
Somewhere deep in the forest, Dalan sits before a dying fire and scribes just these few words...
 Well Journal,
 We found her.  T'was a long search through many a forest path, but Barion and I along with Brian and her close friend Huntemara finally found Abbi.  She was well and hiding in a place I will not mention in case she should ever need it again...Dorand forbid!  The important thing is she is alive and to just keep her that way.


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Re: The Rambling Thoughts of Dalan Stoneaxe
« Reply #71 on: November 29, 2007, 01:32:32 pm »
Sitting in his room at the guild hall, Dalan ponders the past day's events and the wonder that has filled him with the greatest joy he has ever known.
 Well Journal,
 Tis been long since I have written here.  Frankly dere has not been much to write about.  I am slowly getting back into the routine of things.  I have been making bows for Kit in Haven, arrows for Abbie and my friends like Eghaas and me brothers and sisters here in de guild.  So couple days ago I decided to take a bit of a break.  Before I could go, however, Kyle asked me to go get some plat with him.  So de two of us went into dem moores and into the center of the troll cave.  Been long time since dere and was good to work along side Kyle.  He is a wonder to behold when he is fighting.  After dat I caught de last ship out of Marinar's Hold and spent de night dere.
 I was up before dawn and went fishin along Thorn river.  Caught me some nice fish too. While I was there I dug up some clay to make more arrowheads.  All in all t'was a nice morning and I dinna think things could get much better.  Is dat an understatement!  For who should come along as I was leaving but me own Grenna.  We talked for a bit and den decided to just go explore.  
 T'was a great afternoon.  We fought some giants and some trolls and ended up in Stone by late afternoon.  I haven't been dere since we worked on rebuilding de temple dere.  We worked our way down to de lake and spotted some fish jumpin off a small island.
 The waster felt pretty cold so we built up a safe fire and then swam to the island.  We caught one large mess of fish.  I couldn't believe how many we got.  We then swam back and dried off after I cleaned de fish.  We spent de next few hours sittin by de fire and cuddling more and more.  Me Grenna leaned her head on me shoulder and I had my arm around her while we talked.  T'was the most wonderfull way to watch the sun settin over the mountains.
 We talked of many things, but mainly how lovely de village of Stone was.  There be something about de high mountains and the waterfalls dat captured me.  I mentioned that dis be a quiet spot to retire to and run a small cosy inn.  Grenna even agreed with me to my surprise.  I began to think we did have a future together.
 As night wore on it sort of got kinda nippy and snow began to softly fall around us.  It was somethin right out of a dream or poetry book.  The fire snapping in front of us, the snow softly falling, the love of my life next to me; what more could a body want den that?  I was soon to find out!
 In front of us was an old tent probably left by some camper or fisherman. I mentioned dat the trail up the mountain to de village might be gettin slick and we should think about headin out and then in passin I said or we could camp out in de tent.  Grenna just hugged me tighter and whispered that she thought the tent sounded best.  She plumb took my breath away right there.
 So I got up and dug out some blankets and an old fur I keep for winter campin and made us a real nice snug little den in dat tent.  While I did that, Grenna built up de fire to warm de side of the tent with some rocks to reflect the heat toward de tent.  Thing is, we dinna need no fire to keep warm dat night.  We had explored all day.  That night, we did some more exploring without having to go anywhere.  T'was the most glorious night of me life!!  We have been close friends, but now I have no doubt dat I have found the luv of me life, the one I want to grow old with, to spend my life with for however long de gods grace us.  It was a night of wonder and mystery.
 We got back to Port Hempstead the next day late.  I found I couldn't keep my hands off her.  We were walkin down de lanes holdin hands like two kids.  Everything seemed new and wonderfull to me.  We dinna need to talk really, it was just enough to be together.  We met friends and smiled at each other but dinna share our grand adventure.  It was enough that we knew.
 As all great and grand adventures it had to come to an end.  Grenna had to go to her guild and I to mine.  This day I will be in the kitchen all day I think.  All that salmon and fish has got to be cooked.  I promised my luv some hickory smoked honey salmon for supper and I shain't disappoint her.


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Re: The Rambling Thoughts of Dalan Stoneaxe
« Reply #72 on: July 20, 2008, 04:16:17 pm »
Sitting at the inn in Krandor, Dalan empties his pack on one of the tables.  Digging far down into it, he finds a well wrapped journal.  Borrowing some ink and a pen, he begins to jot down some random thoughts while drinking a locally brewed ale.
 Well Journal tis much to write about this day.  I know tis been years since I have written here, but time has a way of slipping past one.  Besides dere wasn't much I wanted to write about.  But now matters have changed drastically in me life.  I have a family who might some day wish to know more about me and so I take up me pen once more.
 First of all de joyous news.  I am a pappa.  Grenna and I had twins just hours ago.  She and the young ones are safely asleep in the home of Ferrit and Kyle.  I have cleaned up the floor where they were delivered and all is back to normal in their home but for the small dent in the floor where me head hit when Grenna hit me in de jaw and knocked me out cold.
 No I am not drunk.  We have the most beautiful twins dese eyes have ever seen.  After a hard stuggle, our daughter was born.  Dat was when Grenna hit me.  I missed part of the delivery after that and woke to find her in the process of giving birth to our son.  I have been saying prayers of thanks to Dorand and Vorax since the birth.  Primarily that my dear sis, Elohanna was there to aid Grenna.  I am 'fraid that without her I might have lost one or all of them.  But her firm but gentle guidance got us both through the delivery.
 She asked us what we were going to name dem, and I was a bit of a loss.  I had thought about a boy's name if we were so blessed but had never even dreamed of twins.
 I had thought that Galan for a boy would be grand.  The G from my dear luv Grenna and the rest from my name seemed a proper way to start our family.  As for de girls name, I asked the light of my life.  She said he wanted her to be a proper warrior lass and could we name her Varka after the best of our race.  Well tis a bit unusual, but I thought dat it would be proper as well.  I then proposed that we give her a middle name of Hanna for me adopted sister Elohanna and Abigail after Sakura's child and me adopted niece Abigail.  To me delight Grenna agreed dat would be a proper name and a good way to honor Abigail's death.
 Aye, I have not written about my dear Abbie's death.  She lies now in a peaceful slumber along side her mother, my dear friend Sa'kura.  Her death took me hard and not a day goes by that I am not reminded by something of her or her mother.  In fact, dat was my chief worry about being a parent.  Will I fail my children as I feel I failed those two?  I been told dat the fear is nonsense, but it is something I am afraid will haunt me all my born days.
 Still life goes on and with the birth of my daughter, I feel like a bit of my Abbie has come home to me as well.  Looking back on this note, I notice I failed to mention that Grenna and I got married.  Not soon after I stopped writing here, Grenna did hit me with her shovel.  She gave me a good wack on de back of my head.  In fact I carry a scar where she got me.  By her clan's customs, we were married right then and their.  She had staked her claim of me by doing so before witnesses and hitting me on de head with a shovel.  I never did ask her what happened if de male objected to the staking of the claim.  As for me, I dinna care since I had been chasing her meself for some time.  I was right glad, once I woke up, that we were married by her customs.
 We have decided once we found out she was pregnant, that we should have a ceremony to make it more formal like by the ways and customs of those that live here in Port Hempstead.  Not to mention, it would be a grand chance for a celebration.  Now, we can combine it with a celebration of our children as well.  The current plan is for a ceremony to be held at her guild hall and the reception at mine.  The Angels have a great big large room at de back of the hall that will be perfect for a reception.  Dere even be a few extra rooms with beds for those that have a few to many ales.  We haven't decided on a date yet.  We had thought to wait until closer to de time of her birthing.  We just hadn't expected her to go this early.  Still the wee ones are strapping good size and healthy to boot.
 Well I best be going.  I have got to find Ferrit.  She and Kyle have graciously allowed Grenna and I to share dere house in Krandor till we can find a place of our own.  De problem is, I ain't sure which room she met for us to use.  Right now we are using a couple of old pallets I found and some of my spare cloaks to make a nest of sort for us to sleep on.  I need to find a proper bed and make some cradles for de twins.  *Rubs his jaw* I do know one thing, we are not going to try to match Rain and Sonya on de number of children we have.  First of all I don't think I can take de stress and second of which, next time she might knock me out for a matter of days not an hour or so.  That luv of mine packs a mighty hard punch.  Oh well, I will try to write a bit more often dese days in case someone wants to read about me life in de future.  Ye never know Galan or little miss Varka might be interested in their parent's past.


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Re: The Rambling Thoughts of Dalan Stoneaxe
« Reply #73 on: January 06, 2009, 01:09:18 am »
Sitting at the guild hall, Dalan takes a few moments to remove an old journal from a chest he keeps there and to pen a few words.
 Well Journal,
 Tis been years since I wrote here. Me and Grenna got the two most active twins I ever did hear about.  As I tell me friends, dey take after dere ma.  Course I say dat when she is not in ear shot.  I prefer to keep me teeth.
 We gettin along good, me and Grenna.  Tis been grand watching the kids growin up.  We finally got time now to get back to our own lives a bit.  I have managed to get to the guild and travel a bit with dem.  Been to Thuder Valley now twice to fight.  Was good to get de ole axe back into de swing of things.  Made a couple of bows and some arrows.  Don't seem that I lost me touch with de wood.
 I do need to get out and gather some stuff to make pies with.  Been way to long since I made me Grenna a fresh pie.  Did manage to gather a few pecans, but still short for a pecan pie.  'Fraid she will be stuck with rhubarb.  I know she prefer apple, but just dinna have de time to travel dat far for de apples.  And dat is if I can still recall de way dere.
 Well regardless, I wouldn't give up dese years with her and de twins for nuthin.  She was de best thing to happen to me dat I can image.  Hmm I can smell Ferrit makin supper for herself here at de hall, which means I best me moving me arse home before she wonder's where de blazes I have been. Tis me turn to care for de wee ones tonight.  Not dat dey are so wee no more.  I swear dey growin llke weeds.  Oh well, will write later, I hope when I get more time.


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Re: The Rambling Thoughts of Dalan Stoneaxe
« Reply #74 on: January 06, 2009, 11:23:08 pm »
It is late at night and a small fire burns in the woods not far from Port Hempshire.  A lone tent is set up and two small figures toss in their dreams.  A tired dwarf sits before the fire writing a few notes in an old battern journal before retiring for the night.  An old wolf bask in the heat of the fire, but ready to keep watch over the tent during the night.
 Well Journal,
 Tis been a long day.  I took de twins today to give de missus some breathin room.  We done  hiked de forest and I showed em some trails and signs.  Dey seemed to pick up on what I said pretty gud.  I figure we can hike more tomorrow den hit de city by late afternoon.  I want to get dem each a fine handaxe from de guild.  It be time dey start to learn how to handle one.  Den if dey don't tear up de place to bad, we can have supper in de city and campout in me room at de guild.  If I get em up early the next mornin we can be out of de city before traffic gets too much and dey get into trouble.
 Me Grenna sure seemed to like de pie I brought her back.  I need to get back to makin em more.  Tis strange but suits us, she makes de ale and I make de pie.  Comes from dem days of makin sandpaper I guess.  I need to get back to it dere be somethings I want to learn to make and I be ready to start workin with yew iffin I can find any.  Hear tell darn near impossilbe to get.
 Well tis late and I best get some sleep.  Dem kids of mine will be up before sunrise with me luck.


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Re: The Rambling Thoughts of Dalan Stoneaxe
« Reply #75 on: January 13, 2009, 06:16:50 pm »
Sitting before the fire after the twins have gone to bed and Grenna busy cleaning the latest head of a giant for a kickball, Dalan pulls forth his battered journal and jots down a few notes:
 Well Journal,
 Things been going good of of late. Kyle made de twins each a right nice axe. Tis perfect for dere hands now but yet got a bit of extra haft on it for dere growin.  Grenna went out to collect some heads of giants for kickballs.  She came home mutterin somethin about dem not being to willin to give em up.  Oh well, she needed de excecise, she been gittin  bit soft of late.  
 She been gettin tricky too, blast dat woman.  She put a new fangled lock on dem last batch of barrels she made ale in. Or I should say on de tap.  She left on her trip and I thought I'd have all afternoon to me self.  Have a few tankards, polish up a bow for de twins to learn on and in general have right pleasant day.  Instead it took me near all afternoon to figure out how to work dat lock.  I got it done, had me one mug of it, before I heard de twins coming.  I barely got dat lock back on and back in me place before de whole family came in.  With a bit of luck she won't know I been in dat last batch for a month or more.  Oh well, it was worth de work.  I swear no one makes ale like me luv, Grenna.  I be a lucky man we got together, not dat I will tell her dat to her face, she got me nailed down good without lettin her know it too.
 Well I best be gettin back to dese bows.  I be using a short bow form to make one to fit de kids.  Galan is a bit taller den his sis so got to adjust it for him next.  Varka's be dun 'ceptin de last of de polish.  Figure dey be hard on de bows and might get let out in de weather till dey learn better.  A bit of xtra was on dem bows might be aidin dere life span.  Dat or until Varka uses it to hit her brother.  She be growin to be more like her ma every day, bless her heart.


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Re: The Rambling Thoughts of Dalan Stoneaxe
« Reply #76 on: January 17, 2009, 11:15:05 pm »
Tis late at  night and Grenna and the twins have long since gone to bed.  Dalan sits before the fire and stares into the flames.  Lost in a world of memories, some fond and others too painful to share even with the love of his life, Grenna.  Finally he lifts the quill to the journal lying on his lap and writes:
 Well Journal,
 T'was a day I will not soon forget.  I received a letter from a Lance Stargazer inviting me to call on him at the OrcBasher Guild regarding the death of Barion Firestead.  I heard rumors he died while I was out of de area, but this confirmed it.  Puzzled, I dug out me formal mourin clothes, dusted dem off a bit and paid me respects.  De lad was right nice, he looked around and found a bottle of gin to offer me.  Dinna tell him had no real taste for gin, but de offer was nice and I dinna want to offend him.
 Seems as if when dey were goin through Barion's effects, dey found a letter I wrote to Barion years past, shortly after de death of me old friend Sakura.  I wrote to tell him about how his wife died and attached a letter to dere daughter Abigail for when she came of age.  I recall Abbie mentionin it to me, so me guess is he found my letter to her when she died.  Readin that letter brought back de memories of both of dere deaths and almost more den a soul can bear.  I got out of dere as soon as I could, but I did leave a pouch of de gold I had on me for a memorial to Barion.  He was a right fine man and his passin will leave dis world a bit darker den it was before.
 Den de world proved to me dat it continues on, I ran into Wren Thendore.  I told him how Grenna and de twins were doin.  We even shared a laugh about Grenna and her locks.  I still say it wasn't me fault dat I drank dat one keg of ale.  Twas me birthday and I had a terrible thirst.  I dinna know de keg was for her guild mates.  I swear I dinna!  I even told him how she chased me out of de house with her broom beatin de dust off me back and swearin to her I dinna know.
 Though lookin back dat was a quiet night and day at me ole fishin hole.  Gave me time to make Grenna up a pie and some of dat smoked honey salmon she luvs.  Bless de twins, not so sure she would have let me back in de house after only a day or so, if dey hadn't been such a handful while I was gone.  Some day, when dey grown, I should tell em how dey saved me.
 We got talked a bit after dat about Sakura.  I was back in de Hlint area not so long ago.  Dat tree where I first held Abbie when Sakura just had to get some place for abit is still dere.  Now of course it be way large and probably won't last many more storms.  Dere be so many memories dere of both of dem and in Haven too.  Me friend, Eghaas would call em, bittersweet.  Tis a good thin us dwarfs don't cry or de pages of dis journal be soaked.  Well I best be gettin off to bed.
 After Dalan finishes writing, he just returns to gazing into the fire.  If dwarfs did get moisture about their eyes, one might have seen a drop or two well up in the corners of his.  But of course we all know that dwarfs don't get emotional or weepy about the loss of old and very dear friends.


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Re: The Rambling Thoughts of Dalan Stoneaxe
« Reply #77 on: February 19, 2010, 10:48:42 pm »
Sitting in a kitchen while a pie bakes in the oven, Dalan writes a bit in his journal.
 Found dis journal in the bottom of me pack beneath some rope.  I plumb near forgot I had it with me.  I been lost for so long.  Woke up today outside some castle like building, Castle Hiln I think they called it.  I just sat dere, no idea how I got there or what I been doin.  When blast my soul, along comes Ferrit, all bright and sassy as usual and does guide me home.
 My de wonders.  The guild hall got all redone after some big flood. It now has a library and an upstairs,  The folks done good when dey redid it.  It was truly walkin home the way I was treated.  Sad times too, heard ole Benny boy went up and got himself killed.  Knowing him it was some grand adventure or a silent decision to slip away into the night all peaceful like for one last walk.  Hard to tell about that lad,  Nearly beat him when we first met with a shovel or was it him going to hit or be hit,  Time does dat to an ole dwarf, de memory starts to go dey say.  Still he was a right good leader of the guild for a long time.  As I walked the halls I thought back to de days I was active dere and all dat I have missed since.
 Speakin of missin, I got Grenna dear's favorite pie in de oven bakin.  I ain't rightly sure how I goin to explain me bein gone for so long, but I sure be hopin de pie will least get me in de door and keep me head on me shoulders for a bit.  I do miss de twins and her.  They must be a sight.  And I am sure she will be a sight for sore eyes.  Tis been so long since I dun see me Grenna.  Just wish I could tell her why been gone to long, but I got no idea just another scar on me neck and up under de hairline.
 Well best get de pie out before it burns.

